F •• .or.~. Jc ;r:ry E.. CL'i'IVE cc·· I'L -.;:; . ---·-­ Prom 20th ~ecc .0er, 1~11 -To 2.th .uy, 1922 I / »~~1w llv(;-~~ I C/\.q-~'7 ~ $ee .::. tq'7· V C?~ ~wdt. ~~ ~~ 11~, ~~) ~~~~.~-( '· <=~~~~w-~~~ 2. a;~:J.+.~ w.~.s~, ~~ 1 V ~~ S~ ~~l, ~{.. 3. ~~ ~ +1. ~t . () ~.l g V. ':2 ~ • . u. ~~(l~ a)~/~t--~~ ~ '+_ 'cf.CJ.AJv~ ~I~~~·tr ~.~~~~9, b. -,=--~~Q)f-1 . ?) Guest will take his plaoe with lecture on "Three Yee.rs at the Front.~ (b) Dr. Giannini now states he only offers to provido ~ · materials for a lecture to be written by somebodyelse. Obviously no use. C~. ~C) CL~Au.LcL 1;-~ C).,v; 9~ J_M ·11.. ~A-4 ~ ~ R~~r~­ " 11 V ((>. \.; ..:~ _ ~~~)..~~~~ ~~ {f • ,.. ~ :.,L :_ . ~ t/+~ ~I/ l. \ ~~.I \ K'" ~~.; ~14-.cr""-·Le~., S' l t ~) b.lo } ~~"l'IA)'!t.JI,('.L \A ~­"1. \f. ~-q . ', 1 ~1,.. 'IlL .,e. J j I I -j f '-• (c) MS. of a memorandum on the Education Bill\ has been completed and will be submitted to the Oommittee. The Hon. Secretary considers it unsuitable for printing. GilL. Ldl . .b • • _ L --r-· ~ i ~-CMA.(!A·4~ , ,. 1\A.I'Q.o a.F it;~,~~~~~};-'<.-,,~1'1' ~ ~~~~ 4 '=F.. f.l4I.L '+-~ 'i.a!rtv,!L-l~/lJ.,t-'1-V., . 1.1\1,. V I ~eA) "W'Wl ~~,;._ • FABIAN SOC1IETY. Report of the Finance ~ &eneral Purposes Committee ~eetingJanuary 11th, 1918. Present: Webb{in chair), Sanders, Davies, Ensor, Dodd, Miss Atkinson, and the Hon. Secretary,also Hrs. Salmond. 1. Finanoe: (a) Report was submitted showing that the receiptscontinueJ to be satisfactory. (b) Queen's liall Delegate ilaeting. It was reported that the accounts now closed showei a deficit, and of our loan of £20, the sum of £17:5 :4 had been repaid.It was agreed to treat the balance as a grant. :a. Membership:January candidatQS {12) were elected: Resignations (5) including ~r. &~rs. Philip Snowdeu were accept­ed, One resignation was held over, and it was reported ~Doddwas withdrawn. ~ 3. King's h&ll Lectures on the Labour Party: : ·· ' The following report was adopted:­ (a) On consideration, it seems tesirable to restrict these to~ (iienderson, Webb, Shaw). (b) In order to avoid r!hitsuntido, the dates should be Fridays, 26th April (denderson), 3rd May (Webb),lOth May (Shaw). (c) Admission should be, for the course, 10/Sd., 5/6d.,2/ed.; for single lectures, 5/-, 2/Sd.,l/-, as heretofore. (d) Detailed 3yllabus as heretofore should be posted to previous subscribers and others about the first week in March; and therefore must be got roady promptly(to-printer by 14th Feb.), (d) The Committee should give definite instructions to-day (a) To book the hall; (b) To ask tne lecturers; (o) To print t he Syllabus; (d) TJ put the addressing in hand; fe) To announce t~e dates in Fabian News for Feb. 3. (COn-.d,) (f) Proceeds to the Labour Party Re search Depe.rtment. a 4. Proposed Tutorial Class ~pen the Principles and Programmeof the Labour Party. The follo~ing proposal was approved for publication in Fabian News: Various enquiries have been received by the Fa~ian Society as to the possibility of opportunity beinc Given for more careful study of the Le.bour I?e.rty Programme, and for questions e.nd discussion upon it. The Fabian Society is prepared, if :30 applications for admission are made, to e.rre.nge for a Tutorial Olass,meeting at 6 p1 m. on Tuesdays in six successive weeks beginning 2-'i'.nlv.iay, at the Frbian liall, 25 Tothill Street. Sidnay Webb he.s consented to c;ive a brief explanator~'lecture at eacil ueeting, to answer questions, and to deal \Vith difficulties. Fee for the course 10/ed. (As this proposal is ~ntirely contingent on 30 applic­ations being received, and as not more than eo persons can be admittet, immediate application for admission to the class should be made to The Fabian Society,25 Tothill Street, s.w.l.) 5. Society Lectures: The following arrangements were approved as settled or ordered:­ Feb. 22. Prof. liantoux on Alsace-Lorraine; ciarch 8. n.S.L.Polak on India; " 22. Signor Aldo Cassuto, suggested by de :la.dariaga,to be asked to lecture on Italy. 6. Summer School: It was agreed to propose that Emil Davies, Lawson Dodd, &.2.Blizard and ~rs. Salmond be the rour delegates of the Executive Committee. 7. Publishing Business: (a) Article on the Referendum by Shaw was referred to Webb for further report. (b) MS. on Children's Employment 1914-1916, prepared byMrs. Salmond and submitted by the women's Group was considered more suitable for an article than a Tract and was referred back t~ t~e vroup. 7. (Oontd.) · (c) On a suggested Tract on the Educatron Bill by the Education Group, it was agreed that the subject 6 might be suitable for a Memorandum, but is not suitable for a Tract•• (d) It was agreed not to reprint Tract 70 "Report on Fabian Policy." 8. The v7omen 1,s GrOUJ2: The matter was further discussed, and adjourned for a report by the chairman. 9. The Labour Party and Elections: (a) Draft Election Fund circular was approved in MS •._ ordered to be set up for circulation to the Executive in proof. (b) Oaptn. Haden Guest. Letter asking to be adopted as a Fabian candidate: report by the lion. 3ec. that as a matter of emergency he h~d ~ominatad him for the Selection Conference of the Southwark Trades Council on January 12th. The rlon. Sec.'s action was approved, and it was af:eed to do all that is necessary in r0lation to &uest s candidature. (Ciuest was selected not for West Southwark,but for West Newingtonf 10. Westminster Labour Party: It was reported that there are 25 Fabians in Westminster constituency. It was agreedthat the F.S. subscribe 21/-as affiliation fee. Also that the notice to be put in the office window take the form of a glass hanging plate bearing the words "Westminster Labour Partyt Particulars Within." To the Executive. For reasons which will become public in a week or two, it is important ~o stir up public opinion about the Poor Law, in order to secure the total abolition of tbe workhouso, and the unification of all public provision for the sick, the children, etc., without regard to "destitution",in the hands of the Town and County Councils. The moment has come, in fact, to bring to fruition the campaign in which the Fabian 3ociety took part, along with the I.L.P. and the Labour Party in 1910-1. It is suggested that the F.S . should at once issue a new Tract by Mrs. Sidney We~b on "TDa Abolition of the Poor Law"; that this should be sent with a Cirnular Letter to 20,000 Trade Union.~ranches, etc.; that the assistance of the Labour Party, I.L.P., Women's Co-operative Guild, etc., should be invoked; and so on. j Funds can be found by the ~ational Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, at least to cover the cost of printing a large edition of the Tract. Perhaps the postageto Trade Union Branches might be utilised by the F.3. to enclose another Circular, bringing to their notice some other Fabian publication and asking them to purchase copies.Or the cost might be spread in other ways. The addressingwill be a big task, for which additional staff will be required. I propose to bring the whole subject before the Exec­utive ~eeting on 25th January, if possible with a draft of Tract. It is very desirable that a decision should be then come to; and this memorandum is accordingly circulated by way of special notice. SIDNEY V/EDB. 4-. ~-~~.er~~~~i a.Uihv MM~t ~~~~~ a~lto.t tW. Stc. p ~~~ ~ 4. ' !:) .. Tract on the Abolition of' the Poor Law: Proposals which have been already circulated to the Committee, \Jtt ~~~VJ .J'LetM.d ~) Ad,p,qJ.... ~~{ ~ V -• J e..t.. -l -e.,t, I I ~~ .A-CL ;...-{ _ P. '1.(1-w..~ ~~ 0.-~Mt.oL··"""t­ ...-·~""""" ' rk I;; ~ Hammersmith Labour Party: • F. w. Hayes desires to be appotnted delegate f'or the local Fabians: charge 1/-. r l-n J-~ ~ '~ ~t~ lql~. ? ('I~ r-~hb~ q_:fl ,.. ( -r~~ SCMAth.M ~~~~-A q~I ),~W ~~ ~~s ~~~4.1 or1:t:t ~.~. '• ~ ''"'\ ~ 1-;. ~'P"1. ~A....)tf\4 rJ.., n • ~I~.... , ~V~·.0 ftj ~f)\. I _,1' 1..,~ {~ 3. T .A.lA ~~ ,-{~.U··~~~<~~ ;,e;y~ 'V .J:J ~ :-. ~~A I \.-=F~ ~). ~.l ----~) 'I ~ ~.P~ ·n ~ -~',.. ~"­ ~A"'-:$lV ~,g_""'-~"" ~ ~ ~ A ct/ku......v'!l u(_ 3 .~-iY3.j' _. d.o. at 40/-Pcnlee, i'c;·... cl, a;:. ~:3/4d. It is pr opc.scd n ..:.t the; t-.::, • a1 point a director, and that lec t:.;r cs e.:Jd det.s.bs be arrr.nged on some eveningsfrom amongst the. [}1e:.;tq e.nd tl.:.a.t correspondence, eto. be conducted by tho o!'fice. Emil Davies, Ohairman. (\"'~ ~~~ -w-I.M ~Aal~ tl~~· ( 8. Parliamentary Fund and Oandidatesr (a) Notice for Fabian News1 proof ~ {b) Parliamentary Pundr Balanoe £59 Oash 1:14 PromisesJg§_ -"~as lh-~ (o) No response to Pott's orrer. Froposed to ask him to hold it ever till the autumn, and put a note 1n Fabian News to this effect. l7iL_ _ . ~· rJ.. .I cf-t.t. ~1 ru)t~ W'~:.J.t tfl.{IS"o ~~3ft-,~A-V ~o.k ~~~jl;,.o ~J; ~~t-~ d&iJ ~~~~)J..A: i--~ o(~~ . 'Wa.ct o.r'L ~ ~t \4?l.J>J ""Vf..J.,. dll~ . fNr~r­ Q...o.. 'f~q. 1;-Clr~ AJJ f'l( ~ 9. Poor Law Tracth: press, and arrangement~ for posting are in This is in t e ­hand. ~ 10. Woolf's Enquiry into Policy and CommerQet His report of progress ~ submitted. F A B I A N S 0 a: I E T Y TO THE MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COM fi TTEE I do not propose to call a meeting immediately , as the office is very ~11 of work, and there is nothing of im~Portance for decision ( 1) The Finance Committee decided to defer t lle Annual Meetingto June 14th. (2) The committee also unanimously resolved to give a 15% war Bonus to Miss Thomas, E.J.Howell, the office girl anc the Char-lady. The other staff salaries were raised recently.The secretary proposes to pay these amounts from the date of the Committee. (g) Julius West has returned ana is will ing to lecture at Essex Hall if he is in England. I propose to arrange this for May 24th if possible. """ (4} R.C.Hawkin desires to pUblish his lecture on Central Africa and will pay all or much of the cost. Webb who heard the lecture, approves, and I understand that Davis and snell agree. I propose to Proceed with this. (5) The King's Hall Lectures are a record success. All the regular seats are sold. (6) The Tutorial Class wil~ be held, as there are a great many applicants. Any member objecting to anything before written, which involves action Proposed to be taken is requested to notify the secretary forthwith. EDWARD.R.PEASE Hon. Gccretary Fabian Office 25,Tothill Street. S.W.l (7 ~M-ott~ ~ 't~d.~ r ak nr~­b(ChairJ J. ,., .Jhavr,Jnell,JJ;nsor ,Dodd ,;;a.nders,Dnv!os,Miss r~wrenoe and the tion,Gec. (n) F!nnnoes were reported SAtisfactory, . receipts including a lesaoy of ~~0 from A, C .JJ1los. (b) 1 .;1ng's J.iall Lectures:­ It w~s ngreed to pay tho Labour Party~150 nror the purposes of the Advisory Committees and to allocate the balanoo ~~2 for 0tr1oe expanses. (c) The profits of the Tutorial Olass were roport~d at .~o:;. (d) v.P.Blizzard w~s appointed to the Executive of the London Labour Partyin place of ;_,,1ss Lawrence resigned, (e) ~Blt!~f· oana=ao.tes were olaoted,two resignations Roooptod, nnd 17 defaulters ordered to bo struck orr. ~f) It wns a~eed to rooomrnend to tlla Executive to pass n resolution on the destruction of printing mnohinery under~DORA~(but Dodd who proposedthe resolution,and was to draft it, now thinks it toolate, 6\~ ~~~r.> 1Cif-A~~t) ~ ~'c~ .Lw I 4. iUl:MDglW.IilP b (~) July oaild1Clates for election: 17. Last year r. (bj Authox-ity to the Georetary to elect in Au~~t 8.1'\•:! September. <=\(U.. ~~J..J'i., ~&.uf:itJ.. ~ ~~~;t­ 7 & ~~·M~ I._C. ) l~o.~ ~,, ~ •• j ~ ! , J.n. JO~ETT lii .p. ilies::mge only. ~orbert ilerx-ison. Letohworth. no reaaon Miss I.RU$hbrooa. Lenaen. Do Ernest B.5ohattner• London. Chans• of op1n1o••Mrs ~ehattne:-. London. l)o •tas ~nks. London. Pao1t1o1sm. (d) a.~.B~lstord hAs resumed h1s m.mbership attar lG yeara (e) Olitford Allen hns sent a su~sor1ption,an4 states that ht •.,..,..••vos _the att1tudo of the Sooiety. '7 ) ;. PQbl&ohlna lusintl!· (a) ~t! Tragt. ttollll 1S wr1t1nia ~f. 'l'raot •The ...oher in Pel1t1os" and desires authority te pub11Bh attor o1roulat1on ot proot to Exe•utive. 4f"U4(.. (b) Bo 169. Tb! Neoeaarry Basis ot So~1otJt7bJ Webb ls noarlJ o.p.-,and it is proposed not to reprint aa the title renders it unsaleable.~~f"'.~~ (o) tt is sugsosted that the King's Hal~·~ooture IJllabua be sent to mombars on August a1at with a note aaying that Jabian Uows will not be issued tor Septombor. Also notioe in August Jews to same etteot. a.~ (d) Proposal that Wobb be granted lOO oopies ot •Towards Sooial Demooraoy (1/-) and a number ot the Now 'l'raot. a,~~~~K.c.-~~~ ~ ~·§tltu'AA SOj()()L. (a) Directors. Pease,Davios,Aylmer ·ltaucle,ancl !USI Uorley. , (b) Praot1oall1 tull and all golng well,~ ; ·The ltesoargh lltparteont.. i~t~11~r::~:~•tthat tthiths~roup any vaoRt! OUP rooms bJ Soptembe 0 Comatt w B• • • Lalleur Party an4 "Par11aa•ntary O!&S tte•b ottioes in .Eooloston Square, and that it \till then e o • a Fabian croup. ~-~. Ji.j _~­~r~, P ~1;-'\tA~~ ~ ~l:r~ .(. ~": ~ 1t 1"\N {a) Webb ..._ repor~that he .. nrrungin0 6 lootures on rhe Issues of the Gooer-QJ. IUoot.ion by .:ihaw, ~liss aoarthur,ilaurioe rtowlett.olutton B~ock,Rf~or,and himself. ~A~--d-· ft,) Chail'mtJn: V~ i r""rw.,-. (o) Date..,~ ~~·~ (d) Staff. l~-~fow or this and the Elections,it is proposed that the Secretary be authol'ised to engagetemporary assistance 8S requ!rod. ~· 11. Parl1amenta~~ Candidates. ContrBl Wandsworth, (a) Blizzard has been selected for oonduoted thrOUGh the and desires the finances to be Soo1et!'• (b) State of Fund:- Allooatod 41:3 UUAllooated 420 ':'o3 c~ :~ -==== ...,A.../~--·"'J ~~gU" ~ (c) Issue of new appe~l. ~~~~ ~ (d) Unpa1.d promises to the 101:j Fund --o y about ..44 l1k ly:_oQe .,ood, ~'); '11"\ 1; K..o-<.&. ~ 10 12. Oorrespondeno~ (a) dnmmorsmith Liberal Assoo1at1on:-ask1ng gifts of books. ~ (b) London Labour Party Ro-loonl elootions in ilovember and 1:.1a.roh. ~ ( 0) Two liisses Gra.nt Proposinc reception. to 1oJ~ n . Cl• he 30l t t~ ,eh 4. Membership: (a) October Candidates (7) for oloction. Last yef'.r 19. (b) Resignations:Miss E~a Brooke, 1085 !, 5/-. Objects to Shaw's syllabus.J.tl.hle.tthews, 1911, 10/-. ~o reason. Walter Murray, 1917, University member. Herbert Skinner, 1915, 5/-. Ill health. J.n.sutcliffe, 1894, 10/-no reason . (&}-Application from • .:iiss ule. cnf'.mara f'or use at a nominal price, for 3 afternoons to rehearse a play. ~l;" ~~'!-~ ~ (b) The hall has been let for a DDncing Class every Tuesday.Our neighbours have a prayer-meeting and c~oplain. <1\: ~'I ~hd. ~ H';J "".-flfd 41!~... ~p"' "ll Lwoturus . (b) Th ,, 3\.llln._ r :.;chool .3Hl ... was r~·port ,d to hnv,J yi ld~d :259, and :f.t nas a.L;r-~-t t ;, · ·~·v · : .1.nv ,st <:~50 1.n \'a.r Bond.s. 2 • .Pub1.1.s<<.1.ng: {a) Fnb.1.nn ~SSAys. On th~ Adv.i.c • or F1.:f'1. -1d, i.t was d __,~~ud t ':> d :f'._,r r._,pri.nt t.1.11_ p"l.p .J r .1.s ch~A.p.-r. FABIAN SOOIETY. Report of the Fioanoe & General Purposes Oomoittee ­ J eeting 6th Deo.,lr lB. Pr~s~nt: ~0bb, Ensor, J, 1.Shaw & th., .iion, Suorvtary. ~-~ting lOth Jan.,l lQ, Pr~scnt: W~bb, Dodd, 3and~rs, 3null, Ensor, J,J,Shaw & thv hon. SccrJtary. 1. Finnno..-: (a) SA.tisfactory rteoounts 11.r0 prus,.ntvd, showing incrwasas of i ncom_ und~r all heads, a larg0 in­crv!'l.Sv in th.., J.it0raturu trprintvd. 3. Country Lucturus: It was rusolvJd thnt no a•tion could be tak~n for th..J pr,;s~nt s vason. 4. CornoJn Rooc; OfficJ St aff, Offic0 nccoonodation, vtc. Th.)SC wur .; disouss..;d, <~.nd i t WRS d--cid<.Jd t hat no action could b, tA.k.• n p.:nding furthvr d-v-lopmJnts. 5. L.C.C. ELction: (a) It was r..Jsvlv,;d that tn. 3oc1-ty nominatv nrs. Srlnond to thu Local Labour PPrty for SJl cction. (n) It was r .• solv.d not to s-nd with "Fabi Rn Dvw!" an app-al fron t n.:J London Lo.bour Party, but to svnd on .. for our own o ,ob..,rs. (Draft will b., submi tt.:d). e. Barb-n 1 s Proposod "Parlian~ntary At lion-." In viuw of the nuob..;r of Fabians .Jl uct'-d, it was ngr-Jd to Vlrito Jiarb... n t1 Rt WJ think t lL plan will O•)t b~ a success , ani to .slc f or rur_th~r sug&"stions. ptis rupry J. 7. u-vtings of thd Soci t y. Arrnnr;,m-nts w-r , ma.du: s..,..; Ag·Jnda for th~ Ex •• cutivu eo~· 9. M0mbvrship. (a) For two months 26 candidatos wurG 0l~ctud, last yuar, Fivo rosignations woru acouptud.Final notices wuro sont to 98 mumburs, of whom 0 havo pait up or bo0n roplacod for othJr r~asons. {(d) A long list of dofault--rs hr­~~rV.,.. ~m.~ f'\....""'1 ~'¥-c) <71 T..t"' t.. ,._ '\~txi..f_v,M.. , ~V ~t. Summer School Committoe Report: At the first meetir:g of the neTI Comoittee Emil navies was elected chairman anJ t.11ss He.nkinson 't!.l.anagsr, and J.~.Shaw, Miss Orange and Je Katz were eo-opted. The Committee decided t o accept ~ffer of 40 pl~ces at Penlee for 6 weeks from August 2nd. at £70 per week . This is 10 more places and two ::.;ore 11eeks tha,n last year,and is about 2/-a week advance f or e~ch guest. For several r easons it was decided t o r~J,ise the ra tes,single rooms 5/-to P.2.12s.6d.: Double 5/Gd. to ~2.7s.6d., MUltiple 3/6d. to ~.is. d. It is pro2osed to P.rrange . a more ambitious scheme of lectures, and as to t his and directors report will be made later. ~liL DAVIES, Chairman. FABIAl~ SOCIETY. Report of the Finance & General Purposes Oorunittee Hoeting at Office on Friday, 7th February, 1Sl9. Pr·esent: Wobb (in c.M.ir), J.H. Shaw, Sanders and the lion. So0. 1. Finance: A satisfactOl'~' report , shouin::;; l arge sales of litor2.tu~e , was presented. 2. Pm-:1:,if'.mentary Fund : On report tha.t Snell had returned the last £:dO voted to hio, a.nd thcl.t Squire di d not require 2.':1:' gr c.