V w y 7 ~~/.67 K L ~19213 M ;::t;:_ tv1 N [1 p Q R j s T V w y 7 , c 0 V w y N G H J K L M tVl N [1 p Q Rl s T V w y 7 L M rY1 N [1 L M tv1 N rY1 N [l p Q R s T V w y 7 [1 p Q R j s T V w y 7 Q RJ s T V w y 7 s T V w y 7 V w y 7 y p~ ~2-z~,~/~,~4-£~ ~~~--~-~-~, I 9~1.~, L/~,.-z .c;(.~, h-.r.s~, ~-»..J~, ~k.d.~_ /.~ ~~~~~{}~­~~­ 1.-~ ~'la:;:;_~~ ~~~~­ 1 J.~ ~~~~~ fw--~~-y_,h ~~Y.J~5(~~ ~~~~~~­ ' ~~ ~-1 -h-..._.~ ,4 ~­~-; Ntt; ~~o£ t:.,_ ~ .:;( -..)~ ~ wS-~ ~~-~-Jbt-~~a---t ~""' ~v~.-,-~~­ ~...!~~~ 4/'-;J,d~ tk~3~ -~~ ~~~-r-s~~~ ~c~~-;r~-~-.'"--<~~ ~-~-r~L-~~,~.c;~ ~~c~~t4. 7 ..A/'~~c.~. ~9~-4--~~~ ~~~~~~4:­;.))-r:4C. ~e:.p~...... ~p ~~ t::J--t..-~~~-~ 2 ....(_~ r /u._, ~-'Z.<.. L,_ -J -q_ 5 ~ f'~..c~-~~~?-~ 4 ~ ~-7 >-k~/f·a~.~/-~~ t:,.~-~~£~ 0~· :<.~f·,O-/--:/ -~. lA­ Ot--t.. ?~4.. ~-: ~~~ 94-~-~~U'~~ ~~~~~ ~t.~~~~ z?;-~c.c. ~~~~~. ,.. ~ ~-­ 4vtat ~Ck.-d~tA ~~­ ~~~..-£;--~~~~~~:.c..,. ~.~~4-c..--~ Su---t.-""' ~~~--~~~~­ ' I ~~/+·t--~~~ ~-c-4. ~-~...7 $.(vi th if he approves. New Booklet proposed. Mrs. Blanco White on Nationalisation of Banking. Agreed that Allen & Unwin be pressed for earlydecision re joint publication -failing them the Hogarth Press to be asked. 4. New Tracts suggested, { {a) Cols suggested reprint of his art~le on Economics in tbe Modern World from the Political Quarterly. Considered but declined as too technical to see us a tract. (b) Dr. s. Hastings submitted draft of tract on "A National Physiological Minimum". Referred to Mrs. Dra!{e to consider and report to next meeting. Some other matters were considered and dealt with and the Committoe then adjourned; , Report of Meeting of the Summer School Committee on Wednesday,11th October, 1933. Present: Ald. Davies (Chair), Mrs. Beadle, Hrs, Hall, Miss Hankinson,Miss Lee, Mrs. Palmar, Messrs. Galton, Capt. Hall and Humphreys. 1. Financial statement was presented showing total receipts ~755. Total EXpenditure ~670 including all sums due and unpaid.Balance FE5 . The report was received and considered satisfactory, and it was agreed that all payments due be made forthwith, 2, Mise Hankineon reported on the school and mentioned that the total number of weeks was only 227, against tre 240 guarantees. Mrs. Weedon had kindly agreed to waive the difference and accept payment for the actual number, It was agreed that cordial thanks be sent to Mrs. Weedon for meeting us eo generously in the matter. 3. Fees paid to be refunded in part. The list was considered and refunds of ~arying amounts agreed to in accordance with the regulations. 4. Preliminary consideration of place of school next year. t,fterdiscussion it was agreed that Mrs. Weedon be asked to keep the offer of Frensham Heights open till the new Committee can meet. Meanwhile efforts be made bycorrespondence to see if any alternative is available. Some other matters of detail were dealt with the the Committee adjourned, ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ J.~ ~~~~~~~·"-(_ ~~~//~/~ ~~/(~-~/~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~-;7 ;z:;-~~~ ~('~)~~~ A, CV ·S' -S~, 9~"-J. ~~ 15 t;'~~~--4~-;:;-..., ~~M~~-~ ~~~7~~~* :+~~~~~ j/t::::;:;::?---r----~~~~~c; ~~~~~ t;' ~~If.J'-f-o-~J'(_ ...Z.4~~'-1 vt~L--1~~~~~ ~~-~CC-~~ ~~~~A. ~#~ ~~(Jc._~~ ~ ~~;z::; ~~rh.~ ~~­ 1 ~~~-~-""~~ ~-u:;;2'U v-1-~~.rt.. lt-~~ ~~-~~A~~~­ ~~-~t-/·~~ ~~~/A~~d-v~ ~ 1 ~~~~"~ ~~~4"h U-ps.-.. ~·"-< ~~~e.~~~~ ~~~~~~ I· ,C.,i-r·AL.~. ~,~~ Z -~~./)~ ~~~­.J I k--r.et.. I~ ~~~---~"'~~ ~+-7~~~A~ j,-/~~?fA ~~c-e-e.-. fJ~~~~~ , ~~~~~/ . ~ I rr {.1-(J,t.'-. ~~-~~~ . 7 ~/~/~~~,?~ ~ ~~~~~''-· ~~~~~-~Y$-~~ ~ ~~~~~0~~ 17 ~~) '1~~~~~1!·~ ~~-,(,. ~~n-~ ~~~~~~ M 11/?!M. ~~1 ~~~­/~.If·~~~ u;::;;:r /~/~~ ~4' ~~~~~~~ ~'h,~l~~~ ' ~u-;. t!:r~~~ ~~.. ~~~~· ~~~­ ~~rf·c; ;_.~~~.-' ~vt-~~~-~u::; ,C/ /V ~~-~~~~~ ~~~~ I ?tt~~A.-~­~-IZ~9~ ~~~~~Lr­ / F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. ~==:==============~========== Agenda for meeting of the Executive Committee at the Office on Wednesday, 29th November, 1933 at 5 p,m• ================ 1. Chair: Miss Helen Keynes. 2, Minutes of l ast meeting. 3. Apologies : H.J.Laski, Lor~ Snell. 4. heport of Finance, etc. committee annexed, 5. Summer School committee, 1934 to be set up. Seven members of the Executive to be appointed to serve on the Committee for the year, 6, Livingatone Hall Lectures, 1934. p 1 ogreas still ve1'y slow and many refusals. Al:·.L·angements to date: - Jan. 11th. Debate. Fascism. W.Joyce (B.U.F.) v. A.L.nowse. 25th. Lecture. Vacant, " Feb. 8th. Lecture. Garmany. Dr. G. P.· Gooch. 22nd. Lecture. U.S.A, Miss Lawrence. " Moh, 8th. Leoture. Vacant. 22nd, Debate. Imperialism. L.S.Amery v, " Lord Llboyd, Oliver Baldwin, J.B.S.HaldanEJ , J'.rthur Henderson, H. J. Laski, Philip Baker, and Lord Snell hive declined. No replies yet from J. B. Trend, and Sir GEJorge Young. More suggestions for l ectures and lecturers, and for speaker in last debate urgently required. 7, Kingsway Hall Lectures, 1933. Now concluded. heceipte&711. 17.0d. Last year ~~34. 17. Od, A considerable decline as the sale of co~'se tickets fell off. Note that this is a decline on top of similar fall last year on its predecessor.Sales of lite ature at the six meetings Sl5. ~· Od. Last year£19, 1~. Od. Shall we book the hall again fo next year?To be considered, 8. Death of G. A. Gaskell in October. Should we now withdraw the £100 placed on «eposit with the Bank for Russian Trade at his request. o. Correspondence. F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. ============================ ~eport of meeting of the Finance, etc. Co~ittee on Thursday, 16th Nov0mber, 1933. Pr esent: W. S. Sanders (Chairman), Miss Keynes, l1essrs. Davies,Dodd, Galt on, Capt. Hall, Hu~phreys , Si r J, Maynard, Pease and Kimber (Nursery). 1. Finance. The usual fi nancial stat eoent was presented and af t er discussion approved and considered satisfactoryin present circumstances. 2. Membership. October candidates (5) war~ el ected. Last year (17) One resignation was acc3rted, 3. Livingstone Hal l Lectures . The arrangG~~nta made to date were approved. For the vacant dates agreed to ask the following: (a ) Spain. Sir Georga Young, Bt., (b) Turkey. Oliver Baldwin, (c) Debate with Amery. Noel B1l?: r, Lord Gnell G.D,H, COle, or H,L. 13Jc.lcs, Suggest ed Lectures. (a ) London surveY. F. a.;.rJ;:h~. (b) Philosophy of Dbct c.tor ship. prof, i1churr ...y. t.rthur Hcnd::Jrson and Prof, Lasl i un,tbl 3 to ace pt .:.tnd t hese were not.;d, 4, The of fer of tift or~ booJc, to l ocal L,.bcut' P~:;.·tios, l,tc. h.Jport t h:J.t 90 a;:>plic~tions had no.l b < n r·c ivud was not0d , 5 , j',llen :. Unlc-c.. 4--~~~~~ l·~· I {4}~~~~~-.. ,·~~c-;, ~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~... ~A';e~4-?~ ~~~~~­' ft/~h'.~-/t~ ~~~~~­{C'/ ~~...~~---,..~~-l ,d if he wish.Jd to t c::.l:o part again, but not pressed to do so i~ view of his desir e to disfiontinue. The claim for entertainments ttx or appeal for exempt-i on was consid.3red and Blanco White ' s opinion ther von r Jport < , It was decided t o take no action at pr sent but to a~ait ~urthcr devel opments if any. 6. ~ome other mJ.tters of d0tail W<.Jro dv.~lt .;ith and the Connitt then :1djournod . (d ) Thursd~y, llth, January, 1934 . Pre:3tint: ,J. ...;.Sand.Jrs {Chair),L.ris:.J 1 cynGn, A. , D<.~.vies, Cc.pt. Hu.ll , ..,ir J .J.l...;.yn...o.rd, ~,.,, fou.::>e , Dr. D. :::>hi l s, .J>l:t r. . valton. L Fin::.ncJ, Th:J usu:::t.l fin••nci .1 st1.t'r nt .:n....; rr.,cuivod and !.pprovod, 2. . ~~b~rship. D~cumbwr candiuatc,s (9 ) ~ere elected. Last year (1 ) T:~o re...,i[Inations .J.Jr.J accu;>tc,d . List of' ;~G nonbero for thoo no <-..ddr(,s3us ::J.V :.i l.tbl for t :1o yuarc or r10r., consider Gd and acreod that they bJ s~r~ck off th~ liGt . ( 2) '.0 q rt a£ FiJA:8:iibv L &JliJI Ul ,l\cport of' Finn.nco, etc. conr1ittoe (2) contd. :3!J Eivi n[';stone Hall Lecturos , .h.cport tha.t and procr amme pri nted r ecei ved and ar .r r >-ne;cocnts l'OVtJd , coopl ..;t _;d , '! . Suggeat ed Speaker s Cl ass . h eport that l E )\GEJbcrs had r esponded t o t he pr el i minar y notice in Fabi an "News . Agr eed t ha t a f urther noti ce be ins erted and i f 20 or more naoed r eceived a l'!IGeting called and t he cl ass begun, A small char ge t o bo l'!lade as bef or e and t he cl ass to be hel d at 11, Dar tmouth Street in Library r oom . 5. Autumn Lectures , 19:34 . Pre liminary consider ati on of subject f or the l ectures . No deci s i on made but a gencr~l agr oeo ont that some aspect of the question of Democr acy ver sus Dictat or shi p woul d be most t opi cal . Consiqeration def erred-the lmst of prGVi ous subjects t o be ~~~~1~~f~~ cir cul ated t o t ne Executive . 6. Some ot her matter s of d et ai l wor e deal t with and t he Comni:Eteo then adjourned . heports of Meetings (2) of the SUflmer School Committ ee. (1). Wednesday, 13t h December, 1933. Pr esents A.E.Davies (Chair), Mrs. Beadle, Miss Tattersa ll, Capt.Hall, H.Humphreys, W,S. Sanders, Dr.D.Shiel s, Bl anco White, and F,W,Galton. (Mi ss Hankinson al so attended after appointoent as manageress). 1. Mi ss Hankinson was appointed manageress of the School for 19:34. 2. It was decided to eo-opt to the Committee for 1934, Mrs. Basil Hal l, Mi ss M. Lee, and E. F. Errington. :3. The pl ace of the school for 1934 was consi dered and list of schoo.., otc. available was read. Aftor discussion it was agreed unanimously to mal{e cm offer to the Univorsi ty Coll ege of North Wal es at Bangor , and i f tho offer i s accept ed to recommend the Commi ttee at its next meeting to approve and adopt the proposal that the school be held at Bangor. The meet i ng then adjourned. ·.. heport of Summer School Committee. contd. 2. Wednesday, 3rd January, 1934. Present: A.E.Davias 'Chair), Mrs. Hall, Miss Hankinson, Mi ss Lee, Capt. Hall, H. Hwnphreys, W. s. Sanders, Dr. D. Shiels,and F. W. Galton. l. A. Emil Davios was uanimously el ected chai.rman of the Committee for 1934. 2. It was decided that the Committee should continue to meet on Wednesday at 5.15 p~.M•. 3. Place of School 1934. correspondence with the University ·College of N. Wal es, Bane;or Was read. After discussion agreed "That the.offer of the University Collee;e of.N. Wales, Bangor , be apcepted, · That the~College be take~ for the four we3ks from Saturday, ·August 4th to S.at.urday, Sept. let, 1934 on the terms arranged, ,v.fz: That .we pay 7/6d per · day (.s.a,. 12. 6d. per week) .i.ncltis:iv.e.·for ea.ch' visitor, and guarantee an average attO.ndan~e of' 5Q ·per-sons per week, i'.··e •. 200 weeks in 8.1111 • ' A cordial vote of thanks was recorded to H.Humphreysfor ·kindly visiting Bangor .·at the Secretary' s r .equest at short notice and ·r eporting to this Oomf.!i ttee on the suitability of the Co1lege for our Summer School. · i~ Directors and Programme. Discussion ensvc.-d r e Directors and Pror;ramme . No decis.ions were I'lado but thu:c 8 was general agreement that it would b, nJcossary to arrange subjects for each week s0 that l ~ctur· rs coul d givQ two or more l ecturers eac·h, The meeting then adjourned. 26 j.~ ~r~~~e-....-'"{ ~~~~/~~/~,~ ~~,~~ ~--c.--=-£ ~­ 4· ~ ~-"/ ~cj a;~,_,. ~~~~:::----7.~~7 h-f~~ ~9~~Q.~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~ ,~~7?4..---:>(.?. 4 -r~ I 27 ~~1~~-~~~­ ~a;::.~~~~ ~~"'--~~~ ~~~~~~..,~. J··lflt ~-r~~.~ ~;:..~~-/-~ ~~~/~4-~ ~~ ~>'"K.-eL; ~. {J;Ii/..IL. ~,~~~•c..d? ~~~ ;c; 7Lf ,.t~ ~~~~-­~~~ k-t-;;::;-z~~n:;:; ~~~~ l~f-fo---~ ~-~~~ ~t:-l~~/et-~~~~. ~~~~~~ 't:: ~~~-z-.;~­~~~-~ ~~~~~~ ~,A/~7~~ ~~~-~~~,~ -~~~~ ~. ~~-r~~- /~~~~­ a~~~. k~~~fo---.11-e. ~ ~S--~. .tV'~,_,t,-~~ /~~/ ~~A~/~Z-·-·Le / / , J-l,e;,,~,~--'7-~,~~ ~/~. 7~, ~~~9~pt~~ 1~4~~~~~~~ ~.~~.-go*'~' c-=('~ ~~4--u;:;-~a-/g A7 c~---~~~ ~~~-h-~~<~-.s.s.~ ~~-7 ~~ ~ ~f~~~~~-:z ~~4..;~~-az_ ?~~ 3.~~~~ ~~/~-~ Jt;z;~~.. ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~'tr"~-~ ~ r : fJ.,ti-/L. ~~~·~~ ~~ ~­~~~A~~ ~~.~~~ ~~~~~ ~~t?-~~ ~~4 ,J.~ J r. ~~. F A B I A N S 0 C I 0 T Y. Agenda ~or meeting o~ the ~xecutive Committee at the o~~ice on Wednesday, 21st March, 1934 at 5 p.m. 1. Chair: h.H.Tawney. 2. Minutes o~ last meeting. Apologies: Miss s. Lawrence, Kingsley Martin. 4. heport o~ meeting o~ the Finance, etc. Committee (annexed) 5. heport o~ meeting o~ the Summer School committee (annexed) 6. Livingstone Hall meetings. Last o~ the series to-morrow (Thursday, 28nd March). Letter ~rorn Sir John Maynardasking us to appoint a substitute chairman. 7. Autumn Lectures, 1934. Friends. Hall booked Oct~ a5th to Nov. 2gth. General title: Liberty (or Fre&dom) or Tyranny. For subjects the ~allowing suggestions made: The hevolt against heason. Liberty and the Planned state. The Nightm~re o~ the }uture. Contemporary Tyrants -vvill they last? Tyranny and the cmpir~. The hight to criti~is~. Tyranny and Women. A Fabian Utopia. For Lecturers the ~allowing suggested: Sir s. Cripps, H. Morrison, Noel Baker, Delisle Burns, H. J. Laski, Earl nussell, H. G. Wells, G.P.Gooch, Ellen Wilkinson, Vere Brittan, and Ernst Teller. To be considered and subjects and lecturers to be invited settled. 8. The Executive Committee Election. Ten new candidates nomJnated. Two withdrawals.-J. h. Bellerby and h.B.Tawney. Ballot to be taken aocordingly. 9. Correspondence. 35 F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. heport of meeting of the Finance, etc. Committee on Thursday,8th March, 1934. Present: W. S.Sanders (Chair), Messrs.Davies,~odd,Galton,Hurnphreys, Sir J.Maynard,Pease,Dr.Shiels, and Kimbe1· (Nursery). 1. Fmnance. The usual financial statement to Feb,28th was presenteeand after discussion received and approved. 2, Membership. Feb. candidates ( 2) were elected. Last year (5),Three resignatmons were accepted. The list of about lQQmembers much in arrears with subscriptions referred to Sanders and Galton to take off the list all except anyspecial cases to be considered at next meeting. 3. Executive committee El ection. Agreed that in view of Easter,the date for return of ballot papers be extended to April23rd. The Nursery request to send out a circul ar re the election was considered, Agreed to recommend the Executive that subject to certain amendments in the draft circular sub­ mitted so as to make it a general appeal from fue Nursery on behalf of younger candidates, and not a special appeal for the Nursery candidates only, the circular be sent out as an inset in the April "News". 4. Livingstone Eall Lectures. Suggested col~eotion for Austrian Socialists considered. Decided not to take collection as contrary to our practice, but an appenl to members for donations to the Labour Party fund to be made in April"News". 5. Jubilee Dinner or Party, heferred back from the Executive Committee. considered and discussed and agreed to recommend the Executive that an Evening party be arranged for a date to suit G. B. Shaw, 6, Suggested Broadcast, hadio Normandie. considered and r eport by Thurtle fun the h.P.A. results received. hesolved to r ecommend the EXecutive that the project be abandoned. 7. Correspondence, Mr. Fletcher's letter re his bequest·in Wi ll to the society, r ead, Agreed that he be thanked and wishes noted. some other matters of detail were dealt with and the Committee ad o ned FA-BIAN S 0 C I E T Y, heport of meeting of the SumTier School co~ittee on Wednesday,14th March, 1g34, Present: A. E. Davies (Chairman) , Mrs. Beadle,Hiss Hankinson,Miss Lee, Miss Tattersall, E. F. Errinston, F.W. G<on, H. Humphreys, and W, s . sanders . 1. Proof of form of application for admission to the School which had been circulated was considered, Some snall amendments were agreed t~ and it wao ordered to be sent to members with April issue of "News". A duplicate copy to be s ent to those who apply for admission to the School. 2. Lirectors. After discussion the following . were appointedDirectors of the Schools 1st Week. Ald. A. Emi l navi es, L.c.c. 2nd Hubert Humphreys. " 3rd Capt. Basil Hall, h.N. " 4th 11 Or. T. Drummond Shiels. 3. Programme. After discussion it was decided to arrangespecial subjects for each week of the school session. The following were agreed to, viz:­ let Weelll. Home Politics. Housing, Unemployment ,.Municipal affairs, etc. 2nd 11 Finance and Trade Policy. Planned Oapita.lisr:1, etc. 3rd Foreign Affairs, Fascism, League of Nations, " U.S.America, etc. 4th 11 Biology and population problems. 4. Question of l ecturers was discussed and sone suggestionsagreed to. Further suggestions invited for consideration E-t next meeting. The Committee then adjourned. 38 -&(P~~L---2~~~ ~~~--~./774­ ~-~jh~,~/~~~~ . , ~~,-c;.~,/~, ~~·~q/~,~~ ~~­ }.~ ~+~~1-<.ee.,...-'( ~~,~,~-~~, ~~-~eo:.-a~-L~ , . 4-·~ ~ ~-7 Ui:; -7.--r..~~ YE ~ ~~.q~ hl0-J"~~-~ ~4­Th.-,. ~~~-t-~~ ~~~~P'l£;;"~ 39 1~~~~7~ ~~~~. ~~~~~-~ ~~~~~ ~~~­ j'~-' ;~.f~~-~~ ~~~ ~-u.~~c--~···~·~~ ~~~-~~4..~ ~ ~~-e'-::r-c?ft~ ~~ ~-~?,~~~~ ~ -th-lk-(-~~~~r~~ ~~~-~~u::r k~~~~"'~ l·S~~-~~~~ ~/~~~~ ~~­ : , q.. ~" ( ,, 40 ~~~-A~~~___,-~~ ~-~~~~h~ /;-~ k. ~-~~~~.,._.·~ ~~-rnz -~.fo.... e-..~ ~//1-.f·Me.e.~ ~~~~n~' -k. _____,_ ~~~~ ~r-~~~-~~ ~/~.~~-a_.,...cc #~ 0~£h. ~~PI-~PI----~-£. C4.-«-c.~ , -frr.-?-~~~~'""t. ~~,q_~~~~. ~q,p~~ ~~~~ ~~{!A;:<_~ ~~ krr.~~ 9 Cp ~~~~~~Jc.-e-~4~· IU'.. .6~. ~4 ~.a.< ~... '"'... ..c;:y r ~ ~-"l-e. -~.A. --u~~-~ U4-._7-.J~ ~~~. ~~~--hh-~z;:--­ ~~~~~~~ ~~A~~~ ~~~/~~v-~. 41 I I I 'I Jt!~ I 1 ' \_~ ~-ej~~ ~nrt~~~~ ~.9-t...~~~~ ~~u.-t-~a. .... e-c ~ a(0~~~~ lfp;;~~~~~ (cJh.zA~~.-c~~ ~4~s-~s~~­tt) ~9~~~~'-/[ ~~~~~ ~-~~~­ t,-z_ ~­ F A B I A N S 0 C I li.: T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Exacutiva Crn·mitteo at tho Jffice on Wednesday, asth April , 19J4 at 5 p.M, 1. Chair: Si dney Webb. 2 . Minutes of l ast meeting. :3. Apol ogies: Capt. Ha ll) H.J.LasJd , '.I.A • .hobson. 4, lteport of me'Jting os :t:he Finance, c;tc, Com.-::ittee (annexed) 5 . Executi ve Committee El ection. A lt·Ja.vy Poll -ovgr 500 votas. h.Jsult to be reported if available. 6. Annua.l Meeting. Fixed for Thursday, June 7th at Livingotone Hall. Chairman to be arranged. 7. The Jubilee Party and heception. Fixed for Thursday, l.r.!th June. See r0)0rt of FJnanee Committee, para, 5. Any other arrangements to be settl ed, 8 , Autumn Lectures . progress slow. Sir S. Cripps and D0lisle Burns accGpt. Leonard Woolf, Vera Brittain and H. G. Wells declide. No r eply fron Bertrand .hussell. To be considered and any othtJr suggestions for l ecturer s dealt with. 9 . To consider and settl e de~e for special meeting of th0 Executive to pass the Annual h eport and accounts to bo printed and sent out to members .vi th the June i ssue of "Fabian News". fl.uditor of accounts for the past year to be appointf;d , Corr::Jspondance, (a) Lord Olivij..> book on Co-operation, etc. in Italy, FA BIAN S 0 C I E T y. h e por t of meeti ng of the Finance, et c . Cor ,, ·ittee on Thursday,12th April, 1934 . Present : W. S. Sanders (Chair ) , Miss Ke:•n3s, Messrs. Gal ton,Capt. Ha ll, Sir J. Maynard, P~use and Dr. Jhiel s. 1. Finance, The usual financial statement was presented and r eceived and appr oved. 2. Membership. March candidates (8 ) were el ected. Last year (4 ). Six resignations wore accepted, One member was struck off the l ist under rule 13. Seven members much j_n arrears who had not replied to the l etter considered. Two ordered to be kept on ­the other five struck off. 3. Executive co~~ittee El ection. heport that ten new candidate8 noninated received, Agreed that Hrs. Beadle and H. c. Heath be appointed scrutineers of the votes as i n the past thr ee year s , 4. Annual Meeting. Agreed that this b3 held on Thursday,7th June i n Livingstone Hall. Question of Chairman deferred to next meeting. 5, The Social party. Agreed that thiu be held on Thursday,June 14th in the Suffolk stre0t G:1.lleries, SpoFtkc.;:rs t o be invited -Shaw, Webb, Pea,Je, Snell and Uc,n~~ son. CL•:v-~e for tickets 'o be 2/6d, bofor3 the d.a~r, rt:' c/­on the day of the party. 6. correspondence. Odon Por asking our he l p in the ...~ublication of his book on Corporate and Co-oporativo exporiments in Italy.A3rood to co-operate with him and the publiohers but no fln~ncial r esponsibility to be taken by us. Som~ other matters of detail wore deal t with and the ComTiittee then ad j ourned . 9~: t.. . ~ J.~· ~~~­s~~~~~~~9·~~/j1f£.r ~/~,~~a.~, JJ~, ~~-~~~,~) ~~-e;~ L~, ~. f?~~ s~,~~tY ~ ~ /C;4~­ ~t:-/ «;:;. ~~ ~~~-­ ~~~~1-«=~. -( ~~~.~c:L~ ~~~. 7k.-t_ ~~~~-~-~ ec..c~r /?c:T-7-7~ ~~ ~~~v-z:-.. ~~ ~~~~.4._ 45 ~~ ~~~~__...,.-1~--z..:::; ~~.A--~~~ ~~z:-: ~~e--...-~' Rt:,~~,~~ ~~4u~-~-~ ~~~~?~~ I .s:~ ~~3~d--4/--~~~~·W;:;~~~~c,.---#~.,9--~ -.k.. ~~~~~c:l--·---e-r ~~~-;t-~u;:;, ~ ;;--~~~~~~ 1 ~a-,~-~-;~s:-4::: ~~~ ~~ At-~ I ~-,{_~~,r~ ~ ~c-?~ ~~ ~.%/J:'1" ~ vt-~~~t-4"---tA-~-~a;:::;­ ~rn:rv~~ j.,~ ~~ ~..5~ IC' , I ~~~~­~-~·~~~ '"\. ~~­ F A B I A N S 0 0 I E T Y. Agenda for speci al meeting of the Executivu Co~T.ittee at the Office on Wednesday , Qth May, L~4 at 5.:)0 p.m, 1. Chairman to be el ected. 