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The Women's Library Greenham Women Everywhere
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Peggy Seeger interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Peggy.
Peggy is a folk singer, songwriter and activist who wrote 'Carry Greenham Home'. Along with other musicians, she sang to the march that was coming through from Wales to Greenham in September 1981. She later joined them at Greenham Common and recalls journalists, donations and getting pissed-off with lounging men! Peggy speaks of how women don't have a written history and how we have to celebrate the power of a lot of women together. She remembers women improvising singing collectively to dumfound police, showing skill in keeping the peace where men could not and Rebecca Johnson signing her nightmare of nuclear war.
Peggy was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Penny Gane interviewed by Florence Weston

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Penny was drawn to Greenham by the thought of women being there on their own, shouldering the responsibility of taking on the world. 'It was a call to all of us, which is why I became active.' She recalls the strong women of Bristol taking part in Non-Violent Direct Action and supporting women living at the camp. She remembers Joan Baez visiting, a truck ploughing through the benders, the Greenham Common Newsletter and how, ultimately, 'The women always won.'
Penny was interviewed by Florence Weston in 2019.

Tanya Myers interviewed by Alice Robinson

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Tanya.
Tanya is based in Nottingham and has been a theatre maker since her early twenties. At that age she also arrived at Greenham, already a politically minded person. She came to mostly spend her time at Green Gate in the forest, and at the 'London House' in Petherton Road, a sort of halfway house run by Greenham Women, with no heating or electricity. She spent time at Greenham as a pregnant woman and with an infant, and she speaks about what this meant to her. Tanya also speaks with great passion and detail about the creativity and spiritual experience of the actions, including the raising of the dragon, and keening. She focusses on her particular story, while reflecting on the wider consciousness of the group of women, and the shedding and sharing of values.
Tanya was interviewed by Alice Robinson in 2019.

Voz Faragher interviewed by Elaine Ruth White

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Voz.
Being an activist means becoming troublesome, defying authority and facing both the fears and consequences of taking action. Listen to Voz Faragher relate her experiences of staring the police in the face; hear her describe how it felt to be manhandled, to face the courts and spend the night in jail. But more than that, listen to her tell just how the support and energy of women united strengthened her courage and inspired her to become a lifelong advocate for the vulnerable and oppressed.
Voz was interviewed by Elaine Ruth White in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Betty Levene interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Betty was very involved in the peace movement and anti-nuclear occupations before going to Greenham in 1981. She recalls the process of the camp becoming women only and how protestors learnt the art of Non-Violent Direct Action. She speaks of the power of carrying Greenham home as thousands of women refused to stay in the kitchen, instead, going to university and doing things they wouldn't have dreamt of doing before.
Betty was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.

Caroline Poland, Ann Scargill and Betty Cook interviewed by Sara Sherwood

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Although most well known for their work during the Miners' Strike and Women Against Pit Closures, Caroline Poland, Anne Scargill and Betty Cook discuss how the actions of the women at Greenham Common influenced their own activism and protest strategy, their memories of visiting the camp and the long-lasted alliances they forged with the Greenham women during the 1980s.
They were interviewed by Sara Sherwood in Barnsley in 2019.

Celia Chasey interviewed by Kitty Gurnos Davies

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Celia helped set-up and run Hayford Peace Camp a a sister camp to Greenham Common that allowed both men and women to protest together. She visited Greenham for Embrace the Base and describes how they decorated the wire fence. She describes protest activities including cruise watch at night in cars along the M4 and monitoring the transport of goods in and out of the camp. Celia is a wonderful artist and made many of the banners for Hayford and discusses the song and dance that surrounded the peace movement. With her husband, Celia hosted many members of the Hayford Peace Camp in her house and relates the sacrifices and impact of protesting on family life. In a particularly touching moment, Celia reads out a poem that her daughter had written aged 16. Much of the interview is structured around looking at photographs and material Celia had collected relating to the peace camps.
Celia was interviewed by Kitty Gurnos Davies in 2019.

