The PORTLAND Series of ACCOUNT BOOKS When re-ordering this Book please quote No .... 3§..?..~.. Quires .. . ?.. ...Ruling ..... !J...fJ... H. J. RYMAN, Ltd. A uount Booll M okeTS LONDON 6, 8, 10 Gt. Portland St. W.1 86 & SS Victoria St., S.W.l 385·H) Oxford Str~t. W.l 10& 12 Brompton Rd.,S.W.l 12 & 14 Mill Str~t. W.t 40 Ct. Portland Street, W.J 66 Groetthurch St., F;.C.3183 Strand, W.C.2 27 Whitehall S. W.l 27 Poland Street, W.l 110 King St., Hammc:nmith, W.6 "''llE "TIIII.Jl:E:WAVS" PRESS also at Wallord & Harrow A B c D E F G H J K L N 0 p Q R s i u V w y z fie A B c D E F --k-h~~-­ G ~~CL-14~ H /~ ~193r;; K J 7& ~ L M N 0 p Q R s T u V w V z c D E F G H J K L M N 0 p Q R s I u V w y z E F G H J K L M N Q p Q R s T U V w y z , · 1 1r I~ G H J K N I 0 p Q R s ,.. U· V w y z oiil • N 0 p Q R s T U V w y z · M N p Q R s I U· V w y z N 0 p Q R s I U· V w y z p Q R s T U· V w y z R s I U · V w y z .,.. U· V w V z w y z y z c?~-­ (). i'.~~Jk-~ ?~,~~s~. 1-~ - 3. Finance -Report to 30th Sept. ~ ~· Sal e of Literature. £137 £151 Member s Subscriptions. 445 456 Other 11 115 4:3 Book Box Fees 10 9 Advertisements. 6 10 Membership. (a) September candidates (7 ) to b e e1ect ed • Last year .(8) (b) h esignations: R.B. Cart A,Millel Hrs. Pul Miss !U 6, Frie to d campinst Lett lect1 Set EXBCI JLivings January25th. ! Various (1) Fir !2)3) Dis Lac (4) Lee (5) Pas (6) Dr, (7) llr, ~ ~ /?. ~· £151 456 43 9 10 r f (S) 2 Address, Elected.Last Sub. heason. ~· R.B.Carrow, Kensington. 1939 10/6 1934 Various. A,Miller, Welwyn Garden City.l9ll JO/· 19:5 Not in agreement.Mrs. Pulsford, Woking. 1909 31/S 1935 ) Dissatisfied Miss M.Pulsford. Woking. 1909 .:H/c 1935.) with Labour Pty, ( 11-J JCc-<-c__~~~~~ (_-&)~~~~~~­ 6, Friends Hall Lectures. Demand for tickets fair. Receiptsto date £.315. Last year same date £302. All our arrangements complete and microphone for Webb and others if necessaryi ne tali:t ed Letters from Allen & Unwin re proposed publication of the lectures in book form to be cohsidered. Set of platform tickets enclosed to all members of the Executive Committee. Please return any not required. ~ ~-~~~~­ ~,£~~~-<,._~ ~~~zr-~~­ 1 Livingstone Hall Lectures 1937. Ball booked for Thursdays,January 14th, 38th, February 11th and 35th, March 11th and 25th. April dates to be considered and arranged. Various suggestions, etc. to be considered, ( 1) First meeting to be a social Party as last year. (2) Discussion on United Front, ( 3) Lecture on individualism in Education. (4) Lecture on Ownership of Capital (i.e. Growth of Middle Class) (5) Possible speakers 5gggeeted (a) Sir C. trevelyan; Ob) F. Elmhlrst on Conmunity Planning. ( 6) Dr. ~· A. Baker suggests lantern lecture by himself on Spain. (7) Mr. T. ~!chards also suggested. 3 conference 17th inst. r epresented by over 100 delegates and visitors and manyindependent visitors also attending. The Societies represented all non-political and !nclude many Professional bodies. ~4.-....t. ~t-~~?7-' {~~~~~~~ ~~.._~2'1.~. 1-S~P~-=-~~~ Z. !-l~k-,<:7~ L~c .tt:"h ~ ~~-4?-~ ~//V~ ,;.~~---~~­~~4--/·~ "/.-.~-~,c..~~ 4./~ (p---z._ ~4~ ~-sz~. tJ.~ ~~..__ ~'("G.?-t~ (;_ -l-~-c.-.-~,9~ ~-11-t~ ~-~~ ~-~~-~'L ~tv-z..~~ 7-~-H vn h-d~ "/~ CoL "'L =r 11-1. • ~. of Professional Organisations, etc, Saturday next Quite eugcessful. About 40 organisations Will be To be 10. Corr (a) (b) (c) tp 10 p.m. in Fabian Common Room, suggested. ~d.