2 . Minutes of l ast meeting. ~. Apologies -if any . 4. To receive and consider draft report for t he year 1033-34, and pass it to go out to members with the next issue of F.1.bian News. (Proof copy enclosed which pl ease bring with you). 5 . To consider suggested alteration of dates for e l ection of the Executive Committee, et c. in ltule 3. Propos~ t(' change dates from April to l,iay and make the neces sary consequential alterations . If approved to be submitted t o the Annual Meeting on June 7th. 6 . correspondence -if any. !!) 48 f'~ ~~~~/!Je·.~~~~, ~~~~(,~~. 4~~~,R~,R~ s~~~~~-: , , , /.~. ~,/(,~~~~ ~o/~~-.. ~~­ t,~T ~cj~~4!-=-c:-:r:: > ~~~~~. 4r-·~ ~~~~~,~ ~~~~·n,._ ~~~b-;Jj~+~ -~· 74-~-'l ~~~~ /u~~~r~~ ~~~,~~ ~' y , -~, ......... . 07 ' ~-------·-/. s FINANCE.t._ETC . PUBLISHING . ORGANISING, E1~ A. Emil Davies . F . W. Bacon . F. W. Bacon . F . Lawson Dodd . J. P . Barter . J. P . Barter. Eric Fletcher • PDof. Catlin. W. Bennett~ Miss H. Keynes . Mrs. Drake . Prof. G.E.Ca tlin. John Ramage. Prof . Laski . Lord Snell . s. K. Ratcliffe . Miss s. Lawrence . Sidney Webb . W. s. Sanders. Kingsley Martin. E. R. Pease. Dr . D. Shiels . Ivor Thomas . (ex Officio) E. R. Pease. G. R.Blanco White . (ex officio) E . R. Pease . (ex Officio) ~~vo~~~ 41~~~­ j .~ ~~c...~~~c-~ -~-~~~·~r-~~~ ~~~~~~~-~ F. w. Bacon Miss H. Keynes . J . P. Barter Prof. H. J. Lasvi w. Bennett Miss s. Lawrence Prof. G. Catlin J . Ramage Eric Fletcher Dr . D. Shiels F. W. Galton . Ivor Thomas G. R. Blanco White . V 50 ~-ey'~~~~ ~~-4 4:-./.J>~ ~~"-~---...---'( ~~­/.~~..1 ~-ey~}~~ s~ ~~~ N.J?$'~._~~----~--£--( ~~ ?·~~-~~~~ ?~ t1c ~~~M"--cc~-<&.--~ H--H--•••4..? ~,c~~~~~..-., ,....a::~~ ~--;?~~. /p.~ ~---u~~..~~ ~. ~ . ~~~-~a:r---o&..-t ~~~ ~ ~-r.A/~~~ ~~ p~h~~~~~~-~ 14: ~:~A/~a.....~r&e'<'. /7'.~.~ ~~~--? ­ ~~~4j~-ct /-~~~-~-~/~. ~.,4-~~~~ 51 /1·~. ~/ ~ ~'~, ~~j, /J r~~k-n~ 1/ -~c--~~­ {gj~~-<~t'~ ~~.~~~.w~.-#'~ ~~/;'~~·~~~ ~tr~~--r~~ f ~7; /.+, ..,..,......,.."%--..~~ ~~­ U)~,,tb~ {_~)~~4:~~ ~-.~('~-~~ ~t:,---h.~~ ~-~ ~~ ;;-~~ F ABIS~l S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive cn~Jittee at the Office on Wednesday, 30th May, 1934 at 5 ~.n. 1. Chairman to be el ected. a. Minutes o~ l ast meetine;. ~. Apologies for absence, Mrs. Drake, M:l.ss Keynes, Professc)r­Lasl:i. 4. To consider and settl e day and hour of meetings of the Executive for the ensuing year. 6. Appointment of standing committees and rota of Chairman for the ensuing year. (List of selections will be circulated at the meeting ) 6 . To appoiht special sub-committee to consider and report to the Executive on the future activity and organisationof the society in accordance wi th resolution passedby the Executive at its meeting in February. Letters from Laski and Vlebb thsreon to be read and referred to tLe Coml!littee. 7. .heport of Finance, etlili. comrni ttee annG:{ed. 8 . heport of sunr1er School Connittee annoX.Jd. 9 . The Social Party -June 14th, Dernand :for tickets very sr.all at present. Hany of the Members (,f l"arlianent and L. C. C. invited are accepting. Any further action? 10. Autumn Lectures, Hl~4. General title "::;ocialism, Democracy,Dictatorship" . Arrane;ements to d,,te: ­ Oct , 25th, "The hevolt against heason." Bertrand hussell. Nov . lst. "Liberty and the Planned stut0" Sir Stafford Crip~c. " 8th. "The Wor ld Framework of Freedon" Prof. C. Dulislo Burns . " 15th. "FrGeijlo:J., Authority and El!lpire"" 22nd. "T:10 Anti-fGininist reaction" !:liss ....;llen V/ilkinson. If 29th. "ThJ ~i[ht to Criticise". Prof. H. J. Laski . For Nov . 15th P. Noel B~ker asked but n~ reply yot as he is away in ths United tates . Any otlwr Juggestions for that date in c~se he fails to be considered, Panel of Chairm3n required, 11. corruspondonce. (a) H. HW.!phreys . Notice of notion for Annual Meeting. To be considered and any instructions thereon given. (b) London Labour Party. Invitation to send delegates to conforeh~e on June 16th. (c) The Labour Party. Annual Conferjnce, southport,October lst to 5th next. Aprointment of dcleeate. and nominee for olJntion to the [;Xocutive committo•3, ~nd dn~' notices of rnotion to b c sid red =-F--=.::A~B-=I----=cl\:..__.=S:._______.::_S 0 C I E T Y. hGport of mooting of thG l!'in;:tnce, etc. cor:mittoe on Wodnooday,9th MayJ;t 1934. Pr esent: W. S. Sanders (Cho.ir), Hiss Koyn G , I:essrs. D,,vies,Dodd, Go.lton, Poase o.nd Dr. Shiolu, l. Fin·mcG. ThG usu:J.l monthly statGnent .m.s not av:J.il:J.ble as our books were all away at audit. Not od, 2. hleobership. April candid~tGs 016) werG ol uctod. L~ot yoar (~~ ~. StJ.tomGnt of accounts and balo.nco sheet for 19:33-34 WCJro c onsidGred. Sooe sDall cho.nges in form and r oarro.n[,•JDentJ wor e agreed to, and i t ~as r cforrod to the EXecutive to consider and pass. 4. Correspondence . H. Humphroys gave notice of motion for the Annual ~eGting. It was considerGd and agr Jed to ask him to withdraw it on the understanding tll:--.t tho question would be considerGd by the Bxecutive at an early opportunity. Th0 moGting then adjourned. Report of meeting of the Summer School ComnittoG on Wednesday,16th May, 1934, Present: A. EJJil Davios (Chair) Mios Hankinson, Miss LGe , Messrs. Err int:;ton, Galton, Huophr·oys and sunders. 1. Arrangements made for l ecturor::J to d~t J wore reported and approved. pro(T G GG slow and mu. ,;y further suggestiono WGr a mado and conoidered o.nd invitations authorised, etc. 2. Progress of' bookings. 0v0r 40 persons had booked about 100 weeks to d<:.te -abovo tho avorago at this date in recent years. hecei ved and approvGd o.nd c,,nsider -Jd satisfactory. AgrGGd that the programma be s ent out to all mGmb0rs with the July issue of "Fabian News", 3. Ma.ny lbthor natters of dot.1il, corres ?ondonce, etc. wer o doalt with and the conoi ttee thon adjourned, Jj; ~~~ ~,£.~2/~£774 Z.~ ~7'~~~~ ~""'----~ ~-l-~ I~::;:r:~ ~~4~ ~-<--;r-~~~~ .~~~~~~~ ,£,~~'7---4-~ ~ ~~~~~-~~-­ ~~~~~~c--c-~ l ~~~~-~~ I ~ ~~,_~?-uj< ~, ' h~~~~ ~L, i -L------~------~----------------~ 55 )~ ~~~~~~ ~~/~,~--~/ ~~~~ 4~ lk.c~-7~~ 14~ ~~~--t:d-~~~ ~ ~~~---.--£.-~-­ ~~~~--~~--~­ ~ ~;-,~ /k-c_~-~~~K;:; ~-. ~-!' , r~ {, , J:z;;: ,h.._ $; ~f -£___c_ ~U::::: ~~~~--~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ?.k~ 7k<.~-'l~ ~~ k~~~~~~ ~~~p;---/~'~. )!.. ~~~v--~­~~~~~~ 0:~­ 7-stu­ ~ t>va. A/pV'_ 9 ~ ~~.rl./a_ ~""" u~/f/~/o~Cc-,~~/ ~/iM /h~~...-f /--~ ~p/~ ~,1/_.--v_ /'5-·e--.. ~~;z...-, ~r ' ~~I.~.,A/-~,z~~~ 4~/-h-r.-:=.~~-3·~.?~ ~~~o-w~----.............-c.~~ ~~~~~~ t;-~~. ~-~&-.----~1 ~;4~~ /l.A-~~~w-~ ~~~~ , ~ ~~~­ ~~-~~7a;,~h.. ~~~-17---~~ ~~~~c--.--( ~~~~~~ 5~j~ ~~-vf ~~?Ci:L ?~~~~~ 4 -e;~ &.--1-~~7~­1 tJ-h t~.o-: a:::r.-~ ~o-a-­ ~~td-~~~ ~~~...-('·~~~ t.-zz:;:; 9~~eq ~~,~ ~~(1) ~U'-:_ ~~~~~­(1.)~'{~~ ~~~-h.~­ ~~~7~~ ,c:--r~ ?~~L--;fo-U­ ~~~~~­ ~~~~ ~~-~~..................._..~~........,._,_....~ c.<--~. 'f J f. 'l (,. j.f.tic. ,k ~~1 ~~Pk'" ~e.:.._._~ ~ 71--lt::;,~~~-'1~ ~~f~~~~~M: ~~~----<~~' -~K.----,.t: ~ ~~-~~'l~ ~~~~ -. ~~­ I 7 ff' .t2,.~;;.. ~~-~'1<£ g .......-<--..... -<:: .a:;:;_ ~ ~­ ~~~c:-----'1 ~~L~~ ~~~~. ~£5,.,.~~ z::-~­ F .'\. B I '. N S 0 C I ,;, T Y. Agenda for neeting of' the .;xecutive cor.mittee at the office on Thursday, 26th July, 1934 at :.15 p. 1, 1. Chair: J.P. Barter, 2. Minutes of' last neeting. 3. Apol ogies for absence: Wn . Bennett, A. L:nil Do.vies, Ivor Thonas. 4, heport of' Finance, etc. Connittee, annexed, 5 . Report of' Publishing connittee annexed. 6 . he::_:Jort of SU.':'lner School Cor~itt~e anne.:od. 7. The Special Sub cormit t ee has held t .vo 1 "rther nootings on July 2nd and 16th and has r-J.de .o[,ress with the :;;Jr oposod new series of' Essays .,u l ectures, but has not yet settl ed on the schene. It i s hopedto pr esent a report to next neoting of' the Executive. 8 . The Autu.':'ln Lectur 0s, 193':> . Lrranr;e·1ont s conpleted as follows. Five syllabuses in print. Title ChairnJ.n. Oct,25th. "The Hovolt acainst Bortrand G, h . Blanco heason, « hussell. IJhi te. Nbv. lst. "Freedoo,Authority Sir norl!lan Dr. Dru..:ncnd and .Er.Jpire" 1\ngell. Shi els. 8th. "Liberty and the Sir St afford Mi ss H. " Planned St ate" Cripps . l{eynos. 15th. "The World Fro.ne-Philip Noel Ivor Thonas, " work of' Freedol!111 , Baker. 22nd. "The Anti-f'ol!liniat Hiss Ell ~n Hiss Susan hoaction" . dilldnson. Lawr ence. 29th. "Tm hiGht to Prof. E.J. Dr. Eric " Criticise. Laski. Flctcher. The order s f'or ticl{ets roceived t o dato .J.bout the sane as in nost recent years. S 0 C I E T Y. hepor t of' meeting3-t the Finance, etc. Coiu:Ii ttee on Thursday,19th Jul y, 1934 . .~------------------­ Present : W,S, Sanders (Chair) l1essrs.Dodd,Galton,hanage " hatclif'fu. 1. The usual financial state;"'lent was pres ented and received and approved. The increase in r ecei pt s froo subscriptions was considered ~ery satisfactory. 2. June candidates (9 ) wer e elected. Last year (2). Three r esignati ons were accepted and one r eferred back for further enquiry, etc. 3, The Jubilee Party a/c presented showing cost £60. 17· 6d, ~eceipts froo sale of ti~kets ~44. 7 . Od , and from donation ~5. Deficit £11. 10. 6d. Further donations of £10 prooise~. The a/c was consider ed and passed for payoent. 4. The Suomer School Re~ort tha t about 130 persons had now booked about 250 weclcs was r eceived and considered satis­f actory. 5. The Autuon l ectures. Report of progress considered add approved , 6 . sooe other ~atters of detail were dealt with and the coonitt0o then adjourned. Report of nesting of the Publishing coooittee on TUesday,lQth July, 19 34. Present: H. J. Lasld (Chair), Miss Lawrence, ,[essrs, Barter, catlin and G3.lton. 1. Chair. H. J . Laslci was unaniriOusly r e-e lected Chairnan of the coooittee for the ensuing year, 2. Meetings. It was agreed that the Connittee should continue to oeet on Tuesday at 5.15 .for the ensuing year. 3. Tract s going out of print. No. 140. Child Labour under ca~italiso. To be dropped as out of' date. 147. Capital and col!lpcnsation. Pease to be aslced to write a short prefatory note and the tract to be r eprinted. If 167. Williao Morris. Biographical. To be r eprinted. 4 . Boomlet going out of print: Karl Marx: an Essay by Laski, Referrud to Laski to consider and if necessary writc a ne--~ pr efo.cc. To be r eprintud subject to his approvo.l . .l:(eports (contd) 5 . Ne w Tract proposed: ­ Lenin: a biography. By D. S. Mirsky, ngreed to r ecommend the Executive that it be printed with a note disclaiming approval of the r ef er ences to Trotsky. 6. Many other suggestions for tracts wer e considered and appropriate action ther eon authorised, The Cbornittee then adjourned. heport of meeting of the Su=:.:r School Co:.mi ttee on Wednesday, 20th June, 1934. Present: A. Emil Davies (Chair), 11iss Hankinson, Miss Lee, Messrs. Galton, Humphreys, Sanders and Blanco White . 1. heport on progBes _of bookings. nbout l OO persons had booked about 200 weeks to dat e . Huch above the average of r ec ent years . The r eport was approved and consider ed very sati sfactory. 2. The list of applicants was r ead and approved and r ef erred ro Mi ss Hankinson and Secretary to arrange rooms, etc. 3. Proof of programme was consider ed . Sooe amendments and additions were made and it was approved and order ed to be s ent out to all members with the July issue of "Fabian News", 4. Campers. Some r equests for camping r eceived and considered but it was decided that as ther e vms no accommodation in the UnivGrsi ty grounds for c·-r:1ping no arrangements could b e made by us. Anyone wi shing to camp oust make their own arran~;;enents . 5. Miss Hankinson r eported on her visit ~o Bangor and t hat everything was sati sfactory. In view of the expressed :i!Jish of the authorities at the CullGge it was decided Tmat tennis should not be played on Sunday mornings. 6 , some other matters of detail were dealt with and it was agreed that the cornrnittee should not meet again till after the end of August unless urgently necessary, The Meeting then ad j ourned, 0 ~6 ~~~­s~~~~~,4~..?6/ and conoon dutios of citizenship. On the issue of pr~serving Peace." (3) On page 10 substitute the follo 1i·1g for the two sentences in lines 36 -38. "As world citizens, we owe a loyalty to thG world co1!1­ 1!1unity on the issue of peace that cones before any claim upon us by the Governl!\cnt in War. We are responsible for seeing that the British Government shall act as a loyal nember of the world coonunity, in particular by carrying out its international obliga­tions under thG coll3ctive peace syste1:1. This oeans that we oust:" (4) he-dnaft linos 4~ -46 of page 10 as follows: " (~) hecognis3 tho right of national self-defence but insist that the exorcise of this right oust be subordinated to the toot of international judgoont or of sillinrrneqs to arbitrate. on pain of refusing to fight, or to work, or tp pay noney for a Govornoont condemned by the League of Nations as an aggressor or going to war after r efusing arbitration. "Tho passing of tho Poaco l'.ct by the next Labour Govornrwnt will put those three duties of world citiZ ,lJ­ship on the Statute book, and so 1nll oako it i~possible for any British Gover~ont to got into the position conteoplated in (e) except by flagrantlyviolating the l aw of the lahd. 11But these d: ..lties of world citizenship exist alrou.d oven pending tho passage of tho Poaco Act. They aro being flouted by the 'National' Govornoont, which is reverting to tho standards and oothods of internationa l anarchy. Therefore tho Labour party considers it of urgent ioportanoo to explain to the people of this country just what arc our duties under tho Covenant and. Paris Pact, and how and why tho preservation of poacohas boco~o the personal concern of every good citizen. It is particularly ioporto.nt to nake cloar that anyBritish Govornoont which blund ,ra into a now war o.s tho inevitable result of sabotaginG tho collective poo.cosyston, fo~onting tho now aros raco and r everting to tho Balance of Power, will split tho nation froo top to bottoo and be not by the nost dotorcinod resistance." F A B I :.~ N S 0 C I E.T Y1 Aernda for nooting of the Executive Coa itteo at the Office on Wodn0sday, 26th S3ptoobol , 1934, after the S:;Jecial noo-';:,i\1[;. 1. Chair: Ald. Wn. Bonnett. ~. Minutes of last neotinc. ~. Apologi es : Mrs. Dr~ije, Miss Koyno~, Moaor~. J.p.Bartor, G. E. Catlin, Sidnoy Wobb. 4. hoport of Finance, etc. connittoo u.nnoxod. 5. Roport of Special Sub Qonnitteo annoxod. 6. Autunn LocturGa. .1\r:ru.ngononts conpl·Jte and syllabuo issued. Denand for tickets o1!~.:i.sfactory so far. 7. Spring Loctures 1935. LivingstonG H~ll. See h oport of Special sub Connittoe with r oconl'lGndati ons thGr oon. 8. correspondence:­ F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. .ttoport of' oeoting of' tho Finance, otc. connittou on Thursday,13th Sept., 19~4. Present: Mi ss Keynes, Messrs. Davi os, Galton, hunaGo and Dr. Shiels. 1. Mi ss Koynes was el ected to the Chair. 2. Finance. Tho usual financial statenont was presented and r eceived and approved. 3. Menbership: July candidates (8). Last Yoar (3) and Aucust candidates (5) Last year (4) were all el ect ed. Four r esignations (two oonths) wore accepted. 4. Report of' proc;ress of tbo autunn l ect ure arro.ngeoents wao r eceived and o.pprovod o.nd considor od satisfactory. 5. Report of the r esult of' tho Suooer School so f'o.r as avail­able at present was r ecoived and ~pproved. 6. The Wobb Portrait. It was agroed tha t an effort should be oado to r aise fund for purchase of tho portrait for the socioty. A note to be insort Jd in "Fabian News" inviting donations, etc. 7. The propos vd rosuoption of the Speakers' Class in October was approved and arrangeoents authorised. 8. Labour Party conference. Aoendoents by Laeki sent in at his r equest considered. h ef'orred to special noetingof the Executive to be hold ionodio.tely if in tioe to r ovise or withd~aw before printinG, and if not in tioe,by or before Sopt. 27th. 9. Book Box Circular. It was agreed that it be r evised abd reissued to suitable bodies this uutunn. 10. Three oeobers naoos wore added to the list of those willinG to st~nd as Parliaoontary Candidates in r esponse to their r oquests. 11. London Labour Party Annual conference. AGr eed to recoooend that Mrs. Drake be ap?ointod ono of our delegates and noninated for re-ol ection to tho L.L.P, Executive. 12, Many other natters of dotail wore dealt with and the con:··.ittee than o.djourned. I!:J V V J. .C.. J.. .Lt h sport of oa~tinG of tho Spacial Sub con~itt0o on Monday, 17th S0pt., 19~4. Pr~sont: Mi .Js Lavrrvnco (Chair), Hoonro. B,.con, Bonnctt, Flutchvr, G-alton, hano.co, Dr. Shiols, Thor.~as and i'Jhito . l. It waG agr.:;od that an effort ohould be L1o.do to arret.ngo for circulation of lints of books, otc, :J.t r ,Jgulc.r interval s in co-opera tion v•ith the Labour Party. 2. ~ho proposed oorios of l octuros and possibly now oorios of Bssays r eihta timt:; Fo.bi:ln Policy on curront problor.:s was further consid::rvd. Aftor ciliscUs1;1ion the followins list of suc;:;ost od L;cturoo and l e cturers wan approved for tho Sprinc course 1935 and r ocor..n::mdod to the EXocuti ve, viz:­ A. A dinordered World. 1. The Wor l d out of Joint. 2. Tho basic Oontradittion of C~ritalion. B. Capitalint Hakoohifto, :5. Dictatorship in Italy and Go1. ,.ny. 4. Industrial FJudalion and tho ~ ;rican Exporinont. 5. St:1t o intorvontion i n Bri tioh Industry, c. Tho Socialist honody. 6. Exporinonto in Socialis~ Ahroad. 7. Tho Strat egy of Victory. 8. Tho soci a list cormonwoalth and tho Citizen of tho futuro. Loctu.r-:;rs succostod. f or: ­ l. LasJ;:i or Hro . Wootton. 2. T. Johnston or :1r s . 1\footton. ~. R. c. Crosonan . E±. .Mi ss Lawr onco or Co.tlin. 5. J. ho.m1GO. 6. G. D. B. col o or h. D. Cho.rqu;o. 7. H. Morrison or Lo.oki 8 . rvor Tbonas. nooting th.Jn adjourned, Th3 fl~, I.~ 14 ~~~ ~d~/~·_,V~ 1):14­ ~h~,~n~,/b~/~ ~~~,e~ /Yt~ 9-<:·~ _$"~~6· ~1,~d IL ~-~ ~~~~~~ ~,~?4[~~ ~~~~~~~~t-, ~~-P't--t. ~~IL fL 6< < ~ ~, ~~9~~~~~4<-~ ·tra:.~--~­1 ~~~~~~ ~ >-r::-M-~v' ~~~~. ~r~~%-4aO~~"'"~< ~~~~/~~ ~~~s~<... . 75 k~ 6' -~ s ~ ·SO,J~ !'jl>". 1-~1 ~~·'l~'i~~, ~~~41-S'-S~. ~~e<-----~ ~~ 7k,_ /~-1~1~ ~)~~~~ ~~U~$~.?~, ~~ ~~~~~~~­1 U;:; ~~~~ U";:;.. ~er; ~i)~r~~.~~ ~~~~~ ~·~~~......~~"U(. Jf.~ ~~ r~~t911-A~-~ ~;~~~ ~r~~~~ ~~~Uw~l~.-~ ~~-~/~~ ~?v{~~~~~~~c­ ~~-to-w,~~ 76 ~ ~~"Yt-;( ~~~K~~~ ~~~~P~~L~~~ g~IL~.A/~~~~ ~~~~h~~~ ~~~~~-~-~ I , ~~J ~~~~a--.---~'"( .Jr.~~ ph:;:;:T~ u ~~ 6-~~~~-z-q-~/ Vt? / 4­}./11'2,. ~-~~ ~~~ 'ht~lt.J~ 4'k~~c~~, ./(/17/ ~~~/V~2. ~v--1--~ ~ftl:;:;:;r ~CU..~f, ~~~~­~~7?hf/~"-~ ~ ~4­ v£~ ~Vf.-1... ~~~ ~~.,{_ Vt.-t. ~~c:-( ~ J;-~:2LL-' c:.f'~ ~~-~'"1--~'---'""< ~--~utrf,e~~-,tC fi/() J ~ lA-~~~~~ ~-~·~~~~ w·~~~lP--c;.?Jz-n-/, 1-<. I~t:r-/-vv-t-~ -&....:.-cz'":...--­ -?n IV 117 . ~U:i:R::I ~/u-1. ~~~~L~-u..~ ~W-~h~Lrtt~ ~-&-~, ~s~~--c-P~.~ ~~-~?~~7'L-~ ~~~-~~-Tl-~ 9a-v4; ~tz;,7,~ '~"? ~C:::Vt w, C ~Pk/t~t;-~~ ~~r~-~~-/o~ ~~/,-~-~ f1..t~~~(J 11' A B I A N S 0 0 I E T Y, Agenda for meeting or the Executive committv~ ~t the Office on Thursday, let November, 1934 ut 5.1~ p.m, 1. Chair: A. ~mit Davies. ~. J;linutee of Sf!ecial m~etint; &1'\d ot het ordlnarv Meeting. 3. Apologies for e.\J~~nce -Uhes Keynee, Pro!, Ca.tlin. 4. 1\eport of ll'ina.nce, etc. Comr~i ttea annexed. 5, heport of S\Jmlllet· School committee anner.ed. 6. Summer School Committee 1935 to be set up, Seven mel!lbera of the Executive to be ap;>ointed to serve f~r the ensuin~ yeur, 7, Autumn Lectures. Very auccessful. 1\eceipta for sale of tickets to date £570. Sir S. Grippe uno.blo to utt0nd on November 8th o.nd hie date exchanged with Noel Be.li: er o.ccoreinely. 8, Winter Lectures, Livingstone Hull, 19~5. Arrangaments to dato o.s follows :­ Subject, L'Joturer, 1. Thurs. 10 Jo.n, The World out of G, D. H. Cola. Joint. 2. 24 Tho 3o.sic Contradic­ ·" " tion of Co.pitulism. 3 14 Feb, Dic$atorship in h. C. Crossmo.n. Ciorm::my and I to.ly. 4 Industrial Feudalism Wise s. Lawrence. and the American Exp3riruont. 5. 14 Hch, SW.te Intervention in John Ramuge, " British Industry. 6. S8 !.1ch The Principle of Sidney Webb. Pl anni ng Production for Comnunity Con­sumption, 11 Apr. The Strat ee;y of Victory. 8 Date not The Socualist COI!lmon-Ivor Thomas . .. .JJ.