Clare Pattinson and Polly High interviewed by Leslie Lyle

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Clare and Polly.
Clare's parents were Catholic and part of the Pax Christi peace movement. Polly's parents were a part of CND and she joined them from a young age on demonstrations. Neither stayed at Greenham but both made frequent day visits with supplies and fresh vegetables.
The only occasion that Clare stayed was one February night when she woke in a bender with 4 inches of snow on her feet - 'Iave never been so cold in my life'. Both discuss the role of men in helping at Greenham a visiting the women with children, bringing supplies, helping with Cruise Watch. Clare, also involved in Cruise Watch, describes driving at night to watch the missile convoys: 'They were terrifying, it was like being in a horror movie.'
Polly and Clare were interviewed by Leslie Lyle in Kent in 2019.
They were photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Diana Derioz interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
3 Generations at Greenham, her mother Ursula, daughter Diana and granddaughter, Fenella. Diana has been a pacifist all her life and set up the Totnes Women for Peace. In 1982 she went to the first Greenham demonstration of women's hands around the fence. She had been on many mixed demonstrations which were often violent and thought that women could do it differently.
She lived at Greenham part-time for nearly 3 years. She took part in all of the actions including: The Black Cardigan Demonstration, Easter, Dragon Day Bunny Party. She reads a very interesting letter she sent to her children about the Easter Action she attended with her 3 years old daughter in April 1983. Her mother attended all the demonstrations and was arrested (aged 63) for dancing on the base along with 80 other women and spent 3 weeks in Holloway as examples. She has a press cutting about her mother 'Gran's Strip Ordeal' as Ursula refused a strip search. Diana was arrested and insisted at being tried in her local court supported by many Greenham women.
She speaks very eloquently about the creative conversations with women from around the world (including the miners' wives) sitting around the fire and trying to escape the smoke. She talked about how the women put 'energy' into the vehicles breaking down when they were being removed or making them invisible when trying to hide. 'We really believed in those spells' as they always seemed to work.
Diana was interviewed by Tricia Norton in 2019.

Elspeth Owen, Julia Ball and Gerd Browne interviewed by June Hughes

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and photographs of Elspeth, Julia and Gerd.
Elspeth is interviewed with her close friends Julia Bell and Gerd Browne. They met through a Cambridge peace group and were on one of the first walks from Wales. They produced a book, 1983/4, an anthology of women's writing, 'MY COUNTRIES - THE WHOLE WORLD FROM SAPPHO TO GREENHAM', now out of print. They felt empowered by the Greenham experience, Elspeth going on to be a successful potter, Julia, already an artist, inspired to continue, and Gerd opening her own bookshop.
They were interviewed by June Hughes in Cambridge in 2019.
They were photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Anni Tracy interviewed by Isabelle Tracy

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Anni was 19 when she went to the Embrace the Base demonstration at Greenham and decided to stay at the camp, moving into Green Gate. She was there the day the missiles arrived and talks about feelings of powerlessness at the escalation of the arms race and the importance of taking action, belonging and acceptance she got from the camp. Anni now runs women's choirs saying that singing with other women feels like 'coming home'.
Anni was interviewed by Isabelle Tracy in 2019.

Annie Brotherton interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Annie.
Annie went to drama college then travelled for a while with her girlfriend. In 1984 they decided to visit Greenham for a night and she remembers the police unzipping their tent and saying 'Weare coming in to rape you'. After that comment Annie felt she awanted to do something so she came back to Greenham with her girlfriend and stayed at Blue Gate. Annie is bursting with anecdotes about actions, big and small, how painful it was sometimes to be non-violent in the face of a frustrated and angry police and military, the experience of court, prison and day to day camp life.
Annie was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Carolyn E Francis interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Carolyn.
Carolyn was at Green Gate from Summer 1984. After leaving college she moved into Greenham's London base and from there went to Greenham where she lived in a hollowed out holly tree. Her sister, Sally and her Mum also protested at the base. Although Carolyn never went to prison, she supported those charged at their court appearances and talks about the ways in which Greenham women subverted the court system. Carolyn became a Buddhist at Greenham and the personal impact of her time there changed the course of her life.
Carolyn was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Catherine Leyow interviewed by Nicky Arikoglu

