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The Women's Library Greenham Women Everywhere
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Sarah Green interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sarah.
Sarah is an environmental campaigner who has been involved in protesting the devastating damage caused to the London wetland areas by HS2. She was already involved in a women's peace group when, attending a rally at Hyde Park in 1981, she heard about Greenham Common and decided to give up her job to live there. She resided at the camp for around five years, based at the main gate which became known as Yellow Gate. She describes an incident during which local vigilantes pulled up in a van to spray the women with offal and discusses the microwave 'zapping' of the protesters during which she feared for her safety. Like other women, Sarah was arrested and imprisoned due to her involvement in non-violent direct action but she had a unique experience of being at Greenham as she gave birth to her son there!
Sarah was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Sue Say (Agege) interviewed by Isabelle Tracy

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sue.
On Sueas first evening at Greenham she heard a woman talking to a soldier on the other side of the fence. It was that powerful conversation that kept her at Greenham, protesting nuclear missiles but also exploring the multitudes of different ways to be a woman by meeting and talking to amany shades of womena. Sue went to prison many times, took the government to court for illegal strip-searches and won, changing the law in the process. She talks about the radical potential of laughter and creativity, the unconventional methods she and others used to draw attention to issues and the strength in unity at Yellow Gate.
Sue was interviewed by Isabelle Tracy in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Vicki Smith interviewed by Josephine Liptrott

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Vicki.
Vicki first heard about Greenham when studying at Southampton University. She was fascinated by the idea that it was a women-only space and protest.
She initially went as a weekend visitor and later lived there full-time at Blue Gate, staying for about two years.
She broke into the air base three times, on one occasion getting onto the silos and on another running between the shelves of the on-site commissary. Cutting a huge hole in the fence and driving her car onto the runway resulted in a criminal damage conviction.
Vicky was a founder member of Cruisewatch, a group which aimed to monitor and disrupt military manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain. She remembers hostility from the local residents, regular evictions and too many lentils, but also describes a genuinely inclusive and nurturing women-only space where everyone was valued and heard.
Vicki was interviewed by Josephine Liptrott in London in 2019.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Alison Napier interviewed by Rebecca Mordan

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Alison.
Alison was a sociology student in Aberdeen when she was asked by some friends if she would drive a minibus for them down to Greenham. She visited many times afterwards and was arrested twice. The first time she was held illegally in the cells under Newbury police station for 5 days and the second time, she was convicted of obstruction. She appealed on the basis that the police, military and lorries containing nuclear weapons obstructed the road far more than she had by sitting down. She won. She remembers vividly the violence of the police, the importance of NVDA and most importantly, the fun.
Alison was interviewed in 2019 by Rebecca Mordan.
She was photographed by Christine Bradshaw (copyright Christine Bradshaw).

Zohl de' Ishtar interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Zohl.
Irish-Australian Lesbian, Zohl de' Ishtar has worked with Indigenous Australian and Pacific women for 40 years. While at Greenham, she initiated Britainas aWomen for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacifica. Zohl arrived at Greenham on her 30th birthday in 1982 and describes Green Gate as, 'The best place in the world.' She talks about the camp being infiltrated by police officers and the media, links with other peace camps around the world, including Pine Gap in Australia and getting arrested at Heathrow airport for forming a blockade and singing Greenham songs. She also recalls 'the zap' and the effects it had. Zohl has written several books and is currently working on a new book with the working title 'Greenham's Pacific Journey'.
Zohl was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in September 2020.

Evelyn Parker interviewed by Leslie Lyle

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Evelyn's involvement in Greenham started in 1979 when Newbury was informed that missiles would be sited there, and she took an interest through the local Labour Party. She is a Quaker, and speaks of how she distanced herself from confrontation, although she was very involved on moral and ethical grounds. In 1982 Evelyn took part in the Embrace the Base action and goes on to describe RAGE (Ratepayers Against Greenham Encampment) which took unpleasant action against the women such as tearing down the camps and using maggots and blood, resulting in many locals opposing their treatment. She shares her memories of Aldermaston, zapping, changes in the law, and the influence her environmental campaigning has had on her children. Her memories of Cruise Watch include how one woman put a potato down the vertical exhaust of one of the military vehicles, managing to stop the whole convoy!
Evelyn was interviewed by Leslie Lyle in September 2020.