•.nt, it was agreed to charge printin2; and. po;:;t:1ge to the e"ccount , and to gra.nt the bt>"lanc0 in hand , n.'Jout £22 , to J. Gilbert Dale, on '7hose bahalf an ap~llicTomen1 s Orgunisv.tions, Provincial Universities, etc. 5. Membership:Tl1e ca.ndidat es >.Jere elected, tha resignations 2.cceyted,and the p;.•ogress ::;f the pur.:;e of ueab0rs noted. 6. Publis~1inr,;: It wo.s agreed (a) to ~)rint Jc!Jb 1 s HationEJ.l Fi nr'.nce; (b) to drop Tracts 8~ 2nd 1~6; (c) to revise and r o)rint No . 131 "The Decline o-J: the Birth :/.a.te"-jand (d) t::> con­sider 1>Irs \'!ebb 1 s 1,inc)rity Report s on Wouen 1 s ~-!:Jrk and Governoent Agreements. (OVJ:i;R ) 7. ,Lecture~: (a) Wire from Ervine saying he cannot lecture this season. (b) For March 14, March 28, April 11 and t1ay 9, 1t was agreed to ask Tilak on India, Vl. Graham, :i:l .P.,Ben Spoor, ~.P., C.H. S1toh, ~.P., on something. 0. Basis and-Rules: The draft and amendments to Rules ,-,ere ordered tJ be reported to the Executive. SID.!.EY WEBB,Chairnan. ',-) ' B A S I S. A NEW REVISE BY WEBB. THE FABlAU SOCIETY consists of Socialists. It therefore aims r.t the reorganisation of Society by the emancipation of Land and Industrial Capite.l from individual ownership, and the vesting of then in the con-unity for the general benefit. In tl1is '''~Y only can the natural and acquired advantages of tl1e c·Jt.ntry be equitablyshared by the r:hole people. The Society accordingly works for the extinction (~ith equitable consideration of established expectations, and due nrovision as to the tenure of the home and the honestead) of private property in l and; for the transfer to tne comounity, by the usual constitutional mothods, of such industries as can be best conducted socially; and for the este.blishoent, as the governing consideration in the regulation of production, di stribution and servico, of tho common good ,instead of private profit. The Society is a constituent of the Labour Partyand of the International Socialist Congress; but it takes part freely in all constitutional movements, social, oconomic and political, which can be guided towards its own objects.Its diroct business is (a) the propaganda of Socialism in its application to current problems; (b) investigation and discovery in social, industrial, political and economic relations; (c) the working out or Socialist principles in legislation and administrative reconstruction; and (d)publication of their results of its investigations and their practical lessons. The Society, believing in the oqual citizenship Ol men hnd women in the fullest sense, i s open to personsirrespective ,'f sex, race or creed whJ commit themselves t:J its aims and )urposes '-'·S stated above, and undert2.Jce to ~remote its work. !JASIS. Omit all after 'people' at the end of line 5, and substitut~ the words as given below. (The proposed new Dasis is set out in full). The FABIAN SOOIETY consists of Socialists. It therefore aims o.t the reor:;anisation of Societyb!!J the enancipa.tion of Lund and Industrial Cnr,ital from individual ownership, antl the vesting of them in t he com­munity for the genoral ban&fi t . In t.li S way only can the natural a.ncl acquired a.dvc.ntages of tns country be equit-ably shared by the 1'rhole peoplo. T!1.e Society accordingly works I~or the extinction (\vith equitable consideration 0f este.IJlished expections,and due provision as to the tenure of the home and the homestead) of private property in l~nd1 and for the trans­fer to the communfl.ty of such industri:J.l capitnl as can,from tine to time, conveniently be managed socially. The Society is a constituent of the Labour Party and of the International Socialist Congress; but it takes partfreely in all constitutional moveiJents, social, economic o.nd political, which can be guided towards its own objects.Its direct business is (a) the propaganda of Socialism in its application t o current problems; (b) investigation end discovery in social, industrial, political and economic relations; (c) the working out of Socialist principles in legislation and administrative reconstruction; and (d)publion.tion of the results of its investigations and their practical lessons. The Society, believing in t he equal citizenship of men and women in the full0st sense, is open to personstrrrespective of sex, race or creed vrho com:nit themselves to its ains and purposes as stated a bove, and undertl.:.ke to promote its work. RULES AND BASIS. DRAFT ALTERATIONS PROPOSED BY SIDNEY \VEBB. ;J:O THE MEMBERS. At the forthcoming Annual Meeting on the 23rd of Maynext, the Executive Coimllittee will submit to the members proposals for the revision of the Rules, Bylaws, Regulation-and Basis of the Society as stated below, As a result of tho dislocations of the past five years the formal constit­ution of the Society has, in various ways, ceased to corres­pond with the facts. The Local Societies and Groups, with a few exceptions, no longer exi s t, and it has been imposs­ible to hold the Annual Confer ence. This compels a revis­ion of the constitution of the Summer School Committee. Minor changes in the Rules and Bylaws are required to bringthem in accordance with practice. It is suggested that the opportunity should be taken to redraft the Basis so as (whilst retaining unchan~ed the essential affirmation and definition of the s~ciety s Socialism) to oake clear, both its lifelor.g association with the Labour Party and the Internatior~l Socialist Congress,and the particular functions that it seeks to discharge. There are indications that wo are on the eve of a greatexpansion of Socialist thought and activity, in which the Society can play a usefUl and a distinctive part. The Exec­utive Comoittee feels that the Society should now put its constitution in ord&r, reorganise its machinery, call uponthe members for renewed effort. A.nd ,,,.,,"T' .,,, +h,-, va.l"ious branches ot: :1. t.s work, ~vl. t.n a view to exercising, tJ:l.rougn an enlarged membership ar.d incr eased financial resources, all the influence in these formative yoars to which its I"Ork e.nd its thirty-five years' r ecord entitle it. PROPOSED AMENJMENTS. RULES. Rule 3. {Members of the Executive to vac.ate seats after 4 absences) " " Last line but one, insert after "deemed, upon a. resolution to that effect being passed by tho Executive Oommitteo." Rule 5. (Two business meetings t o be held) At end, add: "Provide::J. that if due notice is not ~iven of any business f or any such private ceet­ :tng, it need not be held." Rule 11. (Sanction of members' meetins to undertaking r es­ponsibility ror Parliamentary Candidates)After "emergency" insort; "And apart from anyaction in connection with any specially sub­scribed Parlid.mentary Fund , " Rule 17. (Members in London aroa shall be divided into Wroups)Line 1, omit tho first viord-(the). For "shall,substitute "may". DYELAWS FOR LOCAL SOCIETIES &C. III. A. (The Provinces)Omit No. 4. (Requiring periodical Conferences). III. B. (Local Groups ) 1. (Executive to form Groups) Line 2, or:1it "shall endeavour to," and substitute "may".Line 3, "and such groups oay be formed.• REGt~ATIONS POR ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Omit the whole. SUlliMER SCHOOL BYELAWS. 1. (De~e~ate~ rrom the Executive Committee) Omit four" and substitut e "seven." Om1t "the nursery, tr_e Research Dopartoer.:t. • • • and the University Soci eties affiliat ed to the University Social­1st Federation." Omit "One oember shall be elected by the r epresentatives of the other local Fabic.n Societ!es at the Annual Confer-once in July, and shall become a mecber of the Committee in the ensuing January." ~) b .O~;tlz"~~. 1(.,.,(.. I'UAllA.t?l ~~..uL 't l4. ~.,M."'Vt -"_.&,.. ~·~, cf--~~~~ ~ w& ~~ht-,uY..~ ~~cr. er~ ~~~~· ~.L ~cf~ rf-­ ~~~~1;-~ ~ etdt;;_ ~'U',~ : (1..1-}(t-J {; k /udr&:ai.uf 0\1 ~­~., [0] <~-( 7) " (g) 1-vf>~ ~. tPn '-'9 d f,(J-rU) ~~~~,/ uflla&~n~J C!iLn~ ~fri, ~~frr" n47YtaA t1 ~(!/ eA.n.d.d.a k..o ~{ql iAra-4~ JJenv 10) ~ ~ ~._/iJ .5£Nt·~ut fia.a.U1. Amendment by Rev. N. E. Swann:­ To insert in line 13 arter "as can be c0nctucted socially" the rollowing nords: "f:Jr Ft steadily increasingparticipation or the organised workers in the man~geoent,both central and looal, or such industries." J&lcd t.;_J jfcnn/rewkit, ..//f.LVI c~ ~~nd.ui..a.J.t J (!'?>) we'U'1 R.i.,o·l.rd; .-l:uzl -1-f.Ul./1 / ";} J \it'@:!~~ .A ~/~"/ ~, IYcvuJatr ·nRI; .6~[JJV -fV~-011 Jnd.,uq_~ «HL.J IJA.a.ld t; ~ ne.arz.~ 'L.ULdu1. A-cJrud.J lla..t iA k f~Jk.a a--:1 a /nrtrk d el ~ev~YLL' aud, 1-t.l-u. w ·... ~rffOJrU,n..j ~uJ ~a1-Wl ~­ v J/vur 1/u;j .#t.~J.d..h, delvvrninedJ," andJ f/;.a.J /.t k ;z/;.1,·nf(; ~aA 2u7Jn, a. J i!Q1VIIf ivu J U.~d. ~1~fwii htr Id{ ir~ .'/ &~ ~ (a) Labour Research Depart~ent O:J nrerenoe on the Reorgan­isation or Local Czovernrnent. Caxton dall, 15th, 16th&. J..7th Uay lSlS. Appointment or delegates. Fee 2/6d. per delegate. ( b ~ National Peace Congress. utc.nchestor. 25th, 26th 2! 27th June, 1~19. Invitati:)n to send delegates. Feo 2/ed. perdelogate. ( 7} ~/ll/n~~ -L &fn k1J ,{C/]'[/ (cv) d WrU) ar1'L£ ~7~'WL041{i, oJ1:em£t ~rWJ~fed,~V ~l'e'?&'; a~I17V tJ #w.J no ~.&t-/ ~­ (_ft) ~~afU~, 7/WUfJ I. tt!lfu ~.TUft; fvwtr .dU!.dJ li.aJ. CV CntiefU7/n.£.l'J /eJ ccd&a cn-v HW/ U-1~ o1-h~/ n£-i.r [;d.J..L.ca.fi.hnj t;~ Jl-il'fja.i.UJ ,!;UL/ 't! 'ia.fl/rz.ett flf, ,cu~t:0 to d/i.a#a' -~ c.-J.,a..e.t ·· ()7-u l'ht.at tl/11.1 btLL.t.. .ui..Iimv tbnmunoe; a.IYl/ do.. , J.A. u1£W tl.Lh'efa ~I~' -,J,_ C@ I.a'UV ·,.,...-rt.~t~-t w 71Att I; ·•.4/U?-)' of~~ ?to 125 ~,~ A< !t-r.. k ;) . 1-1' 11 • ,_ "IAWk"J 4.' ~~:r';q;q flflMl411. jj}Md£iroeluwv ) .Jffl~ ~~~$~~" ilcWrfeU, ~~~~ Y~, ~IYJI-, ( ftl ( f!!,uwu !I~, 0r10U/nceJ l?t/ Nurlr 'f~vtv ~J!at1fTU/V' .fa~ }J W'"lW d~,(; aM..tn/nJ: frU/w ~/nf"Va-V a_ ~ dcl..Lrk I ""'-' UQT;d... ~1aLi to u.~-;u~ ~~ I ~ Lq l c. jfcmz '~w!Ufv JJp/lA tJ eam.dt'do..k {1 'd(' J LVeJLe/ ~~Li'Jr.a, . ,e_w1!'kaA, ,f-. Resignations:Miss A.Wright, Finchley, 1892. 10/-. 9/4/19. Dislikes Lab.Pty.Barry Parker, Letchworth,l906. 7/6d. S/5/16. Cannot attend. J.E.Bartrum, Clerkenwe11 Rd.,l907. 5/-.25/11/16. No reason. R.Kennard, Dartford, 1916, 5/-. 10/11/16. Cannot attend. To be struck off: no address: A. Imbert Terry. 1907. Last sub. 10/-. 12/11/12. Serge Ivanoff. 1915. Last sub. 10/-. 4/1/15. ~~~;~AM-udal!. fo) dtu~ f1 Jkiiaan em-~71 f?anzaidwe~ Sfek/z/led, fi, ~Jffz.a7rl.Ce/ ~'f t:~/b {11) f}_~ond~ (aJJ''Urm/ Jnrr-{{ 5. ~~trllLi!~ i?-v ~~Jkllw -~7.~4 'lR~~kmv Sr~. ~,-w: ~~; lie. ~tdJ we-1.nnda /uw.e__, ~ ~L~ m.a..dl ~.t>' a1 cm t: (~' ~fmv(l/}t/ f14fJPlfam ~kk-tej(m/C;p~~ ~. lQo-ttic-\1. (. 0. f~~i. I : vnt ;/tt:j;_ Jr~M£L(t~ ~7-Ym, ~~d,4Jodd, frl;~trfd, g>£aU, YJ-lUt, Atftee., Jluid/J~ ~./~I tWtd -f£'W: ~£0: {I)J!fjr~~ 1Jlw~rWtw/ffla~~ ~~ ~2) ~~~#dbtAJ w·en~J adofded~ ~~~ - \ ·J) :jUrn::_ 1-~lA wa., duided 10 muJ:inv ~ a£6~. tr; lP_~ ~ ~_j&M~J(~ IbJ -llrrJ..J -~10 !'~~/~JiG/flrkvof IJIUU/1/1?U/rU ~ del~ p-rmv ;fl'";JW1lll:l4 ,._. .rf?t~a-n~}fnv: ai~~ t7J [5) ~/!'!!! 1 JMw"lA'V ~uwud :?wrfum-4 ~lMlffnd1ic: urr:w ~euit_ . JJemvJ I, 2, ':Jr--11-~ ~ Jf.e,nv D .wa.-o at~~~~r-/1}-n, sea-J d itrtU> • ~~L~uvnvtraihvJ .~rrur~ ~~ Av 1-7) taJ5flfW!i.1PiruMu:b r{f/niuzt ~f~J£u~r_~~ ~te~~~.fA.v~~;J~iJ t. t:Uddd!{tU-ffl.,__ ePwuW ~-tro 1!/n.M~ ·.Ne;;­,. ~UAJut-S~; lfuv~tfh~r c~~k~,fnrm;/dtor~lrlv~~ a;n.dJ #r.aJ k ~VJ-uvk~~lfu,, kt-.· ~friU.., 9Jlf':" ifmicAI t ~~, "'~Jj(f}U(fiefd.J, -$turrf't. ~iMurfv ~~tuvnrt~J{Jan-iuu~huuuf/ .. r.oud~/li: JltmuJ b "rt i.V'(/U/ ~­ / .11~ fl ~> ~ 15 @-) u~d.LaJA ~trrv ~_M, Jl 'ln'l/.J q rlC wetUV ~­ (bl.J.~~-1 JM/mnn~~/eUJ(J[ tnr~WlW~AI 'HL~­ 7J &vrz~.AiuU':n=f . . . • (_a} J1 mtW !lift~~fPfWl.ev A~~~}~l"luu/,_, [t, .h ~~IA.d H('JC. ~m.qW A.fl~~-41­ tu. ~4 ~~ d.v17LLMrl3cuU/.J, tlhtd/ ~) &If ~J ~dJ ·tp.J~ d.ul~P'V tmt n.Q4.,-­ tU'~ ~; ..:._~ 9a~frf €v'!:fn!?LCJ. .J . .JJW.11leltnv t{"tt.J a.hlwz n. ll.Uund.J ~flv dt~.aaliJ. (} ;/lw 1/, -n.c:uLv J .__o~ ;o. y 4 rrled : (a) That he hc.s accepted the t')nder of i..:essrs. 'H ghtme.n u Oo. for tirs. Webb1s ainority .rteport on O:Hornan in In:lustry and it is n~:rw being set up. r-iessrs. Lee. e; u7illiams 1 t e nder was about £20 higher for t wo t ;.1::usand. The &en. Se cretary pl~opQses that ~,000 copies s·,lould be wrinted at a cost of about f;B5. and the.t the title be 11en and Women 1 s Wages: Should the;v be J:qual. !I He als·:1 proposes that there be a ~wrtrait cover . T:1.1s may increase cost. He has asked for estimates fvr this and 1•rill submit io.f. if to hand. As the Governm~nt, has I issued the uoo~Jlato Report for l/6d. he prol'loS .>s the • ~ice shoul d be o ne sh illing. ~ (b) Tawney's Article in Hibbert Journal. Tawney agrees to let us republish this. ha proposes to amend and extend it and let us have it in July or August. :fouU;~ fu-dat {ric~J/. },tm-a~ d.ecided I; ~~~t t.ooo brfi'~ aJ c(i!Qat 1akufj2o /~) itu.j.Jf~4J>Il/}/1 /Bmrt-t,. h-WfU1 dec~,(; ~JvWn,[' /.(CC' utziu' a) IV~1cJrtnd! ff. /0. ( '1. (qJ!!~c~;) ~~ .Juu;,t 7.ffdl.jrrnuJ OW to-ea.£ c1~. ~k.IV'lut -~~4 Aiit.ue~. !lfti:> wuv.l.tJ £, ~t ~ r. 1qu) of ~:J of Hu.l ~1', ~~~ talcJv. lftv f~.t.tu-rf wtv.J u.ev..~IJJ. ~ 19' ......,..... 1 /) • . :J~­ ___5 (b) ..!~) IJi PAijiAN SOOIETY. Standing Orders o£ the Executive Committee and Orders or Reference to Sub;Oommittees. 1. Before the £1rst meeting of the new Oommittee everymember shall be invited to say whether he desires to be placed on the rota of chairmen: at the .first meetingof the Committee the Secretary shall submit the list of those desiring to be on the rote. unless the Committee otherwise determine. Each member of the rote. shall preside in turn, in alphabetical order (the name of the member whose turn it is being stated in the agenda of each meeting). I£ the chairman so designated is not present at the time for beginning business, some other camber then present shall be voted to the chair, which he shall retain througnout the meeting. The chairman shall have a vote as a member of the Committee but no casting yote. 2. The Meetings of the Exocutive Committee shall be held at the Society's Offices, and normally at 5 or 5~30 p.m. on such Fridays as may be fixed rrom time to time, A Special Meeting may be called by the Secretary whenever required. An Agenda (including as far as may be practicable, such reports or Sub-Committees as may have been prepared) shall be sent by post to each member so as to reach him not later than the morning delivery of the day of meeting. Any member or the Executive Oommittee wishing to move a resolution on any subject (other than matters arising out or the report of a Sub;Oommittee, or other item in the agenda) shall give notice thereof to the Secretary two clear days before the date of the meeting.Except by the unanimo~s ,onsent of the members presen~• no resolution (other than aroresaid) shall be moved without notioe. 3. Any matter under d1seuss1on by the Executive Committee and of its Sub-Committees and any statements made thereon shall on the demand or any one member present be treated as private and confidential, except in so far as any ~ubll~ation may be made in Fabian Hews and in•that oase until such publication. a. 4. Except in case of urgency, to be decided by vote of the Executive Oommittoe, all matters for its decision,including all letters requiring attention or reply shall stand referred to one or other of its Standing Sub-Committees or to a Sub-Committee specially appointed,and shall be considered by the Executive Committee only on reports from the appropriate sub-committees, 5. Each Sub-Committee shall ~~bmit to the next ensuingExecutive Ool!llllittee a succinct rep:>rt of the proceedingsat each of its meetings, arranged in numbered paragraphs,and including definite recommendations on the points on which it desires the Executive Committee to decide. The report shall be prepared on the authority of the Chairman of the ~Sub-Oommittoe, and shall bear his signature. It shall state the names of the members of the Sub-Committee prasent at the meeting. 6. It shall be open for any member of the Executive Committee to move (without notice) with reference to any paragraphin the report of n Sub-Committee containing no recommend­ation, either an expression of the opinion of the Execu­tive Committee upon the varagraph, or merely that it be referred back to the Sub-Comnittee for fUrther consider­ation of the subject. 7. The several recommendations contained in the report of a Sub-Committee shall be put to the Executive Committee in the ~sual way, and the resolutions come to on such re­commendations shall stand referred to the Sub-Committee concerned for execution. o. Any member of the Executive Committee may subject to not1oe move that any subject be referred tor consideration and report to the appropriate Sub-OommitteeJ and any such motion, if adopted, shall be taken into consideration bythe Sub-Committee at its next meeting, when the member moving shall be entitled to attend. ~. A general report or the proceedings of the Executive at their meetings shall be regularly published in the News and it shall be open to members making the claim before t he oloso of the meeting to have their·names published as o.!.ssent1ng from decisions, if they so desire. The reportst.hall be submitted to the Ohairman of the meeting reportedbet'ore publication. 10. Any member of the Executive Committee may be present at the meeting of any Sub-Committee, but, unless a member thereof, he shall not vote, nor, except by permission,speak. 