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Catherine.
A member of CND, Catherine first visited Greenham for Embrace the Base in December 1982 and continued to visit over the years, finally living permanently at Yellow Gate from June 1988 to May 1989. She participated in many NVDAs, was arrested multiple times, and served two prison sentences in Holloway.
Catherine was interviewed by Nicky Arikoglu in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Clayre Gribben interviewed by Leslie Lyle

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Clayre.
Clayre spent a summer in the mid 1980s at Greenham with a group of friends. She shared baths, broke into the base, cut through wire, sang, did workshops, learned crafts, got arrested, and was part of Cruise Watch. She remembers a fantastic community. 'We have to stop reinventing causes every time. We must try to learn from each other and not think we are doing things for the first time. There is this wave that just grows and grows and keeps growing a we musn't let it die, otherwise we have to start again.'
Clayre was interviewed by Leslie Lyle in London in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Elizabeth Greenland interviewed by Florence Weston

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth talks emotionally about the strength women found in each other and how it felt to have that awakening to your own power. She talks about chanting and singing around the perimeter fence with a group of women, a visit from the Archbishop of Canterbury, and how proud she is of the success of Greenham to the peace movement.
Elizabeth was interviewed by Florence Weston in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Elizabeth Woodcraft interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Elizabeth.
Liz went to Greenham with her mum and for Embrace the Base. After being impressed by the women dancing on the silos on New Year's Eve, she represented them at their hearings at Newbury Magistrates Court, remembering the women singing all their answers in court and consequently being sent to the cells. She talks about the impact Greenham Women had on the law and how some women went to Greenham to escape sexual abuse and violence, partly leading to her becoming involved in Women's Aid. She describes Greenham as a wonderful place to be with women being supportive and sisterly.
Liz was interviewed by Rebecca Mordan in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Helen MacRae interviewed by Elaine Ruth White

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Helen.
The cleverness and cunning of tactics used in the non-violent protest employed by the women of the Greenham peace camp and the phenomenal energy unleashed are two of the main themes of Helen's story. However, Helen also talks eloquently about how the camp, inclusive at first, became increasingly divided, with an emphasis on extreme aspects of feminist ideology, how sleeping with men was perceived to be sleeping with the enemy. Helen describes how she responded to this as a single mother of a young son who attended a creche run by men as the women demonstrated.
Helen was interviewed by Elaine Ruth White in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Hilary Whyard interviewed by June Hughes

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Hilary.
Hilary Whyard visited Greenham regularly in the early days with her 5 month old son. Changing circumstances forced her to visit less after that time, but she was still active and helped with the delivery of food to the base, also supporting the Embrace the Base ceremony every year. In her interview, she discusses the creche run by men at the start of the camp. She continues to be active concerning peace and environment issues.
Hilary was interviewed by June Hughes near Cambridge in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Janice Candler interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Janice was just seventeen years old when she first decided to live at the Greenham Common peace camp, abandoning her A level college courses to do so. She lived at the camp between 1986 and 1987, first at Violet Gate and then moving to Orange Gate. She was arrested and charged four times for her role in the non-violent direct actions and spent time in Holloway. She remembers frequent evictions, vigilantes, and living at the camp through freezing weather conditions, but still describes being extremely happy there.
Janice was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in Essex in 2019.