~~··· weo.lth an~ the Citizen of the Future. For the t wo dut·es und subjects without l octurers see recommendation of Finance, etc. committee. g, Correspondence, -Do.nieh social Dempcratic Party re proposed v1a1t or pn.rty tCl !Jehm:ork next year,heferred fFom Finance etc, con1 ; Je . F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y, heport of Meetinr; of Fino.nce 0tc, conmittea on 'rhursday,18th October, lQ~4. Present: W. S, So.nders (Cho.ir), Mi ss K ynGB1 Ueiilsrs, Galton,Pease, Ramage and Shiels, 1. Finance, The usual financial st:1tament was presented and r eceived and approved, 2. Membership• . September candido.tes (7) wer e elected,Last year ( 10). One resignation W<~B accepted, Autumn l ectures. Report of progress presented and r G­ceived and considered satisfactory. It was agreed that if necessary Mr. Noel Baker bo asked to exchange dates with Sir Sto.fford Cripps, 4. Winter Lectures , 1935, Arrangements to do.t e reported . As Tom Johnston had declined to t ake l ectur es l or 2, u.ntl Herbert Morrison ho.d declined No, 7 it was agreed to recommend the Executive that W,Citrinc, colin Clark or Michael stewart be asked to take 1 or 2 and Wedgwood Benn to take No. 7 in the list 5. The Webb portrait, ~eport received and agreed that list of subscribers and invitation to others to help be givon in November Fabian News, 6. The Sp&k~sss Class. Report received and approved and considered satisfactory. 7. Danish Social Democratic Party. Letter re suggestedvisit of Party of Fabin.ns, etc. to Denmark next year con­sidered, The suggestion approved and referr ed to the Executive to consider. some other mo.ttars of detail were dealt with and the committee thon adjourned, heport of Meeting of the summer School committee on Wednesday 17th October, 1934,Present: Mrs. Beadle, Mrs. Ha ll, Miss Hankinson, Miss Lee,Messrs . Errington, Galton, Humphreys, Sanders and Shiels , 1. W,s,s~~nders was elected Chairman of the meeting in the absence of A,Emil Davi es . a. Fino.ncio.l statement wo.s presented sho1rlng r eceipts£8 1G,5.6d. Expenditure to date £549.10.8. After con­sideration and discussion the bo.lance due to UniversityOmllegc, Bangor, amounting to Gl61. 10. Qq., and fee to lUss Hankinson .Sl5.15. Od, were ordered to bo paid. 3. There r emained a balanoc of ~ , ~. lQd , and it wan heports (contd) unablo to attend but who ho.d paid feJo, !eaTing a not b;J.l ance after meeting o.ll ox::;>~ilS08 of £57. 14. l Od. 4. Preliminary consideration of tho ~lace of school next year. Lett0rs from Uni~erslt~ Col l ege read and consider ed. It wao proposed that •we r ecommend the n ext summer School co~ittee to arran~o to go to Bangor a8ain n0xt year" . After discussion the notion was put ::1nd lost by five votes to tHro. 5. somo othor matter s of detai l were dGalt with and the committ3e thon adjourned. 1\ 1 ~ ~, !' ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 " • '~ ~ 00 ' 0 .. ~ 80 9~· ~~~/~~-"~~; ~,~~~,~~. ~/R~,~~. ..rc.., ...,~~, ~~~~~­ /.~1 r"'-~~~-4-~/~. I Z-~ ~c/j~~~ ~~~c.--,~~~~ J.~~~~~~ ~?f~.:_~-~. 4·~~ 14t~~~7~~~ ~~~Uf,J: e.f'~ ~ ~~~.:/~~ ~~~~~ ~:-c;-~~£.,c..·.. f;-.~ 1~~·1~~n::;-J~~ ~~~~~~ 0t, ~2. 7kt: ~~~ ,A-Mw~~~~~~~ ~~~/~~r-z-~~''ere dealt Vlith and the Committee then adjourned, heport of meeting of the Publishing Committee on Tuesday, 27th Nov~mber, 1934. Present: H. J. Lo.ski (Chair), Mrs. Dra.ke, Mossra. Bacon, Barter,Galton o.nd Blanco White, 1. Tracts GOing out of print: NO. 165, Francis Place. No. 174. Charles Kingsley, Agreed that they be reprinted. 2, New Tract. Lenin. By. D. s. Mirsky. heferr.ed back by the Executive fOi further consideration, After discussion acreed to r ecoomend the Executive "That the tract be published with a footnote tr tho appropriate pages sayinG "For tho opposite view soo Trotsky's IIHietory of the huasian RGvolution" and his auto­bioGraphy. ~ Booklet out of print , Karl Harx, by Laoki. It wo.o agreed tho.t a reprint of a,ooocopies bo authorised, Laski undertool to revise it for reioouo later on, heports of sub. OOJ:1J:'~i ' teeo (contd) Tract out of print. NO, 210 Tho Position of Parties and thG ~iGht of dissolution. by Laoki. DeferrGd, Not to be reprinted i '1 pr esent foro,Laski would endeavour to re-writG it later, 5, proposed now Tracts: (a) i\lbat to h Jad. Laski and Galton have this in hand. Tho question of form was consider ed and it was agreed unani­mously to reco=end that it be published as a series of apparato loaflots for each subject and not as a whole in booklet form. (b) A Socialist Budget. Colin Cl~rk r eported this nearly r eady and would bo available by Xmas, (c) Socialism in Ger many. Kranold had >rritton this but it \7o.S 0 too lont; -nBarly 12,000 wordo, He had boon a.skod to try to reduce it, heceived and approved. 5, Mise Lawrence' s r eport on M.S, of tract on Banking sent by H. Faulkner r eceived and agreed that it be doiinod The meeting then adjourned. heport of meetings (:a) of the sw:~r.wr School conni tteo. 1. Preliminary meeting, Wednesday, 21st Nov. 1934. Present: Messrs. Bonnett, Davies, Esher, Galton, Sanders & Blanco White. 1. Chair: A Ernil Davies was el ected Chairman of the meeting. a. oo-optiono. It was "-Greed that Miss l!l, Loc, Cu.pt. i3asil Hall and H. HLU:lphreys bo invited to join the corni ttoo o.s eo-opted nombn ~. Manager ess -Mi ss ~. Hankinson was appoint od no.nagor oso of the School for 1935, A, Place of School, 1935. This was discussed but no decision was arri ved at pending a meeting of the full conmittee. 5. Next nesting. Agr eed that the con::1i tt.)e b0 sun:, oned for IVodnesdo.y5th Dec0nber and that no::mwhilo efforts be oade to secure alt0rnative acconoodution for the school for 1935. The meeting then adjourned. 2, Wednesday, 5th Decenber, 19::S4,Pres ent: Mrs.i3eadle, l.diss Ha.nkinson,Ui ss Lee, Uossrs.Bennott,Davies,Eshor,Galton,Capt,Hall,Huophreyo,Raoo.t;e o.nd Sn,~Q~S. 1. Chair. A. E.Da.vi es took t he chair, 8. Chair~an. J.Rano.ge was unaninous ly el ectod chairman of the con­oi tteo for 19:}5, and thereupon Davios vacated the Chair for l:i :;;, !ioetinr;o. It was agrood that the conni tt oo nhould noet on \Jednou­days o.t 5,]5 p,n, ilhon r equi r ed, 4 . Pl ace of School 1g35. considered and l~Gt of ten possible places read and discussed. Eventually all but University Col lec;e., BanGor} and Fr-;•1:Jham Heights, Frensham were deleted. A vote was taken for ~ancor, but it vao lost by a large majority. The Committee then resolved "That the School for 1935 be held at Frensham HeiGhts ,J3ub j ect to acreement on detail s •{i th clre Weedon and the school authorities~ 5. A l ist of 13 Schools not available was read and received and noted. 6. Miss Judson wrote suggesting that efforts be made to raise a fund to provide free scholarships at the school for junior members of the society. After discussion agreed to recommend the Executive to aGree in principle to the proposa+, the details to be discu8sed and settled l ater. The meeting then adjourned. l >v ~~ ~r \~~ ~ j ' ~ \.., ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ;'~-#-~-c.._~/7"~6-: ~ .. ~~/~~,~ ~~-~~~.t;r~ , , J~. f~.. 74.. ..~~-e---«7~~ I ;.~~~~~~ --?'-~-?~. J ·~I ~~~~'Z-£e •••-L-.c-{ ~~C~,?'~~~ ~~.~~~­ I lr~, ~~7~(z_) ~ ~-~~~~~ -e;. s~.A/17{ ~~~--, ""'( ~d.~~-rz-.c_,~____,-~~~-~ ~ ~/(.rO~ -'7~4 ~~ ~~-~~u:;;., ~~ 7h<. ~vt:;;;::;:_ ~~~ ~. Ji·~~~~ ~;;-~r~~,~-~ ~~~~er~·~ ~~~~~~t-­ ,, ~~a:;::; ,t6-:s-.o ~-. ,, ~4-~-~. 4.-~ . ~ ­ ~tt;::;:::i:T I~-X .. CJ -?1 ~.. ~ I ~~. -rkt.~~~. 11 ~;~ ~r 11. ... Z! l""h~ 'jJS, F A B I 1\ N S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive cornr.:~ittse at the office on Thursday, 31st January, 1935 o.t 5.15 p.m. 1. Cho.irt Professor Lask1, 2. Minutes of last meeting, ~. Apol ogies : Prof. Co.tlin, J, ~amo.gt\1 ~,J(~l\atclif'fe, Sidney Webb, "!, l\eports of meetings ( 2} of the Finance. etc. cornni tt.Jc annexed. 5. Autumn Lectures, 1935, See r eport of Finance, etc. coonittee reconmendinG that the l ectures be arr~nged at Friends Hall again this year. Preliminary consideration of subject and lecturers to be begun, List of subjects and lee­turers in r ecent years annexed for information, toGether with list of possibl .;; ne ·l l ecturers sugc;ssted. Further suggestion.~ for subject and l ectur ers invited, suggestions for subject received are (1 ) Equality, (.::) Can Labour Govern;?, (~ ) Aspects of Liberty and De ocracy, 6 . correspondence. The LJ.bour Party re proposed testinonial to ur. ;,. Benderson on his r etirenent froo the secretaryship of' the party. F A B I A N S 0 C I r;; T Y. '/') ~eports of meetings (9) of the Finance, etc., COMmittee. 1. Thursday, 2Qth Dec,, 19~4. Presentt W,S,Sanders, (Chair)Messrs. Fletcher, Galton and h:..w-:laGe. 1. Finance, The usual financial statenent was presented and received and approved. The conti~ued small increase in receipts from members' subscri~tiona considered satisfactory. Membership. November candidates (8l were elected, Last year (7). Four resignations wer~ accepted, ~. Livingstone Hall lectures. The arranGements completed and programme approved, Agreed that the charge to non­members for tickets for the course of seven lectures should be 6/-and the question of increasing the charco in future to be considered before next year's seri es, 4, Miss Judson's letter suggesting a fund to defray expensesof junior member or members to attend the Labour Partyconference considered, Agreed to recoooend the Exe­cutive not to adopt this at present, b~ wait and see the result of the effort to raise fund for summer School)Gholarships as also suggested by Miss Judson. 5, some other matters or detail were dealt with and the com­mittee adjourned, Thursday, 17th January, 1935. P~eeentl W.S.Sanders (Chair)Miss Keynes, Mesare.Davies,Dodd,Fleicber, Galton, Pease,and Raoo.ge, 1. Finance. The usual monthly statement v~s presented and received and approved, Membership. December candidates ( 1?.) \rero elected, Lo.et year (~). One r esignation was accopted. List of 38 members, no addresses for two yeara or more considered,One address was supplied, The otbe73 to be struck off unless addresses were found, 3. Livingstone Hall Lectures, ~taport tho.t first meeting was very successful, but sale of tickets small, received and approved, Autumn Lectures 1935, preliminary consideration of plage,l'JUbject, etc. Agreed to recomr.Jend the Executive that the meetings be held in Friends Hall O.Go.in this year, For subject it was thought o. theoretbco.l one and not a series on practical politics would be most suitable, sons suggestions for subject and lecturers were oade to be circulated to the EXecutive, Prof. N. l.{cMinn, of the NOrth Western University, Illinois, u.s.A. wr!tte askinG if we would sup:::1ly copies of the l!I.S. of ~ill's early speeches. AGreed that Lo.ski be consulted and if he o.gr oos the copies supplied, 5, The ncetin~ then~a~~= Subject ~nd l ecturers ~rranGed 19?.1 -1934. Limitations of social Denocracy, 1922. Oan Labour Govern? HJ2~. Is Civilisation Decaying? 1924. The Socialis t ~~over.1ent. Experiences and Expect ations. 1925. Freedom and Authority in the socialist coooonwealtb. 1926. The Shrinkinc; World, Denc;ers o.nd Possibilities. 1927. Poli tica.l DGI'lOcracy -Wi 11 it Prcvaj. l '? West-:,rn Civilisation -Whither io it c;oing? social Evolution -The n.Jxt t en yoCJ.:c·s , lg3Q, The unending Quest . Capitalialisn in Dissolution, rvhat Next? Where Stands socialiso t o-day , The h eoakinc; of Enc;land. 1833 -lg3~. socialism, Denocro.oy, Dicto.torship, The Lecturers have included:­ H. J, Laski, C. Delisle Burns s . K. ha t cliffe , G. D. H. Cols, Uro. B. Wootton, B. Russell, Lord Ponsonby, lirs , 1.1. A. Hamilton, fwbocca VJest , Hiss S, A. Lawrence, Ur s . vlebb , Ervine, Sir S. Cripps, A. A. E. Davi es, P. N. Baker, Mios Ellen Vlilkinson, Others possibl e :­ A. D. Lindsay, St. J, L. howse, H. Dalton, Sir Noroan Angell, Herbert uorri son, VI , s. so.bdero, h. H TaYmey , Ger.:.ld Heard, Aldous Huxley, colin Clark, Ivor Thornao, Sir Arthur Salter, Vera Brittain, !lr o. hackhau, ldiss Winifred Holtby, Julion nuxl0y, Haoilton Fyfe, Major Nathan, ll . P,, Eric Fl.Jtcher , Sir Fr edk, Whyte , I r~-~~~~A-~~~ • I , • / -~~~~'~' , , ~~~ -e!;~. ?~, R~~, s~~~. 4.-~ ~-'i~~~~~ ~~~4/[/./·f~. Ovt_.f'~~. ~. 4 ... ~~~ J'~?~~~~~ 93 ~~~-A-~~r-u:;:::;­ ~f.~~.z:r~ ~­ ~~~~~~ ~..c~-~~ ~~~~~~~....;. ~t;:..-,f_-.. ~~ ?Z:c. ~~~--r--~ ~-hu.-<.;.,?' r~~~J (~a.-~<~/~~ ~~~~­ ~~~-r--zz;;_:; ~~r~~ ~~-~~L..&-~-~.. ~u;;;;;r ~~~ ~~-6-c..~~~~ +~~~~ 1-~ ~_..__9~~4J 2.->i~ 3 -9~~ H-tJ'~. ~~~-~~-a::: ~ ~'1~~ Z-<-L~{ ~ ~k-~ ~~~~---­~-//?'/-~~ ~_#,e4,#£ 4­ 1 ~~~7a£::,_­ ,~~Z',·~~~~ ~~~~A~ ~~~??..~-~ I ~~'/'~$z~./,./C~ I~~,.J,,~;;~...~~~z:::­~ "/-~­~~~~-~~ I ~~~~4.~~ ~-~~~ ~ f'.~ I ne.~~~~~ ~~~~d:-_k~~ ~~-~,:in.~,4.J,J".s~~ <..iv-n~~~~ ~~~a:::;,~~ ~-~~~~~~~---~~ ~ ~_,{/· ;2 ./f'.,{?, 7P ~-~ I .4~~...... d-.<~­ 95 it -~/4J~~~~~-e.;;;~~ ~ ~~~C-<-&:~--~ ~-~ ~­~~~~­(;£;~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ,..,...--.~ «-r ~~~, F A B I A M ~ 0 C I E T Y. Agenda. for meoting or tl1o Executive CO:MJ"Jitt.ae a.t the office on Thursday, 28th February, 1Q~5 at 5.15 p.m. --------------·-··~ 1. Chair: JOhn liamage. 2. Minutes of l~st neating. ~. Apologies: Mrs. Dra.ko, S.K.);(atcliff'e, Dr. D. Shiels, Lord Snell, Sidney Webb, 4. haport of meeting of the Fina.nco, etc. committee annexed. 5. To r eceive CornBunj,cu.tion a.nd report f1·om the Trustees of' the Atkineon Fund on its Winding up and termination, annexed, 6. Autumn Lectures 1g35, The Friends I! .ll booked for Thursdays, October 24th a.nd 3l;,t, and Novenber 7th, Hth, 213t a.nd :~8th. Furtper consido!',l.tion of subject and lecturers. Subjects suggested: 1. Equality, 2. Aspects of Libarty and Democracy. 3. socialism, Fascisn and War. 4. Humbug or politics (or The Illur3ion of politics) 5. Plan or no plan. Any other suggestions invited and to be considered, PrJlimina.ry list of possible l ecturers to be drawn up 7. Mrs. Herbert tho housekeeper obliged to give up work,after a1 year s service, on account of age and illnuss, some ~llowa.nc0 by wa.y o~ sna.ll ponoion to her to be considered. Arr~ngeo0nts for a~pointing a. successor to be considered and i f so decided a. S! .<.;.] l sub coru:littee a.p~ointed to do~l .d th thJ n~tter. 8 . Motion by Ivor Thooa.s~ THAT a. sn'lll .mb comni ttee be appointed to consider r el ations butw ~ the Soci ety and t h0 New F'abia.n !,oso:,rch Bure;m, c.nd L 1 na.ke r ecor:rr.:enda tions for closer wor king ~rr~ngJnents bctwc~n th~J if possible . 9 , correspondence: (::.) Lottc,r fro1:1 Dr. Drunnond Shiuls .110 is ill. hJferrod from Finance conr:!i ttee. (b) The Labour Party -re neoting i n honour of l:r. Arthur Honderson at Friendo Hall, Thursday,Mch,36th, 7.30 p.o. Tickets price 2/6d each. F;,BIAU SOCI~TY. lteport o-r meeting of' the Fin.~nce, eto, co;·1uitt·:>e on Thursday, ~ 14th February, lQ35, Presents W,S,Sanders (Chair), Hessrs, Davies. Fletcher,Galton, Pease and hamage, 1. Finance, The usual monthly sl.at.enOOlt was presented o.nd after consideration received and approved, 2. Memberahi\): January oaod.idate~ (~) 't'Gre elected, L:wt year (8' Four reslgnationa wa~e ~eepte~ and two menbers struck off the Ust under ruJ..~ lS.• ~. Annual social party, consido~ed, Agreed to recommend tlw ~xocutive that a. sooi:;:.l evening for nenbers be arranged in Uay. Thurscto.y 16th t,r 23rc.l of that nonth suggested, Charge of 3/-to bo n~de and light r efresh!:JGnts provided, For speaLA s Burbert Morrison and J. s. Middl eton euggested, 4. Appeal to nenbers for sp0cic.l donatiOll3 to fund to clear Off the Society's debt, QOnsidor0d, Agr eed to recornnend the n:xecutiVG that auch appeal be nade in May next after tbe close of the present financi al year, 5, Gifts of books to the Fabian Libro.ry. A vote of thanks was recorded to the nenbora who ho.d responded to the notice in Fabian News: a.nd eepecidlly to G. H. Stuart-Bunning for the ho.nds~e gi!t Of about 60 valuable books made by him. 6, correspondence. (a ) Dr. Drumnond Shicls' 'otter regr~tting absence from oeetings owing to ill health was referred to tho EXecutive, (b) l!liss Spahr, assistant prof, of political science, Hunter Colleg~, NeW york, asked pernission to reprint Shaw•s Essay;on "Transition" fron Fo.bian Essays. Resolved • that we eannot agree to tho request. s ome other natters of detail were dealt with o.nd the con~ittee then adjourned. THE T~t,TSTJ.i:BS OF THE ATKINSON F{J1\fD .. -----·-------------------------------·­ To the Executive OOI!li!littee of the Fabi~m .:ociet.7~ The Atkinson Fund, Of l'fhich we wer3 the Trus'\(ieQ on behalf of the society, originated in 19:3~; a.nd eonsidted of the residue of the Estate of the late Henry ,,t1~1nson, a member of the society, l eft to E. h. Pease and Sidney Webb, to be used for the purposes of the Fabian societl• F. W, Galton was subsequently eo-opted as a Trustee. The fund has now been exhausted and we annex an account for the information of the Executive committee, showing what it amounted to and what has baen done with it. The Bank account has been closed and the only outstanding matter is the sum of £750, balance Of the l oan of £1,000 made to the society in 1~28 for the purpose of purchasing the freehold premises at 11, Dartmouth Street, Westminster. This debt we propose should now be cancelled and the Fund thus finally closed. As the money was l eft for the purpose of the Fabian society we think it desirable that a record should be I!lade of the use to whiclJ it has been put. (signed) EDW. lL PEASE, ::.>L...IlEY WEBB, F, I. GALTON. The residuo o~ the est~te o~ H. Atkinson l eft to E. ~. Pease ~nd Sidnay ~obb ~or t4a pw·~oaee of thG F~bian society, amountad to It was inero.:1oed by dividends on 1nvest~sll\CJ1profits on sal~s an~ aundry reo~1ptg1 ~Oii intarost on b~nk overdr~te to EXPEtTDITU.t.E. 1. ooet of Finorg J.\spr·0scmta.t1va G~ef'f\r:'\.n­(1nclud1nc f es to ~utl;Lorl · ··· .·. ooet of E. A. Lloyd'e co-operative uovem~t in Italy (including fee to author) 3. ooat of 2nd Edition of Penoe's Hiatory ot the Fabi~n Soc1Gty (No fee to author) (Ths proco.3d:J of s..1.les of' thene bookn h~ve beon rocoivod by tho F~bian society. A stock of Po~se1 a History renain in the hanG.~ of thv F.::.bi.::.n society) 4. Misc0ltl~naou:::; ex;xmses. 5. Grants ·.to·F''lbi'.rl sociaty for Looa! Goverrlljtent HJW3, etc, Bool: BOX.3~ :.-nd tilllr·~ry~ :F.::.bi~: Hc ita, eto. '' ' 6. B~lance of loan to F.::.bian society fo~· purchaso of 11, Dn.rt.mouth street (written off) £a7~o. o. 5d. .· .. 7. Q 3Q7. 6 o, 580. 1e . ( " 18. 1. 0 5QO. 17. 6 g,418. 13. 1 750. o. 0 £.3,767. 10. ================ (Signed ) ED~. ~. PEASE,SIDNEY WEI)B,F.W.GALTOH. 98 -z~~~ ~~:ZiJ-'"~ /tj:1.5­ 9~· )kM.9-?~ ~~.~~ --I 13~, ~~I~~.<;~ ~f~R~~ ...r~..~~ .r~;~ I I ----~-y-, , ; ~~~ J, ~~fo ~~"1-£a o&::£ .~ "-~ 1~~,?-~ L..,~,~~' S~.~~~~.s.?~~~­ ~~,tf:j; ~-1~~~~~~---,~~..-u~ ~~-e; 8~~5'~ 6-: /C"" ~~~~~r~,c~ ~~..K..-.!A' h.~~...-e~~ ~ j~~..~Kf:;;;;( ~•. h.dt;­ 99 j~.tf~ I 0 • ~~ I d... .., ~.-t,;.... J.I.·L-. C+ ~~d-~~~-~~ ./(A..~~ ~~~,4~­~­ ~-&(~7'~ r~~~~ ~,~~~~ri-­ ~~~~~ vi? ~­ <:.--~L::-~ "' -~~~. ...... ~~~-7 ~ vi-~~~~?.~­ ,..v,;,. "'9~tn~Y!e~·~ ~ ~?{· --f-~~I~-~ ~~~~~ ~~~~-~~+ ~~~; 100 -q ~~:~ ~_:::z:::;:;_ c-z::::;::-~ ~.~~......~• .&,·~&( ~~~-.c;~ ~~~fiL--"'( '(/,J~~~'-/ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ f'.~J ~/~~~ I~ ~~~~ / F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive committee at the office on Thursday, a8th March, 1~35 at 5.15 p.m. 1. Chair: w. s. Sanders. 2. Minutes Of last meeting. Apologies: Prof. catlin, F.L.DOdd, Prv:f', Laeki, S.K.l1,atcliffe. 4. .keport of meeting of the Fino.nce, etc. co.mittee annexed. 5. heport of meeting of the SUI!llller School cor.:unittee annexed. 6. Autumn Lectures, 1~35. Furhher consideration Of general subject. Tbtles suggested at last meeting were 1. The Myth in politics. :$, Equality. ~. Plan or no Plan. TO be considered and settled. panel of possible lecturers to be considered and arranged, 7. The Social Party fixed for Thura~a1. May 33rd. See Para. 3 of the report of Finance, et~. committee for details. Herbert MOrrison and Miee u. Sutherland accept invitation to attend and speak, NO reply yet from l1iddleton, 8, correspondence. Letter Of thanks from Mrs. Herbert for the promise of pension of 10/-per week made by the Executive at its last meeting. The OP'"'rtng than adjourned. F A B I A tf S 0 C ! E T Y. Report of meeting of the Finance, etc. coru -: ttee on Thursday,14th March, 1935. Present: w.s.sanders (Chair) Hiss Keynes, _es~re. Davies,Fletcoer, Galton, Pease and namage. 1. Finance, The usual monthly financial st~tenent was presentedand after consideration received and approved. a. Membership. February candidates (11) were elected, Last year (a). It was noted that the new members elected in the current year numbered 10~ against 71 l ast year and 95 in the preceding year, Three resignations were accepted. 3. The s ocial Party. Arranged for Thursday, May 23rd at Livingstone Hall. Charge to be 2/-and light refreshments provided. For speakers, Herbert uorrison and J.s. Middleton already invited, and it was agre~d to add one of the following, in the order given, Viz. Miss M. Sutherland, (2) Mrs . Ayrton aould, 3. Dr. ~dith Surnmerskill. The speakers to be arranged to follow each other, and no musical items unless sooe expert member is available. 