11. Each Sub-Committee shall elect a standing chairman for the year (or such shorter period as it may decide); who shall be responsible for moving at the Executive Committee the reception of the report of the Sub.Oommittee. Each .Sub-Committee, if desired, may elect a standing Vioe­ .yllairman. 12. Each Sub-Committee shall conform to the Standing Orders for the time being in force; shall deal only with the matters within 1ts reference, except in cases of urgency,and act by a majority. It may fix its own time and placeof meeting, and its own quoram. 1~. Each Sub-Committee shall be e~powered (in addition to anyauthority specially given to it by resolution of the Executive Committee and to tl1e specific authorities in the Orders of the Reference): (~l To discuss and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee on any matter within its own Order of Reference. (b) To carry out any explicit decision of ·the Executive Committee on matters within its own Order of Reference. (o) To take on the matters within its own Order of Reference aoy action urgently required in the interests of the Society, which shall not permitof the delay involved in awaiting the next Executive Committee) but subject to the fore­ going, no Sub-Committee may, without having first obtained an explicit decision or the Executive Oommittees­x~ incur any expense or liability exceeding £10J Y malce any new depc>.rture 1n polioy or praotiee; lz publish anything in the name or on behal~ o~ the Society. 4. ~. The Honorary Treasurer, F. Lawson Dodd, the HonorarySecretary, Ed~ard Reynolds Pease, and the General Secretary,William Stephen Sanders, shall be authorised to signcheques on behal~ o~ the Society and to cQnduct the Bank­ing business o~ the Society, and the aaid Edw. R. Pease and W. Stephen Sanders shall be authorised to endorse cheques and other instruments payable to the Society. Orders o~ Reference. A. Finance and Qoneral Purposes Sub-Committee. There shall stand re~erred to the F. ~ G.P. Sub- Committee for consideration ~nd report all matters relating tos­ (a) Finance. {') The receipt and custody o~ the Society1s funds; (2) The subscriptions and donations of members, associates and others; · (I} The keeping of the Society's accounts, and the preparation of all necessary ~inancial state­ments. (b) TM representation o~ the Society at Oonferenoes, &c. {c) The preparation of the Annual Report. {d) The management of the Society's office and staff. (e) The supply ofi1nformation in response to enquiries; (f) ~1 Bills and Parliamentary matters. (g) The Circulating Book Boxes. (h) The arranKement of lectures, &c. at the regular meet­ ings of ~e Society. (1) The election of new members and other matters appert­aining to membership. (j) Anty other business not falling within the referenoe o another sub-committee. B. Propaganda Sub-Committee. There shall stand referred to the F'ropaganda. Sub-Committee for consideration and report, ell matters reJ.at :'..ng to:­ (a) b.~.:!illr~. (1) 'rhe organisation of propagandist lectures, courses, &c. for the Society as a whole and otherw:.se. (2) The supply of lecturers, &o. to other organ-isa.tio!'ls. (b) The means to be taken to maintain and increase the membership. (o) The provincial Societies and the London Groups. 0. The Publishing Sub-Committee. There shall stand referred to the Publishing Sub- Committee for consideration and report all oatters relating to:­ (a) The Tracts, reports and books that the Societyplaces on sale. (b) The preparation of new Tracts, reports and books for publication by the Society. (o) The literary property of the Society:­ (1) The Sub-Committee shall, before taking steps to commit the Society to any Tracts, &c. submit to the Executive Committee a recommendation as to tha subject, authorship and other details. (2) The Sub~Oom~ittee shall circulate to the members or the Executive Committee in good time completeproOfS or all pUblicatiOnS \Vhich it propOSeS to recommend the Executive Committee to issue. (3) The Publishing Committee shall be authorised to decide (subject to report in each case to the Executive Committee) the details as to the re­printing, revislng, and re-issuing of' the tracts, books, reports, &c. already authorised by the Executive Committee to be placed on sale. But it shall not., without explioit authorityof' the Executive Comtni ttee in each case, issue (d) The control of' "Fabian News.« or publish any new matter, or com~it the Societyto such issue or publication. FAB!AJ.l SOCieTY • .H.nport of the Finanoe c,, General Purposes CJmrnittee tieoting at office on Friday, May 9th, l ?lQ. Present: Webb (in chair), 11rs. Sr.lmond, Shaw, Dodd, Pease and the veneral 3ecretary. 1. Chairman. Webb was elected cha.irmE".n for the year. 2. De.y of meeti-qg. It was decided to r..:eet on Fride.ys at 5 p.m. 3. Fin~nc~. Report showing increased receipts in main itens for April, 1919, as compared with April, 1>: 18, \7aS received. 4. Labour Research Department. Letter from Bernard Shavr was ruceived anm:.uncing that the Department would move to Eccleston Square e.t a date not yet f ixed, and raising certain questions \1ith regard to the Corum~n Room and Bookshop stE·.ff'ing. Tha reply sent by the General Secretary in nct nouledgingthe letter was read and approved, and it was decided that Bha;r be informed that on the removal of the Research Department the off'ice e1~angements would be further re­considered. 5. Report of General Secretary on future activities was againdiscussed and it was decided to rec'>mmend:­ (a) That Attlee e.nd Lloyd be asked to draw up a syllabusof four lectures on the History, Aims and policy of the Labour Party to be give n by then to Local Labour Parties in and around. London during the next e.utumn and winter. (b) That if sUfficient students can be secured a Tutorial Class on the sa~e subj ect, on sioilar lines to Webbv~ Class, be held in t .r:.e El.Utu;nn in the Fabie.n Hall, Sanders to conduct. (c) That the next King's Ha ll r.ectuc:"e Course be on the KSSB subject of Phases or Socialism and that the lecturers be chosen from the following: Webb,Shaw, Tawney, Cole, .Lloney, Graham VlallFtS and Sanders. Cha.i.rnen suggestad were: R. Smillio,Rev. R. J. Campbell, Olynes, Thooas, Lady Henn=--­ Somerset. 6. List of garliamentary Oandi.~: It was decided to recommend tpat those on the existinglist be written to asking if tbey desire to remain on. 7. Chairman for Ue~_M!!~ti_ng:It was decided to invite OlivterJ failing him, Muggeridge. B. Publications: --iray:u~:-webb1 s Minority Report orr Women in Industry.It was decided to acvept Messrs. Wightman 1 s estimate of £66 for two thousand, or £62 for three thousand if t.iessrs. L~a & WU:i.ia.'lls' estimate was higher.(.St. Clement's Press estjmate for two tn.:usand = £100). It was further agreed that the price should be l/6d. providing the Government did not issue the comp~ete report at a low tigure. (See main Agenda). (b) Tawney 1s article in May Hibbert Journal on "The Sick­ness of Acquisitive Society." It was decided to ask him if we might reprint tais a Tract or Booklet. (Seemain Agenda). Q. Fabian Banner: Mrs. Geraldine Oarr1 who agreed, about six years ago,to complete the Banner, suggested that it be handed over to a Woman's organisation for completion and possession. It was decided to recommend that the suggestion be approved. 10. London Labour Party and Boroug£ Oounoil Elections: On a letter from the London Labour Party it was agreedto insert a notice in News asking members to become candidates at the elections in November next. SID.NEY WEBB,Chairman. '\· FABIAN SOCHTY. Rl)po;·+. of the Su;nmer School Committee Meeting at Office on ~.'ii.u~'=>c'l.ay, May 15th, 1819. Pl•esent: Pease {in chair), i.iiss H!1nkinson, Ka tz, Hiss C<'.· Uiss l.ioor, J. i'! . Shaw and Sanders. 1. B'Jol,inA_s. Satisfactory Repm·t was given li!ith r egard to bookings. Ver~' little acco~E::Jodati'Jn i s now available and a number of ap~lications have ha.d to be declined. :!J. Directors. rie he.ve invited the f ollowing to act <'.S Directors: Harben, Davies, Pee.se, Ratcliffo, i£rs. Sc.loond, Dodd, b~&:5 Dr. Fairfield, Eiss rf!orley. 'l'he first tl1ree have acceptedl Dodd a nd tirs. Sa lmond cannot. ~. Lecturers. In addition t~ the Directors t he f ollowing will probably give lectures. Maurice Hewlett, Cecil Sharp, uiajor Urrlick and Cyril Scott. E. R. PEAS~, Chairman. of jriruvltC£1 ~uv. 9'~6trmnn.(_./1R.e, iiftL.:1 ~­ Jt/111 :> ? ·J Wtl.4 d.e.cuiedJ rhaJ fn?:' .IJ.e4.A rzl k . UVvt.)UL t; ~.01.1 rhv ~J/.,.ft ~4. .ft . J~tke {~~~~ a.b-/eui; lo ~~ k~ t~ ~"{ f1.v ..-vMUAJ. ~~urrl O.J (l.qn.ur~lutW tu/jJif. (~) JaAa ~alL JILU4t ./; Drm?'n~m.uf'a.h frd-1. ft~~ ,l/1"wiJ".a..ti.o-n., 1:0 ~~ Jt.i.UJAeo /; tfzw (-wn£V wtt.J ~~ d w-tW tteaded /; ru~~ L5) -IYu~l't) 17av-zn-W v~~z-kj •• '"" '1 ~atd«~.4> a-M~~ N~~al;i -'~ rfuv ~~ -6 thC. I .'PanjZ lc 1 ftalladtl r-~rz-i<5 ~'>~}n)-------~R/nee wi~ if_ lfWi.L~ .w--d.AJ ~ ~ij HrU1 WtrUI~ !to u;~_ 1/~£kd, -fi> Cbn~'tt :iqteu. '[1)_ 1 ', ' 1-f / I \, ~~Juwi.ct: ----~~~tUTU( Jta..ttaw s~"J lll/rl.l" mj . tm) ~~lcL ~~~4~rz-~ ()~~wi/i f.~ r,!UVYV~re ~I/t]/,} i1 #u"/ ~Jti~;/ o-/[t) ~I! ~uH..d. /aulr&/.J-1, _ t~t;, 4-UirrnA.t In-s_ !;, 1/cddJ t ~ ~ -41.tMt~ J_J. ~11,/ w-ill, 1-a.& 1. mrv emiuJ ttL d.LVU f? d IJ.rf, -lu•. /rt:A./.riv. f I {q) ~ tM.Liamum.fa;vu &-ndutal<~CALta.f /; 0-f~tuvn..t '·,;. J->y: 16 1 '1 I I .t FABIAN SOCIETY Report of the Finance ~ General Purposes Comuittee Meeting at Office on Friday June 6th lnG. Present: Pease (in chair) Mrs Salmond e.nd the Gen. Secretary. ==========~===~==~== 1. Finance: Satisfactory report to May 31St was received and adopted. 2. Memorandum by Gen. Secretary on Future Activities: It was agreed that the Gen~ Secretary expand this and it be published in July Fabian News. · :5. Kings Hall Lectures: The General Secretary reported:­ (a) ~· The proprietors of Kings Hallddemand 20 guineas per evening for hire. This will entail ezpenditure for hire of £126 as against £75.12.• 0.!.,the previous charge. The Gen. Seoret~ry has endeavoured to secure reduction but failed. Enquiries having failed to discover an equallysuitable Hall, the Kings Hall has been booked provisionally subject to Committee's instructions. (b) LECTURERS. Webb,Money,Oole and Sanders agree to leoture; it is assumed that Shaw will consent when asked; Webb will report on Tawney. On (a) It was decided to recommend that Kings Hall be engaged. On (b) The Gen. Secretary will report that Tawney cannot accept invitation. He has invited ~rs Pember Reevos to give a lecture. With regard to chairnen,Oole wishes ~rs Webb to preside at his meeting. ~rs Annie Besant having rejoined the Societythe Gen. Secretary suggests she be invited to take the chair at one of the lectures. 4. PUBLICATIONS~ The Gen. Secretary reported:­ (a) ~ages of Men and Women. By Mrs Webb. Paged proofshave been passed and the work should be on s~le shortly. Bwing to a printer's oisoalculation there will be liB instead of 72 pe.ges. This, together with extra oharge for portrait cover, will bring ro~st to about £08 for 3,000 oopies instead o~ about o~ 2. Prices for (a) cost of steosos -4/g per page (b)cost of keeping type standing ld per page per month. (b) mSS. of Tract on Municipal Finanoe , by Robert Jones;Tract on Bureaucracy offered by Davies; and of !ract on iublic Health offered by nr., Kerr; received: (willall be considered by Publishing Oo~ittee). On (a) extra expenditure was approved. It was agreed that type be kept standing. The Gen. Secretary will report that he has ordered type to be kept standing for three months at a cost of about 21/-; that arrangements have been made with Allen and Unwin to be joint Publishers; and that the first delivery of boolclet is promised for Friday,June 20th. ! .-STAFF .MATTERS • Miss Thomas having applied for an increase of salaryit was decided to recommend that she be given an increase of 5/-per week. 6. mEMBERSHIP. i>1ay candidates (9) were elected and four resignations were accepted. Jtmmf}/Ju!tU tfr~ tqtq (./ ,o/'u,IUfLl. ~d{f;,. e/w.u,) 1riJr! friit.. 'fJt.ltUfd.d.. €mid. ~t~,'AfUwr, .A11lw, fY~rGt/11/: .Ju : {1)':-f/;~?l cfllw lvwv-imuJ mul:i~, W(jU/ uad~~­ 11 2) ,1'ULM to l:e-~~~1~tliMw. :flfdu ~ffuJl /u; Juui/ tan-z1altlutt/nl-41' /~eo -1)~4 lluu k .w-tW ~~,.whd~abJiJ fud ~w ~bUt&/ dtu£ oflho ,1/U.Ulr;_ (}J) 11~J6aft (urwu~. ~§uv: i£CI: ui!W71d; :­ (a) Tnat the lectur~~sand Cbair.men will be as follows : Oct. 31st, :U:rs. Annie Beea.nt, :Ben C. Spoor, M.P. , lTov. 7·th, G. D. H. Cole, Mrs. Webb. li 14th, Sidney Wl'lbb, Frank Hodges.21st, w. S. Sanders, Vienount Raldane . " 11 28th, Berna.ro Sha.r., Mrs. 'Pember Reeves . D!!c, 5th, Sir L. ChiQzza Yo 'ney, Gr•nville Barker. (b) That printing of tickets and addressing of enTalopes e-re in hand; J.ecturers have been asked for their syllabuses and booking be~. (1+) J:!gj&~jfJWice)JjM/rlet (cent~) ra._ :/h,t/ cuM 1:c ~~ C7tr.1-1-.o ~ q~ (lr) kutt~.tW a./~~ flw Jta.Jw.·rv ~(}{'UJ a! §';:1tJW' 1i> Hl.lcvat l.u~M ~000 el#1-ita at~twv_ l ~) dh.a.t ~tw/ruqlu.dJ (11/J.~tJ hj '/fu'l/ cqfl(t. C4J;t ._() :!hat l'w fw. ·.i.} ~ elf'/ flu Jal,.ifuv Jtttir"; q • ._.ru.J.aw-flil/nl r-fim.uMV .wfw urtl! d ·.1-'ltJ tm k~al( trflnL! 'Jk-.uwur. ; ;)_ vJ ~hr.U lh£ auhurt:5 util~ Yid aui trvr/l. 1iJ u.d +(L Coft-(,tWJ tt /NC/ /i'071vthf <"lain·o kr ~­ (5J Jle urtf (t fiJZ.a:rzu~~Ulf.,/u'lf'D3i.4 btnwrn.dtir. ~ll-Ji#urrt uu.J uee..bve.a.. : trn / !Wtt. ,_~ 1-41'{4 t1Ladu:t U' 1.'" ' Lt4u lliD11UUJ fWt, /l tC-" IQtl.ljP J , tZJ t .~,rf ~~ lrr, rvmmv .fonn 1wri amzt~ ~full .z£n.ce, *'lu~rtt.L-. )/u. Ufztrrt a J am dl:au~ad~. /'._ /UJu.. J.. ~ j/u£1., .u.iJ /A fc, 11u,/ '-'~hJ . ..., If. ' 'ttnjd, l b gcJY:tt_ mv ?a~r&c~uiiJ1U) cc-nJ ·. 1 ,/£a4b -Y.t/fl!: J.« : '#' ~~atimv !. (.l/ J ; cITm/; liJ I C.on.UtfR/lJ I'J'UW J'UA.<'/ts .un r'J-c-at.~ /jOJJ1·. .J.I «ftJ j wn~' lfuLt flu/ Nalional &m: ~f'fVWitide' fwnd./J /err J.u.elr 1 .fuuh. lfu telufft M amu/Yldca UJt.U1 o.dohlul. ~11. ~~ Jt, faJ t VUJ1iui nat Ytl/'. .lit-m1 /1-ljfT'f(, Xma j_ (f I ~!'!!jPIUffl~' uw__iJ~~-~m~/)1. k IY~ -6~UJu~a; ~HUJt a. Gtrt~qn; n;~ ...u..,..f-t.et' (If/ U .ifftJ IILL au/,wn,vn;. 9t51.~urtt J @purv«/' ~ .ffl •Iftmun. .{1 ~ ~ ~L fi., vv tU7(A luf., to P-J..m .iC ~tii~srA~me! l'-11 ~rru.e. dtnm (11) 1/'-t lf~wtu~ 0711 fltJt"all.t/;J rtl1i.t~1 /tn; !Jtrf'.,/v..,.(.:J'1?1. t Jniv nali.n1.a ~ fiJ~hJ'IJ. ~~erv : ~:~AJ"tU Vrw..r~led /;, ut lllak/I?Ufflt 1 ~~~~hi~ JniL -n.a~IMCU...t ·t utal;crnLJ , f_ " I ·~ .t/, . } rw.·~-(lL (Uf8UJU ~'· ('~JintJ'J1U.l4111AI)J q t~~Mnl4 re) ...-4fw f'lri!tmiVYVon ~t$~1 ~-:lov~tiuuMteo.d~~fatozMJ~. ~ et~ rmr/J: r-~nv ~1 Jn~uu~ ~; no trlde/v_ le) Jn/~~a_fo-r~ fiwuaw mv an~ k!Vv: :?'1.£4-(j f?J«d/-h; ~li-~&nt 1/Ttre: SMUtew £a4b r.ea {j , /UI1.0Jlel a.-lid-4 k dMd: lC . nunn.&-1~. !/} -!f._f1!.U'.uu J{~ l.f't-Mui Ji, ladd mMnf.e-uJ mu_~ cnv tfl'h 17'1-n~t~ ilwvvkJ Adwv)/eJ'i.LUIUU!rlJ lo ~cv llUurtt l!?u wnl~S~·~ rJj ~r~~"/fYU 1~ /~: 'JlUJ "'ff'.prwenuil ,/; £1.t.cl fuiJ~ v-­ ~~-., () !H-) ~~t rr r ~ $J tnUJ ~~f, tmeet: ~~n:tvrt~!~ 1 I , \ /,;11: 44~1 't:IL/ FA:BIAlT 6 0 C I E.U. Report of the Finance and General Purposes Commdttee Meetingat Office on Friday, July 4th, 1919. ~~-Webb (in Chair). Pease, Dodd1 Shaw, and General Secretary. 1. Fi.E_¥1~· Report t~ .Tune 30th mttr"reoeived e1hewing increased receipts over 1918 in o.ll main items. 2. i!Iemb.lHB:aiP._• .Tune ca~didatee (14) were elected and two resignationsaccepted. 3. !Ungs Hall Lectures. The six lecturers having be~ ~ecured instructions weru given ~s to the Chairmen. (See main Agenda) 4. Office ~tters. The resignation of ~ise Thomas as from .Tuly 14th waa received. It we,s. agreed that the General Secretary be authorised to arrange for t8'.llpora.ry assistance :for the present.(General 8ecretary wi1l report arrange­ menta made. ) 5. B-oOk :Boxea. n1e General Secretary was au~horised to circularise National Union of Railway Servants Branches and I.L.?. llranches. 5. Rutchison Trust Lecturea. The General Secretary was e.uthori"Bed to circularise Local Labour Partie• offering these lectures. 7, End o:r Sub-tenancieR. It was reported that the Labour Research Department was expected to remoTe at the end of ~uly. It was decided that the baakro~ on ~econd floor should,when vacated, be adapted for ~oxand.~ook Roc.m, Other arra.ngemn·:.s \Vere held over. .G, 8, List of M~bers willing to beJlODe Parliamentary Labou~ ce:ba1aateil. It waa decided to send the list to the .Labour Farty with the intimation that the Society could not accept financial responsibility for the election expenees Df any Of. the persons on the list. ' 9. Price ot Soc;aliet Serie•· ,. ' Request froo F:Cri~id that the price of this eeriea , : • ,. . be, r~.i.sed 3~ waa de·ol.ined. 10. State Me,O,ioal Se.rvioe :B.ookJ.et. On,'fayoura.bl~ ;report tram Dodd, it was agreed to re'coninend that we publish the Olaago~ M.S. if the · }llaeg~w F .• s~ will take 1,000 copies at Bd. The Genera.l Secre'ta..ry was inetructed to obtain quotations for printing. See ma.in Agenda. · SIllNEY WE:Bl3. The Publishing Committee was s\llill.Uonad. to meet on ® .Tune 2?th but tho only attendants we r e the t-T on.' ·.secr e t a ry and the Genoral Secretary who aubluH the follo11ing report~ l. lifew Publica·tiona. (cc) ),•irs. Wcbb' s "The \ll{ages of .;J.en n.nd 1Homcn" is completed and the edition of 31000 delivered. Advertisement s were placed with thc "~:iew Statcs:ma.n", ":Ja ily £-a rald", "'.rhe Corr.u:aon Cause", "The Eondon Tea;cher" 1 "The v;roman Worker" a.ncl the "L?:bour Woman". (b) TI1e Problem of Bureaucracy~ Davics has submitted article on this su.bj oct.