Avryl and Tembre de Carteret interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Avryl and Tembre.
Avryl, her mum Marlene, her daughter Tembre, her sister, niece, neighbour's kids and friends all travelled to Embrace the Base from Dorset after hearing about Greenham through a women's consciousness raising group and CND. Avryl remembers Greenham being very welcoming, feeling at home and safe sitting drinking tea and chatting to women. She talks about the huge lesbian community which Avryl became part of, finding safety with women that she couldn't find anywhere else. She recalls putting ribbon and children's toys on the fence, the holding of hands and the power that came from that.
The community of women Tembre grew up with had a powerful impression on her. She is now a circle song leader; gathering women to sing, and feels she must have absorbed Embrace the Base as a child. Avryl reads some of her mother Marlene's poems about Greenham which feature in her book of poems and writings. The interview ends with Tembre singing a beautiful rendition of one of her grandma's poems, who she says found her tribe at Greenham.
Avryl and Tembre were interviewed by Vanessa Pini in March 2021.

Carolyn Barnes interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
'Peace Woman refuses to pay fine, birthday in custody. Southampton Peace Woman, spent her 21st birthday in police custody at the start of a 7 day prison sentence for refusing to pay fines imposed after she took part in a blockade at Greenham Common.'
Carolyn Barnes shares the story behind the newspaper headline in the Southampton Daily Echo. She became involved with Greenham after moving from Bolton to attend Southampton University. She joined various groups including CND, 3rd World First and a local group 'Families Against the Bomb'. Her friend, Di McDonald, used to take a group of them to Greenham for demonstrations in her campervan.
Carolyn talks about being new to politics when first staying at Blue Gate, the cruise missiles being brought in, the excitement of a women-only space, treatment by the police, prison, poetry and impact on her family. She also recalls people not expecting women to stick up for each other and the different ways in which women reacted to the balance of power.
Carolyn describes Greenham as earthy, real, natural and primal.
Carolyn was interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton in February 2021.

Oak Chezar interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Oak.
Oak Chezar arrived at Greenham from America in 1985 when she was 29 and stayed at both Blue and Yellow Gates until 1988. She talks about zapping, the effects of radiation, evictions and how Greenham changed her life, leading her into a women's performance group, teaching Women's Studies and writing. She says that writing kept her sane. Oak also recalls doing headstands in Newbury jail and how living at Greenham stopped her being a germaphobe! Oak Chezar is the author of 'Trespassing, A Memoir of Greenham Common'.
Oak was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in January 2021.

Barbara Tombs interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Barbara.
Barbara was easily persuaded to visit Greenham with a group of women from Hackney after an upbringing by politicised parents. Her black father and white mother had taken her to see concentration camps in Europe where she learnt the danger of power with no responsibility. She recalls going on demonstrations with her family and experiencing discrimination due to race and class, including police brutality and dishonesty. She also talks about her decision to take her daughter, Ellen, on demonstrations, the strength of having women's protests and the importance of women having status. Barbara found Greenham to be a peaceful and friendly place where she felt safe.
Barbara was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in February 2021.

Armorel Weston interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Armorel.
Solidarity brought Armorel to Greenham, being in awe of the women at the camp and wanting to support them. She had been an avid CND member on the front line of activism, originally being politicised by the Cuban missile crisis, but said Greenham was like taking on a new world. She laments at how much irresponsibility there was in the world and remembers being overcome by the messages and emblems on the fence creating a type of art installation when she brought food and Embraced the Base. Armorel has always been a musician and singer. With her band 'The children', she recorded the song 'The Base' and other political songs.
Armorel was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in March 2021.
The photograph was supplied by Armorel.