4. Executive COmmittee election, NOminations in April, In view of Easter dates this year it w~s decided that nominations should close at first post on Thursday,April 18th. 5. Motion by Emil navies re vacancy for rotsekeeper considered. After discussion resolved unanimousl~ to recomnend the Executive as follows:­ THAT in view of the unsatisfactory fin--:1cia.l position of the society and the fa.ct tha.t, in spite of the economies effected, the expenditure is still cor :i_deru.bly in excess of the annual incO!:le, u.dva.ntage should. be taken of the r etirement of the housekeeper to refrain froo filling the post for the present. That the COl:ll:IOn kOom should be continued as a. rest and reading room for l:lernbera, but should be open during office hours only a.nd no refreshments provided, 6, Miss Spahr (U,S.A.) re request to reprint Sha.w's Essay on Transition in Fabian Essays . considered and Shaw's l etter thereon read. It was agreed to o.ccede to Hiss Spahr's request on the conditions suggested by Shaw, some other matters of detail were dealt with and the COID!:littee then adjourned, FABIAN S 0 0 I E T Y. ~eport at meeting Of the Summer School Committee on Wednesday, ~ 6th March, 1935. Present:-Mrs. Beadle, Miss HankinsOn, Hiss Lee, Uessrs. Bennett, Davies, Galton, Capt. Hall, Humphreys and Blanco White. 1. lhairs Miss M. Lee was elected chair~an of the meetingin the absence of J. Ramage. 2. The arrangements for the School this year made verballyWith Mrs. Weedon were considered and approved as follows:­ THAT the school be held from Saturday, 3rd August to Saturday, 31st August: That we pay an inclusive charge of £2. 12. 6d. per head for vi~itors in singlerooms; and £2, 10· Od. for those in d(uole and multiple roo::!.a, and that we guarantee .1n attendance of an average of 50 per week, I,e. 200 weeks in all. 3, proof of form of application for ad~ission to the School was considered. some additions and amendments were agreedto and the form was approved and ordered to be sent out to members with the April issue of Fabian News. 4. Directors of the School. The folloWing were appointed, viz. 1st week. Emil Davies. 3rd Week. J, ~amage, 2nd " Capt. Hall. 4th " Blanco White. with a. Humphreys and s.K.Ratcliffe in reserve if needed. Programme.each week considered, as follows. Agreed to arrange special subjects let Week. cur~ent social activities. 2nd " Foreisn Countries. 3rd 4th " " heo~3~1isation of Industry,political Psychology. e. Miss Judson1 s proposal for scholarship fund for the School approved by the Executive was considered and paragraph thereon passed for publication in Fabian News. 7, suggested offer of a week wholly or in _?art to New Fabian Research Bureau and the socialist League conaidere~ and decided not to invite the socialist r...,c.~t .3 but to o:·fer a week or part as they prefer to the N.F.R.E. e. Blanco White's Memorandum on suggestions made at. laet year'sSchool wae considered and a number of them approved and adopted. The OP-" • 'ng then all3ourned. --~~ $-£:~~-~1'-ru.~ /73~-:­ 9~· )kn})-z~ ~/~-~~­ -r • /~~~~~, , t , ~~hl~>?-.-.c-"~~L-e /?~~..c._ ' / I r -, ~~,.s~~--~~ /.~ 7h-<. ~~~~~ <-:<. /~-6 ~~-~ ~r-~~2-Lc....a.... ~-.::r ~~,..(/.,_--_:?G. u.~+ ~~~/~~~~ k ~u---r~ ?-C;:; cx/C-? ~~~~­A~~/>>4 -3.7-:­ 105 .f, .~.~·. ~u;:;:::?a;,_ ~~~ ~~~~~/J~~~ ~~~-~ ---. ~-~­ ~,a,..ftd. ~~~~~-/t /jJJ4--JJ ~ 4~~~~~JC­~W/U-?~~ ~~~~.LA­ I o• ~,/~~­ 6~ { ~" ~a-~~~~ ~~-~~-/~ •"gi l~ ( a£v.-, ~~~~e-/-~ IG ~~.~~/~ H ~~-~=-[-? h ~­ •' ~-~~~r~~ li q y~. I, ~ li 7 ·~ ~~r-~~ J-v~. ~~~~~~ ~~~,~~­ a.,-~ ~t.-, ~pt.,. ~( L l I I, s. 8, 106 ~oo1 11ac and th8 pl anned State. ---­--­- 1. The neoeas1t:;r of: sooialist Planning. l. a . oot ton. 2. G. D. B. Col a. a. The Case agunst Planning. 1. Dr. T. B. Gr8∨y. 2. ?rot:. L. Bobbins. a. The 8naoe of: Bertr and aso1st Planning. usaell. •• The l'ail urc of the Roosevelt 1. J . Stzaet.e' • Exper1con t • 2. s. I • atolif:fe. 5. A Crit ique o:f Soviet Planning. · 1. Prof.'. Laski . 2. Pro:f. Oatl1n. e. ther GrJat Britai~ ­Plan or no Plan. 1· Prof. P.~. s.Blaokett. 2. B. ussell. s. t . Hon. H. Korriaon. 107 -», F A B I A N S 0 0 I E T Y, Agenda for special meeting of the Executive Committee at the office on Thursday, 9th Hay, 1935 a.t 5,15 p.m. 1. Chair. G. B. Blanco Whit~. 2. Apologies -Ivor Thomas, Sidney We~~. ~. To appoint sorutineere of the votes f~r ~lect1on of the E:Xecutive {Ur~. Beadle and H. c.Heath willing to act again). 4. To appoint auditor of accounts for lS,J'J -35. (James Bacon willing to act again). 5. To consider and settle date and pla.c ; for Annuu.l lieeting in June. (Small room at Livingstune Hall ava.ilable Thursday, June 6th, 13th and 20th at l0/6d. Sea.tinG 8Q or so). 6. Annual heport. proof of draft enclosed. To be considered a.nd passed to go out to members with the June Fabia.n Uev7s , 7. Autumn Lectures. Further consideration of gener~1 subject and l ecturers. see notes ~nnexed. To be settled as tine now getting late. "PLAN O.R NO 1. "The uerits of an Unplanned or Automatic Economy". a. "The Necessity of Planningin a Modern Community", 2. "The Limits of planning unde~ Capitalist Control". 4. "The American Adventure. 5. "The soviet State". 6. "Whither Great Britain? Plan or no Plan, E Q U A L I 1. Equality of Income. Is it possible or desirable. Equality before tro Law. :s. Equality of International status. Equality of Opportunity,{Education) 5. Equality -is it an integralpart of socialism. 6. Equality, Summhng up. PLAN11 • Sir W1lliam Beveri.~. ~fo~~~4?~ ~~/~,~~, ~, ~~. 4-~~,.· ~~a:z~~~ ;;.~-~~~a--fJ:/.f,~~~£;:;­~--~~~'A~~~~_..., ~~~­ 111 ~~-vf~~r-~ ~a;;~~~c---...~~ ~~~~~~ ~oq~~­ ac-e ~?....... ~~~~ {,,tl.~. 7L a...vz.~-;..~~-~ a""~~~-~~­ ~~~t-u. h..-i ~zt­~~·~-~~­ / .~~~~.., Y~$.~~~~~ ~~-~-j:;' h-rY-1-:A'-~ ~~-~h~ ~C-c--~~/}'o;_~ ,__u1 '2. ~u~~~eff, ~-z~ ~~~~h~~~ ~~~~~­JL-~ ~·~ ~~... -7~~~t,~ ~ - ~·fJ f·t·f1 Ieo 112 J ./3~ ~/l/.:?2.~~4.......... ...;... ~A4ZT~--z~~ p~ ~~~'1.-.~. ~~?;­ j ~rv~­ '7· ~~~t:-;/~-z r ,-("'~~~ ~~c..~?z:u rl. ~~u.,...... ~~~..-.r--_,P . 4/(-~~ ?~ 1 I . r· ?~~~-~~~~7~~ ~~~~~)~ r ~f'U...~~~I ~~­ .,.,f.J .(?a, . ~7,t:;;;_ ~-r~ ~5~~c-~ ,_~ 41' ~~~~~-----(_ ~~~~~ ~ ~ f ·; . # L.. 7h..c.. CA--vt. ~-t-a .. ""~ "~ h.~~~~ ~a;;,~..e...~~?~ ·~~u;:;::;;r ~''"'-~ /h-~u-~~~~~ ~~tr-7£e, ~' ~~-1 ,,..., ~t!.­ ~~~---z;:-~~ _./.~~~~~ ­ / ()fl--c"'f ..,.,~,._~.-7~ t-~-~~~ X~fl~;~~~ ~~.~~ 1~~~~­ ~~ ~­,~~~~ ~~--~~+ ~-~­ ~~~~. ~fl~ THE FABIAN SOCIETY Agenda ror meeting or the Executive CommittGe at the Office on Thursday, 13th June, 1935 at 5.15 p.m, 1. Chairman to be elected. 2, Minutes or last ordinary meeting and of special meeting. 3. Apologies for absence: Miss Keynes, Uessrs. D. Collard, F. L. Dodd, H. Humphreys, and W, J, Miller. 4. To consider and settle day and hour of meetings of the Executive for the ensuing year, 5, Appointment .of Standing Committees and rota of Chairman for the ensuing year, (Lists of selections will be circulated at the meeting), 6, Annual Meeting. To-night, Thursday, 13th June at 8 p.m, Notices of motions given and published in Fabian News to be considered and any instructi'ons thereon given, ·-'· ~sports of Finance, etc. committee (2 meetings) annexed, ' 6, Reports of S~er School Committee (9 meetinge) annexed. 9, Autumn lectures 1935, General title "socialis~ and the Planned State", Arrangements to date as follows: Oct-24th, What socialist planning means. G,D.H.Cole." 31st, The case against planning, Dr,T.E.Gregory,Nov. 7th. The Meaace of Fascist planning,11 14th, The Failure of the Roosevelt H.J.Laski Experiment,21, A Critique of soviet planning, Mrs. Wcotton,98th. The prospects of Gt. Britain Bertrand husaell. plan or no plan,Lecturer still required for No. 3, professor Bla.ckett declined, Any suggestions? Chairmen for all the meetingsalso r equired. lQ, correspondence: The Labour party, 35 Annual conference, Brighton, Sept. 30th to oct,4th, Last day for r esolutions June 18th. DolGgate and nomination for r;xecutive, July ;r~r' . 'I l 1 c"n · · ''" ,· • F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. heports of meetings of Finance, etc. Committee. (1) 11th April, 1935. Present:W. s. Sanders (Chair), Miss Keybes, !b,Jsrs. Fletcher, Galton, Pease, ~amage and hatcliffe. (1) Finance. The usual financial statement we.s presented and received and approved. It was noted that the decline in members subscriptions had ceased during the year. ( 2 ) Uembership. March candidates (14)Two resignations 1vers accepted. were elected. Last year (8 ). (3) Livingstone Hall Lectures. The last one this night. The e eri e:~ only fairly successful, Attendo.nces not l arge except on t wo or three occasions. Receipts £16 only agains t £23 last year. (4) Appeal for speci al fund, Draft of proposed circular consider ed and amended and approved, Agreed that it be issued in l!ay after Jubilee week, o.nd si gned by Peas e , Dodd, Sander s and Galton. (5) The social Party. Arrangements complete and speakers all accept ed. s a l e of tickets satisfactory. ~eceived and approved. (6) summer school scholarship Fund, Report th~t this had yielded ~11 to date received o.hd considered satisfactory (7) Agreed that a May 9th to special meeting of the Executive be summoned for s ettle the Autumn Lectures :md pass the Annual ~eport. (8) Matter of Urgency. Ivor Thomas's tract on Housing Principlesread and approved by several members. publication urgent 1r ~o bw of use in connection with the Bill in Parliament. Agreed that 1t be published forthwith. some other matters of detail were dealt with and the Committee then adjourned, (2) 23rd May, 1935. Present: w.s.so.nders (Chair), l!iss Keynes, uessrs, navies, Dodd,Fletcher, Galton, Pease, Ramage and ~atcliffe, ( 1) Finance, The usual statement wao not available as the books were away at audit, ( 3) Membership, April candidates (7) were elected, Last year (16) ( 3) ~sport of the scnutineers of the votes for the election of the Executive Committee 1935/36 was received and noted, (4) The social Party, To-night, Quite successful, Sale of tickets satisfactory. (5) Annual Meeting, Notice of motions by lliss Judson and F. W,Baconconsidered, Ref erred to the Executive to be summoned on June 13th before the annual meeting to conoider and for instructions, ( 6) Colin Clark1 s tr::~.ct "A Socialist BUdget", Agreed to jointpublication with the N.F.h,l3, on the t er 1s and arrangements suggest ed. some other matters of detail wera dealt with and the Comcittee then adjourned. FA3II.U S 0 C I 1'.: T Y. heports of meetings of the Summer School comrnittee. (1) 3rd ~pril, 1935 . Presemt: J, hamo.ge (Chair), llrs, l3eadle, Hiss Ho.nkinson, Hiss Lee,Hessrs, Esher, Galton, Hump.hreys, Sanders and vvhi te. (1) The arrangements as to Directors and subjects for discussion ut the school were approved. {8) Lists of names of suggested lecturers to be invited were drawn up and agreed, (3) Letter from Mrs. Weedon confirming the urro.ngements for Frensho.m Heights was r eceived, and noted. Ae;r c-,d that she be notified of the correction in terms a.g~·eed to and that the swimming Pool would be r equired, (4) The N.F.h,:J, wrote declining to take rec _•cnsibility for arranging a number of visitors to o.tt 11d the school but offering to circulate the programme to the members of the Sureuu, This was approved and agr eed to , some other matters of detail were dealt with o.nd the Committee adjourned. ( :3 ) :39th I~ay, 1935, Present: J. hamage (Chair), Uiss Hankinson, I:essrs. Davies, GaltO!., Capt. Eo.~~ and White. (1) The arrangements for l ecturers so far settled was r eported and approved and some further suggestions for vacant dates agreed. (2) Sidney Webb, Lord Ponsonby and Hr. Lloyd George to be invited to attend and speak, and Hrs. Webb asl{ed if she would like to entertain a party of visitors from the school one day. (3) Bookings, ,hather slo# ut present and behind the usual numbers at this date, Agreed that advertise~-:~ent of the School be inserted in Time and Tide as well as the statesman and Nati on; and the Nursery written to and urged to join the school. (4) summer school scholarship Fund, Now amounts to £1".!. It was resolved to refer the matter to o. sub committee of hamage,so.nders and Galton to administer the fund and deal with any applications, and r s]ort to hhe committee us f ar as desirable only, (5) Jrumes 3illson wrote offering to entertain o. po.rty to t ea one day and this was r eceived and acceptuJ with thanks, some other mo.tt ersof det ail were dealt with and the CommittJo then adjourned, Selections for ComMittees 1935-36. Finance, etc. G • E • Cat1in• Dudley Collard. Emil navies. F. L. Dodd. G. E. Fletcher. H. Humphreys.Miss Keynes. J. Ramage. s. K. Ratcliffe. W. S. Sanders • E. R. Pease. Publishing F. w. Bacon. :Mrss B. Drake. Prof. Laski. Miss Lawrence. K. Martin. Ivor Thomas . G. R. Blanco White. E. R. Pease. Rota of Chairman All members . Organising w. Bennett, L.c.c. F. w. Galton. W • J • Mi 11er • E. R. Pease. 116 ~~ ~~/B-~/~$5­ 9~-:1 ~.ltz~/~/~, ~L~, ~~-~'~'~' -e;~/~,~,~~...... 4--f<-.. fft-~-~,t~~~~~ I . . /.~. , ~~~~~~~ ~·~1~/l~~ :~~~~"'-~~ ~-~--f-...·.-~. 1.~ ~~~~~ fa---t~ J14-~.~;I-~, .4·~1 ~~-1~'7~~., ~~~~?J-.J-~~. ~tt:L~t:>l-,~~~ ~ ~~~.-~;-~~ ~­ ~~.'i~1tc;-~· .. ·\f.,~ s~~~~~-~ ~~~~.,_...-~ ~~~~~~. I 1 ~~... tvz-.., ~<« e--..-L ~lt;;;::' ~~f-~~ ~~~CU!:i~~ ~~~~t;-~ C"J-L-~ ~~~-~'"--· ~a:;:: ~ft-~ t;:::;., o(._~ ~ 1-r-u~-~~~~ ~ t'ti1.. tA-~ ~, ~f A/vv-)., /.~·tldd-~. ~;1. 't .~~ fP,v.t..L~?./Y-~z ., ~~ ~~~v-1-~~ ?C~ fl)·~--h ~ ev,~~~~~~­ ~1~~~~ ~~ow ~~---c;;-~ ~ 9~-~~0--\._ ~~u---1 f-· D 118 ... . . "4-{ t-L.1·~. ~~---/-!-~~~ ~~e--.~~kc·~-d~ ~~ tZ;:: L, ?·~~--z.-c e..· •"-"'( ~~-7!U­~f-'­u__ [~~ ~~~-~ 4-~ c~~ ~­ ~~~­~ "l....c-A­'-­~tc::: ~ ~ h ~~~ ;.. 2.4­C-4-7 ~:­,.(;-C4-dd.. ~~~../o't c:.-r­~e • ...£ 1 u;;;:­ ~-~~~~~~~­~~~-f-t. ~~~~z;-../. ~I!-~~~... ~-·---­ kC~-~­ ,.., 119 t ~ F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive Committ3e at the office on Thursday 18th July, 1935 at 5.15 p.m. 1, Chair: F. W, Bacon. 2. Minutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies for absence -if any. 4, heport of the meeting of the Finance Committee (annexed) 5. Report of meeting of the Summer School Committee (annexed) (N.B, Since the meeting of the Committee applications to attend the school Have come in well, There are now about 100 persons and nearly 200 weeks booked so our guaranteed number will be reached and probably passed), a. Autumn Lectures. Arrangements for lecturers complete as reported to last meeting. Four syllabuses received. For Chairmkn see report of Finance Committee. Four of them invited accept but Chairmin still required for Nov. 7th (hatcliffe) and Nov, 21st. (Mrs. Wootton) To be considered and any further suggestions approved. 7. The Labour Party Annual conference. Appointment of delegate and nomination for the Party Executive to be considered and settled. (Last day for nominations July 23rd,) 8. The Labour Party Annual conference. (a) Letter from the secretary of the Party notifying that the resolution on "War and Peace" sent in by order of the Annual Meeting had been rejected by the Executive under Standing order ~. paragraph 4. (b) Resolutions for the Conference. Copy sent to each member with preliminary notice of this meeting. Please bring it with you, To be considered and any action thoreon decided, 9. Correspondence, Memo on Unemployment etc., by A, H. Abbati (a member of the Society) Circulated at his request for information. heport o~ meeting o~ the Finance etc. Committee on Thursday 27th June, 1935. Present! W,S,Sanders (Chair) Messrs. Catlin, Collard, Fletcher, Galton, Humphreys, Pease and hamage. 1. w. s. Sanders was unanimously re-elected Chairman o~ the committee for the ensuing year. 2. It was decided that the Committee should continue to meet on Thursdays at 5 p.m. ~or the ensuing year. 3. Finance. The usual monthly statement was received and approved. Secretary reported that the appeal ~or special donations had yielded about £400 to date and some further sums promised still to come in. Also promises of increased subscriptions amounting to over £40 h~d been given. 4. Membership. May candidates (7)were elected. Last year (7) Three resignations were accepted. 5. The social Party. Secretary reported this very successful. 178 tickets sold at 2/-each-total £17-16-0. Expenses about £13. heceived and considered satis~actory. 6. Autumn Lectures. Panel of Chairman. A~ter consideration a panel of 13 names was drawn up and agreed to. The list was r eferred t o the Chairman and Secretary to arrange order o~ invttations and it was agreed that as time is short they be issued ~orthwith. 1. Colin Clark's tract. "A socialist Budget" A/c ~or cost of 500 copies, our share of the edition, amounting to £8-6-6. was approved and ordered to be paid. s. Audit. Agreed to recommend the EXec~tive that the usual ~ee of five guineas be sent to Jas. Bacon our auditor with cordial thank8. Letters from Messrs. Tatchell & eo. re the proposal to build up Messrs. Holland and Hannen'a premises at the back of our house considered. nef~rred to our solicitor John hoberts for consideration and advice. The meeting t hen adjourned. F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Report of meeting of the Summer School Oommittoe on Wednesday 19th June, 1935. Present J. Ramage (Chair) Miss Lee, Messrs . Bennctt1 Davies, Galton and Sanders. 1. Report on progress of bookings -still very slow. Only about 50 persons and 100 weeks booked to date. Advertisements in press had brought many inquiries but only two bookings. Considered. Agreed that six copies of programme be sent to members of the Committee and any :further possible arrangements :for distribution to be made, a. The list of applications was read and considered and referred to Miss Hankinson and Secretary to arrange accommodation, etc. 3. Proof of programme which had been circulated was considered. some small amendments and additions were made and it was approved, and ordered to be sent out to all members of the society \nth the July issue of Fabian News. 4. The Summer School Scholarship Fund now amounts to £14-17-6. The sub-Committee is considering some applications for grants. It was agreed that a note inviting members needing help from the :fund to apply to the Secretary be inserted in July Fabian News. 5e Many other matters of detail wore dealt with and it was decided that the Committee should not meet again till after August unless some emergency arises. The meeting then adjourned. 122 --0--c~~­~d-~f? ·f~~/7.1'>-: 9~ ~ih~,~~--~~, ~~-~~,~, ~~~/~~,/~-o/ ~~~9~3..-L,~,Y~ ~~~~~ 2-~-~clja;;._~~~ ~~~~­ J.~. a~r-~~~~ ?lut-~~~~·,~­ I 4-~~ ~7~(z)p/J~~~ ~~~~c-.(_~Jt/.r.s~. ft.?/~ /1/t...~p(_ ~~. ~,;V'p 2.. '7C«.~ 1/), ~~&>~(......-/-££.-)4.-? I~~l{.;;;::f,.. ~7' ~~ I 123 ~~~~-~~~­ ~t(:;,.., ~/UZ ~-~ ~~~~~~~ 1 ~~/ ~-/Y~r-.nt, ~Jf:> I 1--1-~~~~­ \ ~ J~ P-Q.L. ~-'lA-~7 n;:-~~ ~~-~~~'k ~~) ?;: '1~ /~· ~~ ~~-r~l v/ ~ ~.CZ4, ~ ).L./1 ~"-~z;:::;--?~ ~c-£~. f~-z ~/7,-f.f?~~ ,~r;;-~~'/~~­ ~/~~~J;.. W.$-z..~ tM ~~~. ,!{'-~ ~~ rtCi:W{ c.-~~a--~1 t/(i;; ~~ ~~~~~~~~ /h ~-~~-vc-~. 1-' 124 [ ~7_4/~~4~-~~ ~~.u::;:;..z~ ~~ ~ ~t'£~~~~~ ~-/tk_ Z~-tL,ec ~~~~~ vf.~~~~u.~ i' , ~ ~z:-'h--r::-A p;:; ~ ~ I t:v7 ~-e; ~/~-t! c-T-~­ ~~P'l~ -rM-~.,v~-~,17~~I ~4--"--~ h-~~c...-;, ~~ ).l/..;.-L . I . lj ~-~~~c-<... . ~~~~4c~r-/~~J ~I&,Jo. M&., 2~Y,. ~.f--~/7' i I att.A a/A ... "'~ ---/~~~ ~~~~z:-~~ h f!.,~~PI.-~~~~ ~~C ~;c-,u.-PJ-c-~. ~~ ~~ ~-:,4.,_ u:.d~ ,-~~~/~7J,/5·C7 V~~ ~~~#L~~ ~11--/(/~ ~~.~ ~~~~~ ~_£-~~~r _,~~~~ 125 ~ku ~~7' /'~~-~-~ ~~~~~~-:­ ?yVt!f(J --{{~ ~~J?i;; 4d-~ ~Al·rrl/J ~a:;:.,~ ~~ ~~~lt"~~~~~ 4-7 ~O+c.-~~~~ ~~,A~~/ 4A~~~J-~--~ 1~~~~~ wr~~r~~-~~ ~~~~-k~ ~~~~k-r-~~­~tA..--{...-vv(--vu o1 rlA-~ ~­ f·~· (et)~-~~~~~ ~1-4.., ~t;-h#l,~ ~~~r· t.TA_ ~-~~~~~ lvut ~~I£.~-~ ~h. ~tz::u..~ Pet:~?wvr;-~4-1, ~·. /' . ~~~-~~-.-:£~ ·~~41~~~~---~-­~~~A u-.t-~~~-~-~ • I .?vt. ~~· ~a;:~v/a;;. 9~l~~-~~ ~? J/ ~~~· 7~~-~~-~ ~~P~£-~r~~ ~~4---7 .:-&..-~­ (~)~~?~---~~ fwn j)-z_~ h-~~~ ~~~~?4~­ (_c/ /uA ~/~-~1-4/L ~-~r~­~~:­ 127 F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda-..!'or meeting of the Executive Col!ll!li ttee at the office on Thursday, 26th September 1935 at 5,15 p.m, 1.. Chairt Alderman W. Bennett. 2. Minutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies: Capt. W. Miller. 4. Reports of meetings (2) of the Finance, etc. Committee annexed. 5. Autumn Lectures. Arrangements complete and syllabus issued,sale of tickets fair but not eo r,ood as last year.Any suggestions for further publl Cl ~y to be consid.ol'AJ. . Letters :frcm Ernest Tl ur t l e re Sir Willi<'tm Jnw.:. a'i-1 as Cha:i.rman r·of'erreci from the Finance, etc. Committee to be considered. 