··· Would be suitD.ble if e:>qmnde d. (c) !Iu.nici pal , Finahce, Bobert Jones has submitted. (by request) ;].': , on this subject. R3quiros polishing and re­arranging. (d) jiatiohal Health.. Dr.·Karr has offore ?IUV ~.,to~J Pk o IA.r/l.:l ,....f-.·~~~ ~ tkh.Lfo ~.C f«.~rt.. ~~ c mn: Le) )~i'l.LUJ trnJ Uv~~~-~f"''IUL ~ ~'Y a,., v: d.! fi,a~., ~, ~C., rf~~n;-, (~. -1 I . I " I c.,) t/'UlP h q. ~IJ'1.~, 'aAuieM / I "'-' / ­ V . . .L " ~4~0'7>1/·~..e.e.-Cun4~~~ CV J,~n-1 {..~ ~.C.'U4~ .P~£«n.v thv. H-. IL/~£; ~J.:A.a..c.t;·t..:. f) ~~) ,.. c.-~~ c; ;, _ O?v 6. h (., ~ "{Fv ~~~~ c~:into ~ ... 1 .J ·· -·r a.) I 4;,. e~. /1L,, ~~ c..rCLW ~~.d.J I I' 11 1 ""f'V {; I t.l A /{) _ • _;--'12--iJ ll.c ... ~~ 1.!_-11 (11-Vl1.-{l/)-:.cb ~p~.J~~-~ lY--w. 1-1-• .1.+ ur-ru~~ kl 44»1/. ~: ~vv/.; ~~~IJ~-hr.JC.c..«J Jtx.c.-n.lt4-n-:J o-ar~ Mrl-Ad k-~l.. frn,_ 1. U~<:ed to expand this e.rticle. 4. Tract~-~~~t of Print. (a.) l!o . 133. Sociali<:~..n o.nd Christianity. 'Deamer. 24 pages ~'li th coloured cover. Rt eady sale. Standring'a estimate: re~rint from stereos, 2,000 cost £12. Tiecided to reprint and raise price to 2d . (b) No. 165. F~ancis Place. Ervine. 28 pageswith coloured cover. Steady sale. 8tP-ndring'sestimate: no stereos,_moule.a :~nly, 2,000. £20. Decided to recommenu 'tha·c 2, 000 be priz:ted.v;ithout cover and price t.o re:Jain at 2(: . 5 . Comnonsense of i',u.."lici~l Tre..s daciued to recolm!enhe diatri'oution. (b) Y/ebb ie circularil!int<; 111. large number Of trade 1:..:1ion branch"s with rega.:ctl to the book. It was Rugc;o_f:lted that the Society mi;llt share this for ~ a. Report of Finance and General Purposes Comm~ttee O:ff":i.CO on Iriday, • ovember 28th, ~9 ! Pr esent : .ebb (in the Chair), J . , . lihew, tiarbon, D :id , Pease and Gen: uec: 1 . International ~ocialist Goneress. It was reported that the ~ociety is entitled t o send at least two, and possibly threo, delegates to the Congress and it was deci ded to recommend that the General Secretary be appointed as second delegateand thot H,rben be appointed to attend as the third. veen 'l'he following .!Lectures arrane;ed: rrcre reported to have Jc.>.n o 0 th . A • ..:mil Davies . .National izati on of' and . Jan. 23rd . Feb . 27th . ltichard oiss . 3 , l.' . Perr y . JJ?tional ization of' Housi ng . ationalization and Co-operat ion . J. Promlo · is vrilline; to l ectv.re on Rail way ational ization bu t cannot give date et present . Dodges i n r epl y to second letter writes that he i s st ill un.bl e to give date for l ecture on Jationalization or .i nes. 3. Parlia~entary Candida~~· G. P . Blizcrd having been re-adopted as Parliament ar Labour vandidate for ventral .andsworth requested that the ;..ociety should give financi!l.l guarantee for election expenses as before to the Labour ~arty . ­ Decided to agree provided covering guar antee is given to the Society by Blizard. 4. Kings Uall Lectures. Gross Takings reported to have reached more than £600. (Amount now £606) 5. Vacant Hoo:ns . (a) It was reported that the Co·-"non f.oom ColliDittee was unanimously in f avour of the ~xecutive Committee's proposal to enlarge the Common Room and throw it open to all members and to establish a Common Hoom Fund. (b) With regard to the room on 3rd Floor it was decided to insert in Fabian News an advertisement for the services of an expert in or student of Local Government (part time) who would use this room for the purpose of collecting information on Local Government and to compile Tracts on the subject. 6. Book Boxes. It was reported that the demand althoughslackening still continues. Boxes are being made and a number of rediscovered old boxes are beingrepaired. (Orders since arch 31st now number 212) 7. -embers ~eating December 12th. (a) Chairman. It was decided to invite Sir SydneyOlivier to take the Chair again. (b) Mover of Confirmation of New Basis. t was decided that Pease be the mover. (c) Common Room Proposals. It was decided that Dodd bring these before the 1 eating. (d) Reporter on Work of Society (if reached). It was decided that the General Secretarymake this report. 8. lembershiR. November Candidates (24) were elected. J ort o~ I" cbool t.t•• .~ 1'1'1.. on hu 4.,, 4th,l I . --------·-----·--(_~ at.11, J. , r , .. al. ond, a o a.nd c an e Comitte a c 11101" and r on by vios, r. 1r 1 1 inson ' with r rd to the futuro (Jeoe;r;ber 12th, H"lf!. PRESENT: Pease (11\ the Oha1r) Dodd, i.irs, ':lebb, J. ~~. Shaw, ~rs. Salmond, and Gen. Sec. 1. F\!la,pqe · Sa.tis~aotory R~port to November 30th was reoeived ~d adopted. 2. ~1pgs Hall Lectures. HnanciaJ. iiesult. Report vr&s received shew1ng &ross heoeipts £609. 1~. Sd. Exp~nd1ture £208 . 18. ?d. B~l~noe £~01. 6. lld. 3. VQC~nt Rooms· (e.) Report \;·as reocivEJd tho.t a meeting or the members or the Common Loom hs.d agreed to the Executive Gornoittee's proposuls. (b) With regr:'.rd to ths room on third floor 1 t was deoidod to recommend th~t it be usod definitelyfor the purpose of obtaining and compilinginformation relating to Local Government and that Vi . A. Robson, a member of the Society and student at the School of Economics, be appointedto give tTro a£tt)rnoons per woek to the nork at a remuneration of £1 per week. 4. HembershiR. Pour Resib0at1ons were accepted • .:.~5. '·'~:,IJ!Q:Ct bY C, D. a. Cqle • As a matter or urgoney it was agreed to reoomaend that G. D. n. Cole's lecture at Kings Hall on ·~uild Soeialismn be issued as a signed Tract in a revised torm. GQ:e 1s w~lling and has revised the matter which appeareC. ;.;1 Supplvoent to th~"Hew Coomonwealth• ~ e. !lJ•as!l in Ptb11l'l MAll · I\ oaa dooided to roc~end that the tollowlngOlasaea be held &rt•r Xmas 1n tbo Fab1an Ball. st•&k•rs Olaea to bt oonduoted bf Wm. St~ph~ <•> S~ra. ' . . . . -.· ~ .. . (b) Olaaa 1n Loeal Go•ern..nt. · ~Gst~d leoturo•s,Wra. S&lmOQO, ktas Lawrenoe, Lioyd, 'rfebb, Robert .Joaes, lb-a. Pl)tse &ll4 Sanders. tt. fArip• Oztl'at " KiQB& Hall • lt was decided to recommend that a short aourso ot leotur&s be held in tho Spring at tbQKings Hall oo Sooial1SIIl (or Labour Part7) ant! tho lt1ddle Classes. S. a. PEASE. Aot1ng 0ha1rmc. PI-­J~j~{£5) --' tq!!to. ~~-~dvnJ duauu tt1F-ffd-6-, _If~./£~ .An~ .IUJ~. lrliu~~ ~ If.dt-~1!/n/: ~:­ IJ~ot~~~tuad~­ ~~~Pnrnv ~~~­ a /t~t-Y~~ ~~­~~~~­,{#m; (J-1-) Jt~~~~ r!iJ lffll 11oult ~r--;1~ J/LLUJI ~~he~pu-/~ _/~~~~ 4/qv_(foJ ~~~JIA/'O.AJ ~~Jizv~k; ~~~.1~~· APal/ii-n.J_ ~~1a.o-t. .4!&41ttYtUU (£> 4-#~ro;u-­tllljurri IU ~~~~ed_,­ 'f;-J~~/~ ~~illaAJ~­ A/)/111 fiJ-t_ 11~~/I.J&Nte/ .U LUTUJ ~L; CUl/1/ven.J foo{'C!*!; 6% ~~,wvf/Jo-ruL1 vnLi P4>?W ~of [S 5-o/tf--fJ ~t!l]!!l.~) 11/;;~~ ~; ~~~ If-; :Jrmtl¥V l/al: U~p(-0:_ufg . ~if-~~ ~~:J r-coi'UiduTIIUJ LAJt:/lL Vf~7,; .Lt.u-inW ~'-i!u~iO~~~-, L~) J/UJ}'Yt ~~J~ahJwv~~~ ~~-~~#AFO ~-' r1UJ ~-t; ~a.C fABI-"l'l SOCIETY. ~-.a.rtd Generr.l Purposes Oommi.t't&&J!e~s.t Ot'fioe on F·riday, Jan. ~·th, lS20. PRESEUT: id:rs. S&l.mond (in Chair), J. d. 5haw, Poe.se, and Gen. Sec. 1. Fina.nop. A favourable report \'l'as reoaived to December :51st, 1919. 2. 4embersh1R· December candidates (2~) were elected and 5 resignations were accepted. 3. Bound Sot of Tracts. -~~G have considered tl1e cost and selling price of the Bound Set of Tracts and find that the cost of Tracts (with 25% off published prioe) and Bindingequals 7/ld. We recommend that the price be raised from 5/-to 7/6 per vol. 4. Book Bo;&§· In spite of cessation of adv~tising the demand for Book Boxos continues. Since tiarch 31st, 1919 orders have beon received for 236 boxes (now 252). The Gen Soc. has purchased 65 Government ammunition boxes for £5 to meet the unfulfilled orders which number over 60. A large number of books beyoij.d those alreadypurchased e.t a cost of about £50 is still required.We recommend: (a) The purchase of boxes be approved, (b) That the Constance Hutchinson Trustees be asked for a grant of £100 for purohase of books, (o) That a note be inserted in the "News" askingmembers to donate up-to-date suitable books. · 5 • SJ!tUUS Cla§l· It vat reported that lO students had booked. (low 22; aore than sufficiont ror an ei'f'1cient Class.} 6. Spr1ng Cgurse oC K1ngs Hall Lectures. 'No reply haY1ng ooma to hand f'rom Keynes this was held over. 7. Butoh1JJ:son 'rrust Leot\}.r\?S· It was agreed to reoomroend tha~ the necessary transf'epbd made from l~o. 2 aeoount to meat oost of' theso lectures. l A B !.J L -~-.9.. . ~1. );._ Ll.· Report of Publishing Go:nmittee ~ a.s J!f:1!' weok. 4. Fees We hav& ..~::.· r-:,ed ttJat the fees should bo as follows: Singl& R~omB: £2. 12. ~d., Double Rooms: £~. 7. 6d.,Multiplb Rooms: £2. 2. Od. 6. Programme We propose thi s should be as follows: One week each -IntFlrnatione.l Conf er;mce; Guild Socialism;Problems of ~ation~lization; Problems of Local Government ; The La bour Farty and its Future. Literar~· and other lighter lectures to be arranged. a. Lecturers. -We have drawn up the following list of suggestedlecturers:­ International Week. J. A. Hobson, Shaw, Wallas. Guild Socialism. To be suggested by G. S. L. Nat1onal1~ation. Greenwood . Hodgt~s, Da.vies. Labour Party. Dalton, T11vruey, Gl'allll.tl: .i.l.P., Miss Bvuu.f·, ...:. u, l.L'-:::s M. i.~t.uA~·tl:tur. Local Government. Dr. C: ay:)rn, LC<\CJJ., Gue:../., ll:;.ss Lc~.7ll' ''Pl<•tJ' Ro:..s;:: . .ib.'jlJ:oJ"ll... c·nw1n. Misoelle.neous. Clutt•Jn Bl·.')clt, W. r.. Ge·.>:'ti:J, Eselloc,Rogur i_ ~7r~ ~Ul/Yl)r:~oelUlrt'e ""c.eJ . -rvRiffi . £..~{{~ ~ FABIJI.N SOCIETl: . Report of Finance and General Purposes Committee ~eating at Ot'fice on Friday, March 5th, 1020. Present: Webb (in the Oh~irJ Dodd, Shaw, and Gen. Sec. 1. Finance. (a) A favourable Report was received to Feb. 29th, 1920. (b) Audit. Letter wa.s received fro'Cl Hector Thomson in reply to several reuinders, stating that he could not undertake audit of 1918-19 accounts at present. Decided to ask J. Bacon if he would do the job for out of pocket expenses. 2. Parliamentary Bye-Election Fund. Amount received reported as £36: promised £10. (Amount received to ~arch 11th £160, promised £10) 3. Kings Hall Lectures. (a) Chairmen. It was reported that 1iiss Bondfield was unable to take the Chair and that the Gen. Sec. had asked Dr. Fa~rfield whc had acceptod. Appl'0-red. It was decided to ask Gen. Gough or Lo:..-·d Parmoor for Hugh Dalton's lecture. (Gen. Gough has declined; Mrs W.ebb is approaching Lord Parooor.) (b) Ticket sales reported to be about P.30 to ~arch 5th. (Sales to March 11th about £42.) {Gen. Sec. will report that syllabus is now completewith the exception of Chairman for Dalton) • 2. 4. Book Boxes. It was reported that decand had slowed down. About 16 orders only in hEilld which will clear out all boxes both n~w Ellld old. Ord~rs since ~arch 31st 274. Last yoar 90. (NUDber to dr>.te 280) (Ca.rnegie Trust has ro:t'usGd to make a grant) 5. Mombership. February Candidates {14) were elected and 2 resignations were accepted. 6 • Oom:non Room. We have considered ru ·ther the question or vacant rooms and as the demend for use of Common Room does not 1noroa.se we recon::Jend that the baolr Common Room be let to a suitable tenant when the vacant large room on second floor is converted to Co~mon Room purposes. 7. Executive Committee Election. There will bo two vacancies at loast. No new nominations to date. e. Sooi·:Jty LGcturesI ate. We recommend that no lectures be given in May and that the Annual ideating be held on ,•,ay 14th, also that a. Fabian Soiree be held in June at Suffolk · Gallerios or other appropriate place. ( V_/ ~4 , -~~~~~~3/~Jo. /1 rr!Je,/[,. 1<-U ,JL~~vf~~~~~ 3) ~~ ur,_lf{ $~r9. . /;~. --'f ~~­ -._ .IY-w I ) ~~4--'9~ : ~: ~J rc~-e..L-: IC'YitrQ_o ~"-' k 0-<--~d~""V- Vh/~ 1 ~,rtf.~ ~~ ~fw-jvrn-1~1 ~ ~4 ~d~ ~;__ /uJ..(,L ~jl~-Jlo ,(~~ /le_ ~,q-,{ Mri4.AJ ~~ ~.Q.o{. /] ._ 5) Y.J•-._.j~'LO /rH ~: h~. ~v ~ds,_ ~fohA.. t: ,____. t' a.,_ ~~J ~/:J~ ~ -. [, ~.~ Oonf1dont1e.l. flease n9te tt;e of ~eating. f@IAN SOCIETY. Agend6 for the Spocial Bxecut1ve Committee on Wednesday,March 31st, 1920 at 5 p.m. Ohairme.n Webb. 1. Minutes of last Meeting. 2. Apologies. Harben. 3. Rpport of Financo and Goneral Purposos Committee. Report of F1nanoe and General Purposes Comm1tt~o MeetingFriday, ilia.rch 2oth, 1920. Present: W&bb (in the Chair), J. w. Shaw, Davies, Dodd,Sanders. 1. ~· Tbe General Secretary reported that he had reoeived the otter of a post in the Internationd Labour Office under u. Thooas which he had de~ided to aocept. Ho tendered his resignationwith rogret &nd as his services were wanted bythe International Labour Offioe immediately,he asked that steps should be taken to till his place. We decided to oall a speo1e.l meeting of the Exeoutive Oommit tee tor Wednesday, 11e.roh :st<;t to consider the oe.tter and gave instructions to insert a notice in the Fabian News to the effect that the post of General Seorote.ry would probably be vacant shortly and that applicationsshould be sent in on or bofore Monday April 12th. 2. Parl1a=entary Bye-Election Fund. Receipts wer& roport$d to be £792. Payments. Stoekport £100, North West Oaoberwell, £400. Balcnce £2g~. Promises 410. 3. Kings Hall Lectwoes. It wa.s reported: (a) ThAt Lord Parcoor had agreed to take chair tor D~ton. (b) That syllabuses had boen printed and posted. (c) That roooipts to dato ware £70. 4. Book Boxes. It was reported that the nuober or boxes ordered since March 31st is now 262. Last year 92. s. Publications (Urgent) It trGS deoided: (a.) To reprint 1,000 Traot 75, Labour in LongestReign. (b) To revise Traot No. 154. Case for School Cl1n1os. (c) To drop Treot No. 171, Nat1on~l1sat1on ot M1nes Bill and Tract No. 118. Secret ot Rural Depopulation, Wm. Stephen Sandars. r••••• po~t 51•• or »•tt!l«· Asenda tor Special Executive Comm1ttee on Friday, Apr11 11th. ~ at 5.~0 p.m. to cons14•r appl1oat1oAa ror poat ot General Seore~~~!:•••-·-·-o~o··~•····-··­ ~ .U\let. ··--·····-·-·­ 1. liioutos ot latt meot1Jac. 2. Apolosi•s (tt anr> ! . Oons14ero.t1on ot Oan414e.tu t'or post. ot Oenel"al Seor•t,.ry • A!Pl1P&Ql§: .Z21nt~· MaJor D. Loigb Amen, Augast, 1Ql'7. Miss T. An4ron1kott. Deoamber, lt)l2. Hubert aoaumont, Novombtl', l~oe. G. P. Sluard, April, 1912. Herbort D17an, Oo tober, 1908. Miss E. Ethol Crane, Deoembor, 1911. J. Da.nny, Me.)', Ui09. A. L. Dol·er, Dooeober, 1901. P • A • Galton, April, 1S9lo w. E. Go~d$Qith (non ceober)Thomas Grnham (non member) W. Gr~~. ~.P., No•elllb•r, 1911 . Duncan Hall. December, 191~. T. Hl3nderson, Doooobor, l91Q. Lt. Oom. Hopo, JWle, 191'7. Fred H14ehes, .14ay, 1905. Frank Hutson, No•eober, 1907. J. R. Jones, Maroh, 1908. Guy W. HeelinS (Aaaooiate) J\Ule 1912· Ma.t.~hew L~, Hovember, 1917. George E. Lee, (~ m~ber) Hora.oe Yardlor L1~t, (Asso~1a~e) May, 191?. C. Ell1s Lloyd, M&roh, 1919. Lt. Col. E. L. Lowdell, June, 1918. Robert Maok, Peb. 1901· D. a. Waokaf, Dece111ber, 1910. 2. Hush t!O.Iieioe, VhD. Harnick, H. T. Bug~eridge, Louis lo£uller, Miss~. v. Oakle7, Rev. E. H. Pickering, hlrs. ~nnie Rob1nson (non me~ber) 1,1altar J. Read, L. van Ra015. Aug..l ::., 113~5 l.!a.rc..h1 1906. April, h114, ~a.r::;!1 1 1902. 1!ar~r, 1006. Deceu.i.J:1·1 Hl09. Ma.y 1 l S14. June, 1902. ~arc..h, 1916. Febr·ut,ly 1 1906. Decer-bsr, 1918. s.Lil.Y, :'.. ooe • Fobruary, 1914. Ma.y, ·1914,februa.ry, lPOB. June 1 1911. l(~j u~J~.AfWL2D~ 1'/20 ~. /Pftdd-LM-Vd.ain.)Kd#, fnr.Nd{ fr.~. ;;ftVU/, ~1'/nJ:~UY: r-§~~~~) {I)..JIMuJ£4 1~~~~~ ~ {!L) -1-P~ ~IJ~, Jnr.Ai~,~kJ. (~J4~f)~u ~--~~-~~ -f}~ Ut~j1AnA ~~~ du./,ilUJ tTW ~I~­ (I+) ..~J/.a.1t/~. ~:k:;ufUrd-e4_~aa ~{trl'-JLd~vrrLokLnw ~ £/xbuv atl-vi-.J ~kAV~~~ Jb)llA.i.oL ~~~-J~,e£-tPJj (;"do.Av ! J&rf. .lA WT.UJ tk~fiuu~~~fe!: k ffWI!~ ufltl~kA;/o.lrtttAN ~ 6J ~Vrt ~. ;;;J;:::;:;;f/t::rrrid:e~ ;-~· ------~ J:~ua-o tk-eU:tu:b ~KM-O ~ruL.cU kk;d VYLi ~Jf~v ~ {]) ~%_ ~ . IPR~R-;t-.At;;--~­ 1~.)----0-~~~­~~-~,q:;z~~ a__~ a--, ~~~--.-(~­ {~~~~4~-~~~ ~~~//90--~~/50', t2vz--~~~ 4~:6--~~~ 1~ ~ a-~-') /C ~<%-v (7) .f~-~-~~~ ~-~~~~/-4-~ Ale-~~-y./-/n; L'Z ~-~U;::;::r v(-h~~ !7> (~) ~-~--~~a.dvY­ ............-~ ~-R~~-,_...._ ~ ~-~-/h..v ~z::;:;-. .f~-~ ~~~-~~/~/~. (f) ~_7?.---c...._..~ ·, L~.-,~_._~ ~ ~----~-<-~~ ~~~.~~~ ~~~-~~~/UC~ y~(~~A'/~r~ -~~­~~-~-~-r ~~-~4---~. ~~~~9~~ ~-~~~~~­ Please m!!_~...Ql~~ing_ ;:..Q.~ tt._ !'§ffi.1e!}\ qf UosW. lABIAl ..i!Q_or::rx. AQEBDA ror K~ettn& ot Exeout1Ye Committee ou ?riday, April 30th, 1920, at ~ p.m. 1. Eleot.1on or Oha1rau•n• a. liS.Wtes. s. Apolostes. Gordo~. •• Elootton or Fuum.~e e.nd Gener:\1 Fw.