Carole Stuart-McIvor interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Carole.
Carole first went to Greenham in protest against the rainbow bomb in 1961/62 after coming out of care at the age of 16. She got arrested and spent a week in Holloway Prison alongside Helen Allegranza and Pat Arrowsmith. Years later, she returned on Christmas Eve, 1982 and talks about the guilt she felt for leaving her kids and mum. She recalls breaking into the base and dancing on the silos on New Year's Day, the incredible barrister Liz Woodcraft representing them in court, hitting her head in the riot van and getting concussed and her second stint in Holloway Prison. Carole also talks about going to a summit in Geneva with Welsh women to protest and give talks. They were deported after covering a public clock with the alternative time of '5 minutes to Midnight', graffitiing over a picture of naked woman on the wall of the police station and being choked by a police officer when caught. She feels it is important for Greenham to be remembered, as you can re-direct the traffic literally and metaphorically if you know people have done it before. Carole had a poem published in 'No Holds Barred', a collection of poems by women, chosen by The Raving Beauties.
Carole was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in April 2021.

Dawn Stewart interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
When Dawn went to Greenham, the main era had died down but there was still a small group of very determined women at the Yellow Gate, many of whom had been there permanently for over 9 years with just an occasional visit home. She recalls sitting round the campfire telling stories, visitors from Japan, women sharing a common purpose and how nature comes back when you live under the influence of the moon. She also remembers the death of 'Gladys' the Greenham Van, and the replacement, 'Sister of Gladys'! In reflecting on her time at Greenham, Dawn talks about the strength in the solidarity of like-minded women, their resilience which was both powerful and empowering. She believes the Greenham experience is even more relevant with the nuclear threats at the time of the interview.
Dawn was interviewed by Tricia Grace Norton in February 2021.

Estelle Poingdestre and Jane Staffieri interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Estelle.
'A Blot on the Landscape'
Estelle and Jane talk about the hostile way in which they were represented in the Press. 'Dirty, rebellious, anarchists, women transgressing the normal female role when they should be at home cooking and looking after their families.' They also reflect on the hostility that the men, left at home, received from other men about letting their wives go off.
Jane tells the story of the secret, well-rehearsed and surprise action in which she and Estelle's mother, Mary, took part. With the women working in twos, Jane stood on Mary's shoulders, reaching up with bolt cutters to slice through the main holding points which caused a huge area of the fence to fall down, taking the soldiers inside by surprise. On being arrested, along with others, she refused to pay the fine of 30 pounds and talks about her experience of serving one week in Holloway Prison.
They both talk about the importance of ensuring that future generations learn of Greenham and that it is possible to make a difference in the world and change Government Policy, if you choose to do so. They said that when the Women of Greenham came together in peaceful and powerful collaboration, they achieved their goal which was to close down the Base to protect the world's children and future generations from the damage of cruise missiles. Together we changed the World.
Estelle and Jane were interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton in March 2021.
Estelle provided her photograph.

Jane Hickman interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Jane.
Jane is a lawyer who represented many Greenham Women and was already an active feminist herself. She first got involved in defending the women in 1982 when they broke into the base and took over a sentry box. She recalls the core of their defense being, 'It's not us on trial, it's them,' and the magistrates being stunned when they refused to be bound over to keep the peace. She remembers journalists bringing champagne to greet Greenham Women coming out of prison, daffodils in the court room, cases brought against travelers and using powerful evidence from a nun on Hanford and Dr Alice Stewart on Hiroshima to illustrate the seriousness of their plight. Jane also tells the tale of Greenham Women taking the US Government to court to try and prevent them siting the missiles at Greenham and coming up against the attorney Rudy Giuliani! You can read a first hand account of the free support Jane gave Greenham Women in chapter 18 of the book 'Other Girls Like Me' by Stephanie Davies.
Jane was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in April 2021.
She was photographed by Tony Prime for the Observer in March 1983.

Cas Heron interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Intrigued by the idea of a peaceful women only revolution, Cas decided to spend an afternoon at Yellow Gate and eventually lived at Blue Gate for two and a half years. She says Greenham was a transformative part of her life which allowed her to step out of one life into another.
She talks about the challenge of balancing home and Greenham visits and the domestic conflict this caused. Her daughter at the age of ten visited the camp and loved it, especially being chased by a helicopter.
Cas tells the story of the women at Blue Gate setting a record for how many arrests could be made until 12 midnight on New Year's Eve. She talks about the women using false names and 200 Nancy Reagans were arrested on that night along with herself as Doctor Norma Shearer.
She said she mourned for the camp when she left and still does. 'My escape was the camp, being outside, the physical work, the sound of just women, their laughter and song.'
Cas was interviewed by Tricia Grace-Norton in February 2021.