~-~ . ~"/~~~ ~~~~-<-­ 3. Finance -heport to 30th Nov. Sale of Literature. Members Subscriptions Other " Book Box Fees Advertisements. ~· ~· £181 ~219 588 599 135 56 16 12 7 11 4~~/7~~~ c:U-t?C-~-;/~o-at~ ~L/<:Uj ~­~-u-c.L...~ ~~ ~~~­Th-e-~-~~~~ ~.:<~vf.~~,Y~ ~~jl(~~~ ~~~~--~­ (a) November candidates (a) to be elected. Last year (17) (b) hesignations1 Address. Elected,Last Sub, Reason. A. W,Aoworth1 Kensington, l9a4 £5 19:35. Lost interest, Rev,V,Herrord,oxrord, 1897 3/-::.9~3 Returned to Uberal P1 · G.C.Huntley, Blaydon, 1917 5/-:9~0 None Miss M,Martin,Ohalront, 1930 10/-19~J ~rone. hev,M.Ratter, Islington, 19:35. 12/6 l935,Altered oi.l:rcumstances. 1, Ja1 a. 3. ~el I {a/74-c..~~~ 4, ~) ~~~~a-c.~ 5. Hon. Treasurer's appeal, Response to date now amounts to 5. Me! £425. some donations still coming in -mostly small sums. 6. Apl 7. Ap~ Friends Hall Lectures 19:38. Receipts, Sale or tickets £443,13.e,l Last year £412. g. Qd, Sales or literature Cll 17 9d La t year .£17. 9,9d, -~ • • • s The hall provisionally booked for six corresponding Thursdays next Year. To be approved, ~~~~~~ ~-~~~ ~~ri7J?Wm~. "1· Special sub oommittee re social Activities. Report of nrst meeting annexed. To be considered, The social to new members on Dece~ber lQth quite suooessful. About 25 attended and three members of the Executive Co~ttee. eral Pt· ' tances, ts to 1 sums, r 443.13.9, Last sdays I~ rat 1 08ssful. ttaa. J ~ 10 ~~-~~~-~ ~.....-vL4.-.--vd~~~~~~ A-~<-/-~ ~e.~ · <-~ ~q_~~--~d~~ (~~~1-­ Livingstone Hall Meetings. Arransernents made: 1. Jan. 14th. :$, .. 28th. :3. !<'eb, 11th, 4. u 25th. 5. Mch 11th. 6. Apr 8th. 7. Apr. 22nd, / .~.1&-: social party, Lecture -H. Morrison. Chair: W,S,Sanders. Lecture -L. F. Elmhirst, Dartington Hall. Dkacussion, United Front, FOr -Col,Delehaye accepts, Noel BakeF and A.J,Cumminge declined. Sir W, Layton asked ­no reply yet. Against -Mise Lawrence and Qapt. Miller to be asked, Lecture -Douglas Jay, Marxism. 5e~te -comnunism, John strachey accepts ­but wants resolution altered, Tom Johnston declines. Wedgwood Benn asked but no reply yet. Lecture -oolin Olnrk, Distribution of Wealh These to be considered and matters arising settled, Any further suggestions invited, ~n:;:%_~~~ ~Y/a ~-~/((#t-~ P{_ ~ e/L ~Cve ~~.~~-/c~. ;l. iJ-v{.. j(. W.~LCL./J-tfl ~r~ 6-;z..u .-zs-. h-C~~~r t'h ~.c~ f/·krc-. If· ...f+r-u ~t.-z. ~4~~ &,-::~~~-~?u~­ ~/.-z£~'/~---c.~-AfocA~. 11 ).~/~~~~ -f-u,A/v> fr. 4~Ut-~-~­ /l.a~.?u/n ~?.~~ ~U;.j._~~-~ ~~~~. f· Office affairs, (a) Civil Service Houeing ~ssociation -offer of ~20 for first refusal for five years of purchase of our premises, Also more room required temporarily while they are adding to their own building next door, (b) Suggested opening of common Room on Lecture and Meetingnight till 8 p.rn. To be considered and if so decided arrangements authorised. (c) Secretary's salary. At present £600 lees 10%, i.e. £54Q,Proposal to reduce to £500 ae from let January, 19~7. (0<)~~-~....,._ ~~ ~4-~~~-...e.., I ~~·~J4f/~ ~~~-~ UJ~-~~-z.,""?,~ ~J'W:~~. tLj~~~. Oorrespondenc e, (a) D. M. Fraeer, 19~.Fabian Group re publication of pamphletsprepared by the Group. (b) J. Parker, M.P., N.F.R.B, accepting offer of shop window for display of tracts, etc. with thanks, (c) Gf (d) Dt (e) Cl Jf.lw..f ( 0) Geoffrey de Freitas -request to add hie name to list of members willing to stand as c andidates for Parliament. (d) Dr. H. B. Dodwell ditto, (e) Charles King. ditto, (tl)~L<-• ~ .~~~~ ,t.