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Politics, economics and social science collections
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COLL MISC 0840/11 - 'Moderate Candidate'

Cartoon reproduced from the Morning Leader for the London County Council Elections of 1907. The central feature of this poster is a large cartoon depicting a man painting a sign on the wall which asks lots of questions of the London County Council. At the top of the Picture in large black lettering is written, 'Morning Leader: Cartoon of the Day'.
Artist: A.M
Printer: Sully and Ford Limited
Publisher: G.A. Miller
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/12 - What Trusts Mean to London

Progressive Party poster from the London County Council Elections of 1907. This poster demonstrates in text how the money paid to a Private Electricity Company for their Electric light supply could have brought numerous park spaces around London.
Printer: Bowers Bros Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/13 - The Moderates Idea of Municipal Reform

Progressive Party poster from the London County Council Elections of 1907. This poster depicts a large cartoon showing men with human heads and bodies made of sponge walking into a sea marked London and coming out engorged with water.
The caption at the bottom of the poster reads,'Sponges that want to fill themselves at the public expense. These are the friends of the Moderates. Vote Progressive and protect your own property'.
Artist: Jordie
Printer: G.S Christie
Publisher: London County Council Progressive Election Committee
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/5 - Progressive Lesson No. 1 in Plain English

Progressive posters from the London County Council Elections of 1907. The central point of this poster is a painted picture of a man teaching another , slightly bemused looking man, by writing on a very large blackboard. On the blackboard is written the following:
'When the Trusts own Capital, the Moderates call it by its right name: Capital. But when the people own Capital, the Moderates and the Yellow Press call it Debts to frighten fools.'
At the bottom of the poster in large black lettering is written, 'Vote Progressive'.
Artist: Jordie
Printer: G.S Christie Limited
Publisher: London County Council Progressive Election Committee
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/2 - Put No Trust in any of the Trusts

Reprint for Reynold's Newspaper, the popular Sunday journal,' of a cartoon concerning the London County Council Election of 1907. The cartoon in this poster shows a political meeting and a speaker shouting to an audience. The Speaker has 'Municipal Reform' written on his belly and is saying (in speech bubble)'Our Policy is- All of us, and, the remainder-for our friends!'. He is flanked by two men to his right, who are marked 'Capital Trust'. To his left, seated behind a table marked 'Municipal Reform', are three figures, one of whom declares, 'That's what I've always done!'. At the bottom of the cartoon are the heads of the audience from the back. On these heads are written various terms, such as 'Gas Trust','Landlords Trust' and 'No Parks and Music for the People, Primrose League'.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: John Dicks Press Limited
Publisher: Reynolds Newspaper
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/3 - Corrupt and Illegal Practices.Warning to All Whom It May Concern

London County Council Election poster from 1907. This poster continues with text regarding accusations of Bribery, Treating, Undue Influence and Personation. The text is black and the poster has a white background.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Bowers Brother Limited
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/1 - The Snarer: setting the trap or, look behind the fence

Cartoon reprinted from 'Reynolds' newspaper concerning the London County Council Election of 1907. The focal point of the cartoon on this small poster is a large man hiding behind a fence, observing a trap, which he is in control of via a piece of string. On his jacket pocket is written 'Capital'. Behind the man are numourous boxes labelled 'Trusts','Monopoly','Grab' and 'Ruin' and the fence behind which he hides is labelled 'Municipal Reform'. The trap is marked 'Clap-Trap' and the bait of birdseed 'Lies'. On a tree branch above the trap are perched several birds, who are labelled 'Rate Payers'.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: John Dicks Press Limited
Publisher: Reynolds Newspaper
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/6 - 'Artful Moderate Ruse Exposed'

Progressive Part poster from the London County Council Election of 1907. This poster shows a court scene with a judge seated in the top left of the picture with 'London Public Opinion' written behind him. Below him is a portly man with 'Vested Interests' written upon his sleeve. To the right around a table, stand two policemen each holding up a jacket, and more jackets lay upon the table. The more central of the two policemen is saying 'This coat does not fit him your honour, and belongs to someone else'. Upon the coat he is holding is written 'Municipal Reform 1907'. The other policeman declares, 'This coat fits him like a glove your honour'. He is holding a coat marked 'Moderate'.
Printer: G.S Christie Limited
Publisher: London County Council Progressive Election Committee
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0840/4 - Citizens! Do Your Duty. Vote Progressive and Kill the Trusts