·poses OomraitteeI Publisbing Comw1ttee, Propaganda Oomoittoe. Stand1ng Criers. Consideration ot. (Oopi-38 lrill b• ciroul!t.ted) e. Kings Hall Lectures. April ~Oth. Oen. ;Jew. '!till report results to 7. Stockport Bleot1on. (ion. f:ieo. trill report on aotion with regard to further grnnt of £100. e. Correspondenoo. Prom .RQbson Gal the qual1t;y of HolUay Home advert1sod in Pab1en News. 25, Tothill Street, ~ostm1nstor, s.w.l. To tbe Keabers ot tho Eseout11e; I eneloso to~ on wbich to indicate tho OOI!IID1ttoes on w=rw1sb to S'l"Ve. Pl0c~ rot~ 1t if possible by .' . · ne4tt. Tha qu~ation as to ohait'llan is e&plained bJ Standing Order Bo. l.;. "Before the first ~Get1ng of the new Comm1ttoe ever, ~ember shall bo 1nv1te0 to say whether he dos1ros to be pl&oad on the rota o~ ohairmen: at ~tirst meeUng of' the Oommitta& tno secretG.l"Y shall Ne:.lt tb6 llst ot those Oes1r1ng to be on the rot~. and that list ~ll be tho rota unless tho Comm1tte• otherwise determine. Eaob member of the rot• shall pres1do in turn, in alphabotioal order (the name or tbo memb•r whose turn it is boing stated io tbe J.gonda or each meeting). lf the ohe.11"m..w so des1gnGted 1s not pres~nt at the time for beginningbusiness, some other member then p~&sent shall b& voted to the oha1r. whloh he shall retain throughoutthe m..,oting. The Oha1rm:.m shall haYo a vote as a member ot tho Oomo1tteo but no oastiog vote•. tours sinoerolJ. WJi. STEPHEN SANDEBS. FABIAN SOCIETY. Thoro will be a meeting of the Executive CommitteG on Friday, 30th April, 1920, at 5.sa pam. Committ§~S of the Executive Committee. Meobers of the Executive Committee are expected to serve on one or mora or the following Committees. Please indicato your first and second choice by placing the figures l and 2 age.inst the j\'O Committees of 11hioh youdesire to be a member and return tho fore to the office by7r1 They next. Please e.lso answer the question aboub chairman. Fabian O.ffioo, 'fill. STEP HEN SANDERS. 25, Tothill Street, Gen. Soc. 28/4/20. Day of L.eetingCommit tee _!!t._"?_£'CS6nt. Chgico. Finance & GeC~er~:.l Purpo sos Publ~sh~ng Committee Friday Organising & P1vp~ganda Thursday Yes or No. Do you wish to serve on the rota of ohalroen? FABIAN SOCIETY. Standing Orders of the Executive Committee and Orders of Refarenoe to Sub;Oommittees. 1. Before the first meeting of the new Committee everymember shall be invited to say whether he desires to be placed on the rota of chairmen: at the first meetingof the Committee the Secretary shall submit the list of those desiring to be on the rota unless the Committee otherwise determine. Each member of the rota shall preside ·in turn, in alphabetical order (the name of the member whose turn it is being stated in the agenda of each meeting). If the chairman so designated is not present at the time for beginning business, some other oember then present shall be voted to the chair, which he shall retain throughout the meeting. The chairman shall have a vote as a member of the Committee but no casting vote. 2. The Meetings of the Exocutive Qom~ittee shall be held at the Society's Offices, and normally at 5 or 5.30 p.m. on such Fridays as may be fixed from time to time. A Special Meeting may be called by the Secretary whenever required. An Agenda (including as far as may be practicable, such reports of Sub-Committees as may have been prepared} shall be sent by post to each member so as to reach hie not later than the morning delivery of the day of meeting. Any member of the Executive Committee wishing to move a resolution on any subject (other than matters arising out of the report of a Syb;Committee, or other item in the agenda) shall give notice thereof to the Secretary two clear days before the date of the meeting. Ex~ept by the unan1moYs eonsent of the members present no resolution (other than aforesaid) shall be moved without notioe. s. Any matter under discussion by the Executive Committee and of its Sub-Committees and any statements made thereon shall on the demand of any one member present be treated as private and confidential, except in so far as anypublimation may oe made in Fabian News and in that case until such publication. tl. 4. Except in case of urgency, to be decided by vote of the Executive Oommittoe, all matters for its decision,including all letters requiring attention or reply shall stand referred to one or other of its Standing Sub-Committees or to a Sub-Comllittee specially appointed,and shall be considered by the Executive Committee only on reports from the appropriate sub-committees. s. Each Sub-Coumittee shall ~~bmit tQ the next ensuingExecutive Committee a succinct rap:~rt of the proceedingsat each of its meetings, arranged in numbered paragraphs,and including definite recommendations on the points on which it desires the Executive Committee to decide. The report shall be prepared on the authority of the Chairman of the .Sub-Committee, and shall bear his signature. It shall state the names of the members of the Sub-Committee prasent at the meeting. 6. It shall be open for any member of tl1e Executive Committee to move (without notioe) with reference to any paragraph · in the report of a Sub-Committee containing no recommend­ation, either an expression of the opinion of the Execu­tive Committee upon the paragraph, or merely that it be referred back to the Sub-Comnittee for further consider­ation of the subject. 1. The several recommendations contained in the report of a Sub-Committee shall be put to the Executive Committee in the usual way, and the resolutions come to on suoh re­commendations shall stand referred to the Sub-Committee concerned for execution. c. Any member of the Executive Committee may subject to noti~e move that any subject be referred for consideration and report to the appropriate Sub-Committee; and any such motion, if adopted, shflll be taken into consideration bythe Sub-Committee at its next meeting, when the member moving shall be entitled to attend. ~. A general report of the proceedings of the Executive at their meetings shall be regularly published in the News and it shall be open to members making the claim before the close of the meeting to have their names published as dissenting from decisions, if they so desire. The reportsshall be submitted to the Chairman of the meeting reportedbefore publication. :s. 10. Any member of the Executive Committee may be present at the meeting of any Sub-Committee, but, unless a memb~r thereof, he shall not vote, nor, except by permission,speak. llo Each Sub-Committee shall elect a standing chairman for t he year (or such shorter period as it may decide); who shall. be responsible for moving at the Executive Committee the reception of the report of the Sub,Oommittea. Each Sub~Committee, if desired, may elect a standing Vice­(i{lairman. 12. Each Sub-Committee shall conform to the Standing Orders for the time being in force; shall deal only with the matters within its reference, except in cases of urgency,and act by a majority. It may fix its own time and placeof meeting, and its own quoram. l Q. Each Sub-Committee shall be empowered (in addition to anyauthority specially given to it by resolution of the Executive Committee and to the specific authorities in the Orders of the Reference): (~ To discuss and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee on any matter within its own Order of Reference. (b) To carry out any explicit decision of the Executive Committee on matters within its own Order of Reference. (c) To take on the matters .within its own Order of Reference any action urgently required in the interests of the Society, which shall not permitof the delay involved in awaiting the next Executive Committee; but subject to the fore­going, no Sub-Committee may, without having first obtained an ex?lioit decision of the Executive Committee:­ ~ x) incur any expense or liability exceeding £10;y) mal{e any new depc.rture in polioy or praotioe;z) publish anything in the name or on behalf or the Society. 4. M. The Honorary Treasurer, F. Lmrson Dodd, the HonorarySecretary, Ed~ard Reynolds Pease, and the General SecretAry,William Stephen Sanders, shall be authorised to signcheques on behal~ of the Society and to c~nduot the Bank-jug business of the Society, and the aa1d Edw. R. Pease auc. Yi. Stephen Sanders shall be authorised to endorse cheques and other instruments payable to the Society, Orders of Rafarenoa. J.... .'Yinance and Goneral Purposes Sub-Oommittoe. There shall stand referred tc the F. " G.P. Sub- Committee for consideration s.nd report all matters relating tos­ (a) Finance. (l) The receipt and custody of the Society's funds; (2) The subscriptions and donations of members,associates and others; (I) The keeping of the Society's accounts, and the preparation or all neoossary financial state­ments. (b) The representation of the Society at Oonferenoes, &c. (c} The preparation of the Annual Report. (d) The management of the Society's office and staff. (e) The supply ofiittrormation in response to enquiries~ (f) All Bills and Parliamentary matters. (g) The Circulating Book Boxes. (h) The arrBngement of lectures, &c. at the regular meet­ ings of ~Society, (1) The election of new members and other matters appert­aining to membership. (j) Any other business not falling within the referenoe to another sub-committee. B. Propaganda Sub-Com~ittee. There shall stand re~erred to the ~ropaganda Sub-Committee for consideration and report, r.ll matters relating to:­ (e) Lectures. (1) The organisation of propagandist lectures, courses, &c. fer the Society as a whole and otherwise. (2) The supply of lecturers, &c. to other organ­isations. {b) The means to be taken to maintain and increase the membership. (o) The provincial Societies and the London Groups. 0. The Publishing Sub-Committee. There shall stand referred to the Publishing Sub-Committee for consideration and report all oatters relating tos­ (a) The Tracts, reports and books that the Societyplaoes on sale. (b) The preparation of new Tracts, reports and books for publication by the Society. (o) The literary property of the Society:­ (1) The Sub-Committee shall, before taking steps to commit the Society to any Traots, &c. submit to the Executive Committee a recommendation as to the subject, authorship and other details. (2) The Sub~Committee shell circulnte to the members of the Executive Committee in good time completeproofs of all publications which it proposes to recommend the Exocutivo Comr~ittee to issue. (3) The Publishing Oommitteo shall be authorised to decide (subject to report in each case to the Executive Committee) the details as to the re• printing, ~evising, and re-issuing or the tracts, books, reports, &c. already authorised by the Executive Comcittee to be placed on sale. But it shall not, without exrJl1c1t authority or the Executive Committee in each case, issue or publish any new matter, or comoit the Societyto such issue or publication. (d) The control or wFabian News." Ft: 1 j~_-h._c{~/tf~~ /f,lO _ -c.J?..--/.-C:d ~.4-~~ t{;;:7 ~~7 ~~~ Zuc,ud z-3c( t-9.f_.{r 1 8­ C-~fS~rP~~,~ ~~~'----~(:!} ~i y .P-~··· .r~ ~~ZC'"­~~~~~ ~~ ~.. ~.,..__ • .....; ~-~c. ... o( lA...~~-----~. l·'~~ ~--;;Zq ~-~ I~ fi'o; Jtnro f/4o, c..-u f' ~~ f.;!,:-~-t-4 c.--?f'-~:;;:;z:;z.:7~ ~' /t;:.. ~L.-4.-L. k ...... c:.-........-.t--......~ t;­ 1/& ~; ~~.d.-,"'~ .c-~ ~·~~.~~-~. ~tt;:;::;r vf-"-.tLfl-~ ~~~~~~-1~ ~~~ ~I ~~~~-~ ~c-~~ /(J ~.. -·~· (a) Webb -r e printed list of' Fabi an Candidates in Labour Party Executive Report ......_.. ,.~1b) Sir Leo Eoney -re .Sub Committees.' M-.&.,.._­ (c) Liverpool F.s. -re basis for local members.~~~· jr­ (d) Chesham L,P. -r e further course of Hutcninson Lectures. (e) Sussex Federation of Labour Prr.ties -request for " list of our member s in t~eir area. ..~~••l (f>, Dr. Otto New~adr Vienna, asking to be placed on free j list {letter-from ilfr s \!ebb t hereon) Af-t•u~ &­ (g) Edinburgh F.S.asking for l ectur;e from G.B.Shaw. (h) Vlalsall··L.P. -asking for a~t~mn l ectur e by G.B. Shaw or Sir Leo Money. , ( j.) Oxford Univer s ity La bour Club re new monthly A'; lt.~ organ "New Oxford~ sugGesting advertisement by F.S. (k) Stepney Public Libraries -r e gr ant for educatlonal l ectur es, etc . ~ {rk (I) ~{e) ~.....(. kc....-..--1~ ~~~~ FABIAN __ -__ .Ex.ehaw , and General Secretary. 1. General Se~retary reported large nuober of applicationsreceived and 3rd and 5th v1eeks practically filled up.It was agreed to ask l'ir. and l!Irs. Vife bb to be jointdirectors for the last week ; that the Society or the directors and not the Summer School should provide wine for the foreign guests ; and that arrangements for defraying the expense of such guests should be considered and settled later. 2. Proofs of Programme and Form of Application were consi dered and revised. Agreed to issue form of applicat3.on w1.th June "News", but not to issue the progr a=e to members generally . 3 •. It vu;,s decided to draw the B.ttention of the Executive to the unauthorised use of the word "Fabian" in advertisoc..ent s , etc. of the early Summer School arranged by Livorpool f [cbi ans . ;. / "--..-/ ~-~£f-¥0~,/~.2tJ. ~-~~~~ ~~/~~~~~ .. ~-~-166:~~~ ~~~c(_­ J._ ~--r::-~~~'kc=-e~·· c-< r---­l~r?kycL~, ~-~ ~.r~, ~«~ ~­ ./.t-. ~-$'.~~~~,~&-(, ~~??~~a:..~ ~'-"'""'-~7 at;: ~r ~l.-4'· ~~r~//->?J ~ ~­ ~~-~~CJ.:~.£.~. ~-. ~-~~~/~/ ~~"? <4a-c.<.. o..-.A "1..-<..L~ ,. • ...<._. t:k ~[.3/ /~ • ~c-J-1 ~/1/p /-5-) '/~ ~ A--+-1~·~~~ AC:~-~r'--~· ~.• ~?czc....-c~• *" • c .£.-' ,,.­ t. ~-.;__f~ .F~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~C~).U-~ /U..~~~­ 7·~~. ~11<.~ ~~~ ~~~~~.?~ ~K:;:7 tU A 4 ~~c:c.-P~ ~~ ~~ ~·, ~U;::; ~~~~:.:___ ~eA_ tC:;:f a;:: ~h.~ ~~14-.. y1 ~ ~~h.!'1..L-£t, j.({~~ ~..... ~ ~-~~ a. .r?~-~~~ T-~-~~$J-J·~. -! -~­~,U:;;::::T ~~~ ~------------------~. I,/; ~~~.._~_c~~ ;t,h.J .?~~.t0-~-~~" ~-«~. ~.~-.d._~~~-~~ ~vf-~~&(__ ?c.-c..~-~-----e.. r /t;-~~~r-~ r 94·~~~~~ jt-u.-.A-1 _.!-/vv d-~~ Vk--dc:: ~-r; ·~~~ --L-&_~ . 9~~ ~c.-L ~ ~7at::-/~ ~~­ i· ~t~':t;t~-~~~ ~~~~PC dt'<·•.;.... 7 /l:: ~~ ~I'c;...-_d d-;:::::::r­/w. ~-I k~a::-~ L.-d ~~~·<--~I c<.-~~ ~, J' z_L/ov ~ .t-r-~~~ v~, -.r-<-~~ > ~~~ ~r~.·-~­d:.~~~~~ t: ~ l'kc.....~~ ~et~~~ a.-A~ £_~~7-~ tA~ ~~(~~)~~ ~~~~~ tL ~1/-.?~n> ~~ 4-<-~c4\. ~L.t:e:~,~~ ~~~~/---;:;:, i"L~ i ~y~~~~~ 1~~~~~-~ pC;:;~/~a!:: ~c4 ~ ~~t~~~ ----~~~~ ~~ 1 Pk;~ ~//~.a;:;~~ ~~~-L;~~ .w~-~~~~---~ ~?w-~~~-~ ~~~-r~~~--~ ... ~~~~~~ c(__,~ 1 p:;:::-~~~ k---S""Z""V I ~i;-~UA..e.:? ~ ~d~~--. ~h_~ ~ ~ ~"'C{,~ 0'\.. ~r~ ~~u:z: ~~~­ (Jq /tJ ·~~9~~~-k·~ ._.~ L-~-~~. -Gl~·~-~~ ~e---r~­ If· -{0~~ ,L-j.•• ~L-(_ ~/t-0--.1!;-c..e r ~~­~,(_ /C:7 ~1' ~~r-~·· '­d.-(~~~ ~~de.-{ ~~ b}·~~fo. e-e• .4'-c-.-vi_ ~ ~~~d-~~~­(cj ( . :1 ·~-~t~~~ ~ 9~c~d.._~~-~ ~~--~z:-h~ 9~--z~d c-~. ~--r ~~?Cc..-'""-~.:-L( {!;t..·ity ).~(t().J F A B 1 r, i~ ... oor ~~· TY. Agenda for .bxecutive Gom:nittee ..eetine at l•ffice, frido.y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ) ,../ 11~ I J /' V '·­ 29th October, l\;20 at ~.:~~=g~~. ---------000-----------­ Chair -Lawson Dodd. ~inutes of last meeting. Apologies for absence. Report of Finance and General Purposes Committee. Report of Publishing Committee. Report of Summer uchool Committee. Hinter course of lectures Ful'ther arrangement s to be considered and ;..:.ction r;.uthorised. Pending by-election at .riemel J-,er.J},.>Stead. r~equest from Jesse ilawlces the Labour unn.' Spirit in industry" 1 delivered at Oxford J•pril, 1920. 2. Tracts out of print. What to Read . ~greed to print 5,000 copies of r evised edition by Pease nov: in printer's hands. 3. Tracts going out of print. 109 . Cottage Pl ans nnd Uom.aon Sense. To be dropped. 157. The Working Life of ·,.omen. 11liss B. L. Hutchins the v:riter to be consulted as to revise. 4. Report on arrangements made for the publication of Dunoan Hall's book "The British Oommom;e<>.l th of Nations" and of special oheap edition for the Society v:as received and adopted. F A B I .n N .:oOC I ~TY. Report of the Fabian Summer School Committee u1eeting 18th Oct., 1020. Present: 17ebb in the Chair; ,.,iss Hankinson, J. Katz, i,'liss Uoor, J. \1. Sha~~/f21-..u-~~ _,_ -------­ ~-~-~~/~ ~cf2t~~~ ~uc;:::::r ~~~~ £-.a=~=>?~ ~~ try:~~ ~d.~, ~-f~~~ ' ~ ~.d.~ 9~,5"~ ~. ? I ~/PC ~-?r.. ~~.?c~~ ~'-7~-~~~~~I. ~ 4~. k-~~~,a:;:~ --c:.. ~-~ ~ ~~~r-~~ ~~~~c ~~~~~~ ~C--<--t_~~ ~~~..::.... . I F-~~ YCL_._.._d-~7 --e_~ ~---­d---1-~-c/-c--o ../1/' ,YlJ ~-Ph /_ I : 9. Correspondence. (a) London Co-opera.tive Society requesting the Executive to receive a deputation or Messrs. A Barnes and J. 11ylles ro the li_cheoe ror proH,osed London Headquarters • }le~&· a.~.·,, _ . IJI-Iie.i.;:z;;.,.,. .4J· ~--1 ~~~~-~. (b) Joint Coooitteo ro Ad::1inistration or Education Act, 1918 inviting delegates to Conrerenoe, ~ebruary 5th. ~cC• Gc.~ ~~~ ~~~c. if ~v--c. (c) Standing Joint Cormittee or Industrial Uor::ten's Organisations, in r eply to application ror ~rriliation at rcquost or ·.iooens Group, agreeing to r e ceive rour del egates. Fees 21/-to be paid. ~c.<. . ~c-z.._ ~-< ~ ~-~c-~~~ ~~~C{~ ~~,~~~' J Sc.CISTY. i•~cndu :for Exocutivo Com~ittoe _,:eeting at O:f:fice, Friday, ~8th January, 1921 at ~=~·D· 1. Chairr.;un -wiss S. Lawrence. 2. ilinutes of' last neeting. 3. Apologies. Pro:f. E. LiOrley. 4. Report of Finance and venoral Purposes Co~:ittee. 5. Report of Publishing Cc:;I ittee. G. Sutl!:1er School Co:. itt e-e to be set up. See report of' Finance Cor;:.ittGe r ._ co·· 'Onding appointnent of sevon represe~tativJs of the Executive thereon. 7. Autuon Lectures. Kings i:iall now engaged for FridaysOct. 28th, Nov. 4th, 11th, 18th, ~5th and Dec. 2nd. Subjects and spea1:ers to be consider ed. S. Chairn ·.n for o:oeting to -night , Sanders Lecture -Rt. Hob, ~. N. Barnes, -.P. 9. Correspondence. (a) London Co-oper the schece :for proposed London Headquarters. (b) Joint Coooitteo ro AQ~inistration of Educa tion Act, 1918 inviting delegates to Con:ference, l':E>bruary 5th. (c) Standin~ Joint CoorJittee of Industrial Uomen's Organisations, in reply to application for ~filiation at request of ·iooens C.roup,agreeing t o receivE> four dE> l egates . Fees 21/-to be paid. Report of ivieeting of Fimonae "'n.l General Purposes Conr:littee, 14th Jan. 1021. PRESENT: Viebb (Chair), Davies, Dodd, Pease and General Secretary. 