~~~~-~­ -Wt-~-~-~~~· ~~;:-~~~ r first le, Also ~VL~~-~~ ling to ~~­ ling •ided (¥;~~~ £540. {e) ~/A-1.-4-e-Y~~ ~ 937. ~~~.?'(~--~ {~)~Ce)~· - 11 -~ ~~--<.. 1-t~-..,...._.. ~~ -4... ~-4 8 ZU ~~~.vt. ~.?tZ;;:r~~ ~~(_ mphlets .ndow !• I I I! I ~I 11 I IL l REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE from the 3oci&l sub-commi ttee of the Fabian Society, resulting from the first meeting held at ll, Dartmouth Street, 3rd December, 1936. Present:-Miss Judson, Mrs Charq_ues, 1:eso srs . J . Ramage & J .E.Drummond Letters of regret were read from Mrs Cruchla~r and Miss Yates, the lat­ter representing the 1936 Group . The Fabian Yfomens ' Group and the Fabian Nursery have, so far, not appointed their nominees. Mrs Basil Hall expressed her regret that she eould not join,owing to her many other engagements . Mr . Drummond was elected Chairman, and the meeting opened with the reading of the Memorandum approved by the Executive of the Societyauthorising the formation of the sub-committee . sm.IL~ SCHOOL r<...:;r;. IOr <..: Ai~·uAL SOCIAL fixed for the 14t h Janu­ary, 1937, was discussed and the following recommendations made :­ A Refreshments to be served, if possible, in the body of the Hall, and not in the Lobby . B Speeches restricted to one or two, and to be short, (2 or 3 mins . ) . In addition an ap­peal to be made, as from the Executive, from Alderman A. Emil Davies , L.c . c. C Suggested that every member of the Executive is present, to act as a host or hostess . com·m. ROOJ.1 The following suggestions were made with a view to making the meeting place more bright and attractive l Hi gher powered electric lighting. 2 Room repainted in (say) primrose 3 Paintwork to be similarly treated 4 Chairs to be re-covered, in ere- tonne, thoroughly cleaned and re­novated. This to be the special work of the ladies of the committee,it being thought that special contributions, in cash or kind, mightbe forthcoming, if those interested were approached discreetly. SOCIAL H~CEP1'IONS One suggested for the early summer, at which some distinguishes guest, a visitor from overseas, might be invited as Guest of Honour. A small room could be set aside t for dancing. Price 2/6 on somewhat similar l ines, were on the ground of cost. ,;1!;1!:1 ~l'D SCHOOL suggested for the late spring. 16 -7vn~c-e 9( e~ ~~~/CJ"~~/9-~1­ ~1 tl-~~Cc-~)~/~,­ ~1 ~~--~C::, /~ ~-z.~.--.-:: s~. ( .~-­~?',~~~~ ~c......-..(_~ ~. Finu.nce -,,eport to :not Jan, ~· ~· Sale of Literature. £2::39 £266 Memboro Subscriptions 79~ 6~~ Othor 159 99 " Book Box Ii'oeo. 19 ~0 Advertisement. a 12 Oaeh Balance £40. Liabilitieo £70, pluo Printero £~00. (Income Tax £30. Livingotone Ball £35, Sundry £15) 7lu... ~-~~..,.<__ ~ ~~~­ Tk<.~~---r~ 1-jrt;:;" ~~~~-""Ct.-v-( tt-y~~4~-~1L-c... ?~~·/~avt~~~­ ~;V · -1L·/L. •/7 . 17 4, :Uemberohip, (a) January oandidateo (7) to be elected. Laot year (9) (b) ·esignationo: Name, hddreso, E1ected.Luot Sub, hea.oon. ilro:-Barnard, Bognor, 1918, 5/-19;)6 Left London.h.Ed•V6 Not in agreement, J. ii, Palmer, Oheloea, 19::S5 'JO/-19;)5 Left, h. •I, oiatoon, Sutton. 1929, 10/-19;)6, Personal. (c) List of 31 memboro no a.ddresueo for two yeo.ra ­annGxed. To be otruok Off unlosu uddreooes oan be suppliGd. (~.t.-1 ~~d..-d-L.::; l.u-r.-...L ~~. (-t) ~~~~CL~ /C..f~~;£c-R~. (c; n.._~. ~~~-~~ ~~c--> o..d~;u tc.... ~~-~~~~ zs-~~ff~ (A)~ a-~7 ~~~ I-1A--G.-~~~ '--~~~. 5, Hon. Treaourer'o Fund, NoH amounto to £456. ~. Od, some donations otil1 co~ing in, f?