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COLL MISC 0519/16 - Chinese Labour

Scene outside a mine in the Transvaal, with Campbell-Bannerman addressing a British workman in a bowler hat and good suit. Cartoon Chinese workers are seen in the background. Bannerman is sympathising with the British man about the Chinese workers taking away all his work, but the workman disagrees, saying that "for every nine coolies, there's a white man gettin' a 1 a day to boss 'em.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/17 - The Next Revival

Bannerman is shown in a brass bed, a Union flag hanging like a curtain to the left. He it sitting up, dressed in a nightshirt and night cap, staring at a realistically-portayed drowned black cat, which is walking across the bed towards him. It has red rolling eyes, and bricks attached to its paws reading 1886 and 1895.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/18 - Redmond's Last Words

Black ink on green paper, with a cartoon of John Redmond raising his fist, and a quote of Redmond's regarding home rule, produced for the Unionist Party.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Dobson, Molle and Co.
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/2 - Poster Making Instructions

Instructions on ordering single letter posters to be hung to form slogans such as Socialism Denies Liberty and Tariff Reform Means More Work, produced by the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations.
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/20 - There was an old woman who lived in a shoe

Satire based on the nursery rhyme of the old lady who lived in a shoe, with Bannerman as the old lady, sitting in the road and blocking his ears. Behind him, the shoe is overflowing with characters representing Liberal Promises such as Social Reforms, Home Rule Promises, etc.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: David Allen and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/21 - This Way, Sir!

Campbell-Bannerman stands at the top of a flight of steps (called Radicalism, Inefficient Army and Navy, Home Rule, and Disunited Empire) that lead from the sunlight down into a dark and fetid pool called Ruin. He appears to be trying to persuade John Bull to walk down the steps in front of him.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co.
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
PLace of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/22 - Vote for the Conservatives Who Gave You the Alliance

Cartoon showing John Bull shaking hands with a Japanese soldier, against the Union Flag and Japanese flag, with a packet marked Alliance at their feet. Text banner top and bottom.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co.
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/23 - What an outrage!

The Reverend Stiggins (?) is shown accosting a small schoolboy in a country lane, with the words What! your father wants you to learn the Church Catechism, in a school built by the Church of England? How dare he?
Artist: M.A
Printer: A White
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/24 - John Bull: Are these my Islands or yours?

John Bull is seen standing on an outline map of the British Isles (he stands squarely between London and the Midlands), facing a Tory peer-type who is dressed in hunting clothes, ermine-trimmed robes, and a monocle, and carrying a shotgun. The peer has one foot in Northern Ireland, and one in Scotland. John Bull is taking off his jacket, ready for a fight. The caption under the picture reads Vote Liberal and back up John Bull.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Avenue Press Ltd
Publisher: The Daily News
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/25 - Bad for the Quack Doctors

Copy of cartoon from the Westminster Gazette? showing Asquith as John Bull giving cheap sugar and an old age pension to a child and an elderly couple, while Chaplin and Austen Chamberlain, dressed as doctors, look on.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/26 - Baiting the 'Dear Food' Hook

Small poster showing a fisherman (unidentified politician) baiting his hook with worms called Full Employment and Higher Wages, with his fishing basket, Protection, beside him. In the river, a fish with a man's head (another politician?) looks balefully up at him. Produced by the Liberals.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/27 - Beware of False Statements About the Licensing Bill

Black and red ink full text poster on white paper, regarding the popular image of the Licensing Bill.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Waterlow and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Liberal Publications Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/28 - The Closed Door

John Bull is seen standing outside a Church School door, which bears a sign reading For Head and Assistant Master and Mistress-ships, no Nonconformist need apply. He comments that that is not his idea of religious equality. Text caption below image, large title in upper case type above. The poster is bordered by a thick red line.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/29 - The Cupboard Still Bare

Spoof of nursery rhyme 'Old Mother Hubbard, showing Chamberlain dressed as an old lady opening the 'Old Age Pensions Cupboard' for her dog called 'Aged Poor'. Satirical version of nursery rhyme below image, and explanatory text below the nursery rhyme, commenting on Chamberlain's suggestion that the workman should pay for his Old Age Pension out of a tax on his food.
Thick red border around the image.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/3 - An Awkward Relationship: Little Johnny would Come