1. Finance. A satisfactory financial stateoont ~as received. Owing to heavy expenditure on printing during the current year and to other causes, there wu.s a teoporary shortage of cash. Arrangeoents ;-,ere !:Jade for a bank overdraft to oeot the situation. 2.-iJenbership . There Here no candidates to elect, but four resignations v;ero r eceived and accepted . 3. Hutchinson L<:Jctures. Report that nine courses were arranged this season and SOE~e others in course of arrangeoent received. The arrangenents oade for courses in the provinces on the basis of the local Labour Parties defraying extra expense of travelling, etc. wer e considered and approved. 4. Kings Hall Lectures. AutUI:'ln 1921. Owing to inconvenience of broken course of l ectures last autUI:'ln, it VTD.S decided to engage the hall for Fridays, Oct . 28th,Nov. 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, and Uec. 2nd, 1921 forthwith. The charge for hire of hall is againincreased to 25 guineas per meeting , and this was agreed to. 5. Suooer School Connittee 1921. It was agreed that the Sur:mer :.,chool Coonittee should be set up o.t once , and to recor:~oend the Executive to appoint Lir s . BoydDawson, ...trs . Salmond, uessrs . D<1.vies, Lloyd, Pease,Snell and ~ebb as its seven representntives thereto. G. Some other natters or detail were considered and settled and the neeting then adjourned. FABIAN :oOC IETY. Report of' i:.eeting of' the Publishing Comnittee 19th Jan. 1921. PRSSENT: Lirs. Boytl Dav1son (Chair), uiddleton, Tawney, and General Secretary. 1. Tracts out of' print: (a.) Report that Tawney's ".Sickness of' an AcquisitiveSociety" vms now out of' print and not to be reprinted was received. (b) Report th~,t r evise of' "1Jhat to ~1Read" is now cooploted and in the press v.ras received. (c) fl.greod to approve General Secretary's action in ordering r oprint of :a,ooo copies of' Tract 1G7 (Lif'o of ~~ . ~orris) as stock is exhausted and it i s in denand. 2. Net; P:mphl.utssuggs sted (") Pror. Fredk. Soddy's a1dross on Real \fualth and the He<1lth of Convention was considered. In view of' adverso opinions f'roo those who had read the ~ .~ . it was decided to decline publication thereof. (a) Draf't punphlet on Local Income Tax submitted by l1r. E. •J.. Uoorgo was considered, but re jected on the ground that it was too t echnical and abstruse f'or popular publication in paophletf'orn. (c) Suggested paophlet by Rivers of' Caobridge on "Psychology of lndustry" approved in principle and ngr eed to ask him to write as soon as conveni<:Jnt . 3. Sor~e natters of dotail wuro consider ed and dealt with and tho Conr1ittoo adjourned. I ~~~~ • ~~/~~ ~c.-4_ /f.2/ . I~-9--e.c.AL<-, c.--~ ~. ~/ ~, ~-<;r~4,.~­9~~~~~~ t 2.~-1d::..-~~~~ ~~­ ~ . ~. ~?~---6-~-.:..-..._._C-A. ~~c.-( ~ ~~~et~.~~~. /J.~~~.P~. L.--~1~~~~-~~ ~~~~-~~~ ~)C~p"~-~ ~~~~-~'L<~ o--..d. K;:-~d~___..c-~o/1< ~;t.-?~09~£..~/~ ~ ~.a:: ;C:.2j ZJ /~c-( ~~ /yl1 ~~p(.~...... ~. ~/C.~~~~ ~lA'-~~~~ ~t;-~ ~r;_/ · c..-/-~­ .j-,~~.{'~~-/'~ ~--~---"? ~. ~ ~~~~~a:­~~~-~ ~7~~~~~ ...~., z:_-~%"?~~? L ~ 4-­ I L /lA.,.£~--f 7 ~ ~~~-r.f~ /0 r~~~~~ ..-1-~~~-r~.~~ ~~AL._~/ ;:;---~~­ ~ . o:::z;::!.Z:~... 7L ~-~~ ~ ~,a:;:: ;k_~ ~~ ~~1:-~~t­ ~~;~-~. 7-~~--~~~ ~~t-~-~~ ~~~ I....J...._______.__ ~-c r0 a~9~~c:. ~~~ (d)~-~~~.Lo. ! ~~~M?~---~~ ~~~.--?~~­ · - ~ ~-~/CZ?k_~~r 9· ~a:::::;:, ~ ~/--.a:;;:: '"' \ ~~­ -11, Id ·~~~~-(a_) J'~ /(....__ ~z::t­~~~{;t-~~··· ~ (?) 11-S~~ ~.,_ s~~ ~~t-~ //,..,~J~~ (e ) ~)/-,._.~ <. . ~. ~~L.:..._ 3() -u.tJ ~1 ~~"/"" J-/j--<.c...~ (d)~?~-~-~c-( ·f-~-~~ ~c.-...--d ~~<.--f--?C. ~~/~~?~~ ~.4--L~c-----r-~A_,...,. . ~'"27~~~ ~.,~~---. ~~~­ / fv-t) . 0 F11.BI LN s 0 c l 3 __I' y. Agenda for Executive Co!!lmitt ee cset ing at Offico Frida~' , 18th :.!ar ch, l \J2l at 5 p.m. 1. Chairman:-E. R. Pease. 2. Ui nutes of l ast !!leeting. 3. Apologies:-J,;rs. Boyd Da·.,son, uiss Lawr ence, i::irs. Su,lmond. 4. Reports of Finance and Gener al Purposes Committee . (N.B. Include recommendation that annual meeting be he ld on ;,ay 13th. Thi s hovwver i s the Friday before \ihit Monda;/ and ought to bo r econs i de1•ed and v<port on t .;,n coursos arru.ngod m:1.s r ocvivod. 4. Lectures in FabL:m Hn.ll. Agro0d to arrnneu mootinc; for ],ossrs. Bnrnos nnd ~.yllos on ,.arch 18th and thut othor mootings bo u.l'r~ngod if practicabl e. 5. Some other mutters of dotP.il wero consid._;rod and dor,lt 'iiith. ,...-Jl'l"9sontt \.1obb (Chair), .J,vios, ~o,..J, n.nd .... -.crct·\r~· · 1. Finance . Tho report 1r •.s roeo i vcd :.wd it 1ms notod that thoro is no>t o. decline of about !~50 i n uotnbors subscriptionsthis yo~r as compar ed ~1ith l ast. Roport on tho financi~l position at ond of the yoar 1ms considered and agrvod to be not unsutisfuctory . It was resolved to recommend thu Executive: (o.) Thr>.t tho ~250 shoun in l ust bn.lanco shuot u.s "Public:~tions nosorvo" bo •.Jritton off o.s bc ine; o.bsorbed by stocks in hand of Duncn.n il:.,ll ' s book, Fabi an ;!:sso.ys, and "Phut to Ro~d". (b) Th:1.t tho .'~250 ruc;isterud ts por cont. ·.Jar Bond 1923 bJ sold o.nd tho procoods used to defray accounts due. ~. ifomborship. February CundidD.tos (5) -.wro oloctod. Lust yo:·,r (14)Two rosisrtw.tions \!..;ro uccoptod. 3. It was docidod t h::>.t tllo L1st tro.ct i ssued "Tho Hoot of Lo.bour Unrest" bo sunt out to rnc1mbors 1rith 11pril "iluiTS" . 4. Hutchinson Locturus . It Has <1Grood t hut no furthsr courses bo arran3od this soason. 5. Annual _,eoting. iq>;rood to r uooumund tho Exocutivo thnt this b0 hold in Fabi :m .thll on . a~-13th (But sou noto on Agondn. t hor eon) 6. It u<:1.S o.grood to o.rrnnc;u a moctinc; in F:cbLn Hall on April 8th for Shipm~y ' s l octuro on China . 7. Somo other dotr.Lils \T•.•ru considorud o.nd doalt with. !i' A B I ,, H ·JOClETY. S C .ri ·.; C L (; l d 1 TT E E. 1 9 2 1. ywo-lD&e'W.ngs or the Commit t 0e have be en held since the last Executive i..oeting. (l) Uednesd~y, Febru~ 9th, 1921. Present: Hiss Hankinson, ~iiss uooro, liessrs. Da.vies, Katz, Pease, 'iebb, and Socrotary. 1. A. E. Davies was elected Chairm~n or the Committee. 2. iliss L. Dnuson, _,ossrs. n. J. Bt~ssott-Lowko and J. \i. Shau ~ere co-optod to the Committee. 3. It ~as decided to t nko Brier's Fiuld for the School again this year for rour woolcs, Jul~' 30th -Aug. 27th on the s~o t orms us last ye~r. 4. The roes to be charged to visitors nuro considor od and increo.sod r.nd it \mS dccit.lod to diff'orentio.to them as betnoon mwnoors and non mvmbors of' tho Socioty, the la.tter b€1ing ch~\rc;od more. 5. Tho programme was considered •~nd it uas ngr ood to arrang0special subjocts o.nd l octuros f'or oaoh rwok as l ast year. e. Othor dotnils uoro consider ed n.nd dvo.lt with. (2) 1;0dnosda.y, 7th •..>.rch, 1921. Presont: D~wi0s (Chair) 1 iiss Dnnson, tliss Hnnldnson, Liiss " oor, ~.Gssrs. Bu.ssott-Lor1ke , Katz, Poa.se, Shaw, Snell, and Secretary. 1. Socrot o.ry reportod Priors Field t nkon and o.groomont signod. 2. I-'orm of' applico.tion wns consider ed and a.mondod a.nd approved. 3. Programme and diroctors wero cWl'O.UBOd as :f'ollows:­1st Week. Sociu.lism and Literature. Director F. Lo.wson Dodd or H. Snoll. 2nd Ueek. International ar:tairs. Dirootor L. Haqon truest or H. Snell. :Srd Woek. Womans Quostilpns. Director .i s s s. Lm1ronco or Dr. Fair:f'iold. 4th Week. Control of' Public Opinion. Director JI..E.Du.vios. 4. Spociul Lectures v;oro considered and list agreed upon, ancl that tho :reo be tho same as last your, viz. ;';:2. 2. Od. v.nd oxponsos. 5. Agreed to rocommond th0 Exucut i vo Cor.uni t t oo tho.t o. Sociul Evening and r ounion :tor .:..wn~:F_,r School Visitors bo arrcmgod in 1\pril if pos .~iblo . 6. Some othor do t a ils cwr o considdr ed and sottlod. I. -'2-::H-~~~ ~d"/ L.2~ ~/f.:ll 9~-~~~~~~~~~~ ~,~4_ ~-~d.. , ~-~,7<4-0-<. ~-/~ tk-.-( ~-..... C.1 --< ..-t:c_~ 7. J. ~-~-1.4"C'-c-t.---<. -r----~f~, ~-g~~~~­ 1~~~~~ ~ a.-1 .rL ~~. ~-~=-t.~~~-~~ 9~a.-~~ ~~~~~­ ~~-~~c~~-~~~ /~. a..~ .A/11_.{7_ ~ ~~-r~~­ 74.-..A-~;_;;· A/I&Z ~ ~~ ~;~~·~'~~A.~~ ~c.. ~ ~ ~AO:::O ~-4) 1~·~ ~ ~ (3) .N'--.v J,­ w~L ~ ~~-kZ:..~~~. I ~H;;T~A~~ ~. ~.~ ~ ~.::>'\. ~4.. 7 h-._ ;:::?' .e-..-?'" ..:l,(. ~~(4)M.~~ ~1:;-e-4..f<-· 4 _ C,... C.w ...C -r-f-­~ht...s ;.;-~~-r;-~4-t ~/....-r (,. .~~-9~.rrt '1 ~~ ~~-4-.-4-c.. ~ ~~pr~ ~~-.:-~&'&·~.,{ ..........-...A.. • C~c...,.,. ,. ,, ..if· ~ "",.......~ /4.;::::r ~~h. • n._ ~1 ~A,, .•...,. « e~ ": a. ., A::;.:::r .-le~ -4 ~.,._., ...a:.. ~. £... 4/ . 4e-c.•·h· ~Lft.. ~-~·# -~. a. ~-~ ~..) ,it • ~., 4. /J. ~-ef". h.PA-.>. ~ ~~~-~~~ ~ ~~-· ~••....-t.-1 C/~ tldt .• •• • "'~. ~'--·~;k ~-rr -f~-.L..~~ . ~« J ( /h.N:.•oc t!hu4) /:., ~ I f'~..../ ~•• ,--...... ~. ~ ( )W>-: ~~J"4...........t, ;.,..a_, ~LI--) Correspondence. . ~J. ...... Je,,........... Le-»a....., if ~···•# r .. (a) Lubour ?art~-.rtnnue.l Coni'orence, Brighton, June 21st . ~o~inations of delec~tos, otc . required . (b) . Lubour Housir.g ~ssoc1.:.t.ior. ..nr.ual Qener...:-1 ,eeting )"a~ ""-:s<:e:{ nell' .iTTS" . (4) League_of • orld ~ri·n1ship r::>1ucs~:..n~ us_to sign t.. ~, _•__ ..._ uadres2 to C. ' " . in·;itint;. tntl ··reSld.:mt ~to off-:r osdL.tion bet·.,.,Gn !'ranee and Germ;'tj:.". C5 (a_)~~~~-~~ tiC~.£?~~~ ~-~4-z._~ t-t--k.-. ~<-., (tj.AI'o~~ (c)~.~~P'~ ~~~~~­ (~ ~ee.....,_ , ~. ~~PC-.~., ~~~ ?/q I ·-·v CIL: T "i . Age nda for Executive Committee ..Geting at Of fice, Frida}· 22nd April,F ·21 at 5 p.r:1 . 1 -. Chairman -lirs.. Salmond. 2; u inutes of last meeting. · 3. Apoloeies -if any. 4. Report of Finance and General Purposes Com~ittee annexed. 5. Report of Publishing Committee annexed. (;. Annual Report and Accounts. Proof of draft enclosed he rewith. To be consider ed and passed for issue to members with :J.ay Fabian Hews. 7. Autumn Lectures at Kings iia.ll. Subject and speelwrs to be further considerod and settled. ict present four suggestions (or ti1roa if the last t vro are considered identical) viz., 1. Limitations of Social Democracy . 2. Davies suggestion of course on Utopias. 3 . \7hat the Labour Government '.?ill do. 4. A Labour Programme for the ~eneral Election. 6. Correspondence. (a ) Labour Party Annual Conference, Brighton, June 21st. Nominations of delegates, e tc. required. (b) Labour Housing Association Annual Gener...:.l ;,eeting, Essex Hall, April 30th. Delegates invited. (c) Universit;<{ Labour Federation. _,r. H. Henderson, Hon. Soc. requesting permission to send out circular relating thereto with "Fabian l-iens". (4) League of liorld Friendship r equesting us to signaddress to U. S . A. invitint; the Presidvnt to off5r oedio.tion bet7J0en France and Germany. \~ FABIL·•N ;:, 0 C I ET Y. Report of meeting of Finance and Goner~l Purpose s Co~~ittoe at Office, Friday , 8th April, 1: 21. f'resent: \7e bb (Chair), Davies, Pease and Lreneral Secretary. 10 Finance. Accounts to the end of the :;·oar >HJr e presented and considered satisfo.ctory 3te..ndring' s account for printing 111iihat to Road'' \-r,;.s acc0pted and it TTas decided to carry this forward to the y e<:\1' 1"21-22. .,<-> • I:-e,rliamentar~· Bye -Elections i~und. l t was r esolved to r ecommend the Trustees to mal-;:e a gr ant of 7~50 to F. E. Gr een in the event of' his conte~lting the pendine bye-election in the Chichester uivision of Sussex. · :s • ...,enbership. ;_,arch candidates (1:~ ) ·,rer0 el0cted. }Last ;.'e c.J.r 1:'1) 0 Five resignations ;7el'G e.ccepted . 4. St.lff matters. lt was agreGd to incrense i-wr;ell's salary by 10/-per week in vimr of t l1e fact thJ.t he ho.s nm1 cor·tpl .:,tod :50 years servico with the Societ;,·..taud's salary was i ncreased b~· ':::!/ -per ~rl.lGl' o..nd arr angement approved to share her services and snL:~r~r between t he Soci e t y and the .ttaihmy i;jutiono.lisation Society. liillison, the lad's, salary was increased 2/ 3d por vreel<:. 5 . Hutchinson Lectures . Report on these and the rinuncial position was considered. In vie~ of the fact that t he special "Hutchinson" f'und i s now exhcl.UStod togrGed to recommend the Executive the,t no further steps be taken in this mntter at pr0santo 6. Some other !!lc.tters of -:stall '.:ere considered. ~md dealt with and t he meeting adjourned . FABihl:J S O CI E TY. Report of Meeting of the Publishing Committee 20th April, 1921. 1. Present -Tawney (Chair), Attlee, and General Secretary. 2. Tracts going out of print. (a) ~o. 52 -Parish and District Councils ; agrOdd to reprint. Price to be increased to 2d. (b) No. 167 -The Tencher in Politics by Sidney \'/ebb.Aereed to reprint. (c) This hisery of Boots by n:. G. V/ells. Agreed to reprint -price to be increased to 6d. 3. New pamphlets. ( ,t) Biographical series -f'urther additions considered,and Secretary instructed to invite various members and others to prepc:.re tracts on i.iarx, Jaures, Lovett,Cobbett, Oastler and 5adler. (b) Sanders Tract on International Labour Of'fioe. Agreed to recommend publication with appendices as a 1/-booklet. 4. llew Book. lli.S. submitted by rt. Sturt considered. Agreed that eff'orts should be made to secure publication and that the Labour Publishing Company or other publishersbe invited to join with us in publishing it. 5. Some other matters of' detail were considered and dealt with and the meetin.g adjourned. j ~-~~~~~/!J-y<>l~, Jf'A. -~.)"'.L.~~h'//~-, ( h. ~d.,~~.LJ~. i: /(./~' )/ ~'s._~ ~~~-/~ /.~~-~~~/~a:._~ ..z .~~-'1~~~ ~~c•• ~~­ 8 -~~+-~~lA_~~~ --)..L. ~-7~-~-~-~.f~ ~~~­ 4-~~1S'~~~~1~--~ --r:-~ ~~-~~~ ~~~(' CCZL; ~~C e-c ..... --._c£,~ · c<_ ~ ~-·-~-~,~5J-z~ ~ ~9~~5~, .~ • I ~/9~~~:-~-~ ~-;~~~-9-tf~­-<£ -R?~' s~. ~~---~, ~~~~~~­ / , ~t:{, ~~-9~, /~~~~­ ~-;4 ~:h-"'-­ ~~'--7~.'­~~~~~­ / ,/ , / ~~/~v<,~~~ 4~.9~,~r~' s~.~~~~­ c-c~ ~ . ~ tv.._.,~~ ~~~ ~~--~~-hrw(,..f./. ~,)~ r~, Mv--~ I . 7. ~-c;s~~~~~I ~~~~~ ~ I _) ~ g .~)._...~~~~~-~~ tO ~~~eA:__~ r A/'c-v1 11 "? CL-...'{ tC ~~~~=( ~~ ~~,~ -~-~_hf-...-ed~, ~-~-~: ~cL.-,~ ~~~k-~4---£~~ ~-~. /.-...d. ~~__vc-v" /I ~ ~-~~~-~-~~ 4--~~~o..... ~~­b_~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~!-L--v< ~c.-c_r ~,r ~G{,~~~~)#-e;-~,/-~ ~-Lf~(r~JT~-~~-~­ du . f.-~h-._/, :e. /A-~, ~/f.~ !· ~ht ,;, )-d-/~, /~J7-. 9~.~7-~ a. (a.....v . a. J-e~J­ ..bf· WJ......, ~t6-~~C4•· J ~ ~~~~~--z~ ~,c__~~~ 1~,~~-z.-~ ~~-~~~ ~~-'--'-~~­~~~~~ ltt _../ d-~~~~--c~-~~ ~~-~~~~ ~~~~-~~ ~A/.---1-~~~~-~ ~~~­ Cf -~~6~~~ -f -~-~~~' /t/' · ~o-<~ ~~~-~A ~~1----r ~ ~. ~~~~~dt() fo ~ ~~~­ FABIAi; ;_, 0 0 I E I' Y. Agenda for meeting of the .;.;;xocutive OomJi ttee at Office, Friday 27th kay 1°21 at 5.30 p.m. 1. Chair -Sidney \fe bb. 2. d inutos of last moeting. 3, Apologia s for absence -Prof. E. iJorley, ,,irs. Salmond. -'!,. ;i;l e ction of StnnLling Committees for the ensuing yoo.r,viz: (a) Finr.nce and GeGaral Purposes. ( b) Publishing. (c) Propae;[mdu.. 5. motu of Chairmen for Otl3Uing year to be settled. r -. Report of Fino.nce an<.l Genor!J.l Purposes Committee ennexed. 7. Heport of Summer o:>chool CorJwi t tee annexed. 6. Autumn lectures at l:inc;s hall. Subject settled at Last meeting "The Lir:1its of Social Der.wcracy". Five spealcers nou arranged, viz., Oole, Dc.vies, Shaw, ;;;ullas and \'lebb. Beveridge declines. One more r equired. Chairman to be considered and settled and authoritygiven to print and i ssue syllc1.bus. ~. Ohc>.irman :f'or Annual ,_;eeting (t onight 27th i:ia~' in Fabian Hall) E. F. Errington. 10. Correspondence. Roy~>.l Holloway College Frcbian Society askingfor lecturerfrom here some evening in present term. Any offers? FAD IAN Report of .,euting of Finance and G<.moral Purposes Comml t t ee at Office, Friday, 20th ...ay, 1021. Present: Tie bb (Chair), Davies, drs. ~ebb (non member) and Secretary. 1. Finance. A satisfactory financial ~tatement to April ~Oth was received. The Secretary reported that acting on advice he had converted our .'.1,000 5~; Har Bond 1924 into £1,610 3-}:'~ conversion Loan :Jtock. The action was approved. 2. uleobership. April candidates (7) •;roro elected. Last year (9).Ten resignations uero accoptod. 3. Bool{ Box circular. It was <'.gr eed t hu.t this be r eissued in the Autumn as it stands unltlss events meanwhile enable revision to be made. 4. uinerva Film Cowpany . Agreed to recommend the Executive Committee to appoint a small sub committee to conf'er with representatives o:f the Company on their proposal that wo might eo-operata in production or propaganda films and report again. 5. Some other matters of detail ncra considered and dealt 1>:ith and the meeting adjourned. FABIAZi <>0ClE 1' J.-. Report of i.ioGt1ng of the S=or Sohool Committe;.;~ at Office, ~onday, 2~rd ~ay, 1021. PRESEHT: Davies (Chair), i..iss Dawson, Hiss ila.nkinson, j,fiss iloor, Bassett-Louko, Katz, Shaw and Secretary . 1. Roport on applioations was received and list road and approved. It rras resolved: That membership of tho Societyincludes s.ll members and Associatos, and also