_._~~~~ ~h47~~~­ 7, Soc 18 ~/to 6. L1vingotone B~ll Leotureo, Arrungemento for diocuooion on February 35th to be oettled, Hon. \/alter Nuoh Willing to lecture on Now zoaland if dute oan be urrungod, ~d--t. ~~~~~~ ~~4-C);A--~ ,:;/(c-. ~~----u...--::­~~,~ t.R.a~~~P,· .4 -C~-~.-:J.~~~ 4 -~~t~. ~4 ~&L.L-., /~d-1~~'7·4~-~ ~[v-z~)a-~--u ~­ "--&?t:. ~c-~..---h. 0-, ~ ~~~~~­ rltA,;V~ d~c:-L-t:;-~~~. 7. Social Aotivitioo oommittoo, Iwport to bo r eceivod a.nd conoidered if available in timo, rc~~~a:_~ ~.(1J a. ~~-u-~..... .:. ~(..1..... /?£.c.-._~.........., ~~/6 .. ~~~;;;-~ ....-£-~ ty'~~d~~~-~A/~ a.-,/C"~-_A ~H;;.~ c....~£~­ 19 (2-J a.~('!~~/~ ~IP/t~ .~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~­ G, Fri cmdo H.J.ll Lcctureo, Autumn Hl:i7, Iiurthor oonoiderution of oubjeot and leoturero , ~-~~~ ~- ~u:;::;:;:r~~ ~~c-...c..-C-~ ,t...~ ~~ --fr+~~­ 9 The Sooiety'o ~uleo . Oopy enolooed, To be conoidered and variouo amendcento ouggeoted:, (a) Provioion for Hon. llembero; (b) ~\eduction of Executive to 15 memb ero o.nd o.bolition of the oub Oocrnitteoo , (o) POHer to take poot.J.l vote of mcobero on r ooolutiono, etc . {&l ~'-~ ~/"lA-~~~ u:;:;::; ,a;::~~~~z;;­fvvu pe;;;-~~b;­ e....-~-~-~­ ~)~~c-4--.~ (C~ ~r ~~~--1;-frV't­~~ t--~~:<.o ~~f/t;:;;"" ~ lQ, ll, Oor (~) (b) (c) 20 1Q, Oivi1 servic e Houoing ~ooooi~tion, Ohuirmun ~nd Seor et ury to r eport i nt ervi ew, unu thut the propoood urr~ngomont for option of purohuoo of ow· pr omi oeo i o ubundonod, ~~~..,...__ ?c:::;::­~~~......__,.. 7 .?--4: ~-..5-H-a.-...._ ,{ K.::;.;7.4C". a...-...-~-~"1 ;ion ~~~...-{. ~... C..~$4.--r-~ :::; . 1~~~. 11. Oorreaponuenoe, ( ~) Dr. Finer re foe for rovioion of book on Oivi1 Service. l•of errod from Publi ohing oommi ttee, (b) M. Hunter, Oundidut e Pot or afi e1d, he a. gra.nt, (o) London Teuohero Aooociu.tion re Oonferonce, 1.4.lroh 1~th,Be1ogo.t oo wo.ntod, ( 4/ ~,a:::;::, ~c;;. ~~-&... ~~~a:z-~-'1 ~~ ~-~--~~~4-~ 'i~~~d-~-/1~ c>1'-~""( ']~9-L {,e)~. CcJ -'?~ ~'Z~~::::j" ~~ ~~~~~. ~Of'>J 4. Mioo J!nry Booly, 5. T. F. Boowel1, e. ;i,h,Ohapmon, 1. J.B.~.o1~rk, 8, D.L.Dnvioo, 9, E. Do ouv111e, 10. L0ol1e o. s. Fa.rmer, 11. \Julter Fi tzgeruld. 12. W. EVa.n Ha.i rio, 1~. W, J, B. Hopkinoon, 14. Fred0riok Kottl0, 15. Uro, Kettle, 16. Mro, G. p, Luooy, 17 i~ro, Lenn Luwry, 16. E. L. Levetuo, 19, uro, Levetuo, 2Q, Mioll F. h. Levy, :n. Jumeo i!CFa.dyen, 22, Da.vid pomeroy. 2~ Uioo Pumphrey, 24, B~K.So.undoro, 25, l1ioo Ua.1o1e shurmo.n, 26, J, Silver, 27, Mro,l\,S,Townoond, 29, Ba.Puiiy l.ila.l.k,gn,.-----... 29. J, F. A. ;walker, ;,so. Eric ··leJ.ring. :n. Ben Wortmo.n, ( l 11 > He'>r'O!Itf'Ol"d S>~ ·~1. Iforwioh. Plniotow. Ohoat:l. Loigh on se~. 01uphum Purk. Ohathwm. Acton. south0ml on Sen. Ii'oroot Bill. Acton. Olu.phum. Oluphum, Torrington Pluo o. lteuodon. Goldero Green. Goldoro Groan. ·;leotminotor, IpoWioh, St. Johno \lood, Eveoha.m, seven Kingo, Orioklowood, Ooborn St., ii:,l, Brook Green, ~~~ S\1o.noou,Egdwure.Hove, Liot of mombero for whom no o.ddreoooo for two or more. Name, Laot u.ddrooo. 1. J.41oo E.V.u, Andoroon, Clifton Gnrdcmo, ',i,9, lll~'t--•il...iiE:...,.:.;,,.&~BL.,JlB~Ak~oii;r:-_____~¥!1tw~Jr.r.,,,_, N"'~~wi!..~·-·~t 24 c;~ tl ~~(~) ~-~riL-~-; 4~.~~,. a--...d ~­ %-~ ~~~~rz.c-~ ~h.-.-~, 9~)~ ~~­ J.Finance -heport to 28th February, 1937. ~· sale of Literature. £259 £327 Membero Subocriptiono 891 896 Other " 171 122 Book Box Feee :;lO 30 Advertioemente. 