Cartoon satirizing the relationship between the Liberal Party and the Irish nationalists, featuring Campbell-Bannerman as a nervous bride in a wedding dress, and John Redmond as her illegitimate son. Produced for the Conservative and Unionist parties.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co
Publisher: Conservative Central Office
Place of Publication: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/30 - An Eye Opener

Black and red ink on white paper. Lithograph produced for the Liberal Party showing a British housewife attempting to buy white bread in a shop in German, but being offered only black bread.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Publication Department
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/31 - Flattening Him Out, or, broadening the basis of taxation

A Tory wearing a monocle, spats, and a top hat with Tariff Reform written on it, is shown rolling a huge barrel called taxation over an angry-looking man of the Working Classes. Quotes from Tories about the desirability of broadening the basis of taxation appear in a cartouche to the left, and in the caption below the illustration.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Waterlow and Sons
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/33 - Guilty!

Judge John Bull finds the Tory Government guilty of numerous offences relating to Britain's conduct in the Boer War, described in a panel in the centre of the image. The offending politicians are standing in the dock. John Bull's comments appear in text below him; the word Guilty in large upper case at the top. A thick red line borders the poster.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/34 - Don't be Hanky-Panky'd Again: The Hanky-Panky Government

[A J Balfour] posing as a conjuror or magician, stands behind a covered table, and places an egg named Khaki 1900 into John Bull's hat. [Joseph Chamberlain] peeks from behind the table cover holding a duck. In the next scene, Balfour withdraws two white rabbits from the hat (called Education Acts and Licensing Act 1904), while a duck called Tax on Food sits on its brim. Poster produced for the Liberal Party (based on a cartoon in the Westminster Gazette?).
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: The Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/35 - Help for the Workers

Black ink lithograph illustrating Asquith's second budget, showing Asquith standing outside the Treasury facing a middle class man in a top hat and a working class man with a bag on his back. He is holding two signs, one regarding a cut in income tax, the other regarding money set aside for old age pensions. Banner at top and commentary at bottom.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: The Avenue Press Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/36 - A Herring to catch a Sprat

Chaplin is shown standing on a beach talking to a Working Man, offering him the chance to go out in his boat Tariff Reform to fish for higher wages using Food Taxes as bait, an offer which the man declines.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Waterlow and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/37 - How the Tories Have Increased the Cost of Living

Blue and red ink on white paper, illustrating the increase in the price of tea and sugar under a Tory government (Tory government of 1905 compared to Liberal government of 1895), produced for the Liberal Party.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/38 - Liberal and Tory Finance. No. 1. Taxation Imposed or Remitted During the Last Twenty-one Years

Half page of text with bar chart comparing levels of taxation under Tory and Liberal governments, 1865-1885. Lithograph in black ink with red and blue bar chart, produced for the Liberal Central Association, 41 - 42 Parliament Street, Westminster, London.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: National Press Agency Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/39 - Why Toryism Would Mean Dearer Living

Cartoon of Balfour holding a plate in front of him with a small loaf of bread on it. Text banner at top and caption at bottom. Liberal poster protesting against a proposed tax on food.
Artist: F.B
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/4 - Mrs. Bannerman's Cabinet Pudding

Campbell-Bannerman, dressed in a red frock and white apron, is shown mixing a bowl of Radical Programme in a kitchen. He offers a spoonful of the mixture to John Bull, who is raising his hand in refusal. The shelves behind Bannerman are laden with jars and packets labelled Slave Grown Rice, Foreign Paupers, Candied Cries, etc.
Artist: M. A.
Printer: McCorquodale and Co. Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/40 - Obscuring the Issue

Full colour lithograph showing Balfour up a ladder in a flat cap and Chamberlain pasting a sign reading Beware of Home Rule over the top of Liberal posters criticising their taxation policies.
Artist: F.C.G [Francis Carruthers Gould]
Printer: Avenue Press Ltd
Publisher: Liberal Publications Department
Place of Production
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

Results 337 to 364 of 2518