8, The Labour Party Annual c·onference. Agenda sent out to members :ast week -p]oese bring it with you. To be concjdered and instructions to our delegate, if any decide(~. Letter from the Newport Labour Party, dis­eenti.r:g from our amendments to their resolution on Jury Service to be considered and dealt with. 7. Spring Lectures 1936. See report of Finance, etc. Committee,No.:::l, PA.r?.. 9, The I:all not available for the seven a:!.t,el'ne.:.e Thursda~'s ( .;a.n. 9th already booked by others),Offor cf' January 16th, 30th, Feb.6th, 20th; March 5th 19th; and April 2nd to be considered, For lecturers the following suggestions received:­ . 1. M, Mtteky, Russia, :a. Dr. Finer Mussolini's Italy, 3. Graham Hutton, The Burden of 4. G.P.Gooch -The Internation~l Plenty. Outlook. 5. Dr. Robson. The Centenary 6. H.Macoillan or Lord Melchett of Local Government. Industrial Reorganisation. Letter from Sir Leo Money offering lecture on Fascism and socialism referred from the Finance, etc. Committee with recommendation to decline with regret. 8. Suggested arrangement with New Fabian ~esearch Bureau for tenancy of back common room. The offer 1n thdrawn for presentin view of building operations. Report of special sub-Committee thereon to be received. 9, correspondence!­ (a) Sir William JoWitt, K.C. request that his name may be restored to the list of members of the society Willing to stand as candidates for Parliament. (b) London Labour Party -re Annual Conferebce, eto, Re~erred from Finance, etc. committee with recommendation that Mrs. Drake be nominated again as our representative on the Party Evecutive co=ittee. (c) R. H. Fynes-T.~ner -Inquiry if we would care to purchase copy of bust of G, B. Shaw by Prof. s. De strobl. FABIAN S 0 C I E T Y. heports of Meetings (2) of the Finance, etc, Conrnittee. I, Thursday, 25th July, 1935. Presents W,S.Sanders (Chair) Messrs. Collard, Fletcher, Galton, Pease and ha~age. 1. Finance. The usual financial state~ent to June 3Gth was presented and received and approved, 2. Me~bership. May candidates (14) were elected, Last year (9),Five resignations were accepted. 3, Autumn Lectures, Report that all arrane;er.1ents co~pleted except Chairman for l!rs, Wootton's l ecture. H.Horrison and Dev:!.d Low had declined, Resolv ;d that the followingbe invited in the order n~ed, viz., 1. Lord Farringdon, 2. Sir Ra~ond u~win 4. Various other ~atters of detail were dealt with and the Committee then adjourned. =================== II, Thursday, 12th September 1935. Present: E.S.Sanders (Chair),Messrs. Fletcher, Galton, Pease and har.1age. 1. Proposal of Messrs. Holland and Hannen to build at back of our premises. Galto~ reported receipt of foroal legal not.i::e of :i.ntsntion to proceed with this buildir.g ae soon as p::>ssi"!:::le, Ot.:r solic·i.tc~· h ~1~-z~~~-I ~-~ ~~~~/~~ ~~~PVf-~~ ~~~~~~. k-lv114~~~ ~~/-~~ ~t~~~~~ }1« ~~£.-YV~ C/-c.<_~ I F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Ag.end,.e. f'or Sl'ecial meeting of the Executive Committee at the office on Thursday, 34th oc: ober, 1935 at 5 p,m, Chairr Pr.ofessor Catlin. ~. Apologies: F. Lawson Dodd, 3. To consider and pass appeal for General Election Fund to be issued at once. proof enclosed, Please .. return with any corrections and suggestions if unable to attend. 4. TO appoint Trustees to administer the Fund as usual. Finan~e. committee recommend that Messrs. Davies, D~d, Ga.lton, La.ski and Pease be appointed, 5, To appoint three members aa delegates to the London Labour Party Annual Conference. .r'inance, ate. committee recommend llra. Drake, MJ,srs. Bennett and Daviea. u. ~~-.,. ~;:::::=j:~~~ r1A. !?..c..·-~~-~'( ~-~'/~,4-----4-~­"--z,.. ~~t!..-~--........L .. --.-. .e<.. ~ ~~ !.·~ ~ .~ tr·~ 134 11~ -&~~­~~,t$10/'~ /7'36­ ~»r~,~~/~~~ ~~~~~-~, ~~~~~,9~/ R~./?wr~" f~~~ ~,. ~~~~~~ ~~~. ~1$/~'t7l~~ ~e{.f~ ~~7a::;~~ ~~~~~· ~r~~"-'·4·....(. r-~/"7~.~~~~/~. ~~~~~ ~u.,y:t.~,~,~ ~~s~.::--~~~~ ~~~~~ 4-\.~d~c-~ ------;:::..._ / ­ 1~5 )~ !5-t~ ~ , .;;~.).. 7.J.~.~ L1_>fp ~ S·J...I.f·L '7;& I , I IJ.v~w-vt-~; ~1 ~~J~ ~~~-~~e;7~ ~~~~. ~~-7"/~~rzz:~.... ..f..Cc._c.--~!----<-~~~-~ ~ ~c-~<.~. Jf ~~~-~J:.C---.·-J~ ~;./ fJL _h ~-~ ~ 7kt.-~~~7'~ ~~~~~'7 ~~~~~ ~,12~.j?~ ~ ~~J ; .n_ ~~--~'1t4f~ t-c ~t t;;:, ~-~sOYT ~'7~ ~·/?I~~,-~"tA<' ~ • ~-£. ~'­ tc~~~f/194~~­)1-~ ~ll /c:;::r ~~~ I t..~~~ ~~-:;~~ ~~ ,)/(! u-..:""' rM Au ~. I ?--7-n~~~~~~~­th~-~~~~ a-~~~~.,.__.,. 1-/~~"-~~c_ .2-ht~~~ ~ ~ 3-'Z~~-~-~-r..?-4:; ~~?~, ~-~;1-s-....... 4-.... ' ~~ (7--:fi.~~ -~~,_)/~·~.~-~ ~-A~/5~,. ~.;..?-~ v-7­ ~~~~~ ?··#/(,L, ~..-/~--<~~ ?.)?_~. ~~~~ c;. t.;-~, ~~~(~--. ?U<-~~~/2~~~ ~-r-~~h~~~~ cf u tnA.~ ~z:-~~'-. ~~K:;:;:, ~. ... 137 F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive Conoittee at the Office on Thursday, 28th· November, 193.':' at 5·15 p.m. · --------------·­ 1. Chair& Dudley Collard, 2. Minutes of last ordinary meeting and of special meeting. 3, Apologies, Ivor Thomas, 4. Report of meetings (2) of the Finance, etc. Committee annexed, 5, Report of meeting of the Summer Sc~ool Comnittee annexed. S. Report of Trustees of the Election Fund. Not verysuccessful. Total receipts £438, The Trustees met twice and voted away in grants and allocated donations all monies received up to the eve of polling day, to about 50 members standing as cahdidates. A few small sums since received amounting to about £7 the Finance, etc. Committee recommended should be transferred to General funds towards cost of printing, posta.t;es, etc. 7. Summer School Committee, 1938 to be set up. Seven members of the Executive to be appointed to serve for the year s. Spring Laoturea, ete,, 1936. The following recommendations of the Finance, etc. committee to be considered and approved, viz., 1. January 16th. A social Party on sir•ilar lines to last year'~ to be arrangecl to meet th0 new Fabian Members of Parliament, etc. 2. Lectures/suggested for the other 6 dutes, 1. M,Mai~ky on hus~ia. 2. Dr. Finer on Italy. 3. Gra.ha.m Hutton, The Burden of Plenty or other subject,4, Ivor Jennings -The centenary of Local Governnent. 5, Dr. G, P, GQOOh -Th~ International Outlook, 6. Kingsley uartin -The B.B.c. 7. H.h.L,Greaves -nediatribution of colonial Areas. a. Debate on Rat1Qnalisation, a. uacoillan or Lord Melchett and co1e or Laski. 9, Organisation of Agriculture. Dr. Addison, Dr.Keitl: Murray or Lad~ Noel Buxton, 10. Professor Oatlin, The end of the Liberal Epoch. 11. E. F. Durbin. socialism and Ooopetition, 9, correspondence -if any. ------·-----·--------------­ heports of meetings (2) of the Finance, etc. Conmittee. 1, Thursday, 17th October, 193!3, Present: W,S,Sanders, (Chair)Mise Keynes, Measrs, Colla.rd, DQviaa, Dodd, Ga.lton, Eumphreys, Pease and hamage. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, Finance. The usual monthly financial et.• tenent was presentedand received and approved~ Membership, September candidates (8) lvure elected, Last year (7), Four resignations were 1ccepted, autumn Lectures, l\eport that denand fo1· tickets showed a considerable falling off from last year, received and noted. In view of the general election it was anticipated that three of the Chairman arranged Who are candidates would be unable to attend, It was agreedthat G.li.Blanco White, Dr. E. Fletcher, L.c.c,, and Alderman Emil Davies be requested to fill the vacancies, Spring Lectures, 1936, The Liv1ngstone Hall booked for Thursdays, January 16th, 30th, Fab, 6th, 20th, March 5th, 19th and April 2nd, A number of suggestions for lectures, eto, ware considered and provisionally agreed,Further consideration deferred to later meeting. The General Election, Agreed to reeo~snd the Executive that an appeal for Election Fund be issued to members as usual, and that Masers. Davies, Dodd, Galton, Laski and Pease be appointed Trustees to adninister the Fund. Draft appeal to be circulated and special meeting or tho Executive called for the 24th October, uany other matters or detail ware dealt with and the committae then adjourned. ~'• Thursday, 9l&t November, present! w.s.s:~ndore (Chair),Ueasrs, Catlin, colla.rd, Davios, Galton, Pease,Ramage and hatcliffe, 1, ~. a. 4, Finance, The usual monthly etateoent wo.s presented and received and approved. Kemberehip, ootober candidates (20) were elected, Last year (8), six resignations were accepted. Autunn Lectures, Report that audiences quite good, and changes of Chairoen as arranged ~t last nesting carried out was received and noted, spring Lectures, 1936. Further considered, sooe additions ~ aoendments to the list of suggestions considered at last meeting were agreed to, and to be laid before the Executive for approval, Agreed to recoocend that the first neeting on January16th be a social party to neat the ne~ Fabian M.P.e,arranged on einilar linea to the party held last year. Gonernl Election Fund, Report or r esults r eceiVed,Agreed that the soall bo.lu.nce l c,f't in hand (about £7) be transferred to gon .rJ.l funds t-owards coat of printing and postage of circular, etc. 6, Letter fron John Roberta (Solicitor) r 1 proposed buildingoperations at back of our preoi8os read and the action taken by hio on our behalf approved and agreed to. The Oomoittee then adjourned. ·----------------------·--~~ li.eport of meating of the suooer school CoD~ittoe on Wednesday,9th October, 1935. Present: J,li.aoage (Chn.ir), Mrs. Beadle, lliss Hankinaon,l!essrs. Bennett, Galton, Capt. Hall, Hunphreye, Sanders and Blanco White, 1. Financial statement wa~ presented sho1dng total receipts £69~. Expenditure ~as. Balance £66 was r eceived and consider ed. It was approved and consider ed satisfactory. · 2, The outstanding itens of expenditure (included in total above ) wer e approved and ordered t o be paid forth1·1i th,and sooe small r efunds of f~es agr0Jd to. 3. lliss Hankinson r eported on the attend. ·1ce o.t tho School,In all 155 persons attended a tot~l of 316 weeks, and suggested various amendments, etc. t o the r egulations. These were referred to the new coor.ittee for 1936 to consi der o.nd settle o.nd ~iss Hanki 1>on was cordiallythanked for her work as no.nag~r and for the r eport, Place of school 1936, Prolininary considera tion, Agreed that Secretary make enquiries of various schools, etc. augg~sted o.nd r eport to new Cornlittoo in duo course, 5, The scholarship Fund, Report jotal r eceipts £16, 2. 6d,Grants nado to two nenbers of the Society and three nenbers of the Nursery -Total £13· S, 6d, Balance of £3 in ho.nd carried forward to start oioilar fund next your, Approv ed, 6. sono other natters of det ail ~ore dealt with o.nd tho Coooittee was then dissolved, 140 If" I ~Jn~, ~~~~·-:-/3a~, ~· - ~~~~~-~/~ ~~ c.,J/./.-:-:-~h~~e~~/ 'OVVV"~ I / ~~~ I J.~ ~-~n-~~~ ~~~~x~~J~_ -f~~ ~-o?~~~~~ a::-~~~~A-4~~ ~~ ~~~~.2.;Vd~~""=? r~~~~~~ ~~~,.~~ ~~~~~ , ­ 141 ~-·t~ 5~· ~-d)~~'l ~ .r~r~~~~ ~4~,~~ ~~~~~ t,s~~ ~~,7~s~9~~ ~;~~~~ ~~~~­ l·'trl't... l J[.,_ ~-..,. ~~~ ~~~~ ~· ;l-.lf-t... l ~-u~~~­ ..Jn ~~7'/9~~ ~ ~~4----£~~ ~14:;;:1~~~~ t:"4 ~ ~~7~~'t C/l­ -7'Zu~~~~ ~~... ~.J~~ ~~/.~~~~;;:) ?1-jvvvf.. ~~~~~-~ rf:. I ~ ~­ 1.-r ...­ r/, & 142 {C)J-c~J'--'" ~~~-;~~~~~ ~~~4~~C' ~~~~~ ~. ~/~/~~ ,u.~~~~~~ ~~qh'~, ~'--/ ?t-< ~~~e--t.~?T~ ~; (-CJ~~~'~r~'Z<.-~ t!(~-~~-.~~ 7~~~e(~-~ ~~-u~/i/~~~~1~­ ~~~~/ y.fC: ~~ ~~­ ~~~~ ~ /~'f­ z.?j~ J6 143 ;.._, ~-A-B I A N S 0 C I .6 T Y. S> Agenda for meeting of the Executive Co~itt o at the Office on Thursday, 83rd January, 1936 at .""·15 p,m, 1. Chair: H. J, Laski, 2, ilinutes of last meeting. 3, Apologies : H. Humphreys, S,K,hatcJif,·u, ',/,S,Sanders, 1l.P, ~. heports of meetings (2) of the Finance, etc, Committee annexed, 5, heports of meetings (2) of the summer School Committee, annexed, 6, The social Party, January 16th, Quite successful in spite of severe weather, About 150 tbckets were sold and 20 BiVen away, There will be a small balance over all expenses, 7. LiRingstone Hall Lectures. Arrangements completed and first meeting on Thursday next, 30th inst. Demand for tickets for non-members not v _.y ~reat but some coming in, S, Autumn Lectures, 1936, . Friends Ball p · vicionally booked for Oct. ~2~d, ~9th, Nov, 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th, TO be approved, preliminary consideration of subject and lecturers to be begun, 9, correspondence, ( a) League for Human hights in czechoaslovakia re German prisoners. heferred from the Finance, eto, Committee. To be considered and any action decided, (b) D.M.Fraser (member), hequest on behalf of t~ members of the society to form a subject croup under Bye-Law II of the nules to be -ealled 11 • he r!ew Fabian Group"· heports of Ueetings l~J oL ~u~ I. Thursday, 19th December, 1935, Present: Miss Keynes, Uessrs, Catlin, Davi os, Dodd, Galton and hamage. l, Finam~e. The usual monthly statement received and approved, was presented and S, 1lembership. year (8) November candidates (17) W:Jre elected, Last Four resignations were accepted. 3. heport on financial result of the Fr iends Hall Lectures was presented and a~ter discussion received and apprmved and considered not unsatisfactory in all the circumstances, It was decided to recommend the Executive that the hall be booked again fo' the usual six nightsin Octo~er and November next. 4, Livingstone Hall Lectures, 1936, Arrangements further considerad ar:.d some changes made owing to refusals,alterations of dates, etc, Agreed that the arrangements for Party on January 16th be on same l~nes as last year, and that the arrange­ments for l ee L".1res be approved, A panel of Chairmen was agreed to, 5, General Election Fund. Letter read from Herbert liorrison,reft'.J:·.ding gro.r.t of £20 made to hlm frol!l the fund as it was not nGE:.ded for south Ha cknoy. heceived and noted with thanks, Agreed to recommend the ExecuU'·e not to re-open the Election Fund but to treat thir: as a donation to general funds. e. Fabian common hoom, suggested arrc:·3ments for providing teas or;1y from 4 to 5·30 p,D, c nsidered, Agreed to reco=el·.:i the Executive that Ci'l' ·ne;ements be made for six mo::1i.,hs, To C'ff.er 10/· p el' ·'loal;: and 20 per cent of the gross takings to attendant. The t erms, etc. to be reviewed at the end of the six I!lonths. 7. Further correspondence from solicitors and surveyors r e building operations read and r eported, It was agr eed that the action taken eo far be approved, some other I!latters of detail were dealt with and the committee then adjourned, Present: Uessrs, Catlin, Colla.rd, Dodd, Fl, •-blmr, Galton,Humphreys, Pease a.nd hamage, 1. Finances The usual monthly statement was received and approved, 2. llembership, December candidates (8) were elected, Last year (1:~ ). Six resignations were accepted, List of 39 members for whom no addresses for past two years considered, Four r ef erred back for enquiry, ThJ r emaining 35 to be struck off, It was decided that a. list of the members much in arrears with subscriptions be propu.red and brougl.t upat the next meeting. 3, The social Party, Galton reported Sanders unwell and unable to attend and John Parker also unable to cone, He had asked F. W. Pethick-!--awrance, H.P., and A,Creech Jones lli!;JP, to t ake their places a.s Spualters. The action wa.s approved and it was agreed that J.hamage be appointedto act as Chairman 4. Livingstone Hall Lectures, Arrangements r,,)W conpleted for the s eries of six meetings and circulated to the Committee. The list was approved ; •1d considered satisfactory, 5, Further correspondence with solicitors o.r'.J surveyors re buiJ.dh,g cpe·:'atione. read and r epc, t.::d, It was agreedto arprove the action taken and t , :•et on their advice in out8tandlng matters, 6, Letter from firm of solicitors notifying bequest of £50 to the society from the late Hiss Hutchins received and noted, 7. Letter from League for Hunan hights in Czecho-slovakia re prisoners in Germany read. Galton to consult Pethick-Lawrence ther-eon, and refer to the Executive. some other matters of detail were dealt with and the comnittee then adjourned~ heports of meetings ( 2) of the summer school committee, 1. Preliminary meeting, Wednesday, 11th DecJnber, 1935, Pr esent: Messrs. Galton, IJunpb::-eys, Hiller, .1:\D.l'la.ge and S?-rlders, Capt. Basil Hall joined the committee ~fter co-o~t1on. 1. It was resolved that Capt. Basil Hall, i.rc, Hall and Mi col as pease be invited to join the oonnittee as eo-opted nenbers, 2. hesolved that Hi ss 1.1, Hankinson be appoi ted manageress of the School for 1936, Place of' School, 19:36 considered, h <'C.'l't that Frenshu~ Heights, the UniverGit~ Colle~e, Bangor,o.nd l'Torl'la.nhurst, Battle, werJ J.V .i lo.ble, and possibl)l Belste;J.d School, .1\ldob_ ~;h. Seo.le-Bo.ynenot o.v.J.il;J.ble, Capt. Hull reported on his visit to Normo.nhurst,and it rvo.s decided that the lJri..,'}ipa.l be us led furthar about t erms, oto.ff, otc. l:r, Agreed that the Connittee do I:leet Uf:,c.in on Wodnesdo.y,15th J~nuo.ry next, The Ueeting then adjourned, 2, Wednesday, 15th January, 19:36. Present: llrs, Beadle, !;rs. Hull, Hiss Hrmltinson, l1essrs. Esher, Go.lton, Capt. Hull, I~phreys, N. Pease, huoage,and Blo.nco •;Jhi te, 1. It was r esolved unanimously that J, ho.mc.ge be el ected Chairman of tha Co~ittes for th~ ensuing year, i. Agreed that the Cot:10ittee to continue t o meet on 1"/ednesdo.ys a.t 5•15 p.m, 3. Place of School 19:36. Further consid~r ;d and letters reo.d,After full discussion it was r esolvod "TH.I\T o. firm offer be ~ade to :.Ire , Battine, to t..ke .Norounhurst,3uttl e, Sussex for th~ four weeks cf August on the tert:1s and conditions laid down hn r l ett ers to us. "*• It wo.s agreed that the Scholarship Fu~,u ;;-t-J.ch provedsuccessful and useful lust your bv re-opened for 1936. 5, Prelit:lin~ry consideration of progru~_. etc, was begun and it was o.greed that an effort be c .J to get it out earlier in the year if possible, The meeting then adjourned to \7ednesdo.y, 19th Februarynext, I. 1: j, 1r 1·~ r~ ~·~ ~~ ­ 146 ~Uz~~/~/~~~ , , , ~I~~/c;~,/~, ~,f~,~,~/ ~~ ~r-~~7-c:.,_¥ . 3. Preliminary consideration o~ programme. rt was agreed to arrange special subjects for each week as last year, and suggestions were invited. s ome other matt ers of detail wer e dealt wi t h and the commi ... t .-<;>adjourned till March 19th next 152 ~~~~f/P~,~ ~~~,~r-e;~£~, fh~,~,/?~, 9~/---(' ~~ I t.~ ~'J~~~~ ~~e...~.. -~. I 4·~ ~-P/~~~-&.c<._~~ ~ r '-"""'" ~~A~ UJ".J·S~ a----<-~ du~~r~~ ~~'fA-~~~ s-~ ~-r/"t:t~.r~~~ r~·J ~~ /./7~~~~ I I 15:3 &~(.../ ~-~-~~~ ~ / ~~4..7~a.-~~~­~~~~~q_ ~~u;:;;:::r ~~ ~t-~~~­~-~~~4~ /;'~~~'/~~~ ~~-~u;;;-~~z;-­ J ~~-~~~ ~~~-~~-~ ).J-•f+.L. ~~~~~-~ ~~li-~.~~~1 ~-tf, a ~~~./'/" -6­ ..-mk~~~~~ J.j .Jh,(~c~. {~ ~Ct?t ~), 2-ih·~.MI~L·}~. A·~~ J. t~.~/tu( ~ ~./(.J-1· ~~ lf.f.~.~~f~, J;~,/~­!)~~,, ~-~~~.N.IJ~ c,.~~~ {c-4.-~). -~­ 154 r~ l{_ ~~~u:;:;;:;r ~# ~ ~t;-~~~t:"-~~ 4~ c~~-r-: ~)~-~ ~~4--,~4~~~-~e-~.-, a,.,~~h~~~--­./~ ,a;; ~~ p-(~~~z:;:y ~. I ~c-;~~~ -f~~-~~~ r ~~~~ (C)~A-~~<~~ ~t h,~/;f-~-1'' ~ (d)~~~, ~1-~-(4}~J~ffl~~,V...J--/'2./'7. Le~•• -<-~..-( 155 H 0 0 • (J) F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. _Ag~da·ror-~eting of the Executive connit~ •e at the Office on Thursdap, 28th Uarch, 1936 at 5. 15 p.~1 . 1. Ghair, w. s. Sanders, ll.P. 2. Minutes of la:Jt meeting. 3. ApoloGi ea. s. K. :h,atcliffe. J:{eport of Finance, etc. Col!li!littee annexed. 5. Report of SU1'1T!ler School Connittee annexed. 6. Executive Co~ittee, 1936-37.election. Notice of noi:linations in Apr).l Fabian l'Tews. Last day SOth April. Two Withdrawals notified, viz, Dudley Collard and Prof. H. J. Laski. 7. Auturm Lectures, 1936. Further consic'.sration. subjectsand lecturers to be settled if pos~ible. General title:-The Shape of ThinG3 to come. Subjects, aGreed provisionally: 1. The next Slump: ean CapitaliGm SurviveT S. The Future of Soviet Comr.nmisn. 3. Dictatorshi:?Bl What next'? 4. Economic NJ.tionalism: Oo.n it con ',lnueT 5. The next war o.nd after. 6. The World Order of the Future. For lecturers the following sug1 tiono 1. Wells or Oole. 2. Prof. Blac~ett or L. Fischer. 3. Prof. Laski, H. C. Orossrnan, or John Strachey.4, J. id. Keynes, or Sir A • .3alter, 5, B • .,,ussell, Noel Baker, .,ylr.:~er Vallance, 6. Wells or B.hussell. 8. Correspondence. John Parker, M.P. re New FabLm .-eseo.rch Bureo.u ­intirnn.tine; thn.t they do not no .; wish to r ent rooi:ls here. (b) D. ll. Fraser, 1936 Fabian Gro1p. 3u~gesting conferenc e of Professional and non-nanual workers in l.~ay . (v) Mi ss Hewsome -request that the F.-bian Society should allow its name to be added t o list of socie~les sup;orting appeal for p 3 thick-Lawrence Portrait Fund. (d) 'vifat erloo Division, Lanes, Labour Party wanting Po.rli~entary candidate, Presents W.S .Sanders {Chair), Messrs. Catlin, Fletcher, Galton, Pease and hamage. 1. Finance. The usual monthly statement was presented and received and approved. 2. Membership. February candidates {14). Last year {11) were all elected. Three resignations were accepted. 3. Livingstone Hall Lectures. Report on progress was received and approved and noted. 