    ( ~ ~~"k.~....t:-Z::-;.. 4 A.~ .. 111 . J ~~4-J-~~zr~ ~P(1/CJ ~ ~'/' ~ ~~~7~ 7· /~/huu-4_~ -~~"-' I ~. ~!fZ.. ,_,..,G.. ~­~~.~~ ~"""-pC. ~.t-LC.:;f ~~1~~t-c_ / I) to. (b) Sociotios for _nrBl ProGross invitin5 dJl DRutos to Oonforunoe o.t l..iunov o., Scptc.;ntbc..~r 1s t. (e ) London Ln.bour P :.•rt'' -ro Be."'\anr nnd Fnir, Doe. 1921. Invitinc Riits: . . F : B 1 , l! ;_; 0 c l r :t. lLt;SttllUU .L u1· LI'VUV .L Jg UJ. l.f10 C. XVL:UL.lV t.' V J:JfJ.lt. LCO (J,t. U1"1'~00 1 f1'r1dE\.y I 22nd July , IO:?J at ~ P·"' • 1. Chair -i.o.jor C, ,,, ilttloo. 2. , ,inutes of 'ln.st meeting. 3. Apol ogies -Davios, rin.don Guest. 4. To consider resolution passod by the Annuc1l .,eL~bors ..outing :. "1'hnt e. Social ,\otivitie:> Cor:~uittoe be forr ed consistingof three neuber s of the Executive and t uo ec•.oh fror:~ the \!of!lons Ureup and tlw .:.u~ll1<'r oJOhool Cmmittoo, 17ith power to add to their nuubor for the purpose of urrang­ing social functions in oennootion ni th the Society" • If so docided tho Cor~cli ttcJJ to bu set up und three f!ler-lbers of the e::wcutivo u.ppointod thereto. 5. Roports of Finance n,nd uoneral }urposes Com:~i ttee annoxed. (Copy of cconor;1ndum by t)bb re Tullooh, Burr and •.ilos Fund encl osed for infor.~.,tion). G. Report of PublishinG UoJJrJitteo r.mno.,tcd , , -:--. n.ub-aa .. lT'4r~','"t.ra...•f3n -a'-h.i• J1',•· J:I,. 11: up,~·-1.: .. ,£'~.., .,...:.u(r Vnn.1r'1un ncr:r all o.rranc;od -soc proof of clr Lft progr•\J:lt:le ono:).osed . Question of prioos to bo cha.r god for tiolw ts deo.lt nith in Report of Fin.•.noo Cor:JJJittee 'Ll:)ove . iloto froo 0, U. Sha.n ro [lOnernl titlo of lootures to bo consider ed. s. Report of Speoinl Sub Connittoe r o Pilns. Tho Conmitteo rGport thJJ.t thoy havo f!let and interviGI!ed .,r. Pm:or of t ·,o :..inorvo. Filf!l Go. !li s firm n0\1 enGac;ed in prop .Lring t\ filn for the L•Lbour Purty but \IOUld 110l cor.K ido: s r.md sue;gestions. It is rocor.J<'lOncloudit of throo yor1rs' (l/os, H'lP-20-~~1 . Tlh: ,,nnu.cl l(uport for H18l non boing print·.J.lc ;m~· c,,.,l'f,O fur t ..,. ·.:or]( dono . i\n ); action? 10 . Corrospondonoe. (_.) Insti tuto do H,1forl.Jal3 :.;ooi o.los, ctdrid a.slcingo:'oho.ngo of publio,tt i ons, otc. (b) Soci c,tios for __oral Pror;r uss in vitine; clul or;>•.tos to Oonfor unoe ttt vonov,t, S•:ptonJbur 1s t. (c) London Lnbour P·.trty -ro Btc?.artr nnd Fair, Doe. 1921. Invitin::; r,ifts . Hoports of l' ;!,f)ance _o.nd l.~_r •l l-'uri>9gl__§_ Committee. T11o ..egti n ·s . 1. Friday, lOth Juno, l (:' 81. Present: ilobb (Clt.cir) Davios, Dodd, , rs.3 eorotary roportod subst=tial decline in sn.los of litor :o.turo ns comparod nith l ast yenr. .•embership. iJny eo.ndido.tes (15) 11vro ~.11 cl uotod . Lc.st YC:H\r (13). There were no rosigzmtions. 4. Kings H•~ll Le-ctures Autwnn . F\l ·t her considorod cmd det ailed v.rr,mgomo'nts re d .. tos of leoturors :md Chairmen settled. Hosol ved to roc01mnond .,;xooutive ·= ''1'hat prices to bo ohar end for ticlcots bo as f ollows:­ (a ) For Oourso Tickets 81/-, l Lo/-18/-and ! / -. .:embers of the Society to bo "ivun ''-r·Jbnto of 2d in the 1/-, makinr; prioos to thom 17/'d, 14Gd , 10/-and 5/-only. (b) Singl o tiolw ts to bo 5/-, 3/-;d., 8/Srl nd 1/b. qnd no rclbnto to bo allouod. 5. V.•.rious mr.•.t tors of dot :·.il •.Jorn considerc•d .~.nu du"l t r. i th ::md the Oommitt0o ncljournod. g_,_ .ueti nf> -Frid ,,:.· 8th Jul :r, 11121. 1. PrL1sont: Uobb (Chu.ir), Dn.vios, Dodd, rs . Dralco and .j~.Jcrotoxy. 1 2. A Finc.ncL\l St·.ter~ont ;:r.\S cuc:.!< .,ncl t h_· . ..:ucuti vu to l '\rlOpt t hol propos--.1. 7. Uom.::;. oth,,I' m.tt...;r:.; o1' \t L il H' :t~ lt it'1 t!4~ t!h; Corn:--,ittoe :;dj urn~d. ------•~------~-----------------­ Report of Publishing Co J .1itt0o , cotine 1/odnesd .~ 2 t 1 J~.;ne, l :Cl. Prosont: r1rs . Boyd Dawson {Chair), AttlJo, •n.cr :to -Gibson, Lnski, .ir s • •. ebb ,,nd Svoretary. ( clso ..r s . Drc.ke non m(}mbol') • 1 . ..rs . ''u bb nns olocted Chn.irmc.n for tho onsuing yoo.r, o.nd it was dooidod t ho Comr.~ittoo should moot on \/ednesdays !lt 5 p.m. in future. 2. \lobb' s memoro.ndum ro Tullooh, Bnrr and '"1los Fund \InS considered o.nd it rms ~.grood to rooommond tho Executive to adopt tho propos ,1. 3. Tract ilo. 62. Pd:­ Tn11noy on Profession .1 Org:>ni s: tl ons, He bb on Co-operu.tion. Lloyd, D: lton, Lt•.ski, Hod;;os and othors on othor questions. 7, Soma mnttors of dutnil .. l' O d.tnlt ~1ith ::md the Committoo ndjournod. PROPOS.\L BY SIDl/EY UEBB . The Executive Committee ought to come to some decision as to its application or the rund 6ow in hand derived rrom certain legacies by deceased members. Those are as rollous:- Yl . Tulloch, £179. 7. 5d. Dr. Hugh Barr, 97. 5. 0 0. A. ililos, 20 . o. 0 :£296 . 12 . 5d. ====::::=======--== Various suggestions ror the application or the income rrom these legacies have boon mado; but the amount has been deemed too small to permit of anything both usorul and effective. After considering o.ll tlleso suggest i ons, I not: submit for consideration the idea of using t he cc:,pital as a constantly rone>;od publishing fund. \/hat I suggest i s : 1. Tho.t thoro should bo instituted n Tyl.loch, Barr and .Iilos Publishing Fund. 2. That there should bo defrayed froo this Fund the cost of publishing spocio.l books, r eports or po.ophlets uhioh could not othoruise bo convonientlyundertaken. 3. That the not proceeds of suoh publications be poriodio!dly r eturned to the Fund. 4. That tho :f'lylouf' on title p<].ge of ovory publication so financed should contain soroo such notico as tho rollovling: "This nork ho.s b<-on published at the oxp8nso of tllo Tulloch, Bo.rr nnd ;;n os Publishing Fund instituted ns a ~Ionorial of' \ir:1 . 1'ulloch, Dr. liugh Bnrr, n.nd C. A. :;ilcs, ncobors of' thG Fabian Society , t rro of r:hOI:l lost their livos in tho Groat i~ar." I ~~~~ ~d~.21~-~/fc:ll. 9~:-~-~.~~.4.--~, . __..__ ~-~,9~~.~-L-~, 9~_~?~c:..-..d ~,<.,.L ~~­ ~ -~0-1~~-~~~ a. ..,_--<..._ ·r . ~-f-~~u.~~ ~}J~, hut~hv--J k~~. ~-~-:z~:~~~ ~~.A:-~~­~ ~{u) vi· ~~c.t c ~a. ~c;: frdn-. 1 c._,~ .e._~~::-:--=.·. ~~-~A-t -.1£-,d. c:-c.~-~ {uu.-L~~-;/7~~ ~?~'7; ?-.Y~-~ ~~'h.~.~~ ~-~~~~A~-_£{_~~ J~ttt~-/~ ~~ ~'--1-.~ ~~. :,-.~--4~~~ ~ItA..~~~~-~ v{:::_(L.c)S'~ ~~ N-4 -L-f -tJ. ar-,~.~ 7 L.~ Jf'?? ~ 7 lt;:,._ ~-t--~, a ... ~ ~ ..:1I Z!' ~ ':J ---4_ ~~.S~a..-4~ ~~~~~~/~tL-o:-D ~ I J?J-b ~, J 2 A4:-a--..-<. ~ ~~­~~(-V v~~~ ~.(;-~ ~1 6~-c..-i'~~7~ ~~.. ~~r~~~j ~-~~~~·­ S. 9. 10. ' u: 16 I . ~~.f~~L'~---~~r:. c«.~~~~~ ~ __. c ~~4--... ~~~ ~~(4-J,L~ ~~~ ~~~tL CL-/·~-­ ~l~~~~7 ~~-~~~4-­~ ~/--~--~-/ r s. IY.!-f,J...-~ . .S<--~­ 9. Sara. Hall Trust -Robert Owen lecturers, etc. Proposalthat the Secretary be authorised to co-operate with the trustees in arranging leoturers and lectures a.t their expense, and on repayment o~ any o~~ice etc. expenditure incurred. f_ /(. 9-<-~ ~~~ ~~J-~~ a..y'--«--<-~ ;{; 10. Oorrespondenoe. (a.) Ja.mes Bacon, our auditor, sending thanks ~or ~ee voted to him by last meeting. (b) Webb -re Prisons Enquiry Oommittoe Report and his book on English Prisons askingoo-opera.tion in sale o~ cheap editions. ( 0) Webb-re-stook of Parts 1 & 2 of MinorityReport on Poor Law. Suggesting offer of oopies to members free on repayment of oast of postage. (d) H. Duncu.n Hall re his book The British Common­ wealth of Nations. (o) London Lu.bour Party re Annual Conference Nov.26th asking for nominations for Offioers and Executive (before Nov~lst)and delegates (3) to conference. (et)~.(~)~ (c)~~~~F ?1> ­ t,_ I'~ ~~~y~ ~~~-'7~-7~~­ (vi)~~~~ (.e) ~;_~~4-o ~~""--~ t:.~ ~ 1-~~-~ ~-~~_, J+},~,//H·~~~­ ]L_ ~~~rJL·c'~ PABIAR SuCIETY. Agenda for meeting of the Executive Committee at Office, F~iday,21st October,l92l at 6 .p.m. l. Ohair -A. E . Davies. 2. Minutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies -if any. 4 . Report of Finance and General Purposes Committee annexed. e. Report of Publishing Committee annexed. 6. Report of Summer School Committee ~nnexed. 7. Report of Social Activities Comillittee annexed. e. Autumn Lectures at Kings Hall. Arrangements complete and nearly all seats sold out. Receipts to date about £500. (A Platform ticket for the cour~e will be sent to anymember of the Executive on application). 9. Sara Hall Trust -Robert Owen lecturers, etc. Proposal that the Secretary be authorised to co-operate with the trustees in arranging lecturers and lectures at their expense, and on repayment of any office etc. expenditure incurred. 10. Correspond~m.ce. (a) James Bacon, our auditor, sending thanks for fee voted to him by last meeting. (b) Webb -re Prisons Enquiry Committee Report and his book on English Prisons askingco-operation in sale of cheap editions. (c) Webb -re stock of Parts 1 ~ 2 of MinorityReport on Poor Law. Suggesting offer of copies to members free on repayment of cost of postage. (d) H. Duncan Hall re his book The British Common­wealth of Nations. (o ) London Labour Party re Annual Conference Nov.26th asking for nominations for Officers and Executive (before Nov·.lst) and delegates (3) to conference. Report of Pinanoe -Gc· Committee. Friday ~Oth September,l92l. Present: Webb (Chair), Davies, Dodd, Pease and Socretary. 1. A financial statement was received. The fall in sales of literature continues, but the receipts from subscriptions show signs of recovery. The financial position is satisfactory at present owing to reduced expenditure and receipts from Summer ~chool and KingsHall Lectures. ~. July, August and September candidates (14) were all elected. Last year (19 ) Four resignations were received and ten members bf defunct local socie~ies struck off. A report on mbmbers su~scribing 5/-or lass per annum was considered, showing ;176 members and 81 subscribers of 5/-or lecis . Tha Secretary was instructed to bring up a list of those subscribingleee than 5/-at next meeting, and to add a note to form of application for ~emberst~r ~hat subscribers of less than 10/-involve a loss t~ the Society. 3. Kings Hall Lectures. A satisfactor y report was received and some matters of detail were dealt with. lt was decided to take no steps in reference to publicationof the l ectures. 4. Winter meetings. It was agreed to recommend that Essex Hall be to.ken as usual for the :and and 4th F·ridays in Jan. Feb. Warch and April (omitting Easter) and a course of leotures arranged on current problems. Various suggestions were made as to lecturer s, inclu~ingSir C. &. Nair, Adrian Brunei, s. K. Ratclifie,l!.rs.H. D. Butler, Col. Geo. Schuseer and J. A. ilobson;and if possible a lecture on Road lransport. 5. At Miss Lawrence's request a resolution on Unemploymentand equalisation of rates was sent to the London Labour Party for the agenda of their Annual Conference. 6. The Secretary was instructed to pay the Annual Affiliation Fees to the Laeour Party and the London Labour Party. 7. A large number of other m~tters of detail were considered and dealt with and the Committee adjourned. Report of ~blishing Committee, Wodnesday, 12th October. 1921 . Present! Mrs. Webb (Chair) J, H. Macrae-Gibson, E. R. Pease,and Se<'!'etary. 1. Report on Tracts going out of print was received. It was agreed ':to withdraw:­ l a) Bo,75. Labour in the Longest Reign. s. Webb. b) Ho. l 72.What about the Rates. Webb. and to reprint, price 2d each (a) No. 79 ~ word of remembrance, eto, John Woolman. (b) No.l60 Philosophy of Sociali3m. A. Cl~tton Brook. (c) Ho.l67 The Teacher in Politics. Sidney Webb, 2 . New Tracts. Biogr aphical ~eries. Report that J .L.Hammond had agreed to write tract on Lovett was received,Report that Laski's Karl Marx was nearly ready and would be a booklet was noted and consi deration deferred. Agreed to defer further consideration of others sugges ted. 3. Sturt's Book Socialism and Char acter. Further oorresponden~eand hlr. Sturt's offer to contribute £30 towards cost of publication considered. Resolved to recommend That the book be published from the Tullooh Barr a~c. Fund and M~ssrs . Allen & Unwin' s offer accepted if still available. 4. Robson's htemo on liethods of Recruitment f'or Civil and ~unicipal Servioe considered. Secretary reported that the B.A.L.G.C, had seen draft and offer ed to purchase750 copies at reduced price if published. Agreed to recommend that it be published from the Tulloch, Barr, eto. Fund if tho offer of ii.A.L.G .O. is confirmed. 5. Various tracts oull of print were considered and stepstaken to obtain revises , etc. Secretary reported no one willing to undertake revision of "What an Education Committee can do". It was agreed that Robson be asked and a fee offer ed. 6. Some matters of detail were dealt with and the Committee adjourned. Report of Summer 3chool Committee Meeting Monday,26th Sept. 1921 • .~ntl Davies (Ch&ir), Bassett-Lowke, Miss Dawson, Miss Hankinson, Katz, Miss Moor, Shaw, Snell and Secretary. 1. Bassett-Lowke and Miss Hankinson were appointed representativesto the Social Activities Committee. 2. A preliminary report on Finance was received showing:, Total Receipts £1125 Expend,ture (Est.) 800 Balance (Est.) £325 Excluding all expenditure on overhead charged. 3. List of members who had paid fees but could not attend was considered and refund of part payments ordered. 4. It was agreed that a fee of 25 guineas be paid to the Manager for her services at the school with the best thanks of t he Committee f or her successful work. 5. Some other matters were cons idered and dealt with or deferre~ and the Committee adjourned. --------000--------­ Report of So9ial Activities Committee Meeting, 17th Oct.l921. Present: Bassett-Lowke, Mrs. Corner, Davies, Mi ss Dawson, Mi ss Hankinson, hlacrae Gi bson and Secretary. 1. A.E. Davies was elected Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. a It was agreed that the Committee should meet on Mondays at 5p.m . 3. The question of eo-option of other members to the Committee was deferred. 4. After consideration it was agreed to recommend: (a) That a social evening for members of this year'sSummer School only be held in Fabian Hall on Thursday,l7th Nov. A charge of 1/-ea.to be made. )b) That ..ir.and t.!rs .Sidney l'lebb 1 s offer of receptionsfor members at Grosvenor Rd. on Friday and Sat­urday, Dec. 9th and lOth be accepted with thanks . (c) That a reception be arranged at Suffolk St.Galleries in the New Year. Secretary to make enquiries as to cost, conditions, etc. 5. The meeting then adjourned. r I ) "' ~c~ ~~/G ~ ~/jfi./. '?~--~/~'~,"­ ' -Cp.;:;~t~~~~ ~.?~.~.P~. ~~~-~~~ c~ ~~~~~75/~· :.~'l~~~~""---( (24.-·~.A_ ~. ~-~A~~~r---.­/W"~--z~. ~~-~, ~ ~~~­ ~ . ~1~~~.L2..4u~z:;;)~ ~~.-<_~~. ~_#~/-~(6/~7­~r 9"~~u~.~ ~ ~~ v ~-~..A/t~-2. ~(~~9~~ ~~;~~&) J1~f~~;k~. 'k~~-.,.c v(-~~ ~~ ~~~z:u~ ~-~~~~/PC; ~e-.:-•.,._. c;.._. ~~. ~~IZ,-~~~ ~1.-1..-~ ""'"-1. -eL. ~. ~..--~J? r~·t-£;~~:d . .3-.~-19~~/~ ~~~;._~/~ ~... !l ~~1-ec.-v-----<-~~ ~5 o. g~ ~o &.~-js->~S'~~r~ :c ~~--7 ~1~~ee-~ ~~ '-~~ ~~~a...-.~­... ~ ~A..~-z;-~-ttw~ t(J~ ~~,~~Le..~ ~~zrZ.. re--<, ~4-4: ~ ~-'!-~~~ "-ve_a;; ~~~~ ~~~~~/t-­ 7· S . __.,~ 14.-~/ ~ ~~ ~-f( ~~~~YV'--(_ . ~ik.~'t_~ ~~ ~~~~ 7Ph..~~~~~ /~~~~ ~ · Correspondenee. (a) A. E. Davies -Apologies for f~ilure to lecture n.t Kings Hall on !iovember 25t·h. (b) T. Kennedy, lil.F., S • .u .F. sending thanks for letter of condolence sent to Mrs. Hyndman. (o) International Labour Offioe asking us to distribute widely a -leaflet giving decisions of the Labour Conference • . a. !2....~....( , ~/ ~ ('. ~d-~d-~~zt ­~~~~_/v~ tfA...I'TZJ c..rz::.-_._... ~ ~ /L~~~ '2o"'~'•rl('-~~ ~ -. '-7 ' 'l"J... r , FAil lAB SOCIETY. Agenda for meoting of the Executive Committee at Office, F'riday,16th Dec3mber, 1921 at 5 p.m. 1. Ohair -F. Lawson Dodd. 2. Minutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies -if any. 4. Reports of Finance eto. Committee annexed (Two meetings) 6. Report of Publishing Committee annexed. e. Report of Summer School Oommittbo annexed. 7. List of names of members for \ihom we have no addresses enclosed. Members of the Oorn..1ittee are requostedto supply the Secretary with present addresees of any of them about whom they h,'ve information. e. Oorrespondenee. (a) A. E. Davies -Apologies for f~ilure to lecture at Kings Hall on ~ove~ber 25th. (b) T. Kennedy, lti.F., .:>.:U.F. sonding thanks for letter of condolence s;:,nt to htrs. Hyndman. (o) International Labour Office asking us to distribute widely a leaflet giving decisions of the Labour Oonferenoe. REPO.RTb OF Fli.'LulCE ETC ••GOtL~ITT3E. (Two Meetings) (1) Friday, 11th November, 1921. Present& Webb (Ohair), Dodd, Mrs. Drake, and Secretary. 1. A satisractory rinancial statement to date was received. 2. October candidates (14) were all elected. Last year (16) Four resignations were accepted. Report on members subscribing les s than 5/-per annum,showing 36 members and 4 subscribors, was considered. It was decided to take no action thereon at present. 3. Kings Hall Lectures. Jatisfactory report received showingreceipts to date £550. E:xpensas would probably be about £300. Winter »eetings at Essex Hall. Prcliuinary list of arrange­ •• ments consi4ered and approved. Agr&ed that a lecture on Road Transport be arranged for the vacant date ir possible. 5. Parliamentary General Election Fund. Secretary's action in putting preliminary notice in *Newsft approved.Issue of circular to members considered. Agreed to recommend Executive Committee to appoint the rive rollowing members as Trustees of the Fund, viz•• Davies, Dodd, Laski, Pease and Secretary. 6. An estimate for cleaning and repainting the shop front £6. 15. 6d. was considered and accepted, and the work ordered to be put in hand forthwith. 7. Some other matters of detail wore dealt with and the Committee adjourned. (2) Fride.y, 9th December, 19~:!1. Preeentl Webb (Chair), Davies, Dodd, litrs. Drake, l•irs. Salmond, and Secretary. (also Dr. L. B. Fairfield -.nd J. H. c!a.cro.e Gibson, non-members) 1. :~r, J. Baird at tended to seek interview with the Committoe to onlist help for Delfast expelled workors. The Oommittee decided not tb see him but to reply that we do not tal{e collections at our meetings. 2. A satisfactory financial statement was received. It was noted that our tenants the Civil Service Union are removing from the premises. 