8 12 ~Oash Balance £8G. Liabilities £3~G. Printer £270, heceptionExpenseo £2G, Livingotone Ball £18 and sundry £12 = £32G) ~~{-~~ ~~~~~­~~-~~~ ~· Mernber ohip, (a ) ~oandidateo (8) to be el ect ed. Laot year (7) (b) l(ecign~tiono s, Addr eoo, Elect ed,Laot Sub, heaoon,firCi:" D. L, Hoore, Harrogate. 1931 llo/ 1935,Not in at,r eemont W1 th h,A, ldchardo, Qroydon, 1893 10/8 19~8 None, (Labour Pty, J. S,Tobin, Olapton. 1938 10/-1936 Oo.nnot t part. L, W, \Vhi t ernan, Weot rninot er.l936. 10/-1938,0annot t ake po.rt, (a-)7tu-~~~~ {i)~~~~~ '· Soci u.l ac tivi ti eo Oomr:1i ttee, l\eport on laot night' a Po.rty at St. Ermine to be received. The Weekend School ut Jordanu, J\pr i 1 lQth -12th, heport on prosr eco of arrangement~ , etc. ~-~9~~~~~ ~~~ c;l~~~~­f-~~<.-l'~~ ~-~~·~, 7·Finer'o book "The Britioh Oivil tiervi ce -heferred bo.ok from Executive, Letter from Finer re fee to be conoidered, Propooed arrangement for joint publication with Allen & Unwin to be conoi dered, Eatinu.teo for printinG to be dealt with, etc. ~ V1 Interv11 nn W1 tb Pty, ·~ .., )ID 2\J ~~~~-~ ~~/-....~ .w..-F /Z.J$--1~--o a--t.. ~~-a;;::~ ~ ~~~~~--?~ ....... . ~?lt::i:~ ~-~ ~t..-4-~ ~~~~~ ~pT;:;:i:T~~.. /~~ ~z:-~~...-... ..,._..._..~~~­ ~~~-..c.~ ~-~~-jl~~f· L cnr-P ~I /10 £.,.. . ~~--0 ~~ ~~~-~~~ Interview with J. Parker, M.P., re M.P.h.B., and uoe of our window for dioplay of tracta, etc, ~~~~~-t..~ 4 ~~ ..Jc:y'-Rf. "k ~,.il-c_ ~9~~~4.~~ ~~~~·~-< ~f/--a.. ~,._.. ~7 / #-/u--t. ~-~~~~ ~Ui_t...-~~~ ~~ 27 rOorreopondence. (u) Profeooor Outlin re AUtumn lectureo, the Executive Ooornittee Election, etc , (b) Blunco White -re hule 20 o~ oubject of heferendum. ~J~·IL~.~~ ~~ fr./~~~~ ~ /(J.~--7L ~1~1~-~ ~"-(14~~~ ~. .4. ~~~~~~#~ vf~ ~~~d~Lt1-~ ..---. ~~ ~~ ~c..--a.-.-e-L ~. ~..A-~~c-~~ ~~.?~~~£.--.. ~~~~~~ ~~~~CA? ,~~/C"­ ~,-1~~~.~ U-~ ~l.k~4---1 ~~ ~-~~. 29 ~~IC::WT~~ ~~n-~~tP-~~ ~~-k~~LA'~~ ~~~~ fo ~~~/t:)·~ ~-e~ ~4.4-~~­ 4, Membership, (a) March candidates (5) To be elected. Last year (7) (b) hesignationss ~ Last Address, Elected.Sub. heason. Oapt. Goldney, Aldershot, 19~3 5;:-I933 No time, Sir F. W.Goldstone. Margate. 1908 10/6 1936 hetired. Mise A. G. Henderson.H1ghgate.l933 10/6 1936 Cannot afford. (c) ~6 ~embers much in arrears to whom letter sent by the Treasurer and who reply asking to be taken off our list. To be etruok off. (12) nr~~~--&.-~;-/ U/~~~~~u..~,_, {c)~~~~~ ~{,~~~*'~~ Correspondence, (a) Messrs. Allen & Unw1n re Finere nook -British Oivil Service. (b) Miss w. Judson -re propoaed 'ileekend School o.t Lawrence Weaver Houoe, (c) Letter from Messrs. Jo.quee & Oo., with agreement re Holland & Hannen'a Building. ;rvioe. v~{t£ so (a) tlc££.. k" ~~~~-~~ ~#<--<-c1 ~-~~k ~;;z.._ ..Zt7ZJ ~e-A'-$:$,-.;;~--,.~c~~­ /Zc...c.. •••• ~... -c<-c ~--6{~---<;.~~? ,.._ ~~C£_.~~ t?! ~~~.c,_~ ~~~ -.)' ac~ount. due for books suppl1ed, {_a.)~~~~ (.?) ~1;-~~-e,_,.,.... ~~'L ~.1-4-.,..... -4!!....., ~ ~~~ (C') ~~---pC._~J­~~~'-1. c-~~ ~~-~~~ ~~­~~~-~~-L-Oo(, ~ 37 d.~~{~)~~~ ~-~-:~,~­ '?~ a....-..-cc:.. ~~. /.~ i.~ ~~~~~ ~~h!'IJ'~ m-1!~~~­ 3, Finance -Report to 31st August. 1937, 1936. Sale of Literature, £104 £99Members Subscriptions. 40:S 3fl0Other • 25 99Book Box Fees. F1 9Advertisements. 3 4 (Bank Balance £2AO, Liabilities: Standring £350, Garden City res~O~~~t:::_'L­ ~~~~­ Ll Hon. Treasurer's FUnd. Some donatmons still coming in. Total to date £570. Some promises of increased subscriptionsalso received. flt~~~. ( Membel ~~l ; (o) Name. MfSsi M1BB c,ll,R 6. Fr ye pr le 38 ~,/1 Membership, (a) July Candido.tes (6) Last Yonr (7) (b) August can·\idatee (4) Last year (5) To be elected. {o) Resignatt~nslName. Address. Wlected.Last Sub. Reason. Miss W, Berry, Cheshire. 