4, Social Evening for new members to ~eet ~e~bers of the Executive. Considered and agreed that it be arrangedfor Thursday, 23rd April in the Oomnon Room, 8 -10 p.n.Coffee, Oi8arettes and biscuits to be provided. 5. Executive oo~ittee election. Agreed t hut usual notice be given in Fabian News for April. Last day for no~inations to be Monday April ::lOth as rules provide. 6. Much correspondence and many matters of retail were dealt With and the committee then adjourned. heport of ~eeting of the Sumner School Conmittee on Wednesday,18th March, 1936. Present: J.h~~age {Chair), Mrs. Beadle, Miss Hankinson, Messrs. Esher, Galton, H~phreys, Miller, N.S.Pease, sanders and White. 1. Foro of application for adnission -proofs circulated was considered. so~e snall ancnd~ents were oade and it was approved and passed to go out to oeobers rn th the April issue of Fabian Newo. 2. progranrne. The Panel of directors arranged at last nesting was confiroed. subjects for weeks were considered and after discussion agreed as follows: 1st week. Director:Oapt. Hall. General suhjeet:International affairs. 3nd week. Director Hubert H~phreys. h eorganisation of Industry and Agriculture.3rd week, Director: John h~age. Soci~list Progressabroad, 4th week. Director: G,h.Blanco \lhito. The Professional and middle classes and their political interests. 3. Lecturers, etc. A list of suggested l ecturers to be invited was than drawn up and agreed to. sooe other natters of detail were dealt ~~th and the oomnittec then adjourned. 158 ~~~ I ~d-:..z 7~~/"'..r~ ~-~~~.~~-~~ - ~,~,~~--·~, R--r~ ~~~ .$.~ ~~~ ..~c-~ -r 7-«c a ?n-~~,~~!~~, ~-1~7~~~ ~~~~~ tk ?~/r. . ..-a.. a.-...-~• .:;,, ~~ )(,;;;;::r~~.h ~~ Chr 9~u.R.~~~ 9~/?Hc.-.1~~ ~4·£',~. ~ ~~e~,~s~ ~~~~~A'~~ 159 ~~~~~ 1~~~/C~-~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~----~. $ ~ 9~1{77 ~~-.t?:t.5~.:?C, ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~-tl,~'l~ ~~~A-~ ,A·U/¥1 ~-~-~~~ ~~4-~~~~ t;-~~~~Y~~~. ~I'L-~~~~ ~~~ct~~~~ ~~~-~, k ·1---J!:_L ~~~~~~a:.;;: ~~~r-#f~./ 1-S'~ ~~-_tr.. ~~ ~~~$~n;;-~ 1~~g..~~~ 7­ 160 ~~~~~~~­-~~~a;;;:-~~~. ~~~~4­ ,/./~-~-~ Z ~~-J-~~~ 4-S4C;;;, {. 9. ~~f"~/~~ S~-~~(~~~.#"'U U;;:;_/-·· ....., . »~~­(; . ~,~ ~(vf" ~~,..v,z;). 7tw.., ~-~~~-<­ ~~~-h ~--..-(­ ! trJ!1:;~--~"'.,._• .-<: ""'-"'~• ~ ~?~A.~?~~ ~~~~-d-H4-' 4•"7 ~~~­ . I ~~~~. ~~..,.....-:~ ~ (_________________ 161 FABIAN S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda ror meeting of the Executive oomnittee ~t the office on Thursday, 1th llay, 1936 at 5.15 p.n. 1. Ohair: Ivor Thomas, ~. Minutes or last meeting. 3. Apologies! F. L. Dodd, H. Humphreys, W.s.sanders, M.P. 4. Report or Finance, etc. committee annexed. 5. Annual Report 1935-36. Proor or drart report enclosed. To be considered and passed to go out to members With June Fabian News. Audit or Accounts. James Bacon Willing to act as auditor again. To be approved. fr; , Autumn Lectures, Arrangements approved at last meeting as follows:­ General Title:-"The Shape or ~hinge to come" Subjects: 1. The next slump: Can Oapitalisrn survive! 2. The J!'at:.t'~"e of soviet Comn'-lniam. 3. Dict:J.to:L'~hlps : Wha.·i:, nex-~? 4. Economlo Na.t:LOn8.1i'3m: Can it continue? 5. The next WarT And after? 6. The world Order of the Future. Lecturers. 1. J, M. Keynee, G.D.H.Oole. 2, Moi.MaiAky, Profe'3snr Blackett, L.FiJJher, K.Martin. 3. LaBk4., W"i.ckham Steed. :9 • .Rar~ /ri:i, ~~. i'"·e:fY TL-~¥~r:~w~ I 165 ~u,._~~ evr-I1Z. ~~ ~~~q,~4-Vf---1t a~~. ~u:;:;;:? ~~ ~-?-<.-~~~~~ t. a.1. ~vt R~r~~~ 1 ~v(..c. ~h--.-< ~~c.-a--( ~~~~~.A/~ ~~.~~~ J .. ~~-4,"-~-~ ~~~~~~ t/(;; ~~~ai:J~ ~~~~. I 7 ·~, j~-c(~.:r~~h~ ~ ~~PL~~~ ,·. /k...~~~. !e:.:;e,.Ramage & Ratllifte. ~Ohairs Ald~A.E.~aviea wa• ele•tea Ohairm~ft or the meetin~ ln the absanoe or w.s.sancl-ere. a. P1nanGe. The ~sual ~hly report ·~• •ubk!tte~ and reeaived and after a1e~l1~ ApprOVed, ~ ~ership. Apr.Oandidatea (11) were all tleoted. L&at rear (7)Five resignations wer• ~oepte4. 4. The Autumn leoturee. keport thot B1dney Webb, W1okham 8tee4, Sir A.Salter and Prot, Blaokett had aooepted the dates and IUb· jeote suggested. J.U.Keynes an4 Prof. L6~ki had declined. G.D.B.Oole had not yet replied. Received and noted. The arrangements made were approved. Aireed that Oole be ur!ed to take the ~iret lecture an4 Prof. L.aogban the laot one. 5. The Annual MseU~. Letter f'X'om P. Ueddings •'fi th two lllOtione for \he meet1na •Qns14ered. Agree4 that he be as~ed to re~1ae the tlre• o-e te make 1\ clear; and to omit the inetructic:tnf t~ u~ Ue ~eeon4 re60luUon to the Labour Partr tor the Oon_ feZ'.,., Ggonda &e 1t. was contrary to the Standing Order• of the party. DaYi4 PYeernan wae sugsested as peseible Ohairm&n tor th& m~~ting. e. Agreed that the Bxecutive Committee be called tor Thurad&J, llth June at 5•15 before the Annual Meetin&. 7. uany ether mattere ot detail were dealt WittJ and the Ooi!IID1ttee then a4j~urnec, --·~------------------·-------------~---­Report of ~eting ot the SUJDJDer school oom. on.~·~ed. 13th Kay, 1936. Presents J.Aamate (Ohair) Mrs,Beadle,Urs.Hall,Li~e Hankinson,Messrs. Esher,Galton,N.Peaee and ijlanco White. l.hep•rt re pro~ess Qf bookings -about 40 pe~sone had bookeQ about 8Q weeks to date. Much better than lJ.si; year and well up to the average of former years. Aeceived and considered sa.t1sf'actor·:y, ~. Report re arrangement for lecturers to d~t&. Seventeen of the twenty lecturers required now arranged, Two or three others in ne~ot1ation. The list was considered and approved and some further suggestions agreed to if required, Sidney Webb suggeete""'~4-­~~~/~~~, lvw7 ~~-L ~~~ ~. 171 J-.J.J:~ . ~-1~'1~~s~ - r,,?-liL. ?·4-. ~~~~~,~­ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~-' ~PC~~~~~~~~"'f.,. ~~~~-~~ ~~~.4~ffl~ ?. a..~~ ~ etc. Ag.ced. t.l:o.t navies! hamage and sanders be appoj r~t ed tl1eo E~peocj e.J. ;:t.;.1>·cr,I:Jl!lit.t ee a.nc' that the various euggef'tiCr!.e: -p,.t fC~n"e..t'~ st. the Annual r eting be referrod to thel!l. for ccm:id era.tlGn or.d re:;;>ort. t• he Ma.jo:-Churcr.. l'hia H 3ID ~2s i'.'lthdrawn, 1d l1a.jor Ohuroh' e lett.a resi;~nlng hi s m&mb~"':'zh..i.p was t'e::~.d. -...et.~.-.·ved. That the · r ea:!.. gnatt-::>n te a.noeptod. fort.hWith. e. Hany other matters of detail were dealt >dtn and the Committee adjourned. •~ I • • FA BIAN S 0 0 I E T Y. keport ot meeting of the Summer Sohool oo~ttee on Wednesday 17th June, 1938· Presents John hamage (Ohair) Mise Bankinson, Yessre. Galton,Humphreys and N. Pease. 1. keport on progress ot bookings. OVer lOO persons had now booked about aoo weeks at the School, much above the average ot recent years. keceived and approved anti considered very satisfaotory. The Ust of ns.ces cf applicants was read !l.nd approved and referre'-' to Miss Bank1nson to allot rooms, etc. a. Programme. Proof's of the draft programme l . d been ciroula.ted and was considered. scoe small aoendoui ~s and additions were agreed to. The proof was approved ~nd ordered to be sent out to all members with the next ie~ue of Fabian News. 3• Scholarship Fund. This had no1 reached £ U .s.o. and the sub-Committee was considering applications for grantsreceived. Approved. A note thereon to be ineerted in Fabio.n News. •• The drat't agreement With Mre. Dattine for hire ot Norma.nhurst Oourt was further considered and correspondence read. It was agreed that the agreement as aoended be approvedand signed forthwith. 5. Agreed that the Conmittee should not be aumnoned again till after August unless any emergency arises. The meeting then ad!ourned. 176 II ~~Z/4 ·..t~cf:?t, I 9~-~~~~~~,/~~, ~~~ ~-~-4-~£,;:;­ 1 , / )~,?~_, '/Z~ ~J~~. 2 .~ ~~~ ~c-;~~· ~ ---... C::' ~~ct.--.-...-:L r .. ~._~ ~ ~~ .?4--t-~. t~ a~r-~~~-rz.. ._,-( ~~~~" e~,~~"'' I!A-<.....::-~7, '/(u..-te_c~A,. /kn~~c~ v f, -t: £_ /-_­ ~(~;:;C_: ~~ 4 .J. --t. ~ £ c._. l .. < ri­~~~~L-zr_., If -~jt-Yl{ ~~~-&:-/ Jt.-. ~h e?-~t:-4--•......, l"f # •t.-.. Jc...... ~ "" ~ 0 . t,.t.....-. ~Vl--Z.-7-V ) .. ~ · 7 ~-6:~~.7 ~Y~~ e:. ~~c::...._~ t:-~s_/ /\A.~{~)~C€-f~~ c-; c~( .@.) WU-t c:..,(:f~~-1..--?L. ~~~~/H­ I_.£'~~ ~ ~-~ ~~<--t-c..~ ""~( h~4~-z.~. I ~ ?~~ 9-~~?u--~7 ~~....!-~~ &C.-f .-.-c..~ / {£ ....... ,. /~I~1-z-~~~~~-~ t~~?e-cz-I U-c-~ lfi::C__t-t-Cl-.e ,(..,./._ / ... #-.. ,_../ /tt-._ ~{­ ~tl.A-~~~L~r{_ vCi ~?vt,;;:;:_, ~~ j-:}-.j.f-L, /L_ ~-Vt--t. ~t,-7( w~ J.Vh-:7 "-t.-~ ~~(• &·t.?~ ~0~~£.~ A t~~~t,f,r..-4-e;~~ a.t·.f~4-~t~ ~~--L. ¥-c~~.AJ.. ·•bo'(, .. ·,, ~ ~ ~­~~Lt:v"f(~~~ ¥~~-uy-;;-/­9t~ h1-d4v~ ~...<.. -.t...f };u-N ft/7~ ~~tl ~tt:z;:r )V'J-'117 A..e-t--h--~ ,~ ~y-..v!V A'\.. ~~~ /, &~~ 178 ~~~-lk-~ej/~/~~~ t''f/.-1._-t-;:~ cy~{~/-/7~-~~' ~~~~~~~-¥ ~~-~~-£cj~ !{~~-~~~'l-t!.-~ ~/~~~h~/l;:;,-<-/L r ~ t'-C t'-'-c/ ~~~~-~-.;:---e~-..»P G~ 9~~/L-~~-~c ~La_. 179 ~·~­ (rt 9~-4~~~~~ ~ ti-44"'-~-z:;;:;;; ~~~---~~ ~ ~­ ?~!J-:~ qp~e (. ~~ ~~-~?4:;: ~c;::;-~ ?~c.~ ~~.r( ~~~­JJtVL,q_? ~~~~ ~~­llu_. ~-4--74-~~~ ~~u-v~~ c:-z-~ ~&-~t-cr ~~l+y~~­ ~~~L-~fw--(~ ~~~~~-z ~£-v"""" ~~c.ce;;: ~~~~~( #1. Ra.-1 ,. 9Jt (j!;(l, IJJI f •,) (. I ; ~ 'I' ( .1\.genda for meeting of t'18 sxr·cuti ve Commi t;tee at the of'fj ::e cr. Tharcday, 24th Sept ember, 1936 at 5.15 p•.n, 1. Chair -Mrs. Barbara Drake, L.C.C. 2. Minutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies for absence: F. Meddings, H.Humphreys, S.K.Ratcliffe, G. R. ~lanco White . 4. keport of me0tinga of the Finance, etc. Committee annexed. 5. Friends Hall Lectures. Arrangements complete and syllabus issued. Sale of tickets st eady but rather slow. Receipts from sales to date this year ~17a. Last year same date £178 . An extansive advertisement plan proposed for Ootober. 6. Labour Party Conference, Edinburgh, October 5th. Miss Lawrence appointed our delegate. Agenda ~or Conference circulated with notice of meetin~ last week to be con­sidered, and any i.n:::; tl·uotions thereon agreed. Please bring copy w1 th you. ?. Interim keport of Special s ub Committee to c onsider the TO financial position of the Society. Copy enclosed. be consider ed. 8 . Correspondence. London Labour Party -re Annual Confer ence. .... 1' ~-4 J.. '-\. ,, v V J.. •!J -.. ~ .C\'lport of meet::.nG o~· the :t.l·:a.J.C>e, et.} Co,nr:::. ti:.e·; ~":. 'J' hc•. ',.c:J.'': l~~h >e~t. , ~9~0 . Presemt: A. Emjl D.J.vies (Chair), Messrs. Beaumont, Gal·so!l, !. lJ·,r.1J."'l.Z-''' ,• Pease, F. <.m·~ge and Sanders . l. Meetings. Af'tel' d1s:..;ussion rosolvod that this Committee 0-:­meet on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. for the present. 2. Finance. The usli.al monthly financial statement was :pre3er:tar': and r eceived an~ appr oved. ~. Membership. Augt;,st 'Jf.. ndidates (5) were elected. T...ast year r.On::l.­Two resign:~t:: en:.: were accepted and one deferred for further ool're;~pon ~' 1... ~-? 1...-c.-c...~~ ~~~ 4-A. Ot--~C.~~,_,~ I f. 7--JILI /Z,__t--Z-t-~,__~-/· ~~~~.?/ ~­ 1 185 fCJ.fl -rL ~//·~. If:-­ ~ ~?~~~~~ ~u--/tt~~~~ /Zu-~~-~~~ K-~r-~~~~ l ~a;:-~~~~~~ ~~ ~U--?.--~ . ~7~~-~­~£-t..-ac-~t.-4VMA"· 7 ~t.4 e~~ I ~hti~~~~­~~~/~~~~~ ~~~k~r4-l-?c­~~~r-7?-~e;;~~ 7L ~t'~/~ ~c.,~~~i'.t_ --N~.~.!;_~, --::5­ ......, J.' . -)( ' . J,. l'ABIAIC S 0 0 I E T Y. Agenda tor meeting of the Executive Oocrnittee at \he Offiee on Thuraday, 29th October, 1938 at 5.15 p.n. 1. Ohair -Jehn Ramage. ~. Minutes ot last meeting. I, Ape!ogiea -Mie• Keynea, Mise S.Lawrenoe, H. Humphreys, s. K. R&toliffe. •· Report of oeeting of Finance, etc. oo~ittee annexed. 5. Report of meetin~ of the Publiehin~ oommittee annexed. e. Ben. Treasurer's report and appeal sent out to members on Monday. 7. Memorandum re appointment of social Committee by Davies and kamage enclosed. To be considered. B. Oonferenoe of Professional, eto. Workers, 17th October. Very successful. About 50 organisations representedby 133 delegatee. Pees received total £16. 10. Qd,Total Oost £21. a. 8d, 9, Friends Hall Lectures. Very successful start and goodaudience for Oole, Rec eipts to date about £40 · up on last year same date. The platform very bare ­only three members or the Executive present! Arrangements for publication of the lectures ia book form by Allen & Unwin compl~ted. ' 10. Livingstons Hall Lectures, etc. 1937. see Report of Finance, eto. committee. 1-1 .. ,.Oorres-pofl4ar_JOe • Let.ter from A. Emil Davies re the • · , 1 -·'.B£.1-Ison fru~t. 11' A B I A N S 0 0 I E T Y, keport of Meeting of the Finance, etc. Oommittee, Wednesday,14th October, 1936. Present: A. Er:lil Davies (Ohair), Messrs. Galton, Pease,Eaoage, and sanders. 1. Finance. The usual monthly financial statement was received and approved. 2. Menbership. September candidates (7) were elected. Last year (8). Four resignations were accepted. 3. Friends Hall Lectures. Report of progress received and approved. Receipts about £15 up on last year, Letter from Allen & Unwin re proposed publication of the lectures in book form read and terns agreed and approved. To be arranged if possible. 4. Livingatone Hall Lectures, 1937. Hall to be taken for January 14th and 28th, February 11th and 25th,Maroh 11th, April 8th and 22nd. The followingarrangements agreed to, vizt­ 1. Jan. 14th. Social Party. 2. 28th. B. Morrison on L.o.o. if possible. " 3. Feb.llth. Debate on Popular Front. Ool. Delahaye and A. J.Oummings versus <'apt. Miller and Miss Lawrence suggested. 4. 25th. Tawney to be asked on Education. " 5. Mih,l1th. Oolin Qlark to be asked on Ownerhhipof Capital. 6. Apr. 8th. F. Elrnhirst to be asked on OonmunityPlu.nning. 7. Apr.22nd. Douglas Jay to be asked on Mistakes of Marx. 5. Conference of Professional Workers, eto. Report of progress received and approved and considered verysatisfactory. 6. Letting of vacant roans here. Ohairrnan and Secretary r eported interview with the Oivil Service HousingAssociation, who had agreed to ta5e the room and attic at ~0 per annuc -they undertaking the necessary decorations and alterations required. 7. S09e other natters of detail were dealt with and the oonnittee then adjourned. IPABIAN S 0 e I E T Y. heport of meeting of the Publishing Ooornittee on Tuesday,29th September, 1936. Present: Mrs. Dralte, F. w. 8aoon, F. 'Ill. Galton, and Ivor Thooas. 1. Ohairt Ivor Thomas was elected Chairman of the Oomrnittee for the ensuing year. ~. Meetings. Agreed that this Oornnittee do meet when required on Mondays at 5.15 p.m. 3. Tracts going out of print. (a) No. 41. The Fabian Society -ite early history, by Sernard Shaw. To be reprinted forthwith. (b) No. ~3S. some essentials of Socialist propaganda, by G. p. a. Oole. Referred to Chairman to consider and report. 4. New Tracte suggested. (a) Winning the Middle Classee. Sy the 1936 Fabiaft Group.Considered. Agreed to ask Oatlin and Fraser to attend next meeting of this Committee to discuss question of publication. (b) Suggested publication of Shaw's essay on Bent in Fabian Essays as a separate tract. Considered ­agreed not to recommend such publication. 5. Tracts needing revision. Our series on Local Government now out of date. Oonsidered and agreed to recomnend the Executive that the Whole series except the one on Metropolitan Borough touncils be revised and reprinted as early as possibleand that application be nade to the Billson Trust for a grant to cover cost of revision and reprinting. 6. Allen and UnWins letter re proposed publi~ation of the autunn lectures read. Agreed that they be asked to make a definite offer of terms, ate. and if satisfactory efforts be made to arrange for the publication as suggested. The oeeting then adjourned. 23rd October, 1938. Hon. Treasurer's Report to Executive. I an pleased to be able to report that on myrenitting Bernard Shaw a portion of the interest arrears,and undertaking that the balance would be paid by the end of Decenber and that in future paynents would ~e made when 4ue, he has agreed that until further notice, the rate of interest shall be reduced from 5% to 4%. This ~sans a savingof £25 per annum, The two upstairs rooms at 11, Dartmouth street have been let to the Civil Service Housing Society at £40 per annum,they doing the decorations. I have found W1111son a poetand he leaves our employment to-morrow. Enclosed is a pull of the appeal I propose to make in the forthcoming issue of Fabian Kews. If any members of the Executive would like their na.mee included in the first list, would they please let t'he Secretary know by Wednesday morning, 29th inst. A. EDil Davies. MEMORANDUM TO THE EXECUTIVE, The following proposal is put forward on behaif of some members of the Executive who have attended this year's summer Scheol. The sumner School affords practically the onlyopportunity oembere of the Executive have of ~etting into touch With, and hearing the opinions of, members generally. It is felt that it is desirable that members -particularly those Who have joined the society within the past year or two -should have more opportunities of meeting one another and members of th~ Executive, and of being brought more into the Sooiet) ' t; aot1vit1ee. This involves the holding of more sooial tunotion•. It is proposed, therefore, that a social committe$ ~e formed whose duty it would be to organise receptions and possibly one day schools and week end schools. such a comnittee might be entrusted With the running of the Oommon hoom, It is telt that such a committee should be small enough to be executiv& and that wooen members should form the majority, It would be the duty ot the committee to search out suitable places for recept1one, e•f• Prince Henry's hoom, stationer's Hall, Incorporated Accountant s Hall, which would be more attractive than L1vingstone Ball, and it is believed that such receptions might be ~ade self ~ij~Qrting,particularly if opportunities were taken to invite as guests distinguished socialists and others Who ha.ppen&~..·to be available. At least one short speech should be made at oach reception encouraging members to join the various groupe an~ telling them how they can assist the society and the movement. It might be advisable to have hostesses for t hese functions. The idea ie not the formation ot a committee whic~ merelygives instructions to the Secretary, but one the members of Which will take an active interest in the job, and the~selvee look after the arrangements. Obviously such a comoittee would be subject to the Executive committee. It oi~ht be composed ot one member selected from the 1936 group, the Bursary and the summer School oomnittee, plus two others appointed by the Executive, the cocmittee thus set up having the power to co-o~t oay two additional meobers. It is suggested that if the Executive approves, euoh a committee should be eet up at once and asked to organise the reception it proposes to hold in January. . JOHN RAMAGE. A. EMIL DAVIES. l ~-c~ ~~£~·_;V~19.1'­ ?·~ /UiJfrz-~.. ~~~~ ~,/7~( JkU:-u-.-.,..-~~ ~ ~I~~~~,-e~h:&:::;: ~, ~~-<.-e_, ~-----'7'-, If~,~~. 3~ ~~.~~~_, ~~~~~­ "~ 774.~-"f~"/~ ~1?-t. &,. ""---· /"~-.. ~ ~ ~~-9~4.5-:~~ ;;-a:;;-~~~~ I l ~ 189 ~~k~~~P'~~ C·f'. ~Ui:t, ~~.CM9~.,.._ u ~ d-1{;;:;; ~h'.A/·~-11. --11. v/-~ ~ C~dd 4a..~PL~~~-' ~PC,~~~IAAa.o ~~~v(__~~ ~~~­ 7C..c.~-cf~ d/?4:; p~ ~~~~~. ~9~3.~~-d-~~ 9J! ~~~~~~­~?~?-~~~ a:;.~1~~~ r-CA_ 4i;:::;;r~ ~~9~. ~~~~~ ~~~h~~-~ 1~9~~~ ~~~~ I~~~-­ ~~~~~ ~~~~­ 0 190 ~~-"Y~'l~~ .f~ - ~.~ ~ ·. f,.J.b­~-/t; >7 f'~~e-~~~~ ~71!~1'~~~~ v1 ~~-~~-~~~ ~~~ ~~-'/ ~ r~~~~~ a-e.-.~~~~­ I ...h-~ ~~~~• .c........<­ s~ />Jl&. ~-~ ~.~ ~~7~ ~~h~~. ~9t»/~~~ . ' ~'~•~, '/(,~~ ~~~---: ~~-~~r~~,r ;;t;;.-~~ ~rtA (!~._...,_~ ~~. 191 Jt-~~C'~f;Jp,~~ /{ ' ~~,t-u::;-~~ ~~~.-...7~~-: ~~:r~a-~~~ 4~?-~~a::::~ ~­ ~tt;::;:~7' ~~~ ~..-,._ ?~.5-: d-~ ~A•-~ ~~~~'--"1'~ Cc.-~~~~~ ~K..~~~~4-H~ ~~·.k~~ ~~'1~~~~ ~~~. 1-}J;t:-~ Z·~~' s .f? ..? ~ ~,~~~-2 -'-'-~ 0. t; ;c.._~ ,0-z·"'­ Id.~~ ~~:-/~~.... ~~~e1~~ t~~'Vt-~ ~ ~ 192 /7~ 4'1/t ~-~~~~~~~ - ~ ~~4C~ ,..... (· ~~?~~~.4~ !,.of? .. ~~.J~f·,~ ~~~~~ ~~ --------c..c~-&-(_ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~--~~~~.1' . r1 ~~~~ ~ ~CL-~~. ~­ r-~ jt.;J ~~ ~, vC ~\ t ~· 193 FABIAN S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the J~xecuUve Cornrlitt ee at the Office on Thursday, 26th NoveMbe r , 1936 at fi . lfi p .l'l . 1 , Chair: s. K. Ratcliffe , 2. Minutes of l ast meetin8 . 3 ., Apclogie s for absence -illf any . 4. Report of Finance , e tc . CoJ'l'll'littoe annexed . 5 , Report of Publishine Cor11'littee annexed , 6, Report of Sul'll'ler School Co~ittee annexed , 7. The Socjal Activitles Comnittoe set up at last meeting now formod . Prelininary meeting to arrange procedure, etc , fixed for Thursday next, 3rrl Decel'lber at fi, 45 p. m, r.. Suruner School Oomj ttee, 1937 to be set up. Seven membe rs of t he ExecuU.ve t o be appointed to serve for the year . The VJonen 's Group, the Nursery and the 1936 Group to be invHed to appoint one member each, g. Livingstone Hall MeeU ngs 1937 . Arrangenents : l. Thurs~ay,, 14th January. Social Party. n 2 . 2f t . " n 4. 25th " 5 11th Harch " " 6 F:t h 1\.pril " " 7. 