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Jude Munden interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Jude.
Jude left home and joined The Fallout Marching Band, an anti-nuclear street protest band based in London, at the age of 15 and went to Greenham with some of them. She remembers regularly hitching to Greenham, Non-Violent Direct Actions and crawling through the bushes with bolt cutters. The interview is in two parts - from 41.45 she is looking at photos from her time at Greenham which spark some more memories. This interview was recorded outside and there is some background noise of the wind and the birds.
Jude was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Judith Baron interviewed by Sara Sherwood

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Judith.
Arriving at Greenham Common from the CND movement, Judith began visiting Greenham Common in 1984/5. Taking a year off during her time at college, Judith spent a transformative nine months living at Greenham Common and went on to visit Aldermaston Womenas Peace Camp for 11 years. A keen visual artist, Judith also produced a book of her photography and drawings from her time at Greenham.
Judith was interviewed by Sara Sherwood in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Judith Niechcial interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Josephine.
Judith had a long career as a social worker and educator and worked latterly with the NSPCC, Goldsmiths and London University. She was studying for a post-graduate degree at Cardiff University in 1982 when her tutor encouraged her to attend Embrace the Base. She returned several times after that first visit and felt it was vital that Greenham was a women-only space and protest site. Judith was involved in the SE London Women for Life on Earth group and organised a march between Greenham Common and Menwith Hill in Yorkshire.
Judith was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Judy Harris interviewed by Isabelle Tracy

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Judy was 25 and travelling in Australia when she read about Greenham in a magazine. On her return she joined the Embrace the Base demonstration and moved to Yellow Gate at the beginning of 1984. She talks about the learning from so many different women, seeing how the press work and stories get changed, the actions and most of all the excitement and fun. After a few months Judy moved to Orange Gate and recounts her experiences in prison, picketing alongside the miners in Port Talbot and the surreal moment when a Fortnum and Mason van delivered 40 boxes of food from Linda McCartney to the camp.
Judy was interviewed by Isabelle Tracy in 2019.

Juggling in Covid-times

Submitted by: Devika Hovell
Date: July 2020
Location: At home in Australia

This photo was taken by my husband after we relocated to Australia and will always remind me of the challenge of writing during Covid. Due to home-schooling and nurseries being closed from time to time, pushing ahead with writing projects was often done in the company of children...who were not always entirely respectful of the tools of the research trade!

Julia and Barry Weinstein

Personal author: Weinstein, Julia
Personal author: Weinstein, Barry

Handing in our dissertation in the New Building April 2013! Six years later we got married :)

Kalli Mahajan

Personal author: Mahajan, Kalli

Academic knowledge is perhaps the least of all the things I learnt in my year at LSE. This is not to say that I didnt learn an incredible amount in the classroom, but to say that I also learnt so much beyond. I remember thinking when I first arrived that everyone around had an edge over me, some students were from Ivy League schools, they were better equipped, brighter; someone in my class even worked for Obama! My first day at LSE I literally googled in the simplest words possible - how to write an essay. I wasnt sure if I knew the right way to cite, or the right way to structure my paper. LSE showed me that you can truly achieve anything you set your mind to. Its a school that teaches you how nothing succeeds like excess; how to work hard, but also how to work smart. I was one of four people in my course, the MSc in Strategic Communications, to graduate with a distinction. Here is me just before the ceremony with my best friend Sanjana just outside Peacock Theatre, in December 2018. So proud of being an LSE alum!

Kashvi Gandhi

Personal author: Gandhi, Kashvi

29 November 2019 - LSE Finance Student Christmas Party Location: Senior Dining Room, 5th floor, Old Building

Kashvi Gandhi

Personal author: Gandhi, Kashvi

29 January 2020 - BSc Finance Paint balling Trip Location: Mayhem Paintballing

Kasturi Ghatak

Personal author: Ghatak, Kasturi

New Year's eve. 2009. 4 friends chilling out at Nurthemberland Hall before going to see the Fireworks. Kasturi Ghatak from India- M.Sc. Biomedicine, bioscience and Society. Esha Sraboni from Bangladesh- M.Sc. Social Policy. Rajiv Ahmed from Bangladesh, M.Sc. Social Policy. Taslim Hussain Ahmed from Bangladesh. M.Sc. Developmental Studies.