Newspaper Bill from the London County Council Elections of 1907. The title of this Newspaper bill is written in bold blue lettering on a white background. At the top of the poster is the logo of the Daily Chronicle newspaper.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Edward Lloyd Limited
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/98 - "Ten Years of Toryism"

Produced by the Liberal Party for the forthcoming election. Lists and illustrates the Tory record during the previous Government and identifies various shortcomings such as its Free Trade record, South Africa and taxes. Size is approximately 2x3 metres in size.
Artist: unknown
Printer: Avenue Press
Publisher: Liberal Party
Place of Publication: unknown
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-8 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-7 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-1 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-2 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-5 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/91 - A Free Trade Forecast

Full version of colour lithograph, depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being discussing the unattainable goods on display whilst the wealthy German owner, a member of the Cobden Club, addresses his Jewish (?) neighbour. In the distance a hunger march is being carried out by unemployed British labourers.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publisher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-3 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/92-4 - Large segments of "A Free Trade Forecast"

Large colour lithograph in 8 pieces [section 6 missing], depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publiher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/84 - Vote for Tariff Reform

Lithographs showing Brittania sitting alone in a stagecoach named Free Trade; 1846 on the road to Prosperity, waiting to be joined by the figures representing Germany, France, Austria, USA, Switzerland and Russia which are standing on a hill behind the coach. The accompanying picture shows the foreign nationals sharing a car called Protection; 1910, also on the road to Prosperity, leaving the stagecoach far behind.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/85 - Wake Up! It is not what we have now... but how long we shall keep it

Black and red lithograph on white paper showing a British workman asleep as a pipe-smoking Dutchman? with a suitcase creeps around the corner from the docks. Banner top and bottom quoting Chamberlain's speech made in Liverpool on 27 October 1903. Poster produced for the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: George Belcher
Printer: Sifken and Co
Publisher: The Tariff Reform League
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/87 - A Warning! Free Traders read this!

Full text poster in red and black ink on cream paper, detailing unemployment, poverty, and emigration as the results of Free Trade. Produced by the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Vacher and Sons
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/89 - What Price Today?

Lithograph showing a small boy trying to buy bread in a Free Trade store, but being told by the shopkeeper that he does not have enough money. The shelves are stocked with produced from the USA, Holland, Germany and France.
Poster produced by the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co
Publisher: Tariff Reform League
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/90 - A Free Trade Forecast

Smaller version of Coll Misc 519/92, depicting a Free Trade Shop selling all sorts of imported goods, with an unemployed British workman standing outside being addressed by a wealthy German, a member of the Cobden Club.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Percival Jones Ltd
Publisher: Imperial Tariff Committee
Place of Production: Birmingham
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/86 - Wake Up. Now or Never!

Black and red ink full text poster with very detailed statistics from the Report of the Royal Commission on Depression of Trade, 1886,in order to illustrate The Cause for the Decline in British Industry.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Jackson, Wragge and Co
Place of Production: Manchester
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/88 - What Price Today? Shopman: A loaf is three halfpence more today, boy!

A fat shopkeeper stands behind a counter next to baskets piled high with bread, with shelves loaded with foreign produce behind him. A small thin boy in tattered clothes stands in front of the counter, trying to buy bread. A General Election poster for 1906, the text struck through, can be seen in the foreground. Banner top and bottom.
Artist: E Huskinson
Printer: Hill, Sifken and Co
Publisher: Tariff Reform League
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/78 - British Factory: closed through unfair foreign competition

Black and red ink on white paper. Lithograph showing two British workers standing outside a closed factory, with a sign on the gate denouncing foreign competition and recommending the reform of fiscal policy. Produced for the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: George Belcher
Printer: David Allen and Sons Ltd
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/79 - British Workman: It's no use trying to hide it, guv'ner. We are going to vote for Tariff Reform

Asquith is shown trying to cover up a poster advocating Tariff Reform with one reading Down With the Lords, while a British Workman berates him from the ground.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: McCorquodale and Co
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

COLL MISC 0519/82 - Under Free Trade Thousands are Leaving our Shores Weekly..

Red and black lithograph on white paper, showing John Bull standing at a dock at sunset, watching ships leaving Free Trade Ruin (a run-down port) for the skyscapers of Protection Prosperity (the USA), produced for the Tariff Reform League.
Artist: Unknown
Printer: Dobson, Molle and Co
Publisher: Printer
Place of Production: London
Note: For citation purposes check full catalogue reference indicated in Finding aids field.

Results 85 to 112 of 2287