22nd Colin Clarl<. " " " (Tawney declined to lecture . Noel Baker and A.J.CUI'll'ling decline to tal.r o.t saMe duto. Rccoive1 o.n<1. approvot an:i consi.·terod so.tisfactory. 4. Social avenin~ for now MeMbers clcct et in last six Months . Consirlor o:t and appr ovr.u an l cL[;r oed. it be hclrl in t he offices on Thur sctay , l Oth t)(;coMbor F1 -10 p . n , 5 . Livingstono Hall Lectur es 1937. Consj tcro:t and urrnngm'lcnts DD.r'\o· t o do.to uppr ovcd . hgr ood tho. t H. S . Sccndors be o.skod t o presi.clo for Horri son ' s lecture on Jo.ntk'l.ry 2F:th , o.nd t hat ,\ntony Grc nwood o.nd Sir V/ . Lo.yton be urlded t o those to be o.sl{Q 1 t o t .dw po.rt in dobnto on Populur Front if others invjtcd docli no . i,grocd ul so on suggestion by letter fro!'! l)o.vic1. Froen1n t hL>. t John Struchoy be c,skor1 to take ono vacant date t o l octuro on Connunisn. 6. Lottor fron vrc bb conD i tercet sue;r;osting nrre1.n.'jcnent for rU s­plo.y of N. F .R.B. publict>.tions in the bookshop. Agreed to roconncnt the r::xocutivo that \70 offer the N.F.R.B. tho use of the sn~.ll r vrin\l ow tn bookshop for an exclusive cUspl.:1.~' of thoir trt>.cts , etc . for·'· pcriorl. , sny v. nonth,wi. thout charge . 7. Sono other rr,.ttor s of dcto.il wcro rloc\lt with e1.nd the ConMj t tlour Part y with r e quest to then to road anl cons:i lvr itu nu;_;gcstions, otc. 2 , Tract s going out of prtnt, (a ) 2~~: . Esscntio.ills of Soc:i alis t 1\gr cor'l t ho.t it bo r opr :i nt od . nsko l t o r e vise . Pr op<\g,mdn . Col o . Colc to bo c onsultori and (b ) 210. Po ition of Pnrtl os , ,\~rood t h,tt it be dr opped, otc, L:1.ski. (c) 213 . Prc ble n of tho Socon.l ChoJ.nbor. l£o.ski . Agr oc!'t r cprtnt if L slci o.gr e<'l S un '1. wtll r ovlse t o bring i t up t o rl::>,t 0 . t o . 3 , Booklet go l.ng out of pr:i nt. ftTho Brj tish Civil Scrvico•, Finer. Finer's offor t o r c.v isc this was neccp t oi w:i t h tha nks an l agr ee i. thD.t it bo r cprinto i o1.s soon ns the r o vlsion is o.vn. i l o.bl o 4. Now Tra ct subnj_tto.l. "Frocdo:i in ou r Cruchlo~r , Q·,n s i r'lor od . 1\gr eorl tho.t an·l the author s ~·. slcor'l t o a <'ld a not e Tino", by Hr. o.n-1 Hr s . :it be further c:!rculntod on t ho Public Order Bill (or Act ) now bof or o PnrHanont . 5. Tr,tct revisions in h,tn'l. Locr.l Govornncnt Sortos. Report of pro81'oss r"cei vod o.hrl o.pprovod. Agroorl thnt Hrs. Drake be nslw '1. t o r o •. '1. nnd r ep ort n tho E1uco.U .on Tract; and A. E. Laui or on tho He,-.1 th Tract, 6. Letter fron R. H. Pott suggesting tract on Connunist s and Fo.sd sts. ,\gr co l thut copy be sent to Finer nn1 ho bo o.slco;l t o c ,..,ns U.or an.'!. n.'lvis6 thoroon. 7. Sono oth r nc'.ttors :'f riot .• ll wcro cono:i toro 'l nnd tho Co~nittcc then o.ijourncd. Report of neoting of the Sunnor School Connittcc on Wcdnosr'lay, 11th Hov cr1 t"l r)r 1 1936. Present: J. Ro.l1£'.r.;o (Cl1c.lr), Hrs. Doo.Ho, H:iss Hnnklnson, Hossrs. Bonnott, Ga.lton ani Hunphr~"ys . 1. A ftn,'nCi[).l st ,\tcnent wo.s prcscntc·"l showl ng rccol.pts£f::n. 6. 9~1. Exponl:ituro t o dn tc £671. 13. lld , Lonvl.ng a bt'.l.~.ncc in hc.nl of £159. 12· lOd, subject t o final pay­nonts. The r ·rort wo.s recc :i.vo 'l :.m'l noto 'l ant const<'lorod so.tisfactor y. 2. It was 'lod "'.o '1. that a. foo of twonty guinoa.s ( £21) ID pairi to Mi s H,mkinson for ho r services ().8 !lrcnP..gor of tho School 11ith cor iinl thanks for tho work. Docido.t ,\lso th.·.t cm honorariun of fivo guineas l:D sent t o Hrs. Boa Uo in r ooogniti on of c.ll tho holpe;ivon by hor ,,t the School wj th cor 'l.j c.l thcmks. 3. A list ::>f foc.s p,,i t by n, nbcrs uncblo to a.ttcnt th'J School f or V"rl. u s r c.,scn WL\ B c•,nsi.tor c. l ..n ·t on o r cfunl ':lf 10/-only vt-cs o....;roorl. t ') ,1nl r l"rc l to bo P.'dnttino t o gi vo us the first r efusal of Nor no.nhurst again for August 1937. This concluiei the business ani. the Cormittco for 1936 was accortingly iissolveJ. t ~ I ~JI ~ ' I ~ - ' ;.-.& ... :.0 ~ ' ~~~ ~~_!_U:.-~/73J. ~ ~2-z.uAk, ~-~-/}~~ ~~~~~ I , , , -e;~ h-~--/--.--~ , rr~, , 1 r~ 1?~...... §u........d."'"....? .-......~,-<._ ~ , . . . -. -r'-, .z-~ ~/f~~ ~~~~~· I J. au ~r ~~"k.·e~"---£ -r:----. .f"./r"R~~ ~~ l-1.­ u:;;:-z. .0. a_ . I ~-b 71t-c_ ~-1 PC~~Vr ~ ~~~~-~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~-4~~ ~­ 1 er .rs.~ ). L,J+,L. . :1 p 1~7 ~~-1 p:;::;r?~ ~ ~~-1 hv-:~ ~~ ~·~~e-4c.--#'~ ~ 7k ~-et a;:; .s:.............. f~~ ~~")~(!~ ~ ~~~~~. L4)~· t--t.-~~9~~(_~~ [-!,)~~~CA-t?~·7a.--.A·. ~ U;;;:;r ~lvvU ~~:2nc---r-­4 ~,{. k~.._hL~/f ~ J~~~~ (~) ~~~-~.&-;(_ ~~~-~~ vt-~~1;-~~-r.:-­ ~~~~~~'1~~ t:l.~.cu~~~ ~~­(_.~) ~Y~-~c4-~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ t. t M(;, ~ I 198 _;.;­ ht.. ;V~~-~/4:z;:;T ~~~­~ ~8-ra ~»~,A_"'~''( ~~~~-:~a::;~~ ~~~~~~···~C~ ~~#~~~/..)~~~ ~~~. 9.~ ~~-.-.c.~'/-~~~ ........­ ~~~~~ t;..?-#L-. ~~-"'k.. ~h4c..u. ~~'7 :77 ~~.~~ ~~~~ ~---~--o.oO' -c< "-~~~/u-~~ ~~-~-~.1'-7.. 1/). ~ Tlu. ~/} ~~h-e.-.( ~~~~-~~~ ~-.h-~~-<-~/.!~ ~---5 r>u.~. ~~~ ~~~ OL....-.K ~~ ~~~,-~~ 1~9 "In view of the danger to the future of socialism and the working .olass movement in Europe as the result of the f ailure of non intervention, and the possibility oP a Fascist victory in Spain, this meeting of the Executive Committee of the F~bi~n society urges the Executive Committee of the Labour Party to initiate immediately a nation wide c~puign to f~~Qe tAe Q9¥e~e~\ is ~i~ ~~-A"~~ ~~~-~~ ~&:-~~~?+&.~ M t,-z;r;;, ~~ ~~ nv..., ~C-c.-c.. ~~ Pti:;" ~ ~~~~~-~ ~~~~~ ~~~ /( ·~· (_q_j~~~~.~ lr~.~~~f;;r~ ~ I !--t)Jr'.9~ ~-~~, ~~~~. S 0 C I .iJ: T Y. Agenda. for meeting of the Executive committee at the office on Thursday, 14th January 19~7 ut 5.15 p.m. 1. Qha.ir: Alderman w,. Ll.ennett, L.c.o. ~. Minutes of last meeting, 3. Apologies. 4. Heport of Finance, etc. Committee annexed. 5. heport of publishing committee annexed, 6. heport of summer School committee annexed, 7. Livingetone Hall Lectures. (a) social party, to-night, 14th January. It is hoped all member s of the Executive will attend. (b) Discussi on on People's Front, Feb.25th, Speaker required in plu.ce of !lies Lawrence unable to be present. (c) Debate Apri l 8th. rvor Thomas willing to debate with strucbey, but the subject to be debated ~s still not settled. Letter s thereon to be considered. (d) Hon. \io.lter ilo.sh, Finance Minister, new Zealand,SugGested l ecture. He will be in England till end of April, e. The Hon. Treasurer's appeal for special Fund, heoeipts to date £442. s. Od, some responses still coming in to be acknowledged in next Fabian news. 9, · Friends Hall Lectures, 1937. preliminary consideration of subject and l ecturers to be begun. 10. notice of motion by J.P.Ll.o.rtsr, o.s followa:­ "In view of the danger to the future of socialism o.nd the working ~lass movement in Europe o.s the result of the failure of non intervention, and the possibility oP a Fascist victory in Spain, this meeting of the Executive committee of the Fo.bi~n society urges the Executive Committee of the Lubour Pu.rty to initiate i mmediately a nation wide cumpuign to force the Government to give every material uid to the anti-fascist forces in Spain;and further usks them to issue an appeal throughout the country for· experienced men to join the International L:irigade. " 11. correspon«ence. (a) Civil service HOusing Associ ation re offer of £2Q for first r etusul of purchase of tbese premises for five years. submitting draft of formal agreement sent to our solicitor ~or advice and opinion.. (b) Dr. E. Pate!'son, Hon. Sec. l1anchoster Fabian Society,hequest that any members visiting Uancbest er or neighbourhood will attend and speak, --:::--.."~~; :_._·~ ~......., · .·..,:~u~o.;., tj LU. uomm~'t'tee on ~Jeuneeuu.y, 16th December, 1936. Presents A.Emil Davies (Ohair), Uios Keyneo, Uesors, Octlin,Galton, InDnphreys, Peaoe, hamage and Ganders. 1. Finance. The usual financial statement wao preoented and received and approved.Dank ~a.lance £140. Accounts due £139. Agreed that these items be included regularly in future. ~. Membership. Hovember candidates (3) were elected. Last year(17). Five reeigna.tiono were accepted, 3. heport in reoponse to the Hon. Treo.surer1 e a.ppeo.l \ta.s received o.nd noted. 4, heport on fina.nciul reoults of the Friends Ha.ll lectures \Va.s received a.nd approved, o.nd coneidered e~tiofactory, The provisional booking of the hull for the six «orreeponding Thursdo.ys in 1937 wus upproved. 5, heport of the special eub-Oommittoe re social Activities ua.a received and considered o.nd approved, and ita recommendatiON adopted. The report that the social to new membero on December lOth was succeooful wao noted. 6, Livingstone Ball Lectureo, eto, 1. For the Social Party. Agreed that the Spanioh Ambassador and hobert Giboon, K,O., ll.P. be invited to attend a.nd spoak. ~. Chairmen wer e ·arra.ngod for a.ll the other meetings. 3. For the diocuooion on People'o Front agreed that if Sir Walter La.yton declineo llr. h. Acla.nd, ~.?. be a.oked to speak. 1. Office affairs. (o.) The offer of the Civil s ervice Housing Aaeooia.tion of' £2Q for first r efuoa.l to purchuoe our premiees wo.o oonaider ed und agreed to in principle oubject to formal ugr eement. (b) Agreed that the Common hoom be kept open till 8 p. m. on the evenings of our l ectures. Arrungemento to be made accordingly, (c) The proposed reduction of the secretary's oo.lary wo.s agreed to. uany other mattero of detail were dealt with and the Committee adjourned, .neport of meeting of the Publiohing committee on Uonday, ~:.rth Jan. 1937. Pr eoents Ivor Thomo.o (Chair}, Uro. Drako, Uioo Lawrence, F. ~a.con and F. WG~a~1~t~ . o~n~'------------­_________ 1. Tr .ct :1 oPt of nri nt: (a.) Ho. 2:38 by Qole. oole' e revioion the lf.F.h•.:>.-an adverti::3Gmont in it if op~G-permito':'­'Jlo bo reprinted forthwith. (b) Laslci 1 o letter promioing roviaion of hia tract lfo. 231 received and noted, The truct to be reprinted ao aoon o.o _ rovioe available. \~ 2. Hew Tract. The u.s. of tr~ct on"Freedom in our time" by ilr. and ~ro. Oruchley wo.o further conoidored. Agreed that it be printed forthwith. 3. Facts for sociuliots. Qolin Ol~rk's l etter suggesting ur. 0. tl. ~rown of Oambridgo ao a suitable person to revioe the tract wao conoiderod. It wao agreed to accept tho ouggestion and ask Mr. Jrown to revioe uo soon ao poooiblo. 4. Design for cover of tracts. Several designo had been cubmittod and wore considered. Evontu~lly ono was selected and approved \tith some alight changes and ordered to bo uoed on the next few tracts published, 5. !few Tro.oto suggooted. Miss Lp.wrenoe'o ouggootiono of tracto on the Labour movement in America o.nd on Tho King and hio Oonotitutional powero referred from tho Executive wao conoiderod. Agreed to recommend the Executive that Laoki bo asked to oonoider and write the first, and Ivor Jonningo the oecond one suggeotoci. S. It was agroed that Allon & Unwin or other publioher be aokod to consider publication of our 9L~ica~ tro.cto in a volume as "A Century of social hoformeh1" or some similar title. Many othei' mut toro of detail wore dealt with and the Oommi t too o.djournud. heport of preliminary meeting of the summer school coonittoo on Wednesday, 5th J~nuary, 1937. Present: MrG. ;Jeo.dlo, L1essrs. :Uennott, Cu.tlin, Gu.lton, Humphreye,hamo.ge o.nd jndte. 1. Manageress of the school, 1937. It WaG agreed that 11ioa Hanlcinson be appointed Managereso of the School for 1937. 2, Oo-option, It Was agreed to invito Lira. :iJasil Hall, tUcolas PeaGe and Morris Janis to join the oo=ittoo ao eo-opted members for 1937. 3. Place of School wo.o considered and variouo possibilities diocussed. Mo decision was arrived at. It wo.o ugroed that Urs.Dattine of Normanhurst be asked about otaff arrangements there if we decided to visit it a.go.in. 4. some other matters of detail wore settled ~nd the Co~ittee adjourned, ) 202 --h-e~~­~~,t~-~~t'f3J. ?~ ~~,~~.~-~~ e,~, ?-c-~.~,s~ ~/~~~ ­ ./.~ ~1!:.'-~4-.:=..._"-~ ~ •--( "lo=cz • ~~~//~, Q~~~~­ 4-~ ~/~-r~~"-~ ~~e<~ ~-c~9a.....c.-.c_ _ ~~~~~'Z~<"£cc.c..•-(. ~~j~~-?J~~~~ ~,t-~~~r:4Z;:;:-z~-AC..~.:;,; ~~~~~~~~ ~-:5->-.a;:; ~-~a,.-­ !IA~ I 'i. L.J-1-·L R-~~-&jtrc ~_r~,-e ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~a:;:_~ '/ ~ t~~~~~ ~~'Z~~~~­ ~a_,,-c.... ~............. cz;;;-~-~~ ~~JZ.:: ~/6{~IL,;-~~~t2.~ t;-u,--~~­ ~~~~-/~~ ~~~~ ~~-~cue~_, ~Qk~~~.... ~ ~~~~ ~~....1.,~~~ 204 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~;. tU1{~ ~ ~· ~ ~c._­ {uj~~LVI ~~Co--e"" c.£ "'-r_ ~P«. 7 a _-r; ...~~ ~d. ~~~~~,~.... -s........... ·'(__ ~~~~-·w:IL~ ~~ve-~. ~09 ~-.~ ~~-... c:.._ ~ e;? .a;;: s:......~ .r~-x. I I J~ ~~~~J-~~~ /k..-~~~. ~-~ /k-~~~~ ~ " --~~~~~ ~­~~,~~~JC_~­~~~...4-~~ ~-~~~~~ ~,~~:­ ~~&4;-c.-e_~ ~ ~~~~~ I n-:.'1~~-/V~.If~P./j~ I --'f~'-~et~ t' l'~f#-1~~-4/.~1 ?~c.c..£~7~·~ ~~r~~-h~/-­ . 17~.C/1.-7<. -~--c. 74~~~ yr.,~~~,~ s~~-..4-~~ ~ f 210 ~~ / -~'--~-~~~-~~~ 4-c-~ ~~~'<-~47 ~/~~#'~~~~ ~z:;-~u..-, .>~c-.;ee-... '.L-. I { f-.Y~ /C~~_J-~~~ ~ ----~~ ~ -~~·r-e-~~~~ I~~~~..,.£~~. ~~ ~~~~~ /. ~d~Gc.-~-y-~~~ ~~--c;._, ~~L.. .. r-F; ~~z:?~~~~ ~..dlf ~~~~~~~--~-~ /;'~~,;~~~ ~ c--~.,_/-~~ ~­ rl.j. .z. ~~...<. ~-~.£.-~ q ~ ~ -..1-r---=-. ~ ~,c._ ~~z:: .• r·~ -?-. ~u.~~~..u:;:;: ~~~h-e-~~ ~-.1-r-~ ~~~?J?,4~ 211 ~~~tL.~~ ~~~~~~ ~-{~~~/C:_~-~ ·~ ~~ ~~o-..-~~.. I I F 11. B I A l'f S 0 C I ~ T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive Coornittee ~t the Office on Thursday, 15th hpril, 1937 at 5.15 p.m. 1. Chair: Dr. E. Fletoher, L.C.C, ~. Uinutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies -if any. 4. heport of meeting of Finance, etc. committee annexed. 5. h eport of meeting of the Summer School Committee annexed, 6. Autumn Lec tures 19~7. General subject to be further ciDnsidered and settled. List of lectures and possible l ecturers to be arranged. See separate memorandum t her eon annexed. 7. The Executive El ection. A contest almost certain this year, Two irlthdrawals and six new nominations at _present. Any i nstructi ons thereon? Scrutineers required. 6, Social Aotivities Committee, llamage to report on the Week­ end School at Jordans and on possible future activities. 9, Notice of motion by F. Meddings as follows:­ "!n view of the fact that the working class movement i s threatened to-day as never before by its enemi es at home and abr~ad, this meeting of the Executi ve Committee of the ?ahlan Soei ety deplores the fact that euc,h a moment s_fK.t.cd be chc sen by the Labour party tc di srL:.pt its owr. o.nKs by expelling the Socia list League, and therebymakir.g the unif1.cation of Socialist forces l ess possible l G. Correspondence. (a) Pr eliminary notice of Labourt~arty Annual Conference, Bout;rremot.eth, October ~ to 8th. (b ) Scotti sh ~abtan Societies, ~eekend School at Dollar, '~a l st to 3rd. S eaker wanted. Present: A.E.Davies (Chair), Messrs. Beaumon$, G~ltonrS~~.eys, and hamage. ~ 1. Finance. The usual monthly statement was presented and received. The improvement in members subscriptions wo.s noted. 2. Membership. Febru~ry eandidates {6) were elected. Last year (7). Four resig~tions were ac~~ptad. '·, 3. heport that the Trea~U79r·~ fVnd now amounted io £466 was r eceived. 4. s ocia l Activities committee. hamage reported on success of the party held l ast night and this was approv@d and con. sidered satisfactory. Be reP8~ed also on progress of the arrangements for weekend at Jordans, and the report wus receiTad D.nQ approve~. 5. Finer's book, British Civil Serv1oe. Latter trom Fhner thereon re~d and considered. Agreed that he be paid a foe of £15. 15. Qd., ~nd that aft er the Fabian Society has recover ed all expenses by sales, the remaining net r eceipts be divided equally ~etween Finer ~nd the s ociety. It was ~greed al so to ask Allen & Un\nn to condider joining with uo in the publication of the book. Est imates for printing were considered and it was decided to accept the Garden City Press estimate sf £104. 15. od. for 2,000 copies. 6, Arr.:1ngemento With N.F.h.B. r e shop window. h.uport that sal e3 of t a rl. F.J:\.B. publications for three months amounted to only 30/-net. They would likG tbo arr..~.n[ emvnt to con­tinue and offered a nominal sum of 10/-per annum. This was oonsidar ud r 0asonable and agreed to. 7. Audit. The Chairm~n D.:l.is.:;d the question of the dat e of audit. It \/as agreed tho.t Bacon b0 0.3ked to undertake it again and to complet e if poa~ible by llay aoth oo that the accounts could beo.r hio signature when sent out to membero with June "I'fewo". B. some other m::J.ttvro of detail were dealt with o.nd tho Committee then adjourned. =================================== h.oport of meeting of tho Sumrnvr School oommitteo on Wednesday,lOth March, 1937. Presents Miss Ohapm:1n, Mi ss Hankinoon, Ue33ro. Flotcher, Galton,Humphreys, Jnnis, N. A. Peaoe, h.~mage and Bl~nco \~te. 1. Ohairmn.n. John hamn.ge v1ao elected Cmirman of the Commi ttoe for 19:37. 2. Mc•o·o.ing"' It vr.J.B dJcided th::J.t th0 Corrunittee should continue ...!1 m '·, t ·.hc!locdoys ::~.t 5.15 when requirod. J.-.I .L.lli t: UJ. V U ..L.L'---• J..3tting of NormJ.nhurst to us for tho mon"Ln ,.....0~~ ­ vJ. ro~d and r oc oived and not ed, 4. Form of application, Tho draft form of applic~tion for admission to the School was consider ed, somo slight changesworo made and it was agrood that it bo printed and ioouod to members ·Ni th April "Fabian Nowa". 5. Directors of the School. The following wer o appointed lot woek. B. Humphreyo, ~nd woek -Dr. Eric Flotoher, 3rd woek, John harnage, 4th wook -Blanco Whi t o. hos erve panel in ca s e of need:-Mro, Basil Ball, w. Dennett, F. Lawson Dodd, o.nd s. K. ho.tcliffe. 6, Programme, Consid-Jr ed, Agreed that subjects f or tho four weeks be arranged as followo:­ l:Jt Wool{, Intern~tiono.l affairs. 2nd \Jook. Social Services .• 3rd Week . Politica l Propaganda and Strategy. 4th Week. Economics and GeneraL Some suggestions for lectures wore received and o.pprovod. 7. Somo other mattor a of det <.J.il wor e doo.lt with or def erred to noxt meoting, o.nd the Co~tteo then adjournod. ============================================================== AUTillliN LECTUh.ES 19 3'1. Suggostions for Gonor o.l title. Oonsidorod at l o.ot mooting. (a) Fo.bio.nism or Sociali3m and the post war world, (b) Tho War Boriaon, or War o.nd Economico. (~) Civilioation and tho coming war. (d) EConomic Cons0quoncoo of \i/ar Proparation. Suggest ed by Si dnoy Wobb, (a) Whither Britain? (b) I o Brit o.in drifting t o·,vards catastrophe? (o) What can Drito.in do to bo savod? Ono laoture might bo on holigious aspect of 1Jar. Lecturers ouggostod:-Sir .;. Dovoridgo, J,l.l.Koybos,Bortr.1nd huaooll, Pr ofoaoor Hogbon, Sir s. Ur ippsJ Vornon lJartlo'!;t, Sir ll. !J.ngol, Sir F. ':Jhyl o, 'J:t.ckham S'.;ood, Sir /,, :,Io.oFadyon, Nool Bo.l{or, Bishop Bo.rnoo, Dr. J, Hock!.hL<.m, T.H. Uarsha.ll, G. D. H. Colo, H. J. La.old, H..::.rol d Hacnillan,and othor o. Any othor suggootions for gonor <1l oubjoct, titles f or l octuroo, and namoo of l octuror s invited nnd to bo considor od. !C 214 ~I ~~~~~/7~,>3~~#!oOOp~ ~~~-<;~~~ ~~--~4c.-.£, :;?~..... ~. 2~~ ~'1a:;:_~~ ~~~~­ ~1!!:-~ ~~,eee-c-c-( ~?~~. ~~~era;:;~~/?~~y ~~.e,.,~, a. 9~./-~)­ tA-~~~~~~~-c.-;, .. ~~~~71~­~--y_~.. ~~~~~ ~'hlhi~~-~~~~ ~15 ~4--s-~. 3. "-+ ~-~-...... a..~ ~ ~a..h-4~~~~ 6-~e.-~-~-~.;'{ ~~ *-lA-~~­~~~~~ ~~-~--z-~c Re..·--<...~ ~ ~-e Q.-~. I $'.~ ~~-'{~~~~ s~. ~~"(. ~~~A-4z_< ~ ~~~~~ ~~. /kc~~~-?~ ~d.~ ~I~..-v~ ~~~4~-~ ~&.................. ~~ ~~~~~z:;-Oc...-..-.-t .A-W""'1 ~4--7 ~~ ,.,_~~~-~-4~ ~~~~...,..._.,A/'_ ~ ~.......-\_. {!'t-{ , 7-~. {.~JL~?~-~-~~ ~,c..~~M~~ <~I a;:~~~~~ ~~-~-_,#,~/--c-~ ~; ~~~­'~ ~)~..<:~~~--<~­ [~. ~-rr~~~~ ~r~~c~.~.. " 4 ~ ~..1:. ~~-~-A-~. '":~ (e)~~~~~ ~-?~~~ ~/~-~~;:?'~~ ~-i-vL ~--(~ ~-~~.-&0£.e~"-'-(. /:c-)~~~-~c~~~ ~~/h~~­ 1 /M.~·~~­ '--'~~~ 217 F A B I A M S 0 C I ~ T Y. Agenda ror oeeting or the ~xecutive coooittee at the orrice on Thursday, Sth Muy, 19~7 ut 5.15 p.o. ===========:===== 1. Ohairr H. Huophreyo, ~. liinutoo of laot meeting, a, Apologioo for absonoot G. E. Outlin, 4. hoport od Meeting of Fin~nce, oto. Ooooittee unne«od. 5, h eport of Meeting of Suooor School Oomoittoo unnoxod. S, Annual hoport und ACcounto. Proof oncloood, To bo conoidorod und any corroctionu and uoendoonts proposed doalt 1dth. To bo approved to go out to meobors With Juno Fubiun Nowo, (Mooboro of tho Exocutivo unable to attend arc roquooted to r eturn tho proof with uny chungoo or additions thoy would liko conoiderod noted ·thor eon): 7, 6orreopondonce. (a) Labour Purty re Annual Oonfer enc o. Any r eoolutiono to bo oont in? Appointoont or del egate and nooinution for Executive; etc. {b) Allen & Unwin. h evi ood orfor r e Finer 1 o book. (o) Mioo Judoon r o suggeot od weekend school, (d) Independent Soci~liot Purty -r o ouggeotod Con-f er onco on Unity. (e) The India Leugue -r equoot to oond out notices of Oonfor enco being arranged. ._, --L'.LUtJ.noe, eto. Oommltt.