Kate Whittle interviewed by Emily Strange

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Kate recalls how she was brought up in a fairly politically aware household, which probably inspired her to be an active member of CND at school and subsequently join her first Aldermaston march at the age of 16. Through her CND group she heard about Greenham Common and went on to spend time there in the early 80s whilst a mature student. She took her 12-year-old daughter, Lucy along a few times but all she could remember was peeing in the woods! Kate never stayed at the camp for long because she had work commitments, however, she felt it important she was there for the big demonstrations and to feel solidarity with other people. She says it was the first time she really felt she fitted in anywhere and said there was a wonderful atmosphere. She also spoke about the soldiers at the base who she said looked terrified whilst women were trying to pull down fences. 'We were like their mothers and aunts', 'They had scared looks on their faces' as if they were the ones who were vulnerable. Being at Greenham strengthened her belief in feminism and it was overall a very formative experience. She described her journey at Greenham as being a 'Bizarre mixture of joy, humour and fury' and the interview strongly captures the fact that any woman can be involved in protest, even if they do not have experience in it.
Kate was interviewed by Emily Strange in 2019.

Kathy Trevelyan interviewed by Alice Robinson

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
At the time of the interview, Kathy was an actor, a Women's Rights in Theatre activist and lived in London. She found Greenham through varied women's groups, and her first time there was for the Embrace the Base action in 1981. She spent most of her time at Blue Gate and Turquoise Gate. In this conversation, Kathy talks about the fun and creativity of protesting, such as the Halloween the women came out dressed as witches and pulled down the fence, the action where they posed as corpses, and the week she spent in Holloway Prison. Kathy has some powerful anecdotes about being arrested, her stint in prison and the women she met inside, most of whom were very much on the side of Greenham women.
Kathy was interviewed by Alice Robinson in 2019.

Keeping the Grimshaw spirit alive

Submitted by: Beatriz Tiago Fernandes Marques Da Silva
Date: March 2021
Location: At home in London

Grimshaw [LSE's oldest student society, supported by the International Relations Department but open to students of any subject with an interest in international affairs] held an online event on the Western Sahara conflict on the 5th of March with three speakers. The event was very popular and an opportunity to continue to host insightful conversations within our community at LSE despite the pandemic.

Last features meeting 2020/2021

Submitted by: Beatriz Tiago Fernandes Marques Da Silva
Date: 31 March 2021
Location: LSE Library

Despite the academic year having been incredibly difficult for our student newspaper The Beaver, the features team still met every week to share our ideas for articles and enjoy some time venting about how busy our week had been so far. Our last meeting felt bittersweet as some of our friends in the team were graduating soon without us having properly hang out in person all together. I still could not be prouder of our team effort. We made memories over Zoom that won't be easily forgotten.

Lauren Munton

Personal author: Munton, Lauren

Freshers Grand Ball October 1980 - main act was the unknown band U2 in the Quadrangle! We didn't know who they were and weren't impressed so we wandered off to see another band or most likely to the bar.

Leah Thalman and Diana Proudfoot interviewed by Sarah Learmonth

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Leah left a job as a social worker to stay at Greenham in 1983, by which time she was in her mid-fifties, and Diana joined the camp in 1984. They learned how to build benders, were arrested and imprisoned numerous times around the country and Diana remembers being asked by one prisoner if she was from Greenham because 'You've got that liberated look'. They describe Greenham as a 'university of the open air' where the women-only, non-violent environment made space for creativity in resistance.
Leah and Diana were interviewed by Sarah Learmonth in 2019.

Lesego Serolong-Holzapfel

Personal author: Serolong-Holzapfel, Lesego

Msc Social Policy and Development 2013-2014. Photo taken at the LSE. Im an entrepreneur from South Africa.

Results 505 to 532 of 1166