3, November candidates (26) were ole&tod. Last year (42)Seven resignations were accepted. Annual Purge.Lists shm·in~ 48 members in arrears with subscriptions were dealt l' i th E•.nd Secretary instructed to write thom. List of 49 me•a bers for what:~ we have no addresses referred to the .::;;wcutive with rel}uestto supply addresses where possible. 4. Kings Hall Lectures now concluded. N•J t R0ceipts £566. Total expenditure £301. Sales of literature £41. S, Od. The report was considered very SLtisfactory and was received. IS. rTinter meetings -Essex Hall. Arrangements completed. (Seelist in December "News". Agreed. that if any vacancyarises, Davies be asked to give his Kings Hall Lecture and that it be advertised in the wstatosrnan". 6. Parliamentary General Election Fund. Draft circular was approved. To be inserted in January "News", if Executive agrees to appoint ~rustees. Also agreed to recommend that balance of the Parliamentary By-election Fund be merged in the General Election Fund when the election is imminent. 7. Summer School Oommittee 1s recommendation that partprofits of the School should be allocated to Reserve Fund was considered. Agreed to recommend that one-half of the gross profits in each year beginning with the year 1921, be transferred to the Summer School Reserve. 8. Some otner matters of detail were dealt with and the Committee adjourned. .11eport. o:f iiieeting o:f Publishing Oo J. ittee, Wednesday, 23rd NoveiDber, 1<121 . PRESENT: Mrs. Webb (Chair), Laski, llacrao-Gibson, Pease and Secretary (also l!!rs. Drake non-member) 1. Report on Tracts out o:f print received. (a) "No. 146. \~at a Health Committee can do. Now revised by Lauder. To be reprinted, price 2d. (b) No. 156. What an Education Committee can do. hlrs. Drake undertook to revise, and this was agreedto with thanl{S. 2. Report on new Tracts received. (a) Li:fe o:f Lovett. Hammond promises copy shortly. (b) Karl W.arx. Laski 1s pamphlet ready. 16,000 words. Estimate of Garden City Press considered and accepted, £35 for 1,500, but agrood that 3,000be printed as 46 pp booklet at 1/-. To be charged to Tullooh B11rr lt'und. (c) La.udor suggested new tr~ot on ;;ratornity and Child Uel:fare Committoe and o:f'.for.·Jd to write 1t. Agreed with thanks. (d) !iaorae-Gibson suggestod new traet on Whitley Councils in the Oivil Service and of:f'ered to write it. Agrood that he be asked to submit copy to next meeting. 3. New Book. Sturt on Socialism and Character. Report that agreement signed with publishers and book in printershands was received. 4. t1ew Dooklot. Robson on Civil and 11iunicipal Service. Agreed that it be printed as 40 pp pamphlet price 1/-, 1.500 copies only. Estimate of Garden City Press already aooeptod -£30. 5. Proposed new series of Fabian Essays. llrs. Webb reportedthis would probably be a series of books. e. As Executive was not meeting in time the Committee instruotod Seoretary to attend funeral of the late H. M. Hyndman of:ficially on behalf o:r the Society and to send letter of condolenoe wo ~rs. Hyndman . 7. Some other mntters of detail were dealt with and the Oommittee adjourned. ~ Repo.rt of' Summer School Commit t ee J;eoting J.onday, 5th Dec. Hl2l. Present:-Davies (Chair), ldiss Dawson, ~liss Hankinson, Miss illoor,Mrs. Salmond, Ba.ssett-Lowke, Katz, Pell.se, Shaw and Secretary. 1. Financial report on School was received, showing: Total Receipts £1114. e. 3d. " Expenditure 733. 5. 6 £381. o. 7d . ================~= Exclusive of' all overhe~d charges, and considered verysatisf'actory. It was resolved to r0commend the Executive Committee That part of' the balance of profit on the Summer School be allocated to the Summer School Reserve Fund. fSae ropo.,t of Finunce Uonnnittee thereon) 2. !;1iss Hankinson presented a f'ull and detailed report on the school for 19~1 which was received and noted with thanks. 3. The plaoe for next year 1 s school wo.s considered and various suggestions, eto. discussed. It was agreed: (a) To ask hrs. Burton Brown to give us the first ref'usal of' ~rior's Field again. (b) To insert advertisement in a list of' selected papersat onoe. (c) To send enquiries to a number of colleges and schools likoly to be suitable and a.vaila.ble, and that the results of tho*•' steps be reported to the first meeting of the new Committee for 1922. 4. Some matters of' detail were dealt with and the Committee for 1921 was then dissolved. List of members from whom sinpe 191Q,· and for whom lia!M· Aaron, Mrs. D. H., Abbott, R. G, 1 Bayly, Mr s . L.U, 1 Bell, Mrs., Bolus, P. R., Brown, Miss K. , Bunting, Miss s., Chaytor, Mrs. I .S., Chambers, Robt., Ohambers, Rr.Admiral M., Dobson , 'i/ , H., Dismore , Mi ss M.s., Davi s , Mi ss Dora, Evans, T.P.c., Ebbutt, Mrs. Fenn, Louis A., Fitz-Henry , Wm., Hurley, John, Horton, Mr s . Jas., Hare, Wm. L. , Hebblethwa~~. Ur s. M. Hewitt, Mt ss Mary E. , Hilditch, Robert W., Hillsdon, o.o., Hiscock, Mrs,, Iyer, E.L,, Imbert Terry, Mrs. , Ja.cob, A. S., Jockel, J ames N., Johnston, G. Fred., Jones, Lt. E.O .H,, Jones, Miss G. D., Kell, Robert., Linnell, F . G., Luttman, Miss Ec!ith 1! ., Mclntosh, H.P.F., Petty, Mi ss Eliie F., Silk, Mi ss O.M., Sandham, !4rs. s. M., Saffel1, F. Horace, Turner, J , Cecil, Turnbull, Mi ss E.J,, Taylor, J, R,, Vulliamy, Mr s ., Verity, Leonard., Webftter, Rev. Alex. , Williams, Rev . B. Soott, Williams , R.O, , Wood, Mi ss J. A., no subscription~ have been received we have a~a~d~re no ~s~s~e~s~·~------------­ Joined the Soci ety. 1909 1908 1918 1909 1917 1912 1908 1909 1907 1916 1918 1017 . 1908 1018 1907 1910 1908 1917 1908 1908 A., 1917 1912 1998 1918 1909 1918 1907 1907 1918 1918 1917 1918 1917 1907 1916 1918 1912 'lOr!'" 10/­ 1916 'J"ft!= 1988 1918 1907 1917 1909 HJ09 1918 1891 1897 1911 1912 ,Yast sub. 6/-9/3117 . 20/-4/7/17 . 10/-31(10/ 18 . 2(6 6/7/17 . £2 11/8/ 17 . 6/-20/4/17 . 7/6 19/4/17. 5/-26/10/18.6/-23/6/ 17. >1.0/-i / 9/ 18. 20/-26/3/ 18. 6(-10/5/17 . 10/-24/7/17 . 10/-29/11/18 . 10/6 24/11/17.2/6 28/ 9/17 . 10/-6/ 7/17 . 10/-7/6/17.10/6 30/11/18.10/-6/12/15.5/-10/5/17.6/-3/6(18.10./-31/10/16 I 3Y-6 29/7/18. 6 -24/6/14.6/ -22/1/18.6/-2/3/10 . 21/-3(2/15 . 10/-2S/!i6/18 . 10/6 6(9/18 . £2 14/6/17.10/-2'1/4/18.10/-1/9/17 5/-19/8/16. 5/-9/ 12/18 . 25/-28/6/1821/8/17 7/6 21/11/17.£1.7.6 . 3/4/18.£2, 24/4/187/6 28/ 1/16 5/-1917. \ 2/ 6 24/7/16 . 10/-9/7/16 2.0}-1918 2(6 7/4/10.7/6 12(7./16. \ 10/-21/6/176/-1918. \ 0 ~~~. s~~~.~~~/f2Z. . Y'~-:_ {!. !. ~/~~~,£~k ~ /!-1-lk-4~~~/~~-h.~~ ~~~. .t--L--~. ~-~~~~~/#­ ~-~­ ~-~~~~-L~., c.~-,L4;~/ 9~~~r-£7~. ~~Cc..-·~ 7-c:~..c.-< ~~ t~~~~ ~~ ~~ 7 A:z-~. 1. To appoi~t Trust•oa tor the ~arliamentary Election Fund (~~na.nce, o.te. Co11mi t\ee recomr.mndecl the follo•·rin • f~ve members, viz,~ Davios Dodd Luski p ·· dg Gal ton), ' ' , easG an ?-c.~ ~d ~-~ c-~­~v{ K.-;::r ~~~~ ~-~/~·--~~ ~~/?< ·-=--...-C:~. 2. f• consider a.nd if s~ dat!dsd 3.ht.orise the merging of balance in ha.nd of' \ho h.\rliuruentary By Election Fund (£298) into the new Goneral Ele•tlon Fund. (Consent of the trustees, ::is1 La\lrince, .l:'ease and :ebb will be required. ~)._~ ~ 9~..t:...-a(_ ~ U;::;;_, ~I ~~we.., ~~­~~_,L~ k-~~-U;::;:;:r ~~ 1;:r;:;-9~-~-~ 41_ ~ ~~~~-~"" ~~-­ 3. To consider and approve draft circular to members, etc. (Proofs will be circulat~4 a~ •he meeting) and ~uthorise its 1ssue at onee. 1~1~-~·~~~~ ~~~~-$-/-~ C1.-~l..k ~t;-~J'--L­ vl-~'--<--~ ' 4 -~~. (4.;~~~~~ ?~f'~~~L-.~·.C.· ~.~~~-~17t~' j..~-~~~~£,J _(t) ~~~ ~'to... L.cL. ~....__~~­~~~~ ~~~­ ~~~ ~1.1. ll I 5:) ~a..,,......c..__ 0 ~ 7· "-· ~-~"-~~-~,( -~~.; ~. k;:;;::... ~ It-~-~ 4.~~ ~ ~-~ ~&~ vr-~~~~£-~· .~.:~ i'Lt-~ ~1 76 ~-------/ t;­ ~ L~ 19: ~t:::~-~9~~~~ ... /. ./. . . _, L ~----~ -L . ;tJt;; ~...<.~. ~--.d r--­ ~,·-r~ /~ ---, ~. : ~~ 2.J'~a~pU4.·--~ -~ ... , . ~~~~/do, ...{_~ ~~....u.-~~~­ s~s~~lf..t~-~~ ~.... ._ ~~~.:t----::? f1 ~7~~~.~--­~.~~,~-~~?~. ~.f~.~~~ ,$(.~~~~_A/~ h ~z:-~~~ ~~~~z~ ~~~~//fLL. -~~..,.._.~_.._.:......._ ~/a:;:::?~ ~.&. ~A ~ ~~"-~~~­(~~d-r---r-~ -n__ ~~-~-7 ...c~~~. /...~~~,,£~~; ..Q~ ~~ ----' Cl) ~ ..-~ ~ § ~ arty -requc>st f or candidate,First of ~ay Celebration Committee re delegates. v. Fitman -suggesting lecture on Esperanto. Cambridge House Settlement -re bulletins on Eduoation, etc. Report of Fiuance, eto. <.io.nrnitteo, Friday, 13th Jan. 1922. FRESENTt Davies (Chair), ~ease and ~ecratury. 1. A satisfactory financial statem~nt was received and it was agreed to renow the bank overdraft in view of probableearly General Election. 2. December candidates (e) ware elected. Last year 0. Three resignations were accepted . 3. Essex Hall iaeetings. It was agreed t hat ono advertisoment oi' meetings be inserted in the "i:iow Statesman" each month. 4. General Election -Heport that circular t1pprov~d by Executive was now boing issued rooeivod. Aereed that full list of adopted candidates be publ i shed in Fobruary "News11 , • 5. Fabian Hall. Roo:f and intr~rior in bad condition and requirecomplete repair, etc. Estimate frJm Fountain for the work 5!65 considered. Agrood to rocommEthd Executive ;-----~---QG•mm.itte-e t"(;) aooept the-estim".t "' t'nd tho.t the work be done this Spring. 8. An appeal from the London Lnbour Party for voluntarylevy of 1/~ per member for L.G,C, election and 1/­for Borough Oouncil El ections considered. Agreed to refer to the Executive for consideration. 7. Soma other mf1.tters of detail were doalt with and the Oommittee adjourned. Report of Social Activities Committee ,.eoting Lionday 23rd Jan, 1922. FRE5ENT: Davies (Chair), ~rs, Corner, Miss Hankinson, ~acrae-Gibso and Secretary. 1. It was agreed that the new Fabian Nursery be invitod to appoint two representatives to this Oommittoe. 2. After discussion agreed to recommend: (~) That a reception be arro.nged to Labour l.iembers of the L.c.c. on a Tuesday evening in March,(14th or 21st if possible) at ;,;ortimer Hall. Short speeches, ;:,iusio, refreshments and dancingto be arranged. Ctarge for tickets 2/6 each. (b) That Hiss Lawrence and ~r. and !irs, Laski be requested to arrangv evening receptions at earlyCOnVenient .~--<--e;~ 4~~. /. ~--~~~~-"§ k~~. ~~~,~-~~. ~.~-'2.~~~~ ~ ~~~~-9~.1·.2.~c:l ~. ~.c-..9~ ~ v/-~ ~ IJ t/f:;:zr t?l:., C'-S -1... , t._ ~f ~c...---L v-( ~-4.--~-;:;.;;:::r f-~-~,· ~~JS~~-~~1 a_~q..~~~ ~-&.'--­ {r? l \.., ...J a~~ ~4-o.-~'tf "-Lee·~~_ 9~ b-.~ 'k~~ u.~~ ~.~9~~-u·w-.~~~k : ~,A71k. 9~~k~-­~-~~~~~ ~~~./-~~ /~-1-tW ~~7 ~p~~ 1-~~~~~~ "-~-~X/PlJ (~.e.. ~.-(_?~) ~~}? ~~~~~7~ ?;~~~e-r~ (~~~.~'/~~ /~~ ~-~~~~ IL~~~-zf~~ ~/C ~~c-;L~~) /~~-7~~ ~~~~~~~­ t -~-~~j~~--~ {'/~ ~).,;o/1?(, ~~ ~ ~~---<._ ...... --' •• ~e-1 • ~~ -~. Att~2, ~"') ~~"2-<-~ ~/tw ~­ }t-~~K:;:T ~.f....~~~... ~.. ~ J ~ ~~~t-~ ~~~~ ~'/~~-u t-~ ~~ ~~~~~~j ~~~-z~~~ !;-~ ~d-~ ~-t;;­~-~~-tv ~ ~~~t-4: 7 . .!~a.~~.7k ~--~ ~--"" ~~~.k-~~ v~-~ wr1-~-z:-~ ~ ~~·/~~p;: ~~ it.~~~. !. /~f:t:a ~~-~~, ~1:~-~~-~~ ~ 7 '~~~-~~~-~ tC::7 ~h-~ ~4;-~..-. ~-U.' ~ ~'( ~~,fU..-, /CJ 1. ~r~4~A lb:--~~&"L-~ ~ ~~A-~----~~ ~~-~7~/~, ~ fb · ~_:~~7?~(!~ ~ ~ ~---~~ ~i)f . ~·~.... ~~.-.... ~; ~~~~,.~~ ~~~~~4­A ~t ~ ~a-----<. ~ t ~; a-.,~ a:; ~...... --·--·y. t:­ (0' j ')., . --(~) · .. u.::f;"'r.l.lers of L.G C. now fixed for Tuesday. 21st ruarch at :Jaxt ~r. llouse Hestaurant oppositethis office, 7.45 to 10.30 p.~. Tickets price 2/6d each person. What about. Entertainment Tax? Is it necessaryto pay this? B. Kings Hall Lectures, Autumn 1922 . H&ll no'; engaged for Fridays, October 13th, ~at~ r7.h, a~d Hov. 3rd, lOth and 17th. Subject and lectures to be considered. 9. Essex Hall ;;.eetir.gs. Gooch's lecture to-night. Chairman: Ctuest. For Shrapnell-Smith, iliarch lOth, Chairman required. For warch 24th, Ratcliffe probably not available. Any suggestions for filling his place? J. A. Hobson declines. Conference of the 10. Guest to report his visit to tho/2nd and 2t International at Paris 11. Notice of motion by Laski "Thnt a special Committee on Education be set up for-thv1i th and that .;rs. :::rake , Tavmcy and others be appointed members thereof. 12. Correspondence. (a ) G.P.Blizard asking for :rbnt towards his expenses as ('andidate for L.c .c . at ;·:andsworth. (b) S.G.Hobson asking us to send out with Fabian News,April LSsuo, an appeal for investments in the iiutional Building Gul.ld. (c) Wallasey L.P. requiring a candidate. (d) Dr. 11arian Phillips re .tieport on Employment of !llinlried women. (e) TI.E.A. re National Protest demonstration, Central Hall, tiarch 4th, 2.30 p.m. Inviting delegates-Fee 5/-per delegate. Report of Fin~noe, etc . CoQ itteq, Friday, lOth Feb. 1922. Present: Dodd (Chair), Pea~e, and Gulton (Secretary) 1. A satisfactory fino.ncial statement 11•as received . It was noted that accounts at end of year vrould prohably show a deficit of ~lOO or so. rlereed to report to Executive that, in view of the bad year and the f o.ct that it is some years since he subscribed, it is proposed to ask u. B. Shaw for a. subscription. 2. January Candidates (~) vrere elected. Last year (34)Four resignations were accepted. 3. King's Hall Lectures, Autumn. As tLe ha ll is no.t available for the usual six successive Fr idays it was decided ta take it at once for the six Fridays, Octo~er 13th to November 17th: (i.e. two weeks earlier than usual).Subject for the lectures consiJered, but referred to the Executive. 4. Offices on 3rd floor. Notice to termi~ate t dnancy of Civil Service Union received. Agree:! L at the rooms to let be advertised and rent of ~120 be usked. Less to be taken if necessary. 5. Suggestion to purc~ase Addressarnite machine for addressingenvelopes and wrappers considered. Cost £26. Saving£3 to £4 per annun. Agreed to recommend Executive that a machine be purchased forthwith. e. Parliamentary Election Fund. deport of disa)Jpointingresp•' nse to the appeal received. No further action to be tuken at present. 7. Repairs to Fabian Hall. The Nursery offered to undertake decoration of interior. Agreed to accept this with thanks and d~fray actual cost of materials, etc. B. Many other matters of d ·tail were dealt with and the Committee adjourned. Report or ~eeting or Publishing C0mmittee, Wednesday, 15th Feb:l922. ------------------oOc · ----------­ Present: iars. Wobb (Chair), ,.ttloe , L\rs. Boyd Dawson, .iacrae-Gibson~ and Galton (Secr·otary). (Also l>lrs.Drake non­member}. -----------000-----------­ 1. Tracts going out of print. It was agreed to reprint the rollowing:­ No. 107. Socialism ror Millionaires. ~. B. Shaw, Price 2d , No. 162. Robert Owen. 0. E. ~. Joad. " 3d,No. 192. Guild 3ocialism, G.D.H. Cola. • :ad. ~. New Tracts. (li) Mrs. Hammotd 1.s.uif() of \~m. Lovett, "'""• r6ceived and considervi, P-~ ,•eed to publish as pamphlet in biocrar-hical series with portrait cover if possible.. Price 3d. (b) Mrs. Drake's new palilphlot on .;ducation. Li .S,received and consiJered. Agreed that it be published as soon as pos~ible, price 3d, 3. New Booklet. ;,acrae-G1bson' s '.lhitlo:·1sr.~ 1n the Civil Service. lLS. received and con..;idared. Agreed that it be published as 1/-booklet in same style otc. as Robson's pamphlet. Also to recommend Executive that it be cha.rged to the Tulloch Ba.rr Fund. 4. Dooks out of print. Shaw' s Common Sense of tiunicipal Trading. Considered. Secretary to communicate with Cape thereon und endeavour to arrange for reissue, and report to noxt meeting or the Committee. 5. Some other matters of detail were dealt with and the Committee adjourned. II. Wednesday, _22!lSL.liobruEIPY, 1922. Present: Davies (Chair), .Mrs. Dawson, Urs, Snlmond, 1iiss Dawson,Miss Hank1nson, .Miss Moor, l:noe otc., Oommitteo · weting Friday, 17th Larch, 19~~2. -------000------­ Present -Webb (Chair), Davies, Pease, Lrs. Saloond and Secretary. 1. Ths financial statement and estimate of prob~ble position at end of year received and considered. It was agreed to rocom~end the Executive:­ (a) That as the accounts for the year will show a loss of £400 it is not necessary or desirable to allocate any of the profits on the Summer School or Kings l"iall Leoturos this year to reserve funds. (b) That in view of the bank overdraft and possibilityof a. genore.l olection, the Seorotary be authorised to realise part of o~r investments if Rnd when necessary. Q. Debrua.ry candidates (lJ) were elected. Last year (5).Seven resi1_,rnations were accepted . 3. Arrangements for the election of ne¥7 ~xecutive and appoint­oent of scrutineers were considt rou and settled. 4. Annual meeting -Agreed to recommend t he ;i;xecutive to fix ­ of tho Summer School Committee, Monday 20th ~larch, 1922 . ~ ---------000---------­ Present 1 navies (Chair}, h'trs. balmond, 1liss Dawson, Hiss Hanl1ngement approved by last meeting bo adhered to. 3, Agreed to co-operate rvi th Labour f'arty rlesearcg Department and offer them a week at Ilkl oy school. 4. Many matters of detail were c,mci dered and dealt v1ith and the Committee adjourned " Report of "lasting of Education Committee , 0ednosday, 16th ~arch,l922. -----------000------------­ Present: Mrs. Drake, .dr!!!. Salraond, Tawney, ¥Jd Secretary. (also t'trs. We ltb, non-member). -------00~------­ 1. Mrs. S~lmond was WOtea to the Chair. 2. Laski was elected Chairman of the Committee in his absence through indisposition. 3. Questions of day of meeting atld co-o~:t.=bti'.iof 'ither members were deferred. 4. Proof of Mrs. Drake's PMlphlEjt "Fr2Q.l,.!;lmS of Education" was considered and many ar.Jendm<'nts,.(suggostion! made thereon. Agreed that it be r eferred to l.rs. Dr8.ke to completeand publish as soon as poss ible. 5 . Suggestions of other tracts and poss ible conferences were considered but agreed to be def