% -on v ..o ~: 21st April, 1937. Present: A. Emil Oaviea (Chair), Masers. Beaumont, Galton,Humphreye, Pease and Sanders. 1, Finance. The proof of draft accounts and balance sheet for 1936-37 which had been circulated to the committee was considered item by item. It was approved and ordered to be sent out with report, subject to audit. hesolved to recommend the Executive that ~il Davies propose to the Annual Meeting that the common hOOm be closed and l et as an office and the provision of teas abandoned. The Library room to be used as room for r est and reading only. Also that the Annu~l Meeting be held on Thursday, lOth June in the l arger Committee hOom at Livingstone Hull. 2, Membership. (a) March candidat es (5) were elected, Last vear (7) (b) Three resignations were accepted. (c) Twentysix member s to Whom the Treasurer had written as they wer e much in arrears with subscriptions, r eplied r esigning and it was agr eed that they be struck out of the lis t of member s uooordingly, 3. Letter from Allen & Unwin re joint publication of Fh1er 1 s book read and considered. Their offer considered unsatisfactory and agr eed to r ecommend the Execut ive that the book be published by us alone, /:L Letter from Uiso Judson re euggested weekend school at Loathorhead road and referred to the social Activities ~ommittee. 5. Letter from Mosors. Jaques & oo, sending copies of agreement re Monars. Holland & Hannen'o building at back of thie houoe, and rocommonding that thoy bo approved und oi gnod read. Agr oed th~t tho documwnto bo ~pprovod and si gned f or thwith. The mooting thon udjournod. hoport of meeting of tho summer School Committoo on Wednesday,28th April, 19 37. Pr eoont: J·.ham~go (OhJ.ir) L1rs.H<.~.ll,MiGo Oh-pman,Mi oo Hankinson,Mooor o.Flutchor,Uulton, J~nio and Blanco White. 1. heport on progr oso of bookingo to date wuo rocoi ved abd considorod oatisf uctpry. 2. Progr amme, Tho l octuror o to bo urr~ngod wero conoidor od and a liot of J.bout thirty nameo to be invited wao drawn up und agreed to ~nd l ottor o ordor od to be oont forthwith. 3. Tho Soholar ohip Fund now amounto to ~3.17,6d. Agr eed tha t tho Chairman and Secret ary bo appointed u oub Oornmittoo to adminiot or tho fund, ~. A Lar go number of ouggootions had boon oont in by members of the Oo~ttoo and dof orrod from pr~viouo rnootingo. Thoy wor e all conoidor od und oorno of thorn, all r el ating to ma ttoro of dot <.J.il Horo o.doptod·, The Oornrnittco thon adjourned, /C{ 220 ~Jh~,~~~'~~...~c...--<­~~/~~ac-~,J/tu~~ ~,~"-?-t-~,~/~ {ted-4/1~,P~,~·---14-. ~s~. j '·~' ~~~r~-scu.-4_.~ ~~­ t.. #~.4'"' ~7 ~~,_ __ .. --z:. ~ ~~tJ4-~·.K-~~ .J .~ a~+~~2--L~ ~~4/--.C,JO~. ~~ ~~~vt~"'~~p::: ~&!'~~?~ ~~-~/U-~ ~~. 221 $-~ ~ ).~ ~· ~ ~-v-.. 74--...~~a..-~--S"73v-f..-_-I 4l::.. ~.t,._'T ;z__._ ~~~~~ ~.~KZZT4'Z:;:~~ ~~ ,(.,; v:---1" ~~4 ~~/ .:=.-/-67---.. TG-~-7-zd_~+ a;._ ~~'}­~~~C.·•4t-Cd ~......... -<._ ~~ ~~~~. ~~~.).CUL ~c;;::z:_ ~~t....:. ~~~~~~f./f, ~. IL-u~~~~.~e;-~ At;:v~~~-~~­ J~·~-~~ I~ ~~~~~c.,-c. -~ ~,c-~~~~­ ~1<.~~.P-c-~~ IZ ~Cl~a;;;;,~~. R~~~~~~· ~.._ ~-vt ~,~~-?c_ 222 ~~ ~~.._f. :f-5-f_ ~~-o/~'/~-'~..(!___.,. •.u ... s~ _.:;_..-::­ c..-1-f}~ ~~~~~ tt-A.-( ~~~~~. tr:..~~ I ~~~~-~. I fl.-t-U:::::..., ~~e-~ ,.h__ ._ •• -.--c... -~ ~'--~· ~~ . ~~~~c=-;;' ~-7c ....... ~c._ R.IC~ ~~K~&:¥ ~ ~ ,.,~~f.l( ~-~ ~~-( 7-.J+L ~~e-.-.--<-~~' ~1"!~,_,--~, I ~· I ft-~~..,_....,.--. . c.-. z: ~......v..... 5­ ~-~ ... ~~~~~---~ r~· ~j-_#vL . ~-Y'~.--~ 'f..~4_~~7 ~H-1'1-~. ~lA--1-~V-L~ ~~.. c.-{­ ~~( ~J-~t-~ ~~ A'~NP-3aI ~;{1-./!J-~~~~· --"'-t. ~~' ~~/r:~~~ -~1 ~-2. f~~~ ~~c.4.-~ ~~~~-~~/. ~CA---t~· J.a... ~~7~.!J.--......_.q_ L..-v4.::-..... ~~-~-: 223 /tft' ~~. a;;;;;( ~/l..<__~-~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~-~~/)--, ~'1Z~4"c,<_-G;~C;­ ~~~. lt/·~ ?~~p~~~~~ ..,{..-p-Y~. ~~.,..-?-~ ~,( ~---67-~ 5/t~. ~4~K-. ~~~~~~. t{.r,9. ~~-~~~rb. ~~~~~~ ~~~r~ it~~?~-~~~ ~~-~. ll.~ ~~~~~ dc..-t~-~.~~~~~ A..~~~?-~-~· ~~~~ yoJI''V FAfbi AN S 0 C I E T y, Agenda for meeting of the Executive ColllPlittee at the Office ~ on Thursday, 3rd June, 1937 at n,30 p.m. 1. Chair 1 A. Emil ])avies. 2. Hinutes of last meeting. 3. Apologies -if any. ··'1. Executive Committee Election 1937. Report of Scrutineers to be received. 5. To consider and settle day and hour for meetings of the Executive for the ensuing year. 6. Appointment of Standing Committees and rota of Chairmen for the ensuing year. (Lists of selections will be circulated at the meeting) '1. The Annual Heating. Thursday next lOth June at F\ p,m, at Livingatone Hall. Notice of two motions publtshed in Fabian News to be considered and any 'instructions thereon settled. It is hoped that all members of the ExecuU.ve will make an effort to attend the Annual meeting. A, Report of meeting of the Surmner School ComrnHtee annexed. 9 , Autumn Lectures at Frtends Hall. Progress slow. The outline to be considered and further possible l ecturers agreed. Gener al title of tho course to be "Whither Britain". For the six l ectur es the following subjects suggested -Titles mc\y be changed. (1) The War Horizon. (2) Economic Consequences of Wa.r prepar a tion. (3) Political r eactions of rearmament. (4) The Outlook for Civil Libert).es, (5) The Churches and tho War SpirH. (6) Socialism to-day. Noel Baker, M.B., accepts the first subject but not the date; Ke~rnes anri '8Gveridge both decline No. 2;Bertrand Russell would take llo. 3 if o.va).lable but likely to be in AmerkH:t; Laski wJ.ll. take No. 4; No. 5 ought to be r e considered. Horrj.son will take No. 6 but cnnnot manage the last date, Qan we refer to smnll sub.,:Committoe to reo.rrnnee the programme ~o as to fit in Baker D.nc1 Horrison'? 10. Finer's book-"The British Civil ServiceH., Final proof' ready, Question of price and binding to be settled. 11. La bour Party Oonforonce, Appointment of del egate ::md nomination tlor Election to the Executive to be consjdorednd sott.l.o~. L.'l.st d,,_~, July 23rd . • ~e SOV.· ~C'I\.5 ~,.,r· \.hJ... "vu.Cur :-.eo. L2.5t .kon off the list o.ccordj ngly, 6, Oorrospondonco . (a) Lt. Col. Dolnh.".~r o ro B~r Eloctj on at Buckingnam,.\ppc:<.\ 1 for f inv.nc i a l nid. (b) G. T. Garratt -r o By Eloctlon, Plymouth -a skingho J.pors o.nd root lr cars. (c) acssrs. Bonnott & Son -r o notlco of works to our P0.rty V/all by our n C'xt door n<' j ghbours at 9 l)c.rtmouth Str0ot. {d) Foli.x Rose -off0r of l octuro on tho Paris Intor­n:·.tj onc.l Exhibition. (o ) &1.ron do Vo itschborf1) r -suggostlng l <'cturo on his schomo for the nbolition of Enr.mploymont. (f) Sol•~flcx, Ltd, -ostjmo.to nnri pl.:·.n for naR signoutsjdo shop. Cost to bo borne by c. mombor ,... ... +' T""Y"C~ 1tj V C' • Report of meetlng of the Summer School commj_ttee on Weclne sday, 26th H•1.Y, 1937, Present t l:!rs . Ht>.ll, !Uss Hnnlnis, H. Pec1.se , R:.>mage o.nd Bl['.nco White . ,. l. Report on progress of boolI;J. P~--~o'pz./2'/9 sST, =ut ~~HLZT~-~.. ~···( ~4 -.. ...&...~-~~~~,-/----1'­(')'H cA ~~/v /tiz ~-~ -~ """~ ;a;.; z~c...._ ~ ~--<--tt­~~~-r4:;~ ~~~~­ ~ I q-.~ ~~~~~~~~­1£:~-f.a.~w. ~&-~-_.... p~ ~~~~~~~a~--,eL~­-n-,~~r-~~­ ~ '" .../F.,..~~..... .. • -c F " B I " H S 0 C I ;; T y, "genda for meeting of the Finance, etc. Comrrllttee a t the Office on Thursc'la~r , 22n~--,u~c clcle for books supplied. F ;, B I "' IT S 0 0 1 E T Y. i1gendn for meeting of the :executive Oon!Jllittee o.t the office cm Thursday, 22nd July, 193? nt 5.30 p,m. 1. Cho. irt ~lrs. }). Ornke. 2. Hinutes of lnst meeting. 3. ~pologies -if nny . 4. Report of meeting of the Finance, etc. Committee held at 5 p.m. to-day -to be given by Dmil Unvies,Chairmtm of the Committee. 5. Report of meeting of the Summer School Committee, nnnexed. (The School only moderately successful this year. 1\bout 100 persons ho.ve booked o.bout 160 weeks to do.te. Some applications still coming in dnily but more needed to make it a success.) 6. Friends &.1.ll Lectures. ;,rrnngement s complete except for Chnirrn..1.n for second meeting. Four syH.o.buaes received. Gener nl title-"Uhit her Urjto.inYkThe following nre nrrnngements to dnte: l)nte. Sub,joct. Lecturer. Oha.irrno.n. Oct. 21st, Science and Socio.l Dertrnnd Russall. Rt. Hon. G. Institutions, Lanabury, rr .P. • 2Ath. The Uar Horizon. Vernon 1.3o.rtlett l0v. 4th. Economic Consequences G.D.H.Cole, Prof. Co.rr of war preparation. Snunders. ~ 11th. Polit ico.l 1leo.ctlons Sir S,Cripp$ Kingsley of renrmcunent. !l.P., Hartin. -' lFlth. Socio.lism to-da.y, Rt. Bon. H. :rra .:I.A.:&l.mil ton, " Horrison, H.P, .L.0 .c. 25th. The Outlook for Prof. R. Lond So.nkey_, " Civil Liberties. Lo.ski. 7. Lo.bour Po.rty Annual Confer ence. lio notices of 1\JBI!Irldmonts t~ the re solutions for the Conference circulo.ted ho.ve been rece ived. Uo notion necessary. s. Resolutlon submitted by D. !1 . Fro.sor on beho.lf of the 1936 F.J.bi t m Groupt nThat n Conference on tho linos of the one held in Octobor,l906be e~rr8.ngod for some Saturdo.y afternoon and evening in l)lecember,1937, e .g. December lltb, on the gonoral question "The Organisu­t:ion of the Profloss iono.l nnd llon-ITe~nuo.l \"Jorkers ." Suggested points to dlscuss o.r o: (l) Tho Profoss1.oml '.. 'orkor o.nd the Tro.de Union Hovemont. (2) Should oierionl 1Jorkors bo orgnnisod in ono Union or byIndustry? (3 ) Tho Professional 1.-·orkor o.nn tho Strike Ueo.pon. (4) The Profossionn.l r:orkor o.nd Political .1\Ction. To be considered. Letter on simil~r subject from Dr. L. •aden Guest. F .'\ u I ,, 1T S 0 C I C T Y. 1\oport of mooting of tho Summer School Corruuitteo on r·o,lnosrhy,16th Juno 1 193'?. Prosont: J, ilo.mugo (Cho.ir), :Jrs . Boo.dlo, Hiss Chnpm.nn, Hiss Hankinson, :iossrs. Donnett, Ontlin, Q...'l.lton, Humphreys,Jo.nls, H. i\.• Ponso1 nnd G. R, Blanc o '.'.'hito. 1, Report on tho slow progress or bookings for tho School vms r oceivod and noted o.nd consldoro•l disturbing. llo.ny suggestions wor e ~ro.de for stimulating interest in the school o.nd wore noted for attention. It was not considered dosirnblo to insert paid advertisements in the press, though o.ny pubM:city should be socured if possible, Tho list of o.ppliccmts vw.s road and passed o.nd ref e rred to :iiss Il.'l.nkinson t11 allot tho rooms, otc. 2. ProgrumJ110. The proor of progro.I1l!l1o wns consldor od o.m some minor cho.ngos nnd o.dctitions o.groon to. For tho vncnnt do.tos for lecturers soMe suggestions wore rnndo. Agreedtho.t tho progro.l'!l.I!lo to o.pprovod l:'.nd s ent out to nll rnornt::c ra '17ith tho July ftFabio.n llows" o.s usual Z. Tho Scholo.rship Fund. This amounted to £9. 11. 6d. at do.to . Sono o.pplicntions for grunts r oce1.vod nnr\ bolng considor otl. n.oco 1.vcd cmd notod. 4. l;groo'l thl:'.t loc::d Lnbour Pnrtios in the ne:l.ghbourhood of' tho sehool bo o.dvisod about it and offoren he lp in speakingif r oquirod during August. '5. Various.othor mutters or detail woro dealt with, !11iss ll.'l.nkinson r oporto'l hor visit to llorrnn.nhurst o.nd the progressof nrrnngornonts t'or st;1ff. It wno doci,tod not to moot ~g~in till nftor tho School is ended unless any eroorgoncyo.ri sea . The I'looting t.hen o.dj4urnod. 232 ~)?~.~~~~, ~-~-~--~, , -E;~ /_ /-9'-c....c, ..... c:.. ~-...~~· --~ / ~, , ~J~. I . ~-tk~~-z..-q... --<.. ~~~,~~ ~~s~. I ~~-ij~~~~~~-J.-> ~eL~~~-~~~. ~~-4-~.,.r~~~ k.., ~('u ~----q_~ ~9~~_/,~~~ ~~~.;~.~?~~ ~~~~-~ ~a;:._~ ~-~-~d-k-<~9~ ~~A.~~~-~ ~~~~....-c;; ~~~ ~-..?,.11-L. ~.__,_.~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~/7~~­ t~.?4 7&~~~.~~­ --. fwv! ~v( ~~,.eh ~&;-­~c.-.7 t:\.. ~-~ ~~ M~,__, ~-4 ~--/ tZ;. ~. I y ?.ft2.~' q~~~~~~ ~~,_e_,~-~ ~~....---t__ ~,-{.• ( . r.~. I :n..~~~r:c~ ~~fo . .. , 234 t.-,.,._ ~. ~-~~-"""·-.-.u... ~-~~ ~/w; ~.&.-~,~ .2 ·Jt? K 4·Jt? ,· ~.s;/J-_? ~­~~n-o~~·~~­~~~/~~J"~~ ~~,.{. ~~· ~4tLr.«~~:~ I+~· ~~~-~~-o/j/ti;,.~~~ ']· ~~~c.--£~~~ ~~­ , - ( .J... L. ~ ~~~~~~­lwY'~~A~~· F A B I A N S 0 C I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive Comnittee at the Office on Thursday, 23rd September, 1937 at 5 .• 1!'; p.m. 1. Chair -Or. Eric Fletcher. 2. Minutes of last Meeting. ~. Apologies -Ald. W. Bennett, H. Humphreys. 4. Report of meeting of the Finance, etc. Committee annexed. 5. Friends Hall Lectures , Sale of tickets continues satisfactory. Receipts to date £230. Last year same date £165. All arrangements comp~ te and syllabus issued and advertisements settled. Platform ticket for your use enclosed, It is hopedall members of the Executive will attend -but if unable to do so please r eturn any tickets not required. 6. Labour Party Conference. No notice of any instructions to our delegate has beon r oceivod and no action is necessary therefore. 7. Social Activittes Committee. Ramagc to report on progress of arrangements for weekend School,Oct. 16/18; and for the Social Party at St . Ermine Hotel on November 5th. r,, Qonfe r enco of Professional, etc. Workers, Hall ~ooked for February 12th. D. M. Fraser to report on proposed arrangements, speakers, etc. 9. Special Sub Committee on Fabian &ctivities (Messrs,Fraser, Guest and Humphreys). Report enclosed to beccnsider od. 10. Livingstono Hall Loctures. Spring 193A. Preliminaryconsideration of le cturers and subjects. 11. Corrospondenco. London Labour Party -Notice of Annual Conference, Satur&~y, 27th Novemb er. Motions for tho agenda if any to be sent in by October let. Finance Committee recommend that Mrs . Drake bo nominated again as our r epresentative on time Executive Committee of tho Party. .J..UV.l.l Uc.ttJV0L'1U0.1 1 ..L.';;JI..Jf e ~) Present: A. Emil Davies (Chair), Miss Yates, Messrs . Beaumont,Galton, Humphreys, Pease and Ramage. l. Finance. The ucual monthly financial statement was presented.Received and noted and approved. 2. The Hon. Treasurer's FUnd -Report this had now reached £570 received, noted and approved. 3. Membership. July candidates (6). Last ~rear (7),and Augustcanttidates (4), Last year (5) were elected. Three resignations were accepted. 4. Friends Hc>.ll Lectures. Report re sale of tlckets received and consj_dered sati.sfactory. Messrs . Allen ~ Unwin's offer to publish the lectures in book form as last year, read and considered. Agreed to accept and ask the lecturers to consent, a further fee of five guineas to be offered in special cases if necessary. 5. Facts for Socialists. Sanders suggestion of leaflet and order form to lB sent out to momre rs with Fh bian News was approved. Agreed also that the Labour Party be asked to inset it in circulars, e tc. The N.C.L.C. as!{ >d for reprint in special cover and enquired cost of 2, 000 or 3, 000 copios. Consjdered and agreed to of ~or 2, 000 for £20, or 3, 000 for £26. 6. Livingstone He.ll Lectures. Provisionnl booking tJf the hall for alt-Jrnate Thursdays, Jo.nuary to Murch was approved.Also for Saturday, February 12th for tho proposed conference. Some suggestions for lecturers v1ere considered and deferred or rej ected. 7. &."tmage roported the Social Activities Coml"littoo 's proposals for weekend smool in October and Social Party in November and these woro ~pproved . fl. Book Box Circulnr. Agreed that this bo revised ant roissuod this autumn. 9, Speakers Class. Agrood that thj.s bo arro.ngod c.gain if possible. Rnm..'l.go to consider undertaking to conduct. 10. Dr. IIn.don Guest -Request for funds and holp ih By-oloctionponling n.t N. I slington. A:-:;roed not t o rocommond a grant of money, but any other holp possible to bo given. Many other !"latt rs of lvtet.il v1oro rtoa.lt with <.'..nd tho Committee +,... .-r:_ 'l.!r ul' 1 238 \{/ ") 9~­ -~­ --, ~-~ -t2f:5 Ju-u-, ~;~/le~~/ ~~,-£:~.~~ / , TCc-<.. ~~,.-£;:4-~-~ L-~...c."~~-.u..,~ ~c/1-~~~~ ~~?(_~. a.~r-~~~« -(_~ ~~~-.)&4~4 /.-~~ \oL-~ " ' I p Cl-~~~~~£.~ fu.-~~ .,??;:. ~e,.,,.,. ·-e/·z:::: ~ 7 ~~~~~c._-<._~ ~~~~-~~C£2' _.. ( ~~~~_, ~ 6r•!.>.t-c. ~~-7/i:::~.J~~ ~~~~.. P~/4.5~ ~~~­ OM 9eu.a:..~ K;; ~~~-u..t.. ~~~~-~A-~ ~~~~~-~ v(-IA/k..t ~~94/l.--~ 2/ ~~ L, '1~~~~~ ~~~~9~6-~r~ ~~~~~ ~it::;:;~~ ~ ~~>~~£!'~~ (....u.. ~~/\~~~-~ ~~~c-4. ~~-/hdi;;:­~~~-rf~ ~)~vf-~-k~ ~u;:;:::r-a;;::-~~~ 4--'(· ~0~~~-~j/c;:... ~~~~~~ ~~/~IC;;:J ~~ ~1-(~~~~~~ ~~·~~~./ ' ' .~ (f< 240 ~~~~~­~--e;. .?C. ~---~-~ ~~~~-~-~~ , ~,__,..~~~~ ~~~~-..._ e>~s ~(;'p;;:;-~ <¥-c.. ~t:;~~~-: lP~ (L./~~.1(-~.?~~~~ /::;-u.te;._~ ~~-~~~ J u--t--~-c~. ({J ~~a:-~. 7Lt_ ~~~/(__ ~:;;;:;f~ F A B I A N S 0 0 I E T Y. Agenda for meeting of the Executive Committee at the Office on Thursday, 14th October, 1937 at n.30 p.m. 1. Chair -Dr. L. SaRen Guest. 2. Minutes of last meeting. :5. Apologies. 4. Report of meeting of the Finance, etc. Committee held to-day. To be given by the Chairman, A. Emil navies. 5. Report of meeting of the Summer School Committee annexed. 6. Special sub-Committee on Fabian activities. Report deferred from last meeting to be considered. Please bring your oopy with you .. 7. Social Activities committee. Ramage to report on arrangementsfor weekend at Oigawell (Oct. 16/lAth}, and Social Party, November 5th. A. Conference of Professional Workers, etc., February 12th 193A. Report on progress af arrangements, speakers, etc. 9. Livingstone Hall Lectures, 193A. Finance Committee to report, and arrangements to be considered and settled. 10. Correspondence, (a} Mrs. Ayrton Gould re report of Labour Party Conference. Offer to attend and report to the Executive verbally. (b) Dr. Finor and Capt. Miller-remernbrances to the Executive from U.S.A., etc. F A B I A N S 0 C I ET Y. Report of meeting of the Summer School Committee on Wednesday, r­ 29th September, 1937. ~) Presents J. Ramage (Chair), Mrs. Beadle, Miss Hankinson,Messrs. Galton, Humphreys, N. A. Pease and Blanco White. 1. A financial statement was presented showing receipts £544;Expenditure to date £475. Balance in hand £69. (Note -after this account was made up two further bills amounting to £26 were received. Thus the balance is reduced to £43.) 2. After consi1erotion it was agreed that Miss Hankinson be paid a fee of twenty guineas for her services as Manageress at the School. Resolved also that a cordial vote of thanks and appreciation be recorded to Mrs. Beadle for all her help at the School. 3. Miss Hankinson reported fully on the attendanee at the School and the various items of expenditure. The report was received and noted with thanks, and ordered to be entered in the minute book. 4. A memorandum submitted by a number of members at the School, copies of which had been circulated to the ComMittee, was then considere1 and letters thereon read. Agreed that it be referred to the Executive Committee with recommendations (a) That the sug~ stions in Paragraph 2 of the memo be considered favourably; (b) That Paragraph 6 should be considered carefullyin the light of the school selected in future. Copy of the memorandum is annexed for conslderation. 5. Some other matters of detail wero dealt with and the Committee aujournod. Fabian Summer School, 1937. Suggestlons made by a meeting of members of the School on August 5th, 1937 to lay before the Executlve and Summer School Committees. 1. An effort should be made to have a larger Summer School Committee,whose members are likely to attend the School for a time, and more effort should ~e made to represent new elements in the Societyand members under 36 on that Committee. 2. There should be some kind of Junior Common Room ComMittee, like the Vigilance Committee of 1933 to assist the Director of the School in arranging for the convenience and enjoyment of the members of the school. 3. The EXecutive of the Society is asked to realise the vital importance of improving tho attendance at the school, and should make more efforts to experiment with new localities (e•g. Scotland and France). A larger committee should approve and select sites. t. The repeated cornpla.ints aga.tnst petty restrictions should not be autocratically diarnieeod by the Me.nager of the School ae youthfulidiosyncrasies, but shoul~ be soriously considered by the Executive, from tho baeio of these rosolutione, as an illustration of the reason for the decHne in numbers. 6. The catering ~nd ~terial management of the school would benefit from being a whole time job for one person export in such matters,whilst the responsibilities of maintaining discipline and goodwill necessary to a.n~, community should be loft to the t)irector and tho ad hoc committee for each week. e. One definite example of a restriction that should be removed: it is suggested that a public room bo sot aside at futuro schools for those who wish to sit up late talking, Signed August 6th, 1937. G.Humphroys,E.V.Brooks H.G.Lomberg,I.Lomberg.G.Jenninge. E .M.Killiclt,H.F.Yatos,Oav1d Breoma.n. E.A.Seob y,Agnos W,Smith. Ruby o. Roth,Oora. Wockslor,M. F. Jupp,L.G.Marcus. August 11th, 1937. AMbrose E. Appelbo,Ann Wilde,Eliza.both M. 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