192F: £1 1937 cannot afford,Miss V.B,I)Umbletlcm.Arundel. 1921 £1 1937 Leaving England. o.N.Robinson. Jarrow, 1926, 21/·1934, Cannot take part. (a.)a...~ ~) .~~~~~~4!-L,~. ILe)~~~~~=-~· Friends It.'\11 Lectures. Sale of tickets to date £140, year same do.te £101. Satisfactory eo far. Scheme for press advertisements to be considered and expense authorised. Messrs. Allen & Unwtn -offer publication of the lectures as last year. To be considered. I /~-~a-<~~~ ~h.A-'f~~~~ ~c-~-~}"CJ ~~~ ~~~..,..~~~ ~~~~Y'~-r. ~~~~~~~( ~~. ~-,M...o ~t:-z-._c_~/­~~~~/t;;;.~ ~"~tl.~ ~~"?(~~ ~c ~ ~,(_lA-... -h.< •c....;.-<. ~'-1-~~. 39 I 1 .Facts for Soci·uliste. Sunders suggests issue of circular and order form to members with Fnbio.n News. H.C.L.C. Publishing eo., ask if we could supply a specialedition of 2,000 or 3, 000 for them? And if so price, To be considered, Se-..~~~~ a-..;{ a:::~£7-.. ~-~-~ ~~.f~~~. 7T...c_ ...V·~ -L.C. . ~-~ ~~~~~"J-.. ~~.,e~ ,21/PV ~j-.fto ~ SCTl/77 r t.L~ ~I'L --vt... ~ ~..-...... ~ fl, Livingstone Hall Lectures, 193~. The Hall provisionallybooked for Thursdays, January 13th, 27th, Peb. lOth, 24th,March lOth, 24th. Also for Saturday, February 12th for proposed Conference. To be confirmed, and preliminarysonsideration of lectures, etc. begun . H. Samuels su~gests a meeting in October with lecture or debate on Palestine and the proposed changes there. Baron do Veitschberger's offer of lecture on his scheme for unemployment relief to be consjderod, rz.,.._ ~"! u:;::.. t+-r:i-U ;.-.. ~ rA.~~~~. f~~~ ~.fc-v'-t.L-.. ~' ~/.)-­~._A-~~ye;;: ~ /J. Corr (a) (b) (c) (d ) (e) 40 1al lly24th, or ture ~-f..&.~(.,~~~­!':?~ -<. ~~cj-f-. £7.-c ~~~­ ~. J.t< . (.(.­R~~~~-~ ~~---?-r .... -..c ~ r ~ _r~~-~-~,/1? -!J',· ~a:;:;:_ ~--f~-~ _»....v. _7-· ~~~ ~~~­ 1~-Correspondence. (a) Or. Haden Guest re by-election at North Islington. {b) Fabian Nursery -request to issue leaflet about the Nursery to Loncton members in October "News". (c) Guy Keeling (mombor) request to sond out appealfor funds for the Natlonal Peace Campaign with October "Newsn. (d) P. M. Dott Memorial Library, EcUnburgh, request for freo sift of Fabian publications for the Library. (e) London Labour Party -preliminary notice of 24th Annual Conferonco Nov. 27th, 1937. Any notices for Agenda to bo sent by October 1st. (#) ~d-.~~-~---;:-. ..L-A'-rz,.._ ~c-c-~f~ (~j ~~~.~-~~ '-'1'~&(~ Vz-.t-lj'~-: t2 -~~~~-~~­/.." ,.U~A a:. r--~-4 ~-~ ~~,£---z,..~ ~ ~. 41 11.::::;,.. I(J ~..... a-~~--a.:;::­ ~~t:-~~~~ (el~-~c-~ ~~-t%--1 VVl..-1-t-e..-vr ~/1-o Ut-~~­{d)~.~~~~ U~"f~/'~~ {<)~_r~~ ~~~~~~ -r..~~t..,~~~ '?~~~. {(! ~...Ncrr-~~ 1.7~~1~~-~~ (/)~~-~~~. (!(.. yY1.-~~,..,_........ ~ ~~-~--~~ ~-~........ ~~#~. ~1 ~~..--r ~~~~e........... ~""«-t.. ~~-~~ vf'/h~~~~ !}.~..(, u......., L l 42 96{7l ~1~~~-~ ~~~~/"'~-~ ~~~t<-~?--~~ '1~-~L~ ~.-~ ~~z::::­~-et~:t--~~­ ~~~~­~.~ 43 p~ fl -~~{~)~~ ~~~/~'~ I~c;c~. ~.inL .I~/k.-e#·.kp ~-~. ~.~ t.~l ~r~~'L~ce·~-1 ~/1-~~o-..rf~. i-ntO ~. Finance -Report to 30th Sept ember , 1937. 1936. Sale of Literature. .£130 .£127 Members Subscri ptions. 476 445 Other " 31 125 Book Box Fees , 9 10 Advertisements. 4 6 at~~­ (Banh Ba l ance . £330, hiSeilitie~l St andring, £.315;Summer School £45; Sundry £35. Total £395.) /h.-.. ._/\--~p;::;-~ M~-K-~-~ ~~h~-~~ ~.