Di McDonald interviewed by Emma Gliddon

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
An interview with veteran campaigner Di Macdonald who was at Greenham from the early days and then went on to be a crucial link to Cruise watch in the South East and an inspiration to many of us. Her van was an iconic part of the chase around the countryside after cruise missiles on the move. At the time of the interview, Di continues to campaign against nuclear weapons.
Di was interviewed by Emma Gliddon on 17th March 2021.

Jacqui Best interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Jacqui's first visit to Greenham was on a bus arranged by a Yeovil group in 1982/83. Later, she made regular weekend visits for years in her work Women's Aid car, taking boxes of food and supplies. She remembers a big police presence, saying they behaved as if it was the women who had the bombs. Jacqui lived in a rural Somerset village where everyone questioned what she was doing - she was reported to social services for being a lesbian, taking her son out of school to home educate him and having women camp in her garden. She recalls the 1986 Chernobyl disaster compounding the fear and reality of the danger and her wanting to support the women standing up against the government in the cold and wet between the military and police officers. 'Those 'silly women' didn't go home... they stayed and prevailed.'
Jacqui was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in March 2021.

Loppy Oubridge interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray)

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Loppy was at Green and Yellow Gates for the winter of 1981/82 and was involved in the organising of the 'Embrace the Base'. She then stayed at the peace camp at Burghfield and worked for the Dorset Peace Council. She also talks about being a young mum at the same time and considers how her activism affected her children and the rest of her life.
Loppy was interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray) in January 2021.

Pixie Taylor interviewed by Vanessa Pini

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Pixie.
Pixie spent two periods of her life at Greenham. Firstly, when she was 18, she went down on an overnight coach from Dundee and lived at Green Gate from 1985-86. She returned for the 10th birthday in 1991 and lived at Blue Gate until January 1994. She talks about the differences in the eras, evictions and bailiffs, women only spaces, learning to value her body and her time in Holloway. She recalls doing doughnuts in a borrowed car in the base during the American leaving ceremony and reads from a Greenham newsletter documenting leaving Blue Gate. Pixie speaks about how ludicrous it was to have nuclear weapons being driven around the country and how Greenham wouldn't have survived without humour and laughter. She also remembers writing to Greenham at school on Dennis the Menace paper and getting a reply!
Pixie was interviewed by Vanessa Pini in January 2021.

Sian Jones interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray)

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording and a photograph of Sian.
Sian was living in Southampton when GCWPC began. Orange Gate, on the south side of the common, was the nearest for Southampton activists who were regulars at camp and beyond. Sian's initial involvement included night watch, hot food runs and cruise watch. She enjoyed being on the land with women and the elements and even went to sea with the women's boat action group.
She also talks about how the network of Greenham Women grew over the years and the development of other anti-war and international groups like WATFY (Women's Aid To Former Yugoslavia) and Women in Black.
In this photo, Sian is staring at the muncher during an eviction at Orange Gate.
Sian was interviewed by Jill Raymond (Ray) in February 2021.

Barbara Hughes interviewed by Alice Robinson

This folder includes the recorded audio of the interview along with a transcript of the recording.
Barbara Hughes spent most of her time at Orange Gate, which she describes as the international gate where you could meet 'women from all over the place' which she liked. It wasn't possible for her to live there as she had three young children, so she went down as often as possible for actions. She was first introduced to Greenham at a CND rally, when a group of women got up on the platform to speak about their plans for that original march from Cardiff to Greenham in 1981. Barbara speaks about her own creative actions back in Richmond with the 'Duck and Cover' company, the importance of carrying Greenham home, and her hopes for the future of feminism.
Barbara was interviewed by Alice Robinson in January 2021.

Results 85 to 106 of 106