Jill Raymond (Ray) interviewed by Sarah Learmonth

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Jill.
'Ray', as she was known, spent most of her time at Greenham living at Blue Gate. Here, she talks about a range of topics including the importance of reclaiming the Common land, links with peace camps nationally and internationally, the distribution of 'camp dole' and the symbolism and strength of web weaving as a form of creative resistance.
Ray was interviewed by Sarah Learmonth in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Joanna Mattingly interviewed by Jessica Layton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Joanna didn't go to Greenham herself, but her Mother stayed for a long weekend. Joanna has photographs of her Mum and her friends at Greenham. She remembers Greenham being portrayed very negatively in the papers as lots of 'hairy, angry lesbians'.
Joanna was interviewed by Jessica Layton in 2019.

Liz Beech interviewed by Leslie Lyle

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Liz.
'I went to Greenham because I was given an electric kettle for my 40th birthday by my mother!' Liz took a bus to 'Embrace the base' in 1982 with a Glastonbury women's group and consequently lived at Yellow Gate from 1983 to 1987. She thought this was with her husband's support, saying the men's role was to keep 'the home fires burning'. However, she lost custody of her two children, with Greenham being cited as the reason, almost definitely as part of a political strategy to scare other mothers at the camp. Liz says that she was much less afraid of life than before she went.
Liz was interviewed by Leslie Lyle in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Louella Crisfield interviewed by Emma Gliddon

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Lou has been a lifelong activist inspired by her time at Greenham in her teens. She is now a housing adviser in London and feels the experience at camp gave her the courage to be or do anything! She was there in her late teens and shares her experience of camp life, arrest and prison.
Louella was interviewed by Emma Gliddon in 2019.

Lynette Edwell interviewed by Kate Kerrow

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Lynette was a crucial figure at Greenham and ran the Greenham office from her house (where this interview was conducted). As the key administrator for the campaign, she was the person who triggered the telephone tree, and watched for cruise missiles. She gave space to the Greenham women in her home, letting them use it for phone calls and administration, as well as showers, childcare and long discussions on politics and feminism. As a journalist, she wrote press releases trying to get proper media representation and helped the women with paperwork related to court appeals. As a key player in the whole campaign, Lynette was arrested many times, herself experiencing physical assault. This is the fascinating story of one of the key brains behind the campaign. She was a key presence at Orange Gate from the beginning until Cruise left.
Lynette was interviewed by Kate Kerrow in 2019.

Maggie Parks interviewed by Elaine Ruth White

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Maggie.
In telling her story of living at the Greenham camp, Maggie Parks illustrates the power of the experience to inspire and uplift. Finding Greenham at the time of her beloved father's death at 58 years old, Maggie allowed the energy and love at the camp to swell into the void and become a vital part of something as powerful as her grief. Very much a personal life story, Maggie describes how the experience and energy has stayed with her in a lifelong career supporting and protecting women against violence.
Maggie was interviewed by Elaine Ruth White in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Penny Gulliver interviewed by Isabelle Tracy

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Penny.
Penny was 21 when she went to Greenham. She stayed for a year. She lived at Blue Gate and was at the camp during the evictions. She recalls the enjoyment of political discussions with women, recounts actions such as painting out the lights on the runway to try and stop the Cruise missiles landing. Penny talks about the legacy of Greenham, the impact of the protest, going to prison and the echoes of Greenham across her life.
Penny was interviewed by Isabelle Tracy in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Ruth Nichol interviewed by Sara Sherwood

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
In this expansive and generous interview, Ruth discusses travelling to Greenham with her friend Sarah Green in 1981/2 and stayed at Yellow Gate, finding solidarity and comfort in the women's peace movement in Sheffield, the acrobatic workshops she led at camp so women could take part in creative actions, how her interests (spirituality, in particular) developed at Greenham and the deep friendships at the camp which she formed. Ruth also recounts the thinking behind forming Green Gate in the early years of Greenham.
Ruth was interviewed by Sara Sherwood in 2019.

Results 57 to 84 of 376