~7 ~---;v~/1 t;­~~~~. List of 3n members for whom Balne, Ali. Wm. Bloor, Miss C, Bussey, Oeorge L., Coatos, Miss Mary E., Croor'le, Mrs . H. !cl., Daubercies, Hr . & Mrs. A., Davidson, s., Davis, Hy., Esmond, Alfro•1. Pagan, Hrs., Fr~mcis, A.J., Hallam, Mrs. A., Har :He, Wm . Johnston. Har.iing, Frank W., Harrison, A.B., Hook, C.F., Hunter, Mrs . Lois B., Hutchinson, E.A., Jcnnings, Hiss Evelyn H., Jinnah, ILA., Kauffmann, Fritz., Keon , J'ames , Kriz, Hiros lav Lloyr't, Edw . A., Mactcmagh, Miss Haura.. l·lac:Jougal l,A. N., McKenzio, G. Grant., HadC:l.rmon, H., Nu·v~al1, Hiss Flora.., Pal:, ~ neau, 0 . C., Fi.P JbJ t?~~L~)~A?-~ -~~,~-~' ~~?~. j,~ ~'i~~~ ~~~~~-(_ :3. Finance -Report to 2Ath February, 193P.. 193Fl 1937. Sale of Li~erature. £347. £259. Members Other subscriptions." P.F:4 Fl6 A91 171 Book Box Fees. lA 20 Advertisements. g A (Bank Balance £350. Accounts duel Standring £205.) 4, Hon. Treasurer's Fund, Now amounts to £A9l. 19. 6d.. The appeal to be closed. 63 5. Member ship. (a) February can.Udatee (5) to be electerl, Last year (6) (b) Resignations: Name. Ad~reee. Elected.Last Sub. Reason. ~.Armstrong, Ashtead . 1937 21/-1937 S~afford, Hies A.C.Brodhurst,Clapham.l936 10/6 1936 None C.F.oron, Thorpe Bay, 1937 15/-1937 None W.N,Edwarde, Welwyn G.C, 1908 30/-1937 Lost interest, W.C , Rose, Brighton. 1927 10/-1937 Politics, Mrs. Russell,Minchinhampton,l924 20/-1937 None, A.F.Weaver. Eastbourne, 1937, 21/-1937 Cannot afford. (a)~ ~c.-~~~ c~;~~~~~~­ ~. Civil Ser vice Housing Association, our t enants. Formal three months notice to leave from 9th March -expiring June 9th accepted . Arran~ments mane with Messrs. Saunters & eo. of Carter et St . t o l et the rooms if possible, ~~~~ ~"'-.s~.,L~4~1­ vvt1.- ~Ct-;o ~?'<-..> ~~' ?Correspondence. (a) Georgo Baker -request to adi his name to list of members wi ·::_::_!18 to stand as candi~atos for Parliament. (b) The Echica.l Union -r equest t o senrl. out notice of Con-fe::>e!lco to Lon•lon members with May issue of "News". (c) EdinbL..?~-~ Proof of riro.ft accounts ann Balance Sheet, 19:37/~fl (a (t Na ~ Corre1 (a ) l (b) ! (c) C (d) D (e) C _ r Ba t"f# ~~--;;;!:;; .-L 1:-~---~Ci::;::-­ ~--{~ k,.c.,.._"1'....._ } ~c. ~ • 4. Hembership. (a) ~~rch can~idates (B) to be elected. Last year (5) (b) Resignat~ons:­ Name, Ad tress. Elected .Last Sub. Reason,Paul Bradshaw.Highgate , 1929 2/6, 1936,Not in Sympathy.Roy Parsons, Westminster, 1933 80/-1937,Cannot afford , (a; ~6-~~~~~­ l~)~-f.. ~~~~­ ~-, Correspondence. (a) F. Gibson, K.c., !f , P, , reporting his visH to EdinburghF.S, at our request, (b) Hessrs , Kidstons, Glasgow, notifying us that the late W. Tweeddale has left a bequest of £10 to the Soclety. (c) Chhm Camp.\ Co!TII!littee, request to sen1 out notice of dance with Fablan News. (d) Dudley Collard -request for list of nA.Mes and ad lresses of legal members of the Soclety. ~37/GA (e) Czecho-slovak dernocratlc organization, Prague. Appeal for ~tc. funds foe emigration of Austrian and German it tee refugees . ~~)~~~4~A ~C/Jo. u~-~~­ (a;!~~~~­(/•; ~A-~f,;;;r _(C)~~~­ (_vC/k~-~-~~­ (-~ ~ ~~~/U~ ---;z_ ~jr~ ~{. ~t. /vU v __.'-;; 67 ~C-.<. t( ~-5, fl~d-~ I( ·1]/?--~ /f3~ Pu~r· 11 -~~{_~)~~;/r-e... ~/~t~~-~ '?~~~'~~re--­ /.~ J~C; '1 ~~~~ ~~~~~­ l..t?v~ ~~YT-P a~~ L~~... -1 ;· ~ Finance -Report to 3oth April, 1938, 193r.. 1937. Sale of Llterature. £Sl £24 t.f !{embers Subscrtpttons. 4'7 fl!'\ Other " 1 3 Book Box: Fees. 1 4 Arlvertlsements. 1 1 (a~nk Balance £27n. Aecounts dues Standring £180), ~~~~-c---L, 4. Membershipt Last Year (4) (o. ) April candi.<\a.tee (fi) To be elected. (b) Resi.gnat1ons • None, (__t<) 71-v<. ~~~~~ Gft.) N~ £24 ~~ 3 4 1 ar(4l 68 5, Correspon~ence. (a) Basque Childrens' Committee -roquest to senl out appeal for fUn1s to members. (b) Cambridge Scientl.ots Anti-17ar Group. Appeal for funds for Air Raid film. (c) Cnpt. \7. H. Gardner. Request to acir! his nnme to list of possjble cand1da tea. (d) Prof. Foldee, Bologna, aeking us to publjsh his book on Bertrand Russell. {Cl/~--:~1.-dt: ~~/)~-f--r-t­Cf.J _#..,... CZ...t:--~._,t/P(-e~ ~~• 7 (_c. I t1--vh ~c-c_~ ot ---~£---<--1.. ~___;___ La) iJ-ce.~c»/7-~t':;-~-/~~>--1. ~t.--C-?C~ IL £._.._-~ -t/~t::u r~-d~e« /C ,£'"~ /{.,__~ ~vt.~, ~t-v~-u-t::.c:-<: ~c-~~~~ ~£t:CL du.e:~n--c. ce..~~ ~£..-t-... ~/·~~~­ Ck-f 1.--t.-t--#{_ / ~C-<..-?£-,/7 • pI t:-~4--c...r' £t. fo-r...-----1-..-...._ :J---=.-C,_~ /{/'~ 4L /V'-.<---c.--r.-7 F !P-C~ ~~~~&-<.-.&~.&(, -/A ~ /6/1.1-< I)Jf 69 ~~~~ 1 tj~-~~~~-~, I 9~.~~~~­ , 1 ~ ~~/~~£~/;;.7P I -~~­ 3, Fir (a (t (c (o ----~---------.--------------------------------------------------~ /fo{37 70 2-~­ JC'ek' c .. ,..,~~~ ~~u~~~... ,s.s~ -...,., L-1. 3. Finance -Report to 31st ~lay, Sale of Literature. Members Subscriptj one,Other w Book Box Fees Advertisements, l93F1, 193fl £65 £152 12 2 1 ~· £37 £11'1:3 9 5 :3 (Bank Balance £250. Accounts due 1 Stan•iring £160), ~ ~­ ~ '2-'~ ~~ . Membe rship! (a) Ma~ candinates (6) To be elected. Last year (:~) (b) Reaj_gna U:dms. G.s.speed, HaMpstead. 1933, 15/-1936. No time to take (a) Dulwich Labour Party. Parliamentary can1i1ate wanted, r~ (b) Sir Leo ~1oney. Suggesting lecture by himself on Fascism anrt Socialism. (c) J, F. 't)rabble • request to ad·~ his name to list of ~ possible Parliamentary caniic'l.ates. (d) Hajor VI . F . Vernon -iJ tto. (t< l ~~-~~h~­ r 1~~~~,(~­ 71 (-t;~.~~~1~~~~~ ~~~~~­{C)~ r ~,-(..d ~~ ~.... (4~~,L..L~~ ~~­ J 72 ~~C-<.94-~ ~2/~~/'j-.SS/ tl-~~(~)~-~-­ -4~~,~ ~~~­ /-~ ~1-~~~ ~­~~~~- VtVD 3. Finance -Report to 30th June, 1938. Sale of Literature. £S6, £62.Members Subscriptions. £223. £264.Other " 17 1e Book Box Fees. 3 6 Adil ertisements. 2 3 (Bank Balance £300. Accounts dues Standring £150) IL~-~~~~ .U-~~&-..~~ £-~~~~o£ ~-eett.&.~~~-4).J ~t-'1 ~~~/!:::"~~ 73 ~~4;--~~~ ~-~~-~~~ Itf Membership t (a) June candidates (5). To be eJected. Laot year (5) (b) Resignations: Name. Address. Elected. Last Sub. Reason. H· J.-sefshaw. BeJfast7 192B. 207-1937 None. J,L. Etty, Abingdon. 1924· 21/-1937 Ghen up politics.R.H.Rhodee, Lymington. 1932 21/-1935 Lost interest; R.C. Woodward, Smethwick. 1911 2/6 1935 Now Nationa l Labour. Mrs.E.r.Young. Marylebone-1934. 10/-1937.Now an anarchist. {czJ~~~~~~­{L-J74..'f-vz-~~~­ J'- Suggeoted r edecoration of our office. Fountain estimates cost £16. To ~ cons ider ed and recommendation made to the Executi7e. To be carried out in Auguot if agreed. ~~-~h-~ ~~~~ ~~~~­ 6. Correspondence . (a) Major Gardiner -application to be put on list of possi~l e candida t es . Inter7iew to be reported· (b) Dr. A· T. Schofield. Request to add his name to list of possible candidates. (c) Mr· F. T. Willey ditto. (d) Sir r.eo Money -re autumn lectures· {_Cl)~~~a-/( vt' ~~~~d!.~ti<. L~~ ·) ' ~t. ticaj Labo 'hiet. ~tee c~ ' I. of ~orted to li 7'4 V(;(-;:cr ~~~-~?..-~ ~-~~­((!')~-~~ ~~~-­(~J~~~·Yo_~ - 1 ~~G-L-44~ ~~ber ~:t:z~ S-e-foL-;-£/PI.: ::;4-~·~... ~ ~~~­ 85 